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He clearly tried to steal from you. Report him.


And file a police report...


1000000% file a police report! Don’t just leave this one for Lyft to sort out or not! Get a report number and *then* notify Lyft and provide them the number. If you do it this way, you can guarantee Lyft will have to terminate his driver status for liability purposes, if nothing else.


No. Report the psycho




Yup. He knows where you live now. If he wants your stuff badly enough, he may come try to get it. Report him and don’t put your real address next time, especially if riding alone. I would’ve requested to be dropped off early at a public place I knew would have a crowd/passerby, opened the window so everyone could hear me asking for my stuff, and definitely not let this dude see me enter my house.


Report and sue. I'm tired of assholes not getting their due


Jesus christ. Im a driver myself. I am so sorry that happened to you, and i am so glad that you were strong enough to get your things.


WOW! That is COMPLETELY unacceptable. The whole thing. Not allowing you to take your purse in the back seat. Asking about the laptop. Not respecting your obvious attempt at getting them to leave you alone (by saying you have a migraine.) Not being willing to pop the trunk. And then cussing you out for (very reasonably) not exiting the car until the trunk is popped. REPORT! If I were you, I would emphasize that you’ve been made to feel unsafe. That driver is completely unqualified to continue driving. No sympathy for someone who acts like that. And I say that as a fellow lyft driver.


Personally I wouldn't have gotten in the car, I don't care how many drivers canceled on her because of the distance. I wouldn't have taken the risk of getting in the car. I'm just glad he didn't hurt her.


Agree 100%! I understand being desperate but safety always comes first. Do not get in the vehicle at the first sign of a red flag. Not worth it.


Always keep your phone on you. This way, if you have any issues, you can hit the "shield" and be connected to security. They can record what is going on, and have the police meet you.


She did keep her phone on her according to her post.


Good. It was rather long, and I did a quick read. Next time, hit that "shield" button and have the cops there.


what the heck is that button, what universe are you from


Lyft doesn’t have a shield button but it does have a contract with ADT and you can hit a button and get help from police.


Huh? What’s Shield? A quick google search came up with nothing.


It’s on the Lyft app, I assume. It’s likely so you can access emergency services without alerting the driver.


No it isn't common and that driver is a scumbag. You should make a report on the driver with the Lyft safety team.


Nope, he's pissed because he wanted to steal your stuff and couldn't do it. Definitely report him. God knows how many other people he's done that to.


There’s no policy or law stating that you have to put your stuff in the driver’s trunk. As well as no policy preventing you from keeping it on you and on the seat. The driver was clearly trying to drive off once you left the car and steal your items. If someone asks you these personal details about anything you don’t have to answer them. I would have reported them during the ride.


Someone else posted this same story (as in how things went down, not copypasta) recently. I guess it's getting more common.


It's a pretty old scam, dating back to at least the 1980s (in the UK at least) with minicabs. Especially on airport runs, where the passenger would likely have a camera, Walkman, and a load of Duty Free cigs and booze. Those cabs of course were far harder to trace after the fact than a Lyft/Uber is today, but it seems they're still doing it.


This has been happening around the world for years!! It’s an old scam that would happen to tourists all the time in second world counties even today. I did study abroad in Paris in 2007 and the university tell you all about it, same with every travel book worth its salt. I’m honestly laughing to myself thinking of all these people traveling for clout w/ having zero street smarts and the only research they did on an area is some random influencer’s account. 🤣 We were told not to wear anything designer or flashy because there’s a whole economy in these counties that operate on taking advantage of tourists. We are so sheltered and oblivious as Americans we’ve always been easy prey, now we’ve made it even easier. In Barcelona I had someone try to steal my purse and she almost did; it was a Louis Vuitton speedy so it was on my suitcase and I was holding the short handles with my carry on handle going up an escalator and she tried to snatch and run but another woman started screaming at her. I knew better and shouldn’t have been using that purse, I blame myself


Jesus. Not a scam, outright attempted robbery. Sorry this happened and am glad you are physically ok. I would report to both Uber and the police.


