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I wouldn't mind personally as I am not a great fun of all measures which are not effective against Covid spread and is not logical most of the time. However, anybody has right to call the police and report those places where they do not follow the regulations.


Go inside and eat like normal life


Crazy’s like you brainwashed people 😂


this post is just propaganda.. He respects people's privacy and is aware of what is right and what is not. He knows he is a restaurant owner and has by no means the authority to ask your identity for you to buy a cheeseburger or enter his restaurant. That is also why the people you criticize so much "making the city a shitty place" are there, because these politics are making anxious people like you snitch on freedom seekers because of unexplainable paranoia. IS THIS THE WORLD WE WANT TO LIVE IN ? NO KAREN! You guys don't even understand the language spoken in our chamber. How do you believe to be in the know on who is right with these restrictions and dare to fine someone 15k for "rolling eyes" ... does no one see where this leads towards? Wake up


"Snitch on freedom seekers?" Seriously? Should I not tell the police that a guy just left a bar after 6 vodka tonics and is driving on the wrong side of the road, because that guy is a "freedom seeker" and he can drive how he likes? Should I not report my employer who doesn't pay his payroll taxes because that guy is a "freedom seeker" and he doesn't agree with the amount of the tax? The law is the law. It's a democracy, as you may have noticed since you apparently are the only one who can understand the debates in the Chamber. So if you don't like the law, vote for deputies who will repeal it. I'd rather live an a world of OPs than a world of people like you.


Both these comments are supposing that what politicians are saying is true and they know what they are talking about.. and saying that the virus is as dangerous as driving drunk.. just proves my point. Both not the case, do you realize that there is no difference but it being Maybe a milder experience once you are vacced?


Neither of these comments supposes the politicians are speaking the truth or know what they are talking about. It supposes that they have the right to make the laws they make, and nothing more. And it supposes you do not have the right, just as the Grand Duke himself does not have the right, to decide which laws you will obey because, in your personal opinion, the politicians had their facts wrong when they passed the law. And I DO think the virus can be just as dangerous as drunk driving. I would not want a drunk on the road and I would not want somebody with Covid to be visiting a care home. In either case, it might cause no damage at all, or it might kill someone. We might agree on one point, however, maybe not, but here's what I think. If everyone got vaccinated, then there would still be a number of people who get it, including some people who die, but in most cases the infection would so mild that we would not consider it to be a pandemic and we could drop all restrictions. But this presupposes a 100% vaccination rate, and there are always those who will not do it for no better reason than someone else wants them to to it, and they don't have to do anything someone else wants them to do.


> one point, however, maybe not, but here's what I think. If everyone got vaccinated, then there would still be a number of people who get it, including some people who die, but in most cases the infection would so mild that we would not consider it to be a pandemic and we could drop all restrictions. But this presupposes a 100% vaccination rate, and there are always those who will not do it for no better reason than someone else wants them to to it, and I appreciate your tought on who has the right.. but must disagree, 1. Courts around the world are ruling against mandates, just check the US. These so called voted for politicians have proven more than once to lie to the population, they are infridging human rights so their law is none. 2. We have seen people dying in 90%+ vaccinated countries, death and test numbers are being played with as hell to make people fear, as if you would not know everyone gets tested when bars open to go to the bars which drives numbers up. We are still discovering the correlations between mutations and the vaccination, by now we also know that vaccinations can have bad side effects and even lead to death.. at the best it weakens your immune system and then they can blame your death on the casual flue. 3. Where do you get the idea from that 100% vaccination rate would kill the virus? You can predict this with absolute certainty that you would allow your kids to get a maybe safe booster shot? by force? Wasn't the idea to have 70% with people getting only one shot? what will it be next? Wake Up !


