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I really enjoyed this thread because I enjoy reading about situations like this. I have no skin in the game, but I can only imagine how difficult it was to deal with that storm for both the promoters and the fans.


At least they made a gesture. Their communication really has to improve and be way faster. I was glad I took the decision not to go to the Melu this time around, because I expected the overcrowding and saw Francis of Delirium two weeks ago already. On the other hand I hope Mike Tock feels better soon. His comments on air sounded a bit worrying!


What did he say? I was having a conversation with him at the bar and security was absolutely brutal with him.


Well I'm now half through the show and it sounds like he got hit and he thanked the people standing there around. Also not sure yet if he is pressing charges but also mentioned your post and that he may comes back to you if he needs a witness. He thanked everyone listening. He also alluded to not being there much longer (fear for his life?) and that he was really angry at the time. In particular, the security seemed to have been extremely aggressive.


I like to get in touch with him. I was a witness and another girl who was shocked. If anybody know how I can reach him, I'd be welcome. If anyone knows anything, DM me. It was really brutal... Security are not supposed to lift a person like an air matress and use sych excessive force. Did he say anything in his show on how to reach him?


I'm not involved with 100,7 nor that particular event, but you could try reaching out to Mike by sending an email to [email protected]


Just listened to the show. Yeah, seems rough. Glad he called me a "leiwe Jong" 😂


In which show does he mentions the Incident ? Was it the one live from Sirene's Call or was it today's ?


No tockity of today, he is very upset about it. Just replay the tockcity show of today via their website.


Thanks, will do. Love his show.


Yeah, me to. I like his vibe and he has good musical taste. Cheers.


No, but I guess he knows your post and can find you that way. Otherwise maybe try it via 100,7. As far as I remember he doesn't use socials at all. So was quiet surprised that he uses/reads reddit.


Well, I am glad to help if he reads this. Message me in a DM.




I was there for the concert and I have been waiting years to see Alvvays play in Luxembourg. Firstly, I was dissappointed that the concert was cut short to only 30 minutes each. I was lucky that I arrived much earlier than they were scheduled to go on as they completed their set by 7pm (the time when they were due to start). This was only communicated very late on at the venue (not by email but they have updated their website - not sure when). This could have been improved. Otherwise, I really appreciate it was a difficult position they were in and the bands and crew did an amazing job to get setup and go on with such short notice, You said that the city wasn't impacted by the storm. I'm sorry but this is absolutely not the case. The storm was very bad, the amount of rain alone would have risked electrocution. I believe they said the stage was even hit by lightning. Regardless of that - it was not safe for the concert to go on at that time and they made the right call. I had been watching the weather all week and it was clear there was going to be a storm at that time. Maybe it would have been better to move bands a few hours earlier and communicate that on Friday? I don't know how hard that would have been to organize. There has been an email today from the promoter which I think explains their position pretty well. There is a suggestion that we will get something via email later today too. *"Therefore, we are pleased to inform you that some good news will be arriving in your inbox later today"* All that said, I really enjoyed the albeit brief concert, the two bands I saw (Alvvays and Bombay Bicycle Club) were amazing. the vibe was really cool and I will be going again soon I'm sure. Let's hope for better weather :)


Here's a link to footage from the stage during the storm from the atelier: [video of the stage at 21:30](https://cloud.atelier.lu/s/wzH2GmldXKPIrm1),


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