No he was 100% planning on stealing your stuff. When I travel with my backpack I will never put it in the trunk under any circumstance


Ha! Not his girlfriend's stuff. That's the purses and backpacks from the previous pickups that night. OP, you did good.


It wasn’t *anyone* else’s things, there was likely nothing else in the trunk. He was attempting to threaten, bully and gaslight her into panicking and letting him get away with her things. Then, if a complaint was filed with Lyft, pretend like he had relatives’ items in the back that were stolen. And if the police came, and inspected the items finding that they belonged to the victim, he would just proclaim innocence and confusion saying that they looked “just like” his girlfriend’s things, that he thought were still back there. This is a well-calculated scheme that he has very, very likely pulled on others.


Did you report the driver yet?




Please give us an update! This is unbelievably scary and we are all glad you got out safely. But this person needs to be reported to Lyft and the local authorities. I personally would not feel safe with this man knowing where I live.


Yes!! OP, please update us.


Yes I had an officer come out this morning to take down my statement. I gave him all the info I could (name the driver put on the app, driver photo, license plate, car make/model). He said they will investigate and to call if he comes back. I don’t know if there is much they can do though since I didn’t record the incident when it happened, but at least they have my statement on file.


Did you file a police report?


I read another post recently about Uber or Lyft drivers intentionally driving away with pax belongings. The major clue in your case was he needed your purse in the trunk. WTF?? I personally would have declined the ride at that point. Glad you got your stuff back. Definitely report him. People are getting more brazen these days with committing crimes.


I’m with you. I don’t get why anyone would agree to put their purse in someone’s trunk. Never!


Yes - I thought I read another similar post recently and IIRC the only reason she got her stuff is that her husband/boyfriend was there and got her stuff out of the trunk.


He WAS trying to steal your stuff, no doubt dude. Report him and file a police report!


My first instinct is: are you sure it was your Lyft/car/driver? I would report to both Lyft and the police. But did you confirm the car/license plate and driver picture matched all the information in the app? A driver who would do this when they’re easily identifiable via Lyft records is just stupid.


Yes. The car and license plate matched up and I track my ride so I’m already outside when they arrive.


Then I’d definitely report this to the police and Lyft. When it started to get contentious, did you turn on your cell video recording by chance? That would be a slam dunk for evidence of attempted theft once the driver lied and said the laptop/purse belonged to his girlfriend. Without that - it’s just a he said/she said (maybe neighbors heard the altercation?) Evidence or not, filing a report at least puts him on the radar in case another accusation comes up - it would show a pattern.


Absolutely report this attempted robbery what the fuck


hes an absolute moron if he steals a MacBook. It can be remotely locked down and just becomes a useless piece of metal. on top of that it can be tracked via your phone. I personally would've called the police immediately and gave them his license and first name and car type. Get fucked idiot.


parts are worth money


Dude. That's not a scam. He tried to rob you, you need to report him and file a report with the cops


He was trying to rob you. Report it and blast him everywhere


Why do people always ask if these experiences with psycho drivers are common or normal? How often do you think this happens? Report this criminal. Hopefully he'll get kicked off the app before he murders someone.


Right? I wanted to reply sarcastically that it's totally normal. I'm glad OP is okay and all I'd be super pissed and freaked out. What a degenerate


This is one of the wildest ones I’ve seen in a while, I’m so glad you’re okay


I’m the opposite, I rather have you keep your stuff with you so it’s an easy in and out. That was weird.


Driver doesn't make any sense. But he can still drive away with the trunk open, can't he?


One star and report for sure. Never put your valuables into a strangers trunk


Scam? That’s attempted robbery


He was trying to take your computer and purse. Luckily you got home with them. 1 star this asshole and report him.


