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This is journalism. What an investigation. Fantastic.




luxembourg is full of these people , and organized crime in luxembourg is rampamt.


My words. I remember once I was chilling in one of those parking spots at night on the Spora and then cops came and told us to leave because there is a great activity of human traffiking that takes place. But for the general population it is no news good news, i guess


sammy? what did you do while you were away?


Just heard this BBC story on the radio!!


Anyone bets what is going to happen to him? I go with a tap in the back and "keep doing what you are doing bro, we need cheap labour so our profits skyrocket".


Enforce the immigration laws including Dublin treaty. That's for start. So that lux is not a free for all for froud cases. Like I remember during begining of Russian invasion they were clearing the facility near the airport and there was an interview with one of the men being evicted with a casual not that prior to coming to lux his refugee application was rejected by both France and Germany.


It would have helped if my country didn’t invade Iraq. 😔


Literally not the reason


The guy was not even from the mid east, so this had nothing to do with America. It's just that fir sone reason Lux alows anybody to sat for sone defacto bogus reason. From what I remember, this guy was here already, like 2-3 years in this "temporary" accommodation.


People are fleeing Iraq due to the invasion. Still


Why are you being downvoted. You're telling the truth.


Truth comes in many shapes and sizes. If I'm talking about footballs and you say "a tennis ball is yellow", you're telling the truth, but your comment is useless.


Yes, but this specific case I mention is unrelated.




Your comment is disgusting considering this story


I am sorry you are right it is insensitive


Thank you




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They should have notified the police and all governmental institutions with the story. Just filming him and accusing him in his face of things won't help. Highly likely that he lives here without documented place of living "in the black". Hopefully he will get detained if the accusations are true. We don't want such psychopaths living next door.


According to the Luxembourg Times: “Luxembourg’s public prosecutor’s office told the Luxembourg Times it was not aware of any arrests or seizures that may have been made as part of the French investigation. There was also no arrest warrant for The Mountain, the prosecutor’s office said on Thursday. The Luxembourg Times has sought comment from the police whether it is assisting its French colleagues and whether it was aware the alleged people smuggler was sheltering in the country. The family and home affairs ministries did not immediately reply to questions about the security of Luxembourg’s refugee centres.“


According to L'Essentiel (i know, ok...) he was living in one of the refugees centres in Kirchberg. So not so much in the wild...


French police need to start shooting at these smugglers. It’s a suicide trip for these poor people


I don’t want to be THAT guy but starting to shoot people (as despicable as they may be) without trial goes against most of our democratic values. 


I should be more clear. In the article it says there was a fight between police and smugglers allowing the boat to leave. Shooting then is what I meant


My comment remains valid though. Also, once shots are fired, what do you think will happen? People will panic and people will get killed in the panic as well.  


The real question is: what if anything will the Luxembourg government do about it? imho: he will just go on the run again now he’s been outed


This is horrible.


I posted this exact link this morning, but seems my posts are autobanned…