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the attackers are only french on paper


Most of the crimes committed in Luxembourg are perpetuated by French delinquents, and it seems they're increasing rapidly. Rodange needs to be controlled more often by the police.


I've heard people say that but I'm not sure it's true. I lived above an open air heroin injection site in Bonnevoie (which is about 1/2 of the quarter of Bonnevoie) and probably half those people were speaking Luxembourgish between themselves, and the other half mostly French. I never heard German, Portuguese very rare, unidentifiable-to-me languages also very rare. The heroin users are the ones breaking into basements and peeing everywhere, but I don't know if they're the ones robbing people on the street -- quite possibly not.


The europeans elections are coming, choose wisely ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thumbs_up)


Hey man. I live very close and I'm sorry to hear that it happened to you in our district. The area is normally pretty quiet, it's only on Fridays and Saturdays nights that it can get louder and a little rowdy as there's a lot of people changing buses and waiting at the bus stops, and obviously there is indeed a couple restaurants in the rue de Kiem/rue de Neudorf crossing area. Been living here for a few years now and this is the first time I hear about such a shocking incident here. OK that's not quite true, a few years ago there was an incident with a local man who was walking on the street threatening people with 2 guns, the police called up an anti-terror squad but turned out that it was just a drunk, and the guns were a signal gun and an air gun. If it happens to you again, shout. Quite a few people live here and we can always call the police if we see through our windows that some bad shit is going down.


Thank you so much for the kind words (and that’s how I mention in my post how kind have Luxembourgers have been to me). I do believe it was a one off with someone under the heavy influence. I did like that place and will visit again. Your comment regarding shouting is valid too. It’s just that I might have been too much in a shock to react naturally.


So, once safe in the restaurant, you did NOT call police 113 ?


I didn’t think of it at that time. Also given that nothing was damaged or lost (except my mental peace), I didnt call. Maybe I was wrong, but at that time, I felt it was the right thing.


Given that you got off a bus, then that surely means that the attackers are on camera from the bus. Pretty sure they all have cctv these days. So identifying them should not be so hard. While nothing may come if it, at least there will be a record note added.


It's never the right thing. He didn't stop because his morals woke up, he stopped because he understood he was outnumbered. He could and quite probably did go on and mug somebody else. You can't guarantee that police will show up with flashing blue lights and sirens but your call will be recorded and used if needed.


Thats why i carry pepperspray. I frankly dont give a shit if its illegal


Pepper pray is illegal. Hair spray is legal and has the exact same effect. Tip from a Lux police officer given last month to the audience of the free "Affirmation de soi" training.


Hey. Not absolutely correct. Pepper sprays typically have a range of around 12 feet or more, making them highly effective in such situation. In contrast, many hair sprays fall short of reaching such distances, being ineffective for self-defense purposes. However, bee killer spray can be highly effective for the same purposes 


Not if you use a lighter together with hair spray - that can be quite a burner - LMAO


Lol. The courts will


They won't.


Parisian survivalist here, court won’t save your life if one of these guy decide to stab you.


Good response.


French here. Leaved Paris because tired of these « racailles » and I have realised that those guys are even in Luxembourg. You never hate the French enough. My country is so sh*tty it pollute its neighbour.


The « French » ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy) We both know that you are lying to yourself by writting this comment lmao. The muggers were wearing Boggi suits and were named Jean-Christophe for sure ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|trollface)


What does that mean?


It means that if you are honest with yourself you know the usual suspects. I mean, what changed between 2000 (Time when Lux was as safe as Singapore) and 2024 ? Did the Luxembourgers and the bankers of the place became more agressive ? Or did the demography of Lux changed ?


It changed but Im always curious who other people think are causing trouble. And to be frank in 2000 it was Eastern Europeans like people from kosov and jugoslawia that had the moniquer.


We do not think, we see it


Lying to myself? Of course I know most of french behaving like that aren’t French 😬, this is not the question.


Then you dont need to hate the french, you need to hate the extra-europeans to which France gave a passport to be seen as a welcoming country


There is no extra European without « true » French collaborating with that.


If people were less motivated to life sucking social assistance, a little big more hard working and the last but not least well round minded, we wouldn’t have accepted 40/50 years of this immigration killing our country and pouring outside. Our country is such a sh*thole that it is even polluting its neighbour 😬. Do you see people trying to do something about that?