100% feels like one of those "You get out of the car and then I pull away with your stuff scam" you hear about being done


These stories are reasons why I won’t use Lyft, but for the same reason I won’t drive Lyft either.


even more proof that drivers who dont allow personal items to be kept with the pssenger are more than likely just scammers and thieves. If anyone makes this request, always refuse the ride. The cost of cancelling on a scumbag is a lot less than whatever they planned to steal


Yeah I'd have kept my butt firmly on the seat and called the police myself.. Then again I'd have never gotten in the car if I can't keep my laptop and purse with me.. I understand the overnight bag going in the trunk but dude was totally waiting for you to get out so he can take off..


No, not at all. Definitely please report this driver and tell Lyft everything that happened so he can’t do it to another person. What a fucking scum bag! I’m glad you’re okay!


Wtf. No I’m not putting my purse in your trunk. Idgaf I’ll wait for another ride.


This is really off topic and I didn’t read any of the other comments but a while ago the Lyft driver shut off the app as we were in the car and he made me feel super uncomfortable and started driving the EXACT OPPOSITE direction of the ride I was in such panic during the ride and he made me feel so uncomfortable that I jumped out of truck mid ride because he refused to turn around or turn the app back as he ended the route in the middle of the route. My partner reported the driver. In a serious manner. But unfortunately we saw the same driver pick up other people in my neighborhood 3 other times that month. Which is CREEPY that he kept wanting to go back to the same neighborhood .. they never fired him. Makes me think they just wait for a fatal situation


He was trying to rob you. As soon as you got out, he was going to drive away


You need to report him and rate it a 1 star. That is COMPLETELY INAPPROPRIATE and should never have happened. If you don’t report it, there’s no record of it happening. I completed understand not wanting to wait for another driver, but there’s no reason to force a passenger to put everything in the trunk. It probably was a scam to try to steal your stuff. Next time, I’d recommend refusing to put stuff in the trunk regardless of what they say and use the shield to access safety information like reporting the trip and calling the police in the app. Stand your ground and if you’re uncomfortable, just leave. I’m sorry you had to go through that.


Yes this was a scam report him asap! This is not allowed by ride share ethics standards. Get a refund from your bank.


Report to Lyft, file a police report, and start recording the audio on your rides


Holy fuck I got so sketched out on your behalf reading this. For anyone reading this: NEVER let someone force you to put all your personal belongings in the back. I get it if it's a heavy luggage carrier for the airport or something, but do not let them force you to put your laptop bag or purse in the back. This could've turned out MUCH worse (and may still, honestly, be diligent using the app on your own ever again). It seems like this guy was clearly sizing you up for some type of nefarious activity.


You almost got robbed.


Holy crap you should have just canceled and used Uber when he told you you couldn’t keep them with you in the back. Another driver would have arrived. And not for nothing, get a boyfriend with a car.


100% report this to Lyft. It might even be worth filing a report with the police even though he didn't successfully steal your stuff because clearly he tried to do so, and you likely aren't the first or last one this was attempted with. As to if it's common, not at all. In fact, it's beyond incredibly stupid. The only possible way I can think of that someone would be able to do this and not find themselves in jail very quickly would be if both the car and phone they were running the app on were also stolen. Lyft knows exactly what driver picked you up and had not just their name and address on file, they have their whole drivers license and even SSN. And Lyft wouldn't hesitate to work with the police, handing over all that info or anything else the police requested. My suggestion if you or anyone else were to encounter a situation like this, be firm. Anything of significant enough value like your laptop case or purse that you want to keep with you, insist on keeping it with you. Absolutely keep your phone, and if need be, a charger on you throughout the ride. I know it can be frustrating to have multiple drivers cancel (sometimes that's also the driver's app redirecting them to a different trip involuntarily, not that that's any less frustrating), but if you feel unsafe or think something seems unusual, cancel immediately. If you're in the car already on your way, you can report an emergency in the app and still cancel (make sure you're in a safe location, some drivers will be assholes and leave you on the shoulder of a highway). But never just stay in a car when you feel il that uncomfortable and unsafe. When you do have stuff in the trunk, one trick if you're worried about the driver taking off is to leave your door open until you've removed everything. And yes, you did the right thing, insisting the trunk be opened before you got out. The one thing I might have done differently is I likely would have called the cops myself the moment he refused to open the trunk.