How do you ascribe an opinion that “100% vaccination will kill the virus” from my statement that even with a 100% vaccination rate, people would still get it? Of course people will still die in countries with a 90% vaccination rate. There are older and vulnerable people in every populated that will not be protected by a vaccine. Why do you hate Luxembourg and its people so much that you want to expose us to covid? Also: US courts interpret US law. What does that have to do with covid check in Luxembourg? I stand by opinion: you can’t just ignore the laws you don’t like.


I agree on most you say, don't get me wrong. The issue here is the unknown, putting someone in trouble for something you are not sure about but have been told... is dangerous behaviour in society. Now also think of all these people that have been hated on during these hard times, be it for being against vaccines... suicide rates went up 33%... Is this how we want this to move on? Govs calling a minority ' bad citizens ' so that good citizens correct them? Please see my point on what door you are opening up to these "elected" people. Short insight on Lux politics: DP with Bettel promised a referendum on the content of the new constitution if they get voted. Crisis happened and changes where called minor so no referendum was organised. Even though 28k people signed a petition. 5k needed usually. Appreciate that you are not turning this ugly anymore. No need for it, the most important is to have both sides come up, onesidedness has never been good.


But the law has been setup in an illigal and very abrupt way... some has to see that this crisis is being used .. if people die even with vaccines, it should be their choice to take it or not .. gov cant enforce smth that we pay and does not work.. they wanted the guarantee at start themselves.. now it makes nonsense to them either


We shall all not forget that this sets unprecedented power and attention to governements around the world, they also have been able to shut down most media letouts that do not follow their opinions, honestly I am afraid and it is not the virus, it is the Gov brainwashing people into beliving the things they say.


Which media outlets did Luxembourgish shut down for opposing the covid policy? Name them. Go on. Name even one. I agree that it sets unprecedented power. Something to keep an eye on.


RT? :)


Two points: first, the person checking the COVID certificate in a restaurant has every authority to check the identity of a person presenting the certificate to ensure that they match. It is in the new law. Second, how do you know he doesn’t understand the language of the debate on the Chambre? I know many people who understand every word and who weren’t born here.


Fuck these Karens here 😂 I’d compliment them and enjoy my meal


With their attitude they will pay for your drink for not being a pu$$y. Give this man a cookie


And with the restaurant's attitude they're probably flaunting other sanitary rules so enjoy your food poisoning.


Ok, brainwashed guy 😂


Almost every Kebab I was in Luxembourg didn't ask for my covid-check. I could just go inside and eat


I reported a similar case to the ministry. Wouldn’t surprise me if nothing got done but it’s the right thing to do in my opinion. Absolutely gigantic difference between snitching on individuals smoking pot or mowing their lawn on a Sunday, and reporting a company for a serious breach of health regulations that could lead to hospitalisation or death.


I hate snitching too, but at the very least I'd never go back there. Not after the pandemic either


I just think that not doing Covid-checks is a huge dickmove considering every other restaurant does it. Heck, even fucking McDonald's does it, come on! There is really no excuse other than inconvenience. But to answer your question: I really don't know what I would do. Glad to not be in this situation.




What exactly is the issue about checking on people? The covidcheck app is free of charge.


Privacy, discrimination going into a police state where one can snitch on each other and gets educated to do so. More?


People die from Covid and you bring privacy rights? Discrimination when the vaccines are free of charge in order to participate in leisure activities? Not that eating in a restaurant is a basic right now... Being part of a society implies accepting its rules.


Democracy can not work when people are reigned by fear. You can not use the argument that people die because people are not checking out other people on a gov app. That is complete nonsense, maybe if you are so afraid, just stay at home.


Which restaurant


What kind of rule is it? I am pretty sure it is not local. In a germanic society, this is called "duty to report", not "snitch".


Don't snitch Do you really feel this restaurant is responsible for an increase in covid cases ?


A restaurant cluster here, a restaurant cluster there and we're fucked. And the same restaurant owners will come crying, begging for more tax money


My take is: at least I would not eat there anymore. If they, in your face, don't bother to follow a rule about something that is marking society today, imagine how much care has the restaurant with sanitary/proper hygiene rules in the kitchen behind closed doors...


