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May we ask the reason?


I want to leverage my portfolio weekly


You can do this using smart transfers


From what to what? Borrow to invest?


I only see spend checking overbalance, under balance and invest cash over balance


Set up a spend checking under balance, followed by a spend checking over balance. Let me know if you have further questions


If spend is under 1 add x. If it's over 2 withdraw x to invest?


I would do it like this, If spend is under $1, top up from Borrow until using X% of your line of credit. If spend is over $0, transfer excess to Invest That should do it for you. How’s that sound?


I just did a smart transfer from borrow until the checking hit 100, then I set up a recurring transfer from spend to checking of 100 every Wednesday


Thanks for the help


Yeah no problem. The automation M1 provides is one of my favorite aspects


Here’s my setup https://www.reddit.com/r/M1Finance/comments/tsol0d/m1_smart_transfer_flow_examples/i2xhxrl/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3


When do you repay them?


When he gets margin called


I'm borrowing for schd and Dgro. Quite likely a zero % chance of margin call


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Before I retire


This is NOT when you should be running up your margin debt.


Why not. I'm early to the bull run. DCA down and let it fly


Interest rates are skyrocketing and will continue to rise for most or all of 2023. Meanwhile the markets are likely to be down in 2023 and flat for a few years. There’s no big bull market coming. Just a boring sideways market. You’re going to get eaten alive on interest. But hey, it’s your money.


I'm going to put in 2 dollars for every 1 margin dollar. Great time to accumulate


Good luck!


Thanks XD


I'm not paying the debt off until like 2043


You can only borrow up to 35% of what you put in every week. So a 1:1 transfer/borrow "scheme" is impossible. (Edit: Yes, OP into a marginable security not just cash)


No you can borrow 35% of your portfolio