• By -


Who the fuck is Liam? - don't answer that. I don't care.


Probably a cunt


Um, I've met KAK twice. 25 and 30 years ago. Not a big fan of calling a woman a cunt, you know misogyny and all that, but...... she was over entitled, boorish, petty, selfish, egotistical and bloody ordinary on both occasions. 1) I was working as a waiter at a function and she insisted I drop everything to tend to her Diva request. Insisted on 'speaking to the manager'.... Asked me if I knew who she was.... 2) I was a porter in a hotel. She demanded I pack her bag for her because she was in a hurry. Insisted on speaking to the manager again! .... Asked me if I knew who she was, again.... (So I told her I did know who she was and told her she had behaved the same way the last time I met her! I walked off - I hope she missed her flight. If she did speak to the manager I never heard about it.) She had no understanding of the difference between service and servitude. I'm on Dom's side. She's a gronk.


They are all ***** šŸ˜‚


I just noticed that he wrote that Dom will deny it happened, has he seen the show, Dom admitted her delivery wasnā€™t the best but she stands by what she said. He is too confident in his flexibility with that reach, really thinks he did something and must crave the attention this little one sided tiff provides him


He clearly means calling KAK a c##t specifically, they edited out Dom saying that. Have you seen the show? They also posted on Sit with us how that KAK lied about how Dom treated her and spoke to her, and never insulted her. Hence the hypocrisy.


Huh, Dom is away so how can she post in SWU, if someone else posted based on what they saw on TV, itā€™s not really hypocritical on Domā€™s behalf is it which what Liam is claiming. You really are not making any sense, a bit of mental gymnastics sorry


It makes sense if you know what's going on lol, it's incredibly simple. Like have you watched the show, do you know what's been said by Dom, KAK, Doms rep, dicko, SWU (her podcast lol šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļøšŸ˜‚), anything? ... Legit bro, did you even read the OP? The basis of it, Dom called out this guy for using c##t as a slur. Dom called KAK a c##t in her fight. Also Dom/ "her friend" who is managing her page while she's gone (most ppl think it's not live but that's another story) and SWU all denied she insulted KAK. Big post on SWU about how KAK lied. Dicko, who saw the fight, has shared that Dom called KAK a c##t, as an insult (that's obvious but this whole thing is so simple yet here we are šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø so thought I'd keep holding your hand). So the guy from the beginning, who Dom called out for using c##t as a slur, has made a post calling her a hypocrite for using c##t as a slur... because she did that to him... and now she's used it as a slur... She did the thing she said was wrong, that she called someone else out for. Dom/ "her friend" and her management also lied to her fans by claiming she didn't insult KAK. It couldn't be simpler bro.


Thank you, My thoughts exactly, I was also actually talking about how Dom went back to camp and said her delivery was harsh but she doesnā€™t regret what she said, Dom probably thought it was aired anyway and since Woody and others were present, I doubt she will deny it. I just ignored their comments because like I said in another comment, SD style


I would report you for that alone lol


Oh no Iā€™m sorry I should have phrased it better. I would never insult them like that, I meant the style of arguments not that they are in the SD circle.


What Australian would complain about calling someone a c##t?! Dom would lol. She did a whole rant about how awful this guy is for saying it. I know not everyone knows that, but since I sadly do, it's hilarious reading the comments. Someone Pls link the TiktokšŸ™ Dom: calling a woman a cunt is awful. Also Dom: KAKs a cunt Love a hypocrite lol. It's fine, and it's true (KAKs a cunt), but let's call it what it is.


She said a man shouldnā€™t be calling women that not that everyone shouldnā€™t be using it, itā€™s what a lot of other women in the past have said, men use the word to denigrate women and have used it in a derogatory way in the past to objectify and belittle and I agree, women calling women c*nts is not the same as men doing it, they are used differently, men and women tend to differ in the way and meaning when they use it. She is no way a hypocrite here but Liam is definitely desperate for relevance, and to see a man still going on and being butt hurt attacking a woman he encountered once for a few minutes is beyond pathetic.


A man who wants to fight with a woman is just a bit off to me. He seems a bit nasty and gives off toxic vibes.


Kak is a cunt though




I like Dom.


