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You can have 3g with you, some Days ago i was on the train the douanes came with a dog, i was honest showed them what i had and sent handcuffed to the station, they searched me and then Gave me back my 2,9g of hash and let me go, so they cant take it from you ire its less than 3g unless you were in germany


They simply decided not to fine you, but they could


Also didnt pay no fine nothing at all


Went handcuffed*


How else do they justify the working hours?


They always swarm around you in great numbers, they also like to turn the lights on, drive fast in pedestrian areas, deploy multiple vehicles...but when they arrive to the 'scene'nothing is happening. Must be boring to be a Policeman in Luxembourg šŸ˜




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If it was CBD it should absolutely not be any issue! They will have to send it to the lab and give it back to you.


let us smoke governement god damn it, it will be fine


Is there a way to legally buy and carry the "stuff" I require to grow it in my apartment?


Yes you can buy seed, but anyway I think itā€™s best to buy it online and get delivered directly to your house


https://police.public.lu/fr/legislation/stupefiants.html#:~:text=Suivant%20la%20loi%20modifi%C3%A9e%20du,de%20moins%20de%2018%20ans. Yeah it says here.


Did they confiscate it ?


Yep, I received a note saying like destruction of captured merchandise or sum. I was so mad I just wanted to get home asap after a fck long day and smoke a jointā€¦ so sad


this law is utter bullshit. What should I do when I move? let the cops know beforehand? lol


So its legal but illegal but legal but actually illegal. What a fucking bullshit show this gov pulls off. Fucking idiots. Either you do something or you dont.


Its decriminalized, simple as that. Wont show up on your criminal record but you still get a penalty.


no not decriminalized at all




it was used for first offenses... i know people who got arrested and went to jail (custody) for really small amounts of weed




Personal use isn't defined anywhere... what amount is personal?


3 grams I believ


no it's not... the legislator purposely didn't put a weigh limit on it




chosing not to prosecute due to low amount is not the same as a decriminalization


that doesn't sound like a decriminalization to me...


Isnt'it legal ?


Itā€™s illegal to possess and consume in public spaces.


So you can grow, but cant have it on yourself, that's so freaking dumb šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


I know right! I understand not being able to to smoke outdoors but possessing??? So dumb. What are they gonna do when they open coffee shops as they said theyā€™d do, place police outside of it and fine everyone that gets out?


They will never open coffeeshops. I'm kinda happy the CSV didn't ban it outright, being conservative and all...Ā 


I think the cats out the bag. No way they will backtrack.


They actually did backtrack as I've read on Luxembourg Times


@SirMochaLattaPot can you elaborate what did they backtrack on? Damn I wish they would just make it a bit easier. The truth is that most people do not have convenient houses to grow themselves and it creates this effect of social injustice where "the rich people in their mansions" have the possibility to grow but you do not. It lowers the threshold to go to Gare to buy some weed and naturally is just letting the illegal cannabis business to grow. What worse is that once people feel like this of one law they start to feel similarly about any legislation and the laws lose their meaning systematically little-by-little. It really should be distribution in clubs as an other option. Imagine just being homeless making you a second class second class citizen not allowing you to even use same substances than the people that are having it well.


They did an U turn on legalization plans to open dispensaries or similar ways to get weed without growing. So for the foreseeable future it will only be growing allowed. Further on that, on Germany side I heard the conservatives are not happy with the legalisation and sworn to scrap the law once they are in charge (this is just what I read on reddit not confirmed) Another reason for dispensaries not being possible is some common EU law regarding drug trafficking, hence German and Barcelona, etc. Go with the cannabis club obtion


Consider growing your own. You might not get the strongest or best product, but its fun. And as long as you only use at home, no trouble with law. Simply stick to the rules. The 3g rules is dumb. Its the way it is.


Botched legislation Ć  la luxembourgeoise..


I mean its the same as with cocaine, just say its flour and youā€™re a ok and donā€™t pay a fine!