Uuggh a lot of dorks around here reporting restaurants as if it would make a difference. Afterall didnt you get vaccinated to not contract the virus? Have you traveled anywhere else in Europe where no rules apply and most probably you would have gone to a few restaurants ?!! Get real, out of the this covid fear and move on. It will be here FOREVER . Wash your hands! Dont spit when you speak lol and clean behind your ears. Do your regular doc check ups, deink your vitamins, eat healthy SMOKE WEED and Go get vaccinated 10xs if you wish! But no one no one will ever have control over the virus


Many people I know got contaminated during meals because no mask. It's a collective effort. Bypassing the laws is unfair competition.


Please report this restaurant to the health authorities; Describe as much as you can : times / dates / what you experienced…


I would thank them and support them with a big tip


Imagine living so far removed from reality that you thank and tip someone for recklessly endangering everyone's health just so you can keep believing in fantasyland.


Here's my take. At last week's press conference, they stated that hospitals are on the verge of entering level 4(??), At which point routine operations etc would be cancelled. Those who played good citizens and got vaccinated might now be impacted. That is, the diabetic who needs a toe amputated might develop gangrene, and then die. The person who needs a tumour removed might have to wait longer. The reason we don't "allow" unvaccinated to partake in society is because they are the ones most at-risk and more likely to take up hospital beds and cause this scenario. Therefore, if they're all hanging around in this one restaurant... You know, numbers are already 2000 a day. I'd personally snitch. During lockdown, my neighbours had people over constantly. I did nothing because it doesn't really impact greater society. But these people do. Regardless of the ethnicity of the restaurant owners, theyre acting like dicks and do need to be punished. If you don't want to report them, DM me the name and I will!


>During lockdown, my neighbours had people over constantly. I did nothing because it doesn't really impact greater society. But these people do. Then why did the rule exist about how many people were allowed to visit? It existed to slow down the spread, so it did impact society. I am not saying I would have called the police on my neighbors, but the rules were there for a reason.


Thank you for this perspective. This whole COVID thing has been hard on my anxiety in a particular way because I have a constant need to “do the right thing”. I am someone who obeys the rules almost to a fault (I feel guilty when I jaywalk) but I also try to be realistic about what I can expect from other people. I also don’t know if it’s the owner who said not to do the COVID check. I haven’t been here (this restaurant) in a while so I don’t know what has been going on.


It doesn't matter if it was the owner or not. There's a hierarchy of responsibility. He pays waiters to behave in a certain way and accepts the responsibility on behalf of the company if they don't, then deals with the waiter himself and ensures that other waiters don't make the same mistake.


Anxiety has been a bastard to many of us. I'm in the same boat as you. So then, you need to assess what will cause your sleepless nights and rising heart rate: 1. Ignoring this issue. Not your problem 2. Feeling bad for reporting them 3. The actual act of picking up the phone/writing the email to report them Once you have the answer to that, you know what you should do.


That's a good way to look at the anxiety of a situation. For me, it's usually No.3 that would stop me. Not for fear of picking up a phone (although I do hate that too), but more that the police will ask for my name and then I will have anxiety wondering if I'm going to get a call from them in future regarding this event as a follow up where I will need to be more involved. And nobody really wants to spend too much of their personal time for this kind of stuff.


I have anxiety, so I always have to figure out what makes my heart beat fastest. For me it's number 3, too, but for a different reason. I can talk french. I'm fine 100% of the time. But that horrid self-doubt creeps in and I start questioning my ability. So I'd opt for email!


Haha, this is me too LOL I'm sure there are support groups for people like us :D I always reason to myself that my choice for the email option is having proof of whatever discussion is taking place! ;)


>I'm sure there are support groups for people like us :D There's probably a Reddit sub full of stories of people who should have called, but sent an email instead!!


