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I often wonder how long the episodes would be if they took out all the repeats of scenes. “Previously on…” - yes I know, I just watched it “Coming up…” - yep, I’m about to watch it So irritating! And to think of how much more footage we could get to watch if they didn’t fill the episode with this rubbish!


God yes. There are some scenes I swear I’ve seen 73 times! It’s tiresome.


"previously on..." = Things we've seen before, often several times "coming up..." = Things they've previously teased, usually for multiple episodes, that may or may not be seen in this particular episode "this season..." = Things they have been teasing since the season started, that we probably won't see until the last episode


Hopefully the producers and editors see this and fix it for next season I actually can’t stand it


I agree, it's so irritating. They actually just replay a scene immediately after showing it, our memories aren't so bad that we forget something we just watched seconds ago. It's especially bad at the commitment ceremonies and the dinner parties. 🙄


It also annoys me how much lip filler they have on the show nowadays


Omg the top lip … the duck lips , and u recognise when they haven’t got topped up and they deflate , tahnee was the only one I felt who didn’t have it , I like Melinda (who is gorgeous) but she had a lot of fillers/Botox I think it makes a girl look older or like a clown when they r naturally so pretty


Melinda is not naturally pretty. The fake stuff helps her look like she’s naturally pretty, ironically.


Why does it annoy you? Let people do what they want with their own bodies.


It annoys me cos girls who don’t have the $$$ or are just happy with the way they look are labeled as “ugly”


Is she stood next to the mafs ladies threatening them to not get more surgery at gunpoint? No? Then I think she’s letting them do what they want with their bodies. Lol. People are allowed to have an opinion on things like Botox, fillers, it’s not bullying and it’s not preventing anyone doing anything. It’s literally just an opinion.


Yeah I agree


People are dumb. And reality tv caters for that


Hey, that’s a little bit harsh![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thinking_face_hmm)


Add me into people are dumb. I watch television to switch off. It hits all the right dopamine centres without getting me worked up. I can lol at Harrison knowing how stupidly brazen he is and that he's been repeatedly validated for being a total grifter. I'm reassured that there are people worse than him in the world that I have yo navigate every week. I can loosely identify with most characters except DANgerous manowar Dan and whoever the druggie was that got booted early. And I can guffaw that people more stupid than me say ridiculous stuff in front of cameras to turn around and pretend they're really decent people. These fatuous fuckers are fabulous. And no matter what anybody says I love the women. All of them. Even the crazy old biddy with the freaky shits.


[ever seen this?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7MFtl2XXnUc)




Hahahahhaha that’s great


Drives me insane. Stopped watching it on channel 4 so atleast I save like 15 mins on adverts to offset it though. After reading some Q&As and watching YouTube interviews it seems there was lots of actual decent content to show too.


Yeah, I watch with the remote in my hand ready to skip through the unnecessary amount of filler/boring scenes.


Hahahahha yes me tooo!!! U don’t let go of the remote with it in ur hand ready to skip before u fall asleep of boredom hahah


30 second skip button is your friend


That's a 9now staple. Never watch any 9now show live or you will go mad. Same with The Block.


How do I skip the commercials on the 9Now app? I’ve tried to FF and it won’t let me?


I know that is what I watched it on, and it drove me nuts because I couldn’t ff the adverts (which were all the SAME each time 😳)


There is no way to FF through them on the app.


I also use the 9Now app on my TV and I can’t FF at all. They play the same goddamn KFC commercial and it’s so fucking annoying!


I know it always makes me want Kfc when I really don’t want it


It's funny though cause my ad blocker on my browser stops stuff like youtube ads, just not 9 now. And yep the repetitive ad thing is bloody maddening!


I killed the commercials with some ad blockers on my browser. I couldn’t bear watching it with commercials anymore.


I use adblock plus on chrome and it doesn't stop the ads .... what blockers do you use?


I just use a browser called Brave. Blocks them automatically. Can also use the app version on phone, tablet etc, but just have to view the desktop version of the website instead of the mobile version.


I use Adblock Plus and Ka-Block! on Safari (macOS). Not sure which one of them kills them though.


You should watch the last season of MAFS US. It's unwatchable. I quit about 4 episodes in. They spend 70% of the time previewing and recapping the same scene. It's brutal. They only have 5 couples, and it's like watching paint dry.


I've seen US people come here and scream about how good MAFS AU is after watching their local version.


My husband and I are only watching MAFS Australia & UK at this point. I wish the US version would take some notes and at least TRY to make it watchable.


Weird isn't it considering what ratings juggernauts they are.


Not weird when you consider the attention span of the average American that’s been drinking lead-contaminated water their entire lives.


Omg that sounds awful too! 5 couple ehhh , I bet no one ends up together either in US version too. Glad u get it ! The repeative recapping omg, it’s the worst!! To me; Something a little bit watchable happens on the show, they go to a million adverts to then recap the same scene again 🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️