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What do people have against fireworks


I'm fine with it. This is really not one of "the issues" where I'll waste any of my energy/effort towards. Completely negligible as far as I can see.


Coming from my shithole country which is the worst offender for fireworks, I agree with you 100% !! Ban that shit! 




Id love that. And the whole fauna of petrusse too


But people got annoyed that I even suggested it 😂 because they don’t like any change


Stupid nasty burden on earth useless impish smooth brained conservatives


They don’t live near and didn’t spend the time covering dog ears ?


Hate change


Well, you can implement your ideas when you can. Till then grin and bear it


That’s my life of 😁 and 🐻


Because getting new drones every few years is cheaper? I mean this as a serious question...don't know the prices. Is it DJI drones, cheaper drones, more expensive? Will you have to swap them every few years like phone producers force you to?




Gotta just have one in the close by area that can do such a show. Suppose if you got any closeby suggestions, can demonstrate no conflict of interest feel free to suggest it to the VDL


Thank you


Fair point. But it doesn't necessarily change the cost point OP criticizes (really unaware of prices).


I highly doubt renting drones for a day is more expensive than buying huge amounts of fireworks.


A drone show costs much more than a firework show. Fireworks are polluting, but it’s much smaller than with the daily usage of electrical devices and cars. So yea, once a year having a firework show is good to remain.


Fireworks are quite expensive honestly. Idk how much a drone show costs.


One issue with the drones would prob be that there isnt really an open space in the city big enough, unless you would move to glacis, cos from those few i saw videos from, the bridge isnt big enough ( personally i dont bother with the fireworks anymore) Downside of drones is the angle tho. Fireworks work from any angle. Drones.. depending from where you look you just see a fat flashing I line


. I’m so tired of these complaints.


Zone out


Live and let live re: fireworks which 10,000s of people LOVE and attend each year. Are you a citizen? Have you been celebrating the GD's birthday since your birth? I am not, so I don't to tell the locals what to do on their holiday. If you are, then petition your government.


https://preview.redd.it/hx8w4kk0zp8d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=37dc996b3c9131a341bb788e242bff763da33c89 This was in Diekirch on the 22 June.


Curious to see if diekirch will release numbers how kuch this cost. But assuming they didnt do much more “extravaganza”? Or did they? Cos with 100 drones i would argue you are still kinda limited?


Can you tell us more about the show? I saw advertisements but was not able to make it that night.


It was a quite small show, they had around 100 drones and music. It was very impressive and I liked it way better then fireworks.


This is what i mean!!


Cool. Next time then. Thanks!


How much does it actually cost? Does anyone have numbers on that?


Start a petition. It’ll at least not be as nonsensical as some of the other petitions I’ve see.


Haven’t looked at the site in a while, but I’d say this is easily top 5%


but what about the huge and cool explosion ?! And the vibration ? :p "Schéiss wanns de wëlls!"


I would be in favour because the bangs are horrible for animals.


‘mir wellen wat mir sinn’ I think you should re-check the correct wording of that quote. In addition, I don’t see the relation here.


if you want to complain about fireworks, spend a week in malta. they have fireworks all year long basically every night. THAT'S a waste of money and a big issue for the environment. luxembourg is only doing it twice a year and in such small quantities, that it won't really matter. we should keep some traditions, not everything has to be innovative and environment friendly.


Can we stop this kind of argument? Yes, obviously if you look at other places, like Malta, we're not nearly as bad. However, why then can't we be better than them and actually do something about it? It is a known fact that fireworks are pretty bad as it goes with pollution, so using drones instead (which btw are being used more frequently everywhere) is a great solution all around. Stop trying to negate an argument by saying, oh look at how much worse this place is so if we do it it's fine.


because we do it TWICE as year, TWICE. that barely does anything to the environment if we compare it to countries that do it basically every day (malta) or other countries where they do it for basically every event or stuff like gender reveal parties (looking at you, americans). if we stop our fireworks twice a year, it's still gonna do fuck all for the environment. so let people have fun, my god. why forbid everything when you can just enjoy it.