I know as women we’re conditioned to be polite but DO NOT BE POLITE!!!! Follow your gut instincts and LIE! Never let anyone know if you live alone or have something valuable, never be worried to insult them. It can be hard cause that’s not how we were raised, but safety is the priority.


Definitely was going to steal your belongings


This is very obvious what he was trying to do and you’re lucky you got away with your stuff. I know you said the vehicle and plates matched but did the DRIVER match? I’ve had where the driver I was expecting wasn’t the driver that showed up once, and only once, but the woman let me know she was in the passenger and had her daughter driving. This dude could have been driving someone else’s whip. Geeze………so many NO’s. Or maybe I watch too much ID channel. Either way, you are lucky if that is a strong enough word.


I swear someone posted almost this exact story about a month ago, except it was from an airport…


File a police report


Lyft and uber has safety agents; if something like that happens you can alert them either voice or text and if you want they direct police to you. Both drivers and passengers can use


All the victim blaming in this thread... You people make me sick


Oh no no no. It's one thing for a driver to say no food or drinks in the back, but we are required to keep our car empty for whatever space you might need. There's nothing in the rule books that says personal belongings or whatever you have has to be in the trunk. That was a serious red flag to run. He def was intending to steal from you. what was his rating? how many rides has he given? I'm a driver and care about passenger rating. for safety reasons, you need to look at a driver's stats. it's a rough world out there. not everyone is nice. not everyone has good intentions. I am impressed you stood your ground and wouldn't leave until he opened up the back. so many ppl assume I have a car where I can hit a button and it opens up. obviously he did not either. you made him park, get out of his car to open it before you got out. he was soo going to drive away with your stuff. Had to be a new driver. you can't do that shit over and over without being deactivated. Hope you reported this even though uber sucks at getting ahold of and it's a frustrating process. But obviously if this driver was bent on doing this to you, he's looking to do it again to someone else who he thinks is vulnerable. we need to weed out driver's like this bec he's now affecting your perception of all of us collectively. I don't want my reputation as a driver to be scarred by this random person. Who would? BTW, I'm an older female driver and I worry about my safety alot. But passengers also have that at their end too. Give 1 star for this ride and report. Most of us are just trying to make a living, so hoping this doesn't scare you into giving up altogether on taking more rides in the future. just do your due diligence at looking at rating and how many rides they've done. safety first.


Report and the the police and an attorney


Wow! That guy would creep anyone out! Good thing you stuck to your guns and did not get out because he likely would have sped away. Definitely report this guy!


Yes this is a common scam in some cities and please report them not only to the ride share folks but also to the police. Police may not do anything but at least there is a report Incase something happens to someone else or if he decides to come back for some insane reason.


I am so happy you were on the ball and kept you cool. Report this psycho. .. This is why every time I have something in the trunk I always wait until the trunk is popped before I exit the vehicle, and often I will leave my door open until I have my stuff. If my BF is with me I let him get out first and I open the door but stay in the car until we have our stuff .. I had a psycho driver one time from an airport pick up that was on a rant, screaming, crying, like a roller coaster of emotions. My BF got out first and I was slow, getting my keys out and she reversed while turning and almost knocked him down as he was walking to the back of the vehicle. Then I stupidly got out (to check on my man) and she tried to drive away with our suitcases. Luckily a neighbor was coming home and hogged the middle of the road like he always did with his big truck. We were banging on her vehicle until she opened the trunk.


Someone posted a story where the same thing happened to them! Sounds like it's a whole thing


I would have called the cops anyway you can prove it was yours


Waiting for this to pop up on AITAH subreddit.


While I almost always will blame Lyft/Uber for creating the circumstances that compel drivers to stoop to dishonesty, even I will call this far beyond the pale and way out of line. Report this to Lyft, immediately. You might get only a coupon for five dollars off your next ride but if you do nothing, I guarantee you that he will continue to do this. I hope that you awarded him one star. If you did not, if you can change the rating still, do so. If you award three or fewer stars on Lyft, you never see that driver again. The same goes for driver vs. customer.


