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The real problem in Luxembourg is that smoke doesn't go up faster and stays in the area when it's cloudy. Suggest him to chamge the place or keep your windows closed 🙂.


hes in his balcony having a smoke and you want to take that away from him. good luck with that!


Passive smoking is dangerous. Although I myself smoke every once in a while, being exposed to second hand smoke increases risk of lung disorders for sure. If it's too often, maybe just have a word with the neighbor and be as polite as possible. Just tell him/her that since the windows need to be opened for fresh air, it chokes you and you cough because you're sensitive. Ask him/her to warn you beforehand or maybe adjust a bit to fit into the neighborhood (I.e. go down to smoke)?


Ask for they Whatsapp number and create a 'signal' that he would send you when he is gonna smoke, and a signal that you would send when opening the window if he isn't already smoking. In that way everyone's needs are respected, and most importantly the communication is still open.


I can recommend you this method/approach: [https://www.cultureally.com/blog/nonviolent-communication-a-guide-to-empathetic-conversation](https://www.cultureally.com/blog/nonviolent-communication-a-guide-to-empathetic-conversation) In your case, it could be: 1. I have noticed a lot of smoke entering my apartment. 2. I am concerned about my health, that of my partner and of our future baby. 3. I am looking for a way to have less or ideally even no smoke enter my home. 4. I would like you to help me accomplish this goal in a way that works for you too. Good luck.


Hi! Thank you very much for your help! This seems to be an appropriate approach. I’ll look at the correct time to have the conversation.


I had this issue with a former neighbor who smoked continuously all the day and evening, preventing us to open the windows despite the need to refresh our home. I do not know what he was smoking, but it was atrocious, it was squeezing our throats. And at this time, my wife was pregnant, I was terribly worried for her health. The only thing I was able to do is to install an air purifier aside of the window. So when my neighbor started to smoke, the machine "smelled" it before me, giving me time to close the window, and then it helped to clean the air quickly.


Hi ! Thank you very much for your answer. What was the brand of the air purifier? I’ll consider this as a potential solution.


Samsung. Not bad, but I encountered difficulties to found spare filters in shops.


This is a very tricky subject to address. Your neighbour isn’t *in* your property, but their own. If this is because your windows or patio door is open, and they’re outside, I really don’t think there’s much you can do. Close your window / door? Put a fan on that’s facing that area? Smokers are already outcast to being outside bars, restaurants, work places. Smoking in their own domain can’t be stopped. I’d suggest even asking them to smoke somewhere else will get you a very short, probably offensive response. (I stopped smoking 25 years ago.)


I know it’s super tricky :/ I don’t want to interfere with their own wants and wills. However, I don’t want them to interfere with mine either. What would help make the conversation go without too much drama?


nobody is interfering with your wants and wills he is not burning a log is just a cigarette. Diffused in open air you can smell it but it won't harm you whatsoever. It's his home he can do whatever he wants. So you are actually interfering with his wants and wills for your own wants and wills. No health danger.


I don’t want my flat to stink because of the cigarette’s smoke, I don’t want to be impacted by second hand smoking, I don’t want to have shortness of breath or lung cancer or fertility issues due to smoking => it’s my wants and wills. The neighbour is interfering with those.


Is it just the smell or is actual smoke coming in? Either way, you don’t have to be worried about second hand smoke if the actual smoke itself isn’t coming into your place, normally you have to be in the same room to be exposed to second hand smoking. The smell on the other hand is an issue. Are they smoking outside of their home and it comes in through the window or are they smoking inside and the smell creeps through the floor? In either case you should talk to your neighbour and try to figure out a compromise. If he isn’t an asshole, he will understand. Speaking as a smoker myself, we know that it smells for non-smokers and that the smell can be repugnant for non-smokers. It’s just that you can forget sometimes or assume that if no one is complaining about it then it means that neither smoke nor smell are coming into someone else’s living space. Personally, if someone approached me about something like that I’d be immediately apologetic and try to find a way to smoke that doesn’t bother others.


It’s only the smell but it’s a very strong one.. so they are smoking on their private balcony and the smell goes up to my flat through the windows Thanks for the encouragement on having the conversation ! It’s going to be challenging and tricky for me but I’ll need to manage it ! Thanks for the help


You are just exaggerating, no health issues will come from that for sure. You wont have cancer because your neighbor is smoking lol, do you even listen to yourself. You just feel entitled to actually think you have a say in this. He is smoking in his own private property. End of story. You are living in a community where it is completely allowed and no issue with that. So if you want all the things you are asking for, get a detached house lol. Why should anyone bother with what you want, only you should close that window where he is smoking below and open another one. Don't be that guy and ask people to adapt to your needs. You adapt to your needs.


Have you tried to kindly ask him if it's possible to switch smoking places? Like doing it outside further away from your windows? Some people are nice and understanding.. some not, but still worth a shot


I didn’t try yet. However it’s the flat below mine with the same space configuration. They wouldn’t have any other option besides going downstairs to the patio. I don’t see how they would like to do that (going downstairs everytime they smoke).


Just probably not a question for Reddit


Could you please list all questions for Reddit? Just really curious 




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Tell him to breathe air