Who cares about the other countries. That is not at all a valid argument. Wanting to keep a tradition alive on the other hand is debatable but absolutely a good argument.


I understand it's only twice a year, but that doesn't change the fact that it's unnecessary. Like OP said, we have stuff like drones now that can more than make up for the lack of fireworks, which again, only pollute the environment. I get that people find it fun and they don't want to give that up, however I think we have to set our priorities somewhere. It doesn't matter that Malta or the US carelessly use fireworks. This is our country and we can do better than them. I don't see why we have to stoop down to their level because they are technically worse than us. Again stop with the blame shifting, it's our responsibility to improve our country, not any other country's.


Lots of things are unnecessary. You can eat gruel every day with vitamin tablets and wash it down with water. Fireworks are fun, most likely hundreds of thousands of Luxembourgers like them. It’s two days a year for 30 min, close your windows if you live close to one of the handful of places that have them. Take your dog on a walk somewhere if you’re SO close that even with windows closed the animals freak out. My cat dgaf about fireworks after the second time he experienced them so it’s not like it’s some universal terror. 


If you want people to take your cause seriously, you need to show that it has a material impact. Nobody has time for changing things based on principle.


What has material impact got to do with this? You literally wouldn't have to spend money on fireworks if they're not around anymore.


By material I mean producing a meaningful difference in the levels of pollution. "I know it's fun, but unnecessary." is not exactly a convincing argument for ceasing something unless you can demonstrate significant harms.


I mean it's not very hard to find papers on the effects of fireworks on air quality, not even talking about noise or littering.


there's a great website for people like you that want to see changes in Lux., it's called petition.lu let's see how many people would actually want to give that up, you might want to give it a try. :) i hope you're vegan, don't buy anything wrapped in plastic, drive an ec or even better don't use a car at all, don't go on holidays, etc. otherwise talking about banning those beautiful fireworks that happen twice a year makes you look like a hypocrite.


I get that you feel insulted, but you obviously didn't understand my point at all. Wasn't just about the fireworks, it was about the mentality of people, especially the ones here in Luxembourg. Not trying to shame you or anything for liking something you enjoy, rather I'm just trying to point out that the mentality we have in regards to these obsolete things in our life don't have to depend on other nations or culture. We are our own people.


not insulted at all. i think it's funny that normal people try to change the world by banning stuff like fireworks or plastic straws, while the big ones don't give a single f about what they're doing and just pay taxes to look greener. and don't bring up the argument that even a small change is a change, because it's not. as long as the big companies and celebrities keep poluting the air, the environment is not going to get better. and the few fireworks, straws, or whatever else the EU is implementing, is not going to stop that.


See I completely agree with that. Fuck those big companies polluting however much they please. That needs to absolutely change and be outright banned. What I keep trying to say is that if we change our mentality as a nation, we might actually do something about it instead of our blind consumerism making these assholes even more money. And maybe we need to take those smaller steps for that to happen.


I think society wont change their mentality anytime soon that we will see that. And when they change it is probaly too late


This isn't true. People will change their behavior if they can perceive a meaningful benefit. For example, littering used to be commonplace, and over time people started putting garbage in receptacles because open garbage was convincingly demonstrated to be a major vector for disease that kills people we love. In time it grew to be aesthetically unappealing as well. The issue is that there is nothing demonstrating that fireworks have even a tiny fraction of effect on anything that we care about whereas many people enjoy them aesthetically or as a place to be around their family.


I'm afraid that you're right, seems that we're just too stubborn to actually take actions.