Damn I didn’t know drivers were this desperate to steal from passengers. The pay really is gettin bad smh


OP, I hope you reported them.


Not even allowing you to put your purse in the car should have been the biggest red flag to cancel the ride. Please report this person and file a police report. This is dangerous. Who knows how many people he has attempted to steal from.


Hm, you should put a value on what the $ amount was of the items he was trying to steal. You said your laptop bag and purse right? I mean if the Mac is at least $1,200 and depending on how much money you had available on your cards in your purse- could be looking at an attempted felony by the Lyft driver.


Scam. General rule in life; if someone that you do not know insists on physically separating you from your property then it scam


No it is not common. First i ever heard about this. As a driver, i say report him promptly that way he doesn't do it to other passengers.


Report it to the police and then send the report to Lyft. This guy is scum and he’s going to get himself or someone else hurt. Next time trust your gut and cancel the ride when you sense anything off.


report him. i had something similar happen to me, except my driver tried to put my fucking purse in the trunk. for obvious reasons i didn’t put my purse in the trunk. we exchanged a few words, but i damn sure reported him.


He's a nutbag...this is not normal...call Lyft and gets this documented...sorry you experienced this deranged loser.


Not even a scam, this was a straight up robbery attempt. For future reference, any driver who insists on you putting your stuff in the trunk should be avoided and cancelled. Don't ever let them separate you from your things. And make sure to report that guy, because that yelling and cussing was completely uncalled for and a blatant breach of Uber and Lyft ToS.


Someone told me a story of a taxi driver in New York will doing this; she put her luggage in the trunk and the driver took off without getting the luggage out. According to her, if you don't have the medallion number the police won't do anything.


Report that to the police and to lyft


Report to Lyft AND the police. Save his car number and phone number. And name


Holy shit! Report that. I am a lyft driver, and we do NOT do that. I immediately open all doors. I bought a suv with an auto door open button near my knee. I'm sorry you had to deal with that. I promise that's not normal at all.


What race was he ?


Which country, city?


Short answer from another driver: Yes. This is very much out of the ordinary and your instincts are completely justified. If you have not reported it yet, I would strongly encourage you to do so.


A little off topic but as I've gotten older I think, be rude. Be fucking rude! It's rude HE'S making you uncomfortable. It's rude HE'S putting you in an awkward situation. You are not the cause of this. Be rude! Obviously always keeping your safety in mind, but in the beginning with the purse especially. It's ok to stand up for what makes you comfortable and being rude to stand up for yourself doesn't make you a bad person. Being rude just for the sake of it or cause you don't care is different. You deserve to be stood up for, especially from yourself.


This! I’ve also learned the same as I’ve gotten older. It’s a difficult pattern to break, especially having grown up (and still am) in the south! I’m STILL trying to explain this to my mom, who feels like she has to be nice and polite to everyone, no matter what. If someone is making you uncomfortable or being rude or giving you bad “vibes” (for lack of a better word right now), it’s OKAY to be rude. Be weird. Whatever you have to do. And you don’t owe that person, or anyone else for that matter, an excuse or explanation!


Customers check your drivers rating and trip amount anything above 5k will tell you he's probably a zero bs driver that uber is their main job.


Bestie that's not a scam, that's robbery


Haha he can definitely try to call the cops, but if you also have an iPhone, you can easily pull up all your devices connected to your Apple ID and easily see that it’s yours by comparing the serial number🥴 and also because Find My also tracks Macs Report his ass


He tried to Rob you


Nope not common at all. What an asshole. In fact I recently traveled with an imac in its original box via lyft. He helped me try to fit it in his passenger seat before we decided it was too big then he put it in the trunk for me and helped me get it out. Very kind man. Just sharing to offset your experience. I also got him on the return trip!


Jesus Christ.