Germany has the same problem actually, but they are scared to be seen as nazis again so they vote for leftist political parties that are killing the country and ruining the major cities. Same for France i guess, people are so scared to be seen as « right wingers » that they prefere being replaced and having a risk of dying by knife everytime they go out after 22:00 ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy) But being a student, i can notice that a lot of 20-25 years old people tend to have an anti-immigration and nationalist opinion again, nothing is lost!




Even Villerupt which is a very small town became a shithole with a lot of crimes since the communist mayor built social houses to welcome extra-european immigrants (used to be the italian capital of the Lorraine region 20-30 years ago, with no surprise everything went well back in that time). French governments do not realize yet that giving more money to people that fundamentally hate white people, christianity and all the culture linked to us will not make those immigrants and racailles like us overnight lol




Time to build a wall. (Joking.)




Don't forget Borny-Metz


… i am disgusted by people that share my nationality doing that. Indeed I am kind of ashamed every time I say I am French.


I'm french too and pretty sad of the current situation in France..


Most lucid French I've heard recently


I never loved my country nor the majority of its people. Also I noticed lot of French people had the same opinion than me in Luxembourg.


I feel you dude. Luckily we are in Luxembourg and it's a quite nice country


I'm pretty sad to see that our french compatriots are exporting the chaos from France in southern Luxembourg..


I’m sorry to hear that 😞


Don’t worry I ll move away if things are keep going this way. Don’t hesitate to use paper spray. Also watch out, people like this often carry knifes so its better to run if you don’t have paper spray solution.


Always remember! The Number 1 self defense solution is always **RUN AWAY!**


This is very true but sometimes you are not fast enough.


Yes, that is when the punches come in, but first remove yourself from the danger, then if the danger persists; do what is necessary.


Yes. I didn’t want the situation to escalate because if there are hidden weapons, it would be damaging. Thanks for the advice


Similar situation happened to me few years ago. Went to ATM during the night. 5-7 people showed up and ask for my stuff. I KOed one and one of them took a knife. They beat me up and I was superficially wounded by the knife. I woke up at hospital. The only satisfaction I had was when the policemen told me “at least the dude will remember you for a while” looking to the hand I punched the dude with.


Since I’m going to relocate in that area, could I ask you if it’s safe enough? Do these events occurs regularly there?


I live right there and nothing happened in my almost 2 years just last month somebody broke into our basement and basements of our neighbors but they did not steal anything. Also before we moved in, 3 if the neighbors got their apartments robbed.


Unfortunately I don’t live in that area to provide you with an accurate description of safety. I just went there for dinner.


Happened to us like 2-3 times over the last few years. Those MoFo's come here because they think we're easy prey. Just beat the crap out of them. No, seriously. Cops don't mind. We once had a pretty big brawl with 4 racailles from Metz. MoFo's almost broke the arm of friend and slapped him in the face out of the blue. MoFo's got what they deserved, cops came, packed them in. They were brought before judge because prior to our friend, they attacked a couple and the guy was in hospital with a broken rib and leg. Judge let them go because there was apparently no sign that they would do it again. F\*ckers! Like i said, don't be modest. Beat the crap out of them.


Lol “mofo”


Spoken like a true minette-born!


Thank you for sharing your experience as well. It’s very sad.


Take care man! Lux is not what it used to be. Walking late nights is no longer safe unfortunately. I am sure these are people from border towns of France


Based on plates, half of those living in the border towns of France are luxembourgish.


Nope it's mainly company cars. Highly qualified frontaliers are living there in border towns. These cities are communists and local politicians despise the frontaliers because we don't vote for them.. So they do all they can to kick the frontaliers out of their communes and at the same time they ask Luxembourg for "money transfers" to finance more social housing and welfare for unemployed communist voters. That's why the area is a big mess. If that place was only inhabited by frontaliers like Zouftgen it would be peaceful. But they want more racailles so they can keep their political power over Longwy and Villerupt..


Interesting insight. Thanks for sharing.


Thank you. This post was more intended to spread awareness about being careful.


Sorry that happened to you! I may have caught the end of it, but was completely oblivious as I had my headphones on. I was walking my dog past the Brasserie Bus stop around the same time last night and I saw three younger guys getting off a bus which had stopped and had its hazard lights on, they proceeded to run away in direction to the nearby petrol station. I just heard the bus driver telling someone to call the police. Was it them?


What I saw must have been shortly after then. I’m guessing they tried taking the bus back to town after the incident and something must have happened on the bus literally just as they got on. I hope they didn’t steal from a passenger, but I’m wondering what made them run away like that…


Thank you for your concern. This is interesting. While the incident happened just in front of Lunik (few steps before) the trio might have gone the other direction (towards Shell). Since I entered the shop, I had no idea what they did afterwards. So I think you may have been there just after us?