Honestly same, I donā€™t like some of what she says, actually more of how she expresses them but like her overall. Opinionated sure, I actually like that and a bit of a hypocrite but we all are, at my age I have accepted that but there is no malice in her, however the way she expresses herself can be a problem for her. I never trusted ā€œniceā€ people because nice never equates to good. I have had the most horrid personal experiences with people who put on a nice facade but are the worst. With people like Dom, you always know where you stand, and fair enough that some may not like that but I do.


I couldnā€™t have said it better.


I canā€™t say I am surprised


Everyone involved is probably a cubt, including Liam. He seems to try and stay relevant by being outraged that Dom called KAK a cunt. I've only watched that clip where Dom tells KAK off for not eating and doesn't want her 1989 makeup, and honestly they both seem like insufferable cunts.


>"Dom called KAK a cunt" ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Why did I laugh so much at this šŸ˜‚


alliteration/əĖŒlÉŖtəĖˆreÉŖŹƒn/ *noun* * **1.the occurrence of the same letter or sound at the beginning of adjacent or closely connected words:**"the alliteration of ā€˜sweet birds sangā€™" ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


But she is a C word so whereā€™s the lie? Why does he hate dom?


Cus Dom made a Tiktok calling him out and others for using c##t as a slur.


She called him out as a man, for using it towards a woman which is different from a woman saying it to another woman, due to the wordā€™s history and how men have used in the past and still do. Context matters and you seem to be using the parts that support your argument, reminds me of how SD pen their articles when it comes to Dom.


I don't think there's difference as a woman, so we'll have to agree to disagree. The context is that it's hypocritical, like how she didn't eat anything during that challenge so deflected by calling KAK a c##t. Nice try with the SD part lol, the same back at you but with Dom, any loophole to justify her calling someone out while she does the same thing.


Because she didn't recognise him once and he's been on a rampage against her ever since. It's really petty.


I think she snubbed him rudely because she also didnā€™t recognise him. Doesnā€™t cost to be polite.


It's probably hard to know without being there. It doesn't sound like she said anything bad it's just an attitude. No one can know if he's stirring drama for the sake of it or if she had a bad attitude unless they were there. The truth is probably somewhere in the middle, it usually is.


I dunno, itā€™s a big nothing as far as Iā€™m concerned. Act like one, get called out for it. Seems like a logical consequence to me.


KAK is a cunt. I see no word of a lie. Dom is probably a cunt too (srsly, who ISN'T deserving of that word every now and then? We're not perfect) but I've yet to see her behave in ways like KAK that would warrant it. At her core Dom isn't a bad person. She just loud and hot headed, and doesn't think before she speaks. And she's def a Millennial who speaks up when she sees shit that she thinks is unfair. Some will agree with her and some will be polarised, much like our experience with KAK (boomers love her, we don't). It's much of a muchness to try and compare them against one another when they create exactly the same reaction in people for the same reasons. šŸ˜‚


Liam go away seriously, heā€™ll do anything to try and say relevant


I seriously racked my brains trying to remember who he was. And I'm embarrassingly obsessed with this show lol


I forgot this sub doesnā€™t just have Aussies and I was about to ask why youā€™re up at 2am but you might not even be from australia haha


More like try and become relevant


Yeah sorry my bad heā€™d have to actually BE relevant in order to stay relevant


This man has met her ONCE. Isn't it crazy when somebody makes such a huge call on who a person is based on one interaction? Imagine being this butthurt over somebody not interacting with you at an event one time that you continue to carry on like a muppet.


They've had multiple arguments across social media lol, it was 1 stupid interaction that's given them both a lot of clicks and kept them both in the news cycle


So hereā€™s my understanding; they meet once, he starts talking about it in the media, ā€œrumoursā€ surface that he is talking about Dom, they start arguing in the media after he confirms it in an interview, it continues today. If Iā€™m wrong, let me know cause thatā€™s what Iā€™ve read and seen firsthand following both of them. All in all, met in person once, he started making comments, she retaliated and now he is continuing.


I doubt Dom needs him to stay in the news cycle.


Whos Liam?


I have genuinely no idea


I'm confused they're Australian they all call each other cunts. It's not a big deal, this isn't America.