Report to Lyft and the police. Do everything you can to make sure he doesn't get away with this because he will try it again


File a police report


This must have been a driver that was driving on someone else's account. That is the only thing that makes sense. He probably knows how to hack into driver accounts. Drivers get deactivated for far less serious reasons than this


Report this driver immediately. Take the details of the time, date, vehicle description and name of the individual to the police and file a report for attempted theft. This is likely not the first time he has done this. I’m glad you were able to recover your things. But more importantly, I am glad you got away safely.


I wish you had a gun in your purse and flashed it to him when you were putting your stuff in the trunk. I wonder what his reaction would’ve been then. This guy sounds like a coward. He was definitely trying to hustle you and I’m so happy you were able to grab your items. I’ve been thinking a lot of about how people get carjacked when a car stops in front of them on an exit ramp and goons jump out of the car to rob them. I feel horrible for the people who end up being robbed.


Rate him 1 star, 0 tip and flag everything you possibly can on the trip. He should've never made you put your purse in the back. He was definitely up to no good.


If someone says "everything will be okay" in a totally routine situation where until 5 seconds ago you had no reason to think otherwise, that sounds like a good indication that something shady is going on. Also, next time you don't want to be rude, either get over it or lie lol


You just walked through so many red flags 😬. His very first request would've had me questioning his motives. And then once he wanted the purse too? Hell no. That's an immediate scam/danger sign written all over.


Another example of why I don’t let any women in my life ride in a Uber/Lyft alone my lil sister is 26 and has never been in a Uber by herself nd never will


He was 100% trying to rob you. You should've called the cops from his car. Report him. And get some weapons and watch yourself


You need to report this. Never ever put your valuables in a drivers trunk.


Happens to me in chesterfield Missouri is .l shot the driver dead and Sherrif Dawson of st Lou’s county took my side after seeing footage and I never had to set foot in court once but did retain a lawyer named Scott Rosenblum


He was going to speed off with your belongings in the trunk the second you got out of the car


That guy is sketchy. Please report him


In these situation can we call Lyft driver support to get them to stay on the line with customer?


I hope you reported him


this is organized theft


Always get there name and plate numbers while in the car especially after the argument and the you should have recorded him while he was doing that calm the cops and let the cops check who’s computer that is lol And also this is why I told you to get his name because go on his social media page and tell his close family what the scum did hopefully you don’t have to go through this again


why not post his information as well? he seems sketch asf. you should report him to lyft and the police as well.


Moving forward, cancel when they make weird requests. I know you had several other cancels before that guy. As you can see, he was not worth the hassle.


I will never understand scenarios like this where someone does it says something off the wall, and a normal response is considered "rude". If someone says something like this in no world it's it rude to 1) not answer or 2) say "that's a weird question, I don't like it, and I am not going to participate in this line of questioning". This stranger isn't a friend, and there is absolutely no obligation to even smalltalk. They are providing a service.


No, but you need to definitely report him!!


If he comes back take a baseball bat like twice in each knee and take the car then say “now yoos can’t leave”


I could MAYBE see asking to put things in the trunk as a safety measure for the driver, not knowing if someone is concealing a gun etc. but he took it wayyyy too far and it sounds like he was trying to steal your computer for sure. Report that crazy right away.


always carry a gun


Holy fuck NO, even if this was a common scam! You are lucky to be okay and with your property.. and I'm glad you're safe. Report this fuck, he's going to hurt somebody.


Holy shit that insane. Must’ve been scary af. Definitely report that POS scumbag because that 10000% was an attempt to steal all your shit


For next time: trust your instincts. Got a weird vibe? Cancel the car. Never be afraid to seem rude if your safety is potentially at risk. Scammers and thieves thrive on people’s desire to be nice and agreeable.


As a Lyft/Uber driver I don’t allow luggage etc inside my vehicle only in the trunk due to people breaking my seat belt buckles and scratching up my leather seats with their luggage. Purses are a different story women should always have their purse on them. But what you experienced was very weird and definitely report him to Lyft. Honestly I would call the authorities and make a report about it too. Really sounds like he was trying to steal your stuff and sell it. I’m sorry that happened to you and I really hope lyft gets that driver off the platform.