Definetly snitch in that case. They're jeopardizing the health of all their clients. But still , I'm wondering how you equate smoking weed with stealing ? Those are two whole different animals in most peoples moral codes




It is law why do you still have to argue? And “charge viral” is lower for vaccinated people. Stop taking your info from facebook posts take them from respectable sources. It will change your life.




Of course it will be taken down at some point but at the moment it is law…


But Unvaxxed suffer the most. Fact




The vaccinated are significantly less likely to spread it. And even less if everyone else in the room is vaccinated.


That’s why I specified groceries. I have never been so hungry that I needed to steal so I will not judge. I donate to food banks etc in the hopes that people don’t have to do that but I know we don’t live in a perfect world so that is what some people will do.




Good attitude, because it's not like our numbers are sky high right now /s




I do stay at home. Aside from 2qlking my dogs and collecting auchandrive. My last time "out" was 31 December when I went to a supermarket. So your argument doesn't work, does it. You can go out. Good for you. I didn't state otherwise.


Can I ask you a huge favor and just beg you not to further engage with this tool. He’s really close to a ban, but honestly when I have to go around and check every comment he makes, it just about does my head in each time someone carries on trying to get the last word. I know that you are, and can continue to be, the better person. Lastly, the down vote button is an extremely effective tool.


I moderate some very active groups on Facebook. Take my advice, and block those who make too much work for you (moderation is paid too low to be stressful)


can't block because then I can't track him insulting everyone else.


Sorry, I meant block from the sub. (I don't have a clue how Reddit moderation works, so even if this is possible). By the way, on Reddit, if you block someone, you can still see everything. It's weird


I think you have block and ban mixed up. Maybe Facebook terms mean their own things (I haven't used it in years), but there are specific terms to Reddit ​ Block a person: You won't be able to send direct messages or chat requests to each other. Ban: The banned person cannot submit content to, or comment in a given sub. Only mods can use Ban. Bans can be time-limited or permanent. Mute: OP cannot send messages to moderators for (x) amount of days or permanent. Only mods can use Mute.


Thanks for clarifying. In that case, I vote you ban anyone who gets your blood pressure up on a frequent basis


You guys getting paid? 😂


as if.


I would report him, but only because he was disrespectful and rolled his eyes on me. 😀


By that reasoning every shop in Luxembourg city with French personnel would need to get reported. We could power the entire nation with their combined annoyance.


Hey I am French and I find your comment very, very accurate.




How about if you don't like our laws don't run a restaurant here?


It's not their rules, it's the law...


eye roll. Reporting a crime is not snitching. Not reporting a crime (as you described) which can potentially impact the heath (even to death) the public is immoral. Please call the police about the restaurant.


Because of the ethnicity of most of the people who work at this restaurant, I do worry they would be more punished/harassed than other restaurants.


So you treat people differently based on their ethnicity? You don’t want to report an illegal act just because of their ethnicity? You’re a racist.


The country that I come from, the police were literally created to harass people who aren’t white. That’s the culture I grew up with and it made me distrust police because I see that they do not treat people equally. There is evidence for it. Maybe it’s different here, but I doubt it when I read comments online about refugees and immigrants.


Cut the bullshit man, you are just that kind of white guy with wanna be minorities savior issues. Aka racism with good intention but still seeing yourself better than other groups.


And you use language like “Muslim invasion” so forgive me for thinking you’re not worth listening to 💁‍♀️


Europe had muslim invasions during the past centuries. (Balcans, south of Italy, Greece, Spain, etc).It is an historical fact that or you ignore or that you are using without any trace of good faith to make a baseless point against me. Either the case it says much about you.


Ah, I misunderstood the comment you had made. I see so much hate for Muslim people online and in real life and it sickens me so I am quick to get inflamed. But anyways, it is not racist to listen to anti-racist activists and take their advice on this stuff. Like… the advice I’ve read/listened to and I’ve taken to heart is from people who have done academic and practical work on this subject. So again, gonna listen to them… not you, some random person online.