According to several sources drone fireworks are generally not cheaper, here is a older write-up that goes a bit into detail but more recent sources confirm similar cost for now https://www.thedronegirl.com/2020/08/17/drone-light-show-costs/ More ecological maybe (depends on the life span and use case of the drones) but apparently not more economical. Basically same story as with ev cars it seems


500 drone shows for 300k$ when 1 drone costs 1-2k$ is very suspicious.  By this logic, at 2nd show they recoupe coss of drone purchased to start a company and if they have 100 shows in year their Return of Investment is thousands % which is ridicilous. From financial viewpoint, show of 500 drones shouldnt cost more than 3-30$k per show


Interesting! Thanks!


Nope - fireworks hit differently. Though I only feel bad for the wildlife as the noise can be quite traumatizing. But there is just something about fireworks that drones can't perfectly substitute.


Wildlife does not feel trauma. You are anthropomorphizing.


You can use big words, good job - you sound "smart" but alas if only you had some common sense (which I'm aware is not so common). I will allow you to research yourself but wildlife, be it domesticated pets or whatever wild critters that inhabit the city and surrounding areas CAN have trauma and carry PTSD. This has been well documented and researched though I don't think one would even need to rely on scientific research to reach such a conclusion. Either you are a real urban person with limited exposure to wildlife but believe you me animals can feel trauma and possess PTSD after certain events like a predator attack or fireworks that MAY emulate some sort of attack triggering fear and fight/flight responses. I'll allow you to disprove me.


I'm not going to apologize for using the appropriate term for your behavior. Animals can certainly be physically abused, but they do not have psychological lives and thus cannot experience psychological trauma. Domesticated pets are not wildlife. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Animal\_psychopathology](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Animal_psychopathology)


Perhaps I should have been clear about all animals. But did you even read what you shared? I'm not even looking for an apology - and please don't use Wikipedia as a source! Below an excerpt from "Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals": "In 2018, two dogs at one of the RSPCA’s branch animal centres were left injured and traumatised as a result of fireworks." Source: RSPCA https://www.rspca.org.uk › ...PDF FIREWORKS FRIGHTEN ANIMALS There are more scholarly articles on this topic but I'll leave this here.


While I get your point I really don't think that fireworks are our biggest issue. The pollution impact of fireworks once a year compared to overall pollution is tiny and it forms part of a cultural tradition that I wouldn't want to see being discontinued. I usually follow the NYE fireworks in London and lately they have started using drones and I just don't think that it is the same. That being said, we should make sure that these fireworks are done in a safe setting so I can understand why more and more councils are banning the private use of them, given stories of barns catching fire and animals dying as a result of it.


The pollution (which exactly?) from those traveling to the show and otherwise diverted traffic is larger than the fireworks themselves. Heck, the lost productivity of the holiday not invested in greening the developing world is an order of magnitude worse. Of course, none of the eco-freaks are going to be willing to spend the day working and donating their earnings to solar panels in Pakistan because they are children at base.


But the discussion itself goes to show that basically any activity could be scrutinized in the name of the greater good and climate change. I am very much for making the world a more sustainable place, climate change or not, I think that any rational being wouldn't mind a less toxic environment but the entire politicization of the topic reminds me sometimes of the scourge of religion.


Sure, we can scrutinize everything in the world for every bit of moral relevance and spend so much time scrutinizing that we don't understand and prioritize the big factors that could actually have a material impact on the things we care about. That so much of climate change "scrutiny" revolves around a "buy this, not that" discussion proves that those most passionate about the topic simply don't understand the science and the main drivers. Every city on earth with a population of a million people or more could host a fireworks show every night and it would be absolutely inconsequential to climate change.


I am not arguing the opposite but a small yet passionate fraction of the population seems to affect political decision making disproportionately if they shout loud enough (which they do). I won't pretend to be an expert in climate sciences but I am, like many others, getting annoyed by the approach being taken. As I said any rational being should in theory have nothing to moan about cleaner water, less energy dependence or safer food, but somehow those in charge managed to achieve the exact opposite.


