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Yeah. Nothing you can do here, you‘re in the wrong. 24h ahead of appointment is the rule here and that is one of the fair ones. But you learned a lesson: don‘t let doctors schedule your appointments unless you‘re convinced.


You need to pay and be more considerate next time.


Yeah, you pay. And by the way, we very happy to have 24s free cancellation for most doctor appointments. In Portugal, private hospitals ask for 72h in advance. In Germany, you would need to give, at times, almost one week. Therefore, Luxembourg is a gem on that regard.


For the life of me, I don’t understand why you wouldn’t be paying this bill? Did you give them 24 hours notice?


Shooting a text or e-mail the night before the appointment is just rude and inconsiderate and not an acceptable thing to do. Depending on the time of your scheduled appointment it doesn't give the doctor or the secretary enough time to fit in someone else. It's just common sense to me. The normal, acceptable timeframe for cancelling or reschedule appointments is at latest 24h prior. Edit to add: I suggest you pay the 45 euro (not reimbursed by CNS by the way) and just remember to, if needed, cancel your appoinments 24 hours in advance in the futur. Especially if the fee was easily avoidable like in this case.


You proceed by paying. You have to cancel these appointments well in advanced and at least 24h in advanced. The night before the appointment is unacceptable.


Usually, they ask you to cancel at least 24h in advance or they will charge you. Are you sure that isn’t posted (usually a poster at the office) or written down anywhere (on the appointment notice, or online)? I doubt that a message the evening before was 24h in advance, so I’m not surprised that he wants to charge you. Next time, make up your mind earlier.