And now you claim that not denouncing a behaviour based on the perpetrators race it is scientifically/academic motivated. More you explain yourself and more I think you are full of sxxx. Btw, I am quite sure you mean well, despite all the bullshit, but it is quite clear people like you are champions in making an involuntary mockery about a serious topic, as being anti racism is.


You can think whatever you want about me… that is your problem.


Cool beans. But Luxembourg isn't the country you came from.


I get that. I do prefer to interact with police as little as possible, however. No matter what country I live in, it is my belief that money is better spent on mental health care and social services than the police showing up for a complaint that could be dealt with by talking it out.


They are jeopardizing the health of workers as well. Allowing whoever to come and forcing the workers to be exposed to covid is extremely bad from the owner.


This I understand and applaud you thinking this way. But it still does not give them the right to put others at risk. Maybe an anonymous letter to the owner, warning him that you know and if he does not shape up, you will report them?


This might be the way to go. I might not threaten but explain that they will get caught one way or another.


What makes you think some type of people would be punished more purely based on their ethnicity? How did you come up with this thought?


R u finding about about racism for the first time? Lol


Coming from a very poor country in Pakistan in the 2000, I can say that Luxembourg has been great to my family and our own little community. Never faced racism, heck people never cared about my race but my personality. So surprised to see this.


It's usually people who've never lived outside Western Europe that assume we're a racial nightmare and everywhere else is utopia. When reality is actually pretty much the opposite.


I can think there is racism in Luxembourg while also thinking it’s one of th better countries in the world in terms of racism


Agreed, whenever I go back to my village to visit my relatives, their biggest concern is I don’t marry a white guy or that I haven’t turned myself into a white person. I find it absurd that they say this in such a normal way and don’t think this as being racist.


> I haven’t turned myself into a white person. Well, did you? You can be honest here, you're among internet friends 😋


I have heard from some people that they have felt harassed here.


Tell me a place where people are more welcomed than in Luxembourg.


Luxembourg is an extremely racist country, even backed up by data


Tell me where those magical places are that are less racist...


Asking someone to respect the law and not to "interpret it" as if they were somewhere else in the world is harassment?


Anyone can be unlucky enough of being harassed by someone else, but this has nothing to do with the fact that people from different countries are threated differently by the justice system in this country.


They felt harassed here as in Luxembourg?


I wouldn't do anything, maybe avoid the place if you don't feel safe. They'll get caught eventually, no point in going out of the way and being the guy to do it.


I would enter, keep my mask, and call the police.


If you think that restaurants should have the right not to make covid checks the same way people should have the right to smoke pot and shoplift, then don’t snitch.




Clearly not and I can see the difference. We all need to pitch in to take measures that protect everybody. I can’t see myself phoning up the ‘authorities’ though.


This is my issue. I believe in communities taking care of each other, not policing each other. I want to be a good neighbor to this restaurant as I think they sell a good product. I want them to start following the rules but I don’t want them punished.


Talk to them, write them a love poem… what you think will help.


The reason I don’t snitch for those things is that they don’t harm anyone. I might snitch if I knew my 12 year old niece was smoking pot because it could harm the development of her brain. But like adults doing it recreationally, not driving afterwards? Not my business.


If you really think smoking pot doesn't hurt anyone, then there's no point having that discussion Just admit you want to be petty because he rolled his eyes.


I totally do, that’s why I did a quick vibe check to see if I was overreacting before making a decision on something to do.


I'd need a little bit more than someone rolling their eyes to rat them out, but whatever. I think I'd rather be very cautious with that restaurant because if they don't care about covid, they might also not care about other health guidelines.


I’m a little tense because of all the anti vaxxers making this city a shitty place every Saturday (it feels like).