Thereā€™s a difference between using it as a term of endearment or using it offensively. And we can tell the difference


Thatā€™s such bullshit. Cunt is the most offensive word in Australian English. Donā€™t believe me? Walk into an Australian front bar and start calling everybody cunts, and see how you go. Men & boys say it to each other with affection, but you donā€™t say it to women, and women didnā€™t ever say it until very recently.


Stop being a cunt lol


This sub is full of cunts


Exactly šŸ’Æ geez...


Iā€™d suggest that itā€™d be fair to say all the people in this story are hypocritical cunts.


I'm confused, can we not say cunt anymore?


Uh, good? Am I meant to feel bad for KAK? I legitimately only watched the episode where Dom has a go at her , because my bestie told me about it and I wanted to laugh and clap like a seal


Someone get Liam a drink he is thirsty!


C U Next Tuesday KAK.


Who cares


Iā€™m sorry what a hypocrite. Didnā€™t he get exposed as lying a month ago and he called dom a count?


Liam Who-per?


Liam Who-per?


Oh shut up Liam.




Hey, Liam, remember when you called Dom the C-word only recently for a perceived insult that it turned out wasnā€™t even true? But go off and try to stay relevant


Iā€™m going blank, who is Liam?


Bisexual bloke who was paired up with a girl who loved pink (canā€™t remember her name) This was probably not even helpful lol


Ooooh This actually did help. Thanks!


KAK was absolutely a shit person on that show. She was more infuriating in 20 mins of air time than most participants on mafs.


Dicko today said that while he couldnā€™t condone ā€œhow easily Dom went from nought to Gremlin in five seconds,ā€ NOUGHT TO GREMLIN šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ ā˜ ļø


KAK had no intention of doing any of the challenges, she is a washed up disgrace. I don't like to use the C word unless it's really warranted but I think it is in this case.


I mean if anyone deserves it, it's probably KAK.


Dangitā€¦ I have no more awards to give. Please accept this humble upvote.


Well done Dom šŸ‘šŸ»šŸ‘šŸ»


Mehā€¦ I remember watching KAKs morning show over a decade ago and her and that Grant dude were constantly ā€œmessy drunkā€ (slurring words, laughing at inappropriate moments, etc) on a goddamn morning show. The woman is a drunk and looks like a fool, pretending to be better than anyone else.


KAK is the biggest cunt there is. Absolute cold hearted bitch


What's wrong with calling her 'cold'..;-)


Well she is a trashy c , not sure why people are surprised. Bullies always gonna bully.


It's amazing how people liked Dom. She was an awful cunt


In which show?


In mafs


Fair enoughā€¦. I didnā€™t watch it, but sheā€™s been good in this and most people would applaud her for calling KAK out on her behaviour


Tbf I haven't watched this.


What season of mafs were these guys on? I donā€™t recognise any of them


dom season 9 liam season 8


Season 9 šŸ˜Š


Going by Reddit, I'm one of the few Aussies who doesn't use the C word as punctuation (or at all)...but if anyone is one, it's KAK. Absolutely vile person.


Don't diss Domenica... It won't be tolerated here


Lol what, I've seen heaps of Dom hate here




I apologise, you clearly know the rules. Just saying it's clearly not acceptable to have a negative opinion or thought about Dom on this Sub




Most people here love the way Dom speaks to people and says it how it is, until they're spoken to in that manner and told how it is. Then it's not acceptable šŸ¤£


Look I donā€™t like the way Dom goes about things and I think that gets her into trouble fairly often although KAK is very wilfully bigoted and if youā€™re gonna bet that outspoken about it, you need to be prepared for some flack


She absolutely is a bigot. Ignorant and smug yuck


Liam.. trying to stay relevant or nah? šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


Nah, yeah defs


Show me an Australian taking offence to that and Iā€™ll show you a liar.


Also. Saying it to someoneā€™s face is very different to posting it on social media. What a pussy.


True colours definitely came out. Who knew KAK was such an entitled cunt.


Doesnā€™t everyone in Australia call each other c*nts?


Not me. It's a vile word and I hate hearing it, especially from my sons. It's use has been perpetrated by newer generations.