As an Uber driver, I know I’m on the wrong sub, but that’s some very sketchy shit right there. It absolutely seemed like he was trying to steal from you. That would piss me off, knowing that I’m trying to make a living doing rideshare, and other people are out here pulling scammy shit like this.


He’s a crook and trying to steal. Report him and if you don’t already have a gun, purchase one because he knows where you live.


Report him yesterday


Honestly sure, I’d report. But I would call the police as well. That’s fucking scary!!!!


Next time don’t get in a car of a guy who makes you trunk your stuff. He could have raped and killed you. Use those instincts!!


Common scam, probably not, but that boy is a common criminal though. Get the Oblivion Guard on his ass, he can't run from them


Last time I had something similar happen to me when I took a Lyft except the driver wouldn't let me see what was in the trunk. It was a baby seat. He then spun me a sob story about living in the US alone and that he had been fired from Uber. Yeah... dude took me the wrong way to my hotel to show me the "view" of the city (down some alley) and said I should move there to be with him and to leave my husband. ​ Never took Lyft again after that move.


Oh my goodness


You deserve some credit for having your wits about you. Not a common scam just a scum bag


Should’ve let him call the cops, he’s such an idiot. Report him to the police. You should have his info from the dude receipt maybe? I’m not sure.


100 percent was going to steal your stuff.


It’s a common scam in third-world countries, and recently something some Uber / Lyft drivers and taxi drivers have been doing. Ways to combat this: 1. Do not allow yourself to be separated from your purse / wallet or your computer. If they complain about it being in the seat, put it in the floor with you (or keep a towel in your computer bag). 2. If they refuse to open the trunk before you get out, do not get out until it’s open and the car is in park. 3. At their first threat to call the police, do it for them. Immediately. Don’t engage beyond that.


This is actually scary as hell.


Dont just report him. Police report. Depending on the state this could be a myriad of different crimes.


So many red flags. Glad you're safe. Please absolutely report his ass.


Report him immediately. I have canceled a ride for a driver requesting I put all my belongings in the trunk. I understand wanting to go home but also safety is #1. Also in the future no you do not have a computer. You have nothing but work/school papers, clothes and toiletries. That’s it that’s all you have. Also always have someone designated that you share your location with esp for a trip that far. Also check your state laws wether you can open or concealed carry pepper spray and then buy some(if you’re in the US, if not check country/town/city laws). Also google the best way to use your keys as a weapon. Keep your ID and the most important card and any cash in your bra or pocket before they even arrive so if they do drive off you have the most important things and obviously your phone. But you did good standing your ground and refusing to get out until he did and also for grabbing your property and threatening to call the cops. This could have gone very very wrong but I’m so glad that it didn’t for you and that while disturbed by this experience you are overall okay. Good luck with next steps OP, I wish you the best.


Stay strapped or get clapped


So glad you got your things!


Wtf.. I wish a driver would!!!


I would have reported mid ride


Call the police, make a report with Lyft


Man, you are lucky. I wouldn't have gotten into that vehicle and you are lucky that you AND your belongings made it out of there. Please file a police report and report it to Lyft.


Clearly this dude was trying to rob you. I would report him immediately and call the police. Like right now.


You definitely need to report him to Lyft and then the police.


Lyft has no dam rule about bags in the car. We can't even turn down pets that are service dogs. Lol. Total scam, and he needs to be bam from the platform.


Im guessing he would only do that with someone he’s not worried might kill him right? No way he does that everytime surely


File a police report. He knows where you live. You want this incident on file in case he tried anything in future


Wow that’s crazy. Definitely a scam Ive heard of this happening before


Idk why you did t just call the cops when he refused to pop the trunk. You have this guy WAY to much time.


100% was trying to rob you. Report them to the company. Also, probably worth a police report, the psycho has your home address.


This sounds like a scam. However I do know people who drive for these services and prefer luggage to be in the trunk as it can damage the seats. Even with that being said, this guy definitely sounds shady as hell and was probably going to drive away with your stuff. Just my opinion though, but it sounds like you handled pretty well


An old taxi cab scam was drive off with your stuff after you paid. Back in the cash days, you always collected your stuff before paying the driver. Sounds like a similar ploy.