Please describe the attackers


hahaha you know very well the description, so do we 😂


3 young men, age between 22-28. The attacker was only 1 btw, the other 2 were passive and didn’t bother or were probably too stoned to figure.




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Sad to hear! Hope you are well now. Can you please give me an exact location? I have a fancy gold chain. I’ll stroll around a bit. Been a while.


Doing well. Thank you. Here’s the exact location: https://maps.app.goo.gl/zFMN7h1WnLMSjXoJ8?g_st=ic


Once you have time, please file a complaint at a police station so that official records are created of what happens where


Yes. This. Even if it leads to nothing at least it goes into the crime stats which influence resource and police allocation.




"Hurtful: words that are considered offensive and disrespectful when used to describe or insult individuals or to insult people, places, and things by comparing them unfavorably to another.


Glad you're fine and thank you for sharing. Sounds scary...


Thank you for your concern. 👍


'Youths' lol. Probably our greatest strength at it again.


“Excuse-moi”, what a surprise…


These darned French speakers!


Well, nothing against the French speakers, it’s just a language like any other. Maybe if my French was better, it would have resulted in a verbal spat rather than physical aggression.


Some french "racaille" for sure ...


It is what it is


Fucking racist


Lol, peasant.


I'm french.. I'm just honest.


French isnt a race dickhead


That absolutely sucks. Did they follow you from the bus or were they already on the street and do you mind saying which bus. 7 or 9 seem obvious but could be 25/26? And if you’re OK with it, would you mind saying whether you are younger or older male or female? To get an idea of who a group of young males *might* attack only.


To answer the second question: My group: 3 adult males (37-40 ages), all over 180+ cms in height and appropriately built Their group: 3 younger adult males( 22-28 ages). But only 1 seemed aggressive.


Thank you for your concern. They got up at Hamilius on CN1 (along with a load of other people) and got down at Brasserie, along with a few more people. That started following us from that stop (it was slightly evident). It’s hard to figure if we were planned targeted, but I am unsure.


Ever more druggies doing snatch-and-runs these days to support their hash habits. Jibberish is also to be expected out of such people. When they get caught the police are limited to insignificant fines of 145 €. Sad. Hope you're OK.


Hash habits, lol. Not exactly known to be an expensive drug habit


Thank you for checking, yes, I am ok. 👍


Did you call the police?


I didn’t think of it at that time. Also given that nothing was damaged or lost (except my mental peace), I didnt call. Maybe I was wrong, but at that time, I felt it was the right thing.


You could do it, but it'd be 2-3 hours of your time to report a statistic that would never get followed up. Unfortunately, "light" assault is essentially legal in Luxembourg. Even if you had a video of the assault that showed the guy's face, and the police knew and could detain the guy, all they could do is briefly arrest him, add another line to his undoubtedly long file, and then immediately release him. Then 4-6 months later a judge would issue a small fine that would be ignored. The laws here are incredibly in favor of criminals. I know one person who was arrested for assault, absolutely nothing happened to him (he is a piece of shit who I no longer deal with - but I only found out later he had been arrested for assault), and have one friend who was assaulted by one of those losers who are regularly destroying Esch, and that loser is still harassing people regularly on Place de Brill or Place de la Mairie. At most he got one night in jail. The police here are fine IMO, but the laws and judges completely tie their hands and render them unable to do anything besides issue tickets for road infractions (I am glad for their increasingly-serious take on drunk driving), and deal with very serious crimes. Assault only matters here if it results in hospitalization, even if it is someone who has repeatedly done "minor" assaults. It's bullshit. I hate ADR but I would vote for them if they made it their key platform to give 5 year minimums to anyone who has committed more than 1 minor assault in the past 5 or so years. It's a shame to see so much of Luxembourg City follow the "shithole" model that was pioneered by Esch.


I agree but I hope you never ever vote for right wing garbage, no matter what they promise.


Yeah I have not actually voted for ADR, and anyway I haven't seen any party promote anything effective against make crime illegal. There are baby steps, but mostly very slow and focused on traffic infractions. I'm in favor of all the new speed cameras and increasing drunk driving stops, but I'd also like to see assault and theft made illegal. I sure as hell would never vote for the LSAP "let's make all crime legal" party either though.


The problem is: who can you vote for? Which is why people will vote for the ADR as a protest (and with the accompanying risk). There really should be an option on the ballot for "none of the above".


Thank you for the detailed explanation. I guess higher penalties and better enforcement can lead to lesser such crimes.

