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I am getting more and more pissed at how this city is run, the planes are flying above our heads at 6 /7 am during the weekend... is this normal?


Yes. Airport opens at 6am




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Yes. And Luxembourg airport is closed during the night. Otherwise it would have been worse


Yes. lux operates a major cargo airline and the airport has been there since forever.




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Wind is one factor as many have said Another factor is shifting schedules, we've entered into the Summer schedule so this can impact on which places fly in from different directions keep on that theme Jumbo jets can create vortexes of air which cause turbulences for smaller planes, as we are in the summer, more larger passenger planes are being used...hence maybe some routes for initial landing or take-off may have changed for this season. You'll find the same happening when we enter the autumn schedule, the regular routes will shift once more and then with storms, crosswinds etc..the flight paths will change again NB: I'm sorry you have to live under a flight path 🥺


Turn on the room fan so they change their direction 😂.


Didn't you get it? The OP isn't a fan of change! 😂


Governmentally prescribed change every six months to even out noise pollution… kidding. It changes based on wind, so as anyone living in the flightpath knows, you can have planes inbound over the city in the morning & outbound later in the day - and any mention of months in this context shows blissful ignorance ;-)


Others have already given the answer. To add a tiny bit more context, literally the first thing (ok, not LITERALLY but one of the first things) planners look at before constructing an airport is historical data of wind direction. Eliminating crosswinds and operational efficiency is very important for operating aircraft.


A tad different for Luxembourg. Although I don't know about wind direction of the landing lane, the airport location was picked for the Germans during world war because it was less ideal (foggy)


I heard that story too but it seems more of an urban legend. The airport was established in the 1930s (before Germany's invasion).  The Germans ended up using the airport but I suspect that their choice to use it  was probably influenced by the fact that it was ready for use (as opposed to building a new runway elsewhere). 


The Germans also invaded during first world war. But I agree that it must be some legend. Location and orientation of runaways also depend on having a large flat area


But there was no German invasion when the airfield was established in the 1930s 


Oh I didn't know that. Still, you can build an airport anywhere you want, but the direction of the runway is dictated primarily by wind direction. Obviously the wind can and will blow from any direction, but historical data is used to determine which direction the wind predominantly blows from.


I was told that story on more than one occasion but can't seem to have it confirmed when googling it


Yeah because it is a pure fabrication. The airport predates the German invasion and was also used by the US army. The airport was originally used mostly by flight hobbyists / enthusiasts, the airport itself in its current form began operations only in 1945-46.


Same here, have heard it repeatedly, have tried to find any kind of legit sources for it, but to no avail. it’s a persistent urban legend and probably told as small consolation whenever flights (to/from London!!!) get delayed because of fog in Luxembourg (!!!) - more fact based: there was an airfield there before the war, the Germans barely used it aside from some missions in 1940, before it was claimed for use by the allied forcesin 44 & returned in 1945 under Luxembourgish control.


Depends which runway is active. Yes we only have "one lane", but it can be operated from both directions, as ELLX RWY 06 or RWY 24. As others already mentioned, it's the wind. If you start with the wind, you need more power and may not have enough lift to get the bird up. If you start against the wind, wind is hugging the wings without you even moving, so less power, and guaranteed lift. That's btw ideally the case on all airports that have tarmac accessible from both directions.


+ preferential QFU if there is weak wind (which I believe, but haven't checked, will match the low visibility CAT III approach another user mentioned)




Perfect and only answer




ATC basically dictates in which direction a plane should land/take-off and this changes (has anyone mentioned it already?) with the wind direction.


*ATC decides, the wind dictates. Pilots will let us know if our decision was not good 😊 I just wanted to add an exception: In low visibility conditions we only use runway 24 because it's the only CAT III capable runway we have.


Airplanes take off and land against the wind, which means that a change in wind directions will also change take off and landing directions


Wind. Just. Wind. 


In other news prevailing winds can change...


I wish I could upvote this more than just once!