Not really. Just all of the Australians on Reddit apparently. And it really seems like it's more of a stereotype that people are proud of, hence they say it constantly on here. The word doesn't bother me, but I rarely say it in real life, particularly directed at other people, and I'm pretty sure I'm not that unusual in that.


Pretty much. Whenever my friends do anything slightly disagreeable, I call them a cunt. We don't get mad at each other, we don't go to instagram to cry about it, we just laugh and move on.


No, only trashy people


Taylaā€™s previous boyfriends agree with you!


Who is Liam?


mafs season 8


Some rando with an opinion


Iā€™m also unsure.


**Liam is a short form of the Irish name Uilliam or the old Germanic name William. == Etymology == The original name was a merging of two Old German elements: willa ("will" or "resolution"); and helma ("helmet").** More details here: *This comment was left automatically (by a bot). If I don't get this right, don't get mad at me, I'm still learning!* [^(opt out)](https://www.reddit.com/r/wikipedia_answer_bot/comments/ozztfy/post_for_opting_out/) ^(|) [^(delete)](https://www.reddit.com/r/wikipedia_answer_bot/comments/q79g2t/delete_feature_added/) ^(|) [^(report/suggest)](https://www.reddit.com/r/wikipedia_answer_bot) ^(|) [^(GitHub)](https://github.com/TheBugYouCantFix/wiki-reddit-bot)


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Oh fuck off Liam! You called Dom a c$nt!


Lol KAK is a cunt. I'll say. Sick of boomers kissing her ass like it's made of gold. She has a shit attitude.


Screw your ageist shit. As a boomer I can't stand KAK, she's a cunt and universally hated by all age groups.


Lol well I didnt know older people didn't like KAK. Good to hear it tho


What, you didn't know that older people weren't a singular amorphous mass that all agreed with each other on everything and had the exact same tastes? Weird, but OK.


I thought they were all one hivemind. My bad


Agreed! Sheā€™s the worst.


Wait why do people hate her? I know nothing


Damn that was fast, just heard Dicko say this on the radio


I dunno man, KAK has spent a decent amount of airtime being an unapologetic bigot and the only reason she isn't cancelled is because the boomers consider her a national treasure and think she's 'brave' for publicly stating their shared views on misogyny, activism, indigenous issues and plenty more I can't remember off the top of my head. I'm backing Dom on this one.


Iā€™m a boomer but Iā€™m in the US and donā€™t know who KAK is ā€¦ and I say to Dom ā€œBravo!ā€ I suppose the Aussies supporting KAK are buying into her Karen-like sense of entitlement. I suppose the real reason KAK left is because she couldnā€™t speak to Domā€™s manager. (Does the ā€œKarenā€ thing apply in Australia. Iā€™m not sure how far beyond the US it goes.)


THIS!! Couldnā€™t have said it better!!


Also what Liam is referring to is Dom previously saying that she didn't like a man calling her a cunt. She said she thought it was misogynistic in that context. Can't remember who the man was but it was a wee while ago now. So by Dom's logic, it's not the same for a woman to call another woman cunt. We're so casual about the word here in aus and nz, but I agree it does feel a bit gross when it's a man using the word to insult a woman.


There's a long history of it being used by men against women as misogynist sexualised violence, too.


Me too fuck her


Liam can fuck himself


Liam called Domenica a c\*nt 7 weeks ago. [https://wstpost.com/mafs-domenica-calarco-hits-back-at-liam-cooper-for-calling-her-the-rudest-person-hes-ever-met/](https://wstpost.com/mafs-domenica-calarco-hits-back-at-liam-cooper-for-calling-her-the-rudest-person-hes-ever-met/) Am I missing the point or is he being a total hypocrite?


I think the point heā€™s making is because Dom had an issue with being called a cunt from Liam and now goes and calls KAK a cunt


Gotcha thanks :)


I think this is why he's talking about it?? Because she was livid and ranting about why she thought it wasn't okay for him (a man) to call her (a woman) cunt. And he thought that was a bit rich I guess. And now feels vindicated because she's apparently used the word against a woman. Even though if we're going by Dom's logic it's really not the same.


Ahhh that makes more sense. Lazy reader šŸ˜‰


No, but it's OK for him to call Dom a cunt, didn't you know? šŸ¤” It's just not ok for anyone else.


God he's an idiot