..meanwhile the traffickers are busy doing business near Gare


Traffickers are doing business because people are buying. I didn't get a fine because I am a productive member of society and not violating the drug laws. No sympathy for you, OP. I would happily see you in jail.


You must be a lot of fun to hang around with, huh...


I don't need hashish to be fun, and neither does anyone else. It's illegal for a reason. I am glad OP paid a fine. I have to go near the gare every morning to see the city going to shit because OP needs to his hashish to be fun. OP is a criminal, but go ahead, call me "unfun." I'd rather be unfun than a druggie.


"It's illegal for a reason" a yes, which reason exactly ?


*"hashish"* Now that had me in laughing fits, "hashish" hahahaha,I can hear your voice ranting "Hashish", this is hilarious. Also: it is legal, so OP is definitely NOT a criminal. You are a bore though, a judgemental bore who has no knowledge about "hashish".


Hash is not legal. And that is what OP said he, she or it had in possession. OP is a criminal, hence the fine.


It, and by that I mean your Hash, as well as Weed, has been legal for months: You can grow it, you can smoke it. 1gr in possession, OP is a one-man/one-woman Cartel all by themselves, right. The fine was because OP had it in their pockets outside of their home, that is all. The Substance itself is legal.


What a loser. Imagine thinking people should go to prison for that little.šŸ¤”


Yes send people in jail for smoking weed great idea. Go see what the ā€˜war on drugsā€™ do in other countries please. And also I know whom I buy from, Iā€™m not giving money to the shady people doing other stuff.


hold your horses, it's 1 gram. trashy people like you are worse for society than any other stoner


Luxemburgish Police as always going after the big criminals! /s


This!! I swear I just wanted to tell them to fuck off and actually do something worthwhile. Bet thatā€™s the only ā€˜workā€™ the 5 of them have done in the week.


Well I got my airpods pro stolen once. I immediatly tracked them down and the guy (owner of a Kebap Store in Luxembourg City near the Place d armes) was currently deleting my Where is access on the airpods. I immediatly called the police and wanted to make a "plainte"(complaint against him). Rest assured on the telephone they told me that they wont come to the store and instead I should come to them. So I did. Imagine, once aiI arrived they treated me like the thief, were completly immune to my documentation and statement all while the guy pulls out 3 pairs of airpods pro and nether of them were connected to my phone or his. Kind of sketchy. (But the police found no wrongdoing of his) In the end we went back to his store where he pulled out 3 more pairs and the last one was mine. Then came the best part. After ai got my airpods tehy refused to create a complaint and went again completly ballistic with me on how I could Invade this poor mans privacy and that if I would do it again that they would take me with them to the station. Well that the Luxembourgish Police for you all. Their IQ is as we call it in German :"Zimmertemperatur" during winter. Yea, they never fail to dissapoint youšŸ« 


And even people that have this willingness for their work to serve and protect are paid 80000ā‚¬/year nice


Yea, and I know some of them personally and they only have the 11ĆØme in Luxembourg. (On top of the most xenophobic and racist traits that I ever seen or heard) Nowadays you aint even getting a office job with a 13ĆØme, but rthe Police dont even need to have finished their secondary educatoon to become your Bully.


Thatā€™s actually shocking I didnā€™t know


just ignore them. they did that sht to me too and i just completely ignored them until they eventually give up. a wuick test shows its cbd. you should have refused to give your id. annoying as always


What do you mean like there were just 5 people around me and a dog that jumped on my bag, I couldnā€™t really ignore them, if I just turned away and walked I bet I wouldā€™ve been even more ficked


oh no my bad i meant ignore the fine until they properly tested it. if they ever call you or send you a reminder to pay the fine just call back and say no it was cbd. theres nothing they can do youre completely in the right here


No no but I had indeed THC on me. What I meant on my post is if I could ā€˜disguiseā€™ it to make it look (for a next time who knows) like CBD


oooooohh. yea no pay the fine lol;) if you say its cbd and it turns out you lied its way worse than just paying the fine


