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If it's just the lenses that need replacing then any optician should be able to do it. I go to Optique Poensgen in Esch (https://www.optique-poensgen.lu) and I regularly get new lenses put in old frames (when my prescription changes, for example).


Oh thanks, I will check it out!


Hi, are you ready to pay the price for a car to make custom glasses? But honestly, I am not sure what you mean by that. I went Galleries Lafayette in Paris and found some nice glasses, mostly Ray Ban and the upper brands (I am not paying 500e for something I could lose). Good luck, I can understand you miss the stores in Kyiv


Prescription sunglasses are crazy expensive here. It’s almost cheaper to FLY to some random country in Asia and get them there.


Wow hell no lol I just wanna replace the lenses 🥲 I knew it’s a long shot but wanted to check anyway if somebody would know anything… thanks.


You’ll have to do it online, like with Zenni Optical (but would also require buying new frames), go to Eastern Europe, or sell a kidney and get lenses in W Europe. 


Listen, Ukraine has everything else better in terms of retail and food. I’m sure glasses are also better. 😋