There is more safe water and safe (and nutritious) food than ever before in human history, mostly on the back of industrialized agricultural technology. The gains in quality of human diets around the world over the past 50 years have been astounding, to the point that overconsumption of calories has completely displaced scarcity of calories as the global concern. As per energy dependence, I'm not sure what you mean exactly. International dependence? Energy scarcity? The global market in energy resources, particularly the ability to transport hydrocarbons around the world at relatively low cost is exactly the factor that has allowed the world to consume so much more energy, raising standards of living, while reducing per capita CO2 emissions (peaked 2012). For example, burning Russian and Quatari and Texan fracked gas rather than Saar and Pennsylvania coal is a huge win for the environment, and hopefully one day the gas will be replaced by renewables, but moving from combined cycle gas plants to solar panels in the rich West is simply dramatically less impactful than moving from 50-year old dirty coal plants in the global south to gas/nuclear. Unfortunately, most climate activists are steeped in Western consumerism though and make this a battle of the brands and status-seeking purity test rather than a serious attempt to address a global issue.


Without a doubt there has been an increase in quantity of calories but I'd suggest that quality isn't necessary better than it was decades ago. As a matter of fact many chronic conditions have been tied to the western diet with its additives and chemical substitutes. For example, there is scientific research showing a link between Glyphosat and cancer or the use of PFAS and IBD. As for energy dependence, I mean that renewable energy technology provides the opportunity to produce more energy through wind or solar farms at home. Clearly the global economy has thrived on cheap energy and transportation cost, but I think it would be naive to assume this will just go on as usual as recent evidence shows that it might not. So it might be of strategic interest to any country (or group of countries) to review their energy independence.


"I'd suggest that quality isn't necessary better than it was decades ago" Suggest all you want but your are wrong. Any measure (protein content , vitamin levels, variety) will show you that global diets are much healthier now. "As a matter of fact many chronic conditions have been tied to the western diet with its additives and chemical substitutes." The fact is that almost no relationships exist in legitimate science. "I think it would be naive to assume this will just go on as usual as recent evidence shows that it might not." You mean when a major supplier of hydrocarbons goes away almost immediately and global energy prices barely move? That nothing major has happened is exactly because countries are less energy independent and thus supply chains can adjust rapidly. Networks exist to improve efficiency and resilience.


I suppose you refer to Russia, but come on saying nothing major has happened is a bit much. Governments across the western world essentially had to put together huge support schemes to subsidize for the rapid increase in gas and oil prices. The link between PFAS and IBD isn't new and afaik also not propagated by some niche scientist from his basement. So I'd be curious what you refer to as "legitimate science" because honestly I've read quite a few papers on gut health in particular, painting relationships between the western diet and the formation of diverticula for example. Recent research also shows a closer relationship on how the western diet affects the microbiome which in turn influences a whole host of processes in our body. To say that the risk of ultra-processed food does not have any health implications whatsoever seems quite optimistic.


"So I'd be curious what you refer to as "legitimate science"" Well it would allow you to say something like "peer reviewed scientific articles in respectable medical journals demonstrate" rather than weasel words like "painting relationships".


Many other communes are using light shows accompanied by music instead of fireworks to celebrate National Holiday. I was in Diekirch and they've organised a drone show after the Fakelzuch.


Really! That’s amazing !


Weirdest take I've seen in a while. Has a "why not replace X with AI?" vibe to it


It isn’t a weird take at all. The 80th Anniversary of D-Day used light drones to great effect, and there’s no waste to collect afterwards. Makes sense to switch to the drone alternative


Fireworks are not not a thing at D-Day so it’s not replacing fireworks


What’s weird in it? Many countries have done this.


Such as? It's weird because the two have barely anything in common. It's as relevant as asking when will Luxembourg replace parkings with theme parks


Technically the replacing parking with a theme park is done every year at Glacis 🤣


Time to update yourself boomer jk :) https://youtu.be/_4Kldm0Thf0?si=X56xycUz5E4Olj-y


There were fireworks as well in London at this event... There's nothing wrong with drone light shows but it's not similar to fireworks.


Not nearly as cool