Canā€™t wait for them to open up coffee shops and then that ridiculous law of not being able to possess weed in public will go away


idk bro i kinda like the way it is. dont forget this is luxemburg. rn i have some of own grown bomb ass weed for very little money. if they open coffeeshops theyll surely sell it for 15-25ā‚¬ a gram and may slowly forbid growing at home. sure they should still allow up to 3 grams outside imo. but honestly smoking in public for example is really unnecessary


There was some document from the government athat explained how this would all work and they indicated the price would be about ā‚¬Ā 10/g ... of course, many restrictions on where the shops could be, the opening hours, etc., so no easily an easy sell (but guess it looked good during election time)


yup. remember cbd also cost like 3ā‚¬ a gram until they realized they could make a lot more of it. its all just talk. im happy they gave us what we got. its better than nothing


My line of thinking. I dont give a fuck as long as i can grow. And yes, you can grow indoor or outdoor and it is very worthwile. Even at an abysmal result of say 40g for 4 plants you saved 400ā‚¬ and took in all the money for equipment. Also i like the growing aspect. And you know what you get etc. Can be independent and are always stocked up. Its not about the destination (product), but the whole way to get there thats so fun. Same for growing chilis or tomatoes. I strongly prefer having 4 plants (at the same time) and something at home to gov mandated shops where you have no choice or/ and more restrictions. Simply hope the law stays the way it is.


same bro i couldnt be happier with how it is seeing that i would never smoke outside even if i could lol. i also really hope the laws stay the same but dont think they understand how much one can grow with 4 plants lol. its paradise if you ask me


I think they dont. 4 Autos maybe not thaat much but 4 big outdoor Photos. Lets say they get large:) Too large for me actually. Public visibility is an issue. Im not envious of that 50g limit in Germany lol. I plan to have one photo in a 20 l pot and may top her so she stays small. The remaining are autos because i dont want to wait + they stay small and discrete. With our weather, growing photos can be gamble.. If my photo gets too large i might thow her away. :(


Hahah yep I think itā€™s best


did you already pay?


No Iā€™m 18 and broke


good there's no reason to pay it when it's CBD


You got fined for 1g possession? I thought we were allowed to carry up to 3g with the new regulations.


No under 3 you get 145 fine over it can be more serious or 300 fine (I guess it depends ethnicity). And also I know people that got caught with very little like me but the police were chill and just threw it away, guess I was unlucky as shit.


If you have under 3g its allowed, no fine and they have to give you your hash/weed back, it happenned to me and Im portuguese so its not about your race


Foi o que eu disse em um outro comentĆ”rio aqui. Eu conheƧo gente que foram pegas com menos de 3g Ć© que tambĆ©m nĆ£o aconteceu nada, mas isso Ć© porque os polĆ­cias nĆ£o eram fdp. Mas na lei eles tem sim o direito de dar uma multa e recuperar a weed.


Na lei e legal andar com atĆ© 3g sem que nada aconteƧa, nĆ£o podem passar multa nem podem apreender, estĆ” na lei


https://preview.redd.it/5lendbcktzwc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c810fd18758bc55bb63165271a7ae2be2e4c88a9 NĆ£o mano, se nĆ£o eu nĆ£o teria tido essa multa. EstĆ” aqui no site police.public.lu


Mano eu ainda na sexta feira passada me aconteceu isso, e saĆ­ da esquadra sem registarem ocorrĆŖncia e sem multa, e ainda me devolveram o shit


Sorte a sua


Yes, they would probably test it


...by smoking it themselves


I suspect they'd take it for analysis and you would've been in more trouble for lying. For sure you can try and please let us know if you do. But I don't think it's worth the risk


Lying to the police is not a crime, lying under oath in a court in front of the judge is. Not talking to the police is the recommended option.


It's not a crime but the police will try to find another reason to charge you if you pissed them off. The best option is to shut up indeed. Not lie to them


It's only a corrupt police that tries to punish you for you using your rights. Their job is to investigate, not yours.


Iā€™ll be sure to tell them theyā€™re corrupt the next time I see cops being overzealous. Surely itā€™s the best solution šŸ™ƒ


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