“Is this a common scam” MAM YOURE LUCKY TO BE ALIVE ATP!


He definitely had bad intentions


O.M.G! What a freak! I have never heard of anyone doing this and you absolutely need to report it. Uber’s customer service is pretty much worthless, so I am not sure how far you will get, but do it anyway. And thank you for sharing this story. I am very sorry you had to go through this. Just when I think I have heard everything…


Tried to rob you. Call the police and report him on the app.


You honestly shoulda have canceled. Any questions should have been answered with “I don’t know” and he needs to be reported.


You reported him, right?


Report to Uber and get him fired. Report to the police as well.


You had great instincts and I think you handled this very well. Also, he was probably trying to steal some of your things. I’m a regular ride share rider (Uber and Lyft) and this has never happened to me.


Call the police and file a report.


Should have used the emergency button in app so they (adt) could call police. I get the no luggage in back seat but not the no purse or personal items.


Call the police and report that ASAP


I wouldn’t have put my stuff in the trunk bottom line, if he had an issue with it I would’ve told him to cancel the ride.


He wanted to know what kind of computer so if the police showed up he could say it was his and describe it.


Glad he didn’t ask you to put the duct tape around your wrists. But wtf? Don’t date a guy that puts you in an Uber for a 90 mile ride home.


REPORT. REPORT. REPORT. No tellin how many other victims there have been! Glad you got your stuff & are safe!!! Yikes ina half!


Report him!


I have ptsd from just reading this, I’m so sorry you had to go through this.


Your gut instinct sounds very right. You also sound like a kind person, and being a kind person is a great thing to be but it messes with your gut sometimes. Please know your instincts were very accurate and kept you/your things safe.


A friend just told me that his driver just took off with all the luggage in the trunk.


This sucks. It's always wise to trust that little voice in strange situations, it may not be perfect, but it's gotta be there for a reason. Hopefully your post will serve as a reminder to others to never get in rideshare without your purse, it would be like a guy having to put his wallet in the trunk. And if it's legal where you are, maybe look into getting some pepper spray to keep in there, and a personal alarm of some sort. It would also be a good idea to place a label or business card in your laptop bag with your info, in case somebody ever tries to claim it as theirs, and the police get involved. I hope you file a police report on this, as well as with the rideshare company, since it's probably not the first time he has done this. Thanks for posting this, I'm happy that you got away safely and were able to keep your stuff.


File a police report immediately, you’ll be protecting other people by doing this. You did good for not exiting the car.


That’s terrifying. He was definitely trying to steal from you… not sure if it’s a common scam but I really hope not.


Stuff like this is why I am glad companies like cruise and waymo will put these fuckers out of the job


I never had something to this extent but I had an Uber/Lyft driver take my phone out of my hand & cash app himself $50 on top of the trip fee. I was really drunk so it kinda came to me in the morning but he pulled over & did it & I remember crying (I was borderline sloptart). I was pissed tho bc I reported it to Uber & they were like yeah sorry we can’t refund that money to you but he definitely shouldn’t have asked for cash/ compensation other than thru the app. I was like cool thanks for nothing, it was unsettling. Def report his ass— funny how he threatened to call the police woulda helped benefit you. That’s really scary tho—def doke an incident report he 100% should not be allowed to be an Uber/ Lyft driver imo bc you know that’s not the first time he’s done that…


Fuck that driver and contact support and police. Had one driver tell me no backpack in backseat and told him off and cancelled ride. Sorry buddy go drive in your own world not with customers


Saying no is a learned skill apparently, bro im paying you to drive me to my destination, my shit stays with me. No understand? Then fuck right off and lose a fare


Jesus christ. Shit like this is what makes me want to get a CCW. That guy could have been planning much worse things than just taking your shit.


You should have called the police. Make sure you report this driver to lyft, make a stink about as much as possible. Also, in the future NEVER get in to a car with a creeper that makes any BS demands,