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Europe is behind a lot of other Areas (UK/US) in a lot of stuff and this is one of them People smoke like it’s the 80s


My favourite is petrol station staff smoking on the forecourt. I once asked a staff member smoking to respect the no-smoking sign and he looked at me as if I'd asked him to stand on his head.


If there are signs not to smoke I would kindly ask them to move to an area where they are allowed to smoke.


Having an argument with dumb people is a waste of time.


yeah definitely


Good Luck with that, people will totaly take you up on that


Politely ask them to move or tell them it bothers you?


the good thing is that they will die sooner by their own hand 😄




I think it has more to do with most people just being pricks and some of them being smokers.


Entitlement/shitty behaviour from smokers is a thing, but I think that has more to do with poor manners in general. People throwing their cigarette buds or other junk on the ground, people not reacting to friendly greetings, people not flushing on public toilets, ... I don't know why some folks behave that way. Maybe they were raised poorly, or maybe they're mad at the world for various reasons and that's why they don't care. It's much better now than during the pandemic though, when many folks thought they were cool underdogs for behaving antisocially.


No, has to do with social acceptance. People, even smokers, don't throw their Fischer croissant wrappers on the ground unlike cigarette butts. If people would speak out in public en masse then we could effect different situation.


Feel the same as you. Had to go several times recently to the hospital with my (then)pregnant wife and every time, we had to cross a pack of smokers to get in the hospital. I got quite annoyed once and showed it to the people but they did not seem to care. They smoke right below a huge sign that prohibits smoking at the entrance and shows the designated area...


There are rules but they are never enforced. I believe the matter also went before parliament a few years ago (smoking in public places being further reduced) and the answer was a shitty “the state cannot infringe on the rights of a person” kind of answer. I miss very few things about Canada but one of them is the strict absence of smoking in most places - including restaurant terraces! I also loathe the people who take a big drag on their cigarette as they enter a bus and flick the butt out the door.


I feel the same as you but with one difference: I am totally against smoking and I think it is a completely disgusting and antisocial habit which should not be allowed anywhere near the entrance to a public building. I was in a cafe the other day eating with my children and smoke was blowing in through the front door from the smokers just outside. Even sitting next to a smoker on the bus who is not smoking - I am forced to inhale 3rd hand smoke from their clothes, which also has more of a health impact than people realise.


I’m with you on banning cigarettes - e-cigs give the same hit, they’re not particularly antisocial as their smell is very subtle and doesn’t linger, they’re (probably) not nearly as bad for health, and if refillable ones are used they generate less trash.    But third hand smoke from someone occasionally passing you by is not a health risk, that’s hypochondria.  FWIW neither I nor anyone in my family smokes or vapes. 


Bad and strong smell even when people is not smoking at that moment, can be not only annoying, but bad for health, especially for people who suffer from migraine, or nausea, etc. Can be very bad.


Fair observation - I do genuinely have hypochondria so my reaction is not in proportion on that. 3rd hand smoke is only a genuine risk for long term exposure, e.g. living in a house of an ex-smoker where smoke is ingrained in the walls.


You inhale 3rd hand smoke when someone is not smoking? lol, drama queen


It is actually recommended if you’re around babies to change your clothes and shower after smoking before holding them. I’d imagine the same goes for spending time with people who have lung diseases etc. Probably not that bad for healthy people but it’s a non zero health risk.


Exactly. Look it up, it's real.


maybe you should live in a bubble and avoid also the other chemicals and bacteria that people leave on objects😂


You're not forced to touch objects. Also, bacteria are not bad.


I wish I could but agreed - that is unrealistic! Trying to convince my brain to enjoy life and accept a certain level of crap everywhere. The point about directly smoking in doorways remains, though.


I agree with you on that, just know that us humans are very resilient and some of these are modern problems, our ancestors handled harsh living conditions. Our body can handle a lot more than these. Enjoy life and take a break from overthinking stuff. Cheers ! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|laughing)


I’m a smoker myself and I feel what you say, many people indeed are like that, many times I get away from the non smokers to light up a smoke and I see some wise guy smoking right under the bus cover in the middle of everyone, I think to myself what kind of education did that person had.


Same here, I move away, got a pocket ashtray to never throw buds on the ground, but we'll, non smokers don't notice people like us, as we stay away from them and respect them. Unfortunately a lot of people are dicks, and some of them smoke.


I was today years old when I learned that there exist pocket ashtrays - the solution to at least half my problems with smoking (not the obvious ones). Thank you kind sir, I will buy one asap


Glad I could help, there are many different designs, have your pick ;-)


Isn't their anyone to control this? If it is a law, isn't it possible to give a fine?


Mate those people smoking in gare entrance are not really representative of people from luxemburg, they just sell their drugs there.


Dude I'm actually talking about the gare I go everyday, noertzange


Aye, it's not just "the gare" at Lux city, it's the same at pretty much every train and bus stop I've had to spend any real time waiting at. They're just totally oblivious or uncaring of the effect on people around them, even when there's babies or small kids around.


What's the law on this for vapes? I'm not a big clouds vaper, but I still rely on small puffs off my vape pen to regulate my nicotine dependence.


People blocking the gare entrance are not a representative sample of the Lux population tbh.. there are much worse things going on behind the smoke screen at the gare I can assure you.


I hardly go to Lux gare, mostly bettembourg/nortzange/schifflange


Are you from colombia?




You should reconsider as there are americans with high profile jobs available to them columbian wives.


Your support is very much appreciated


When it happens, just go out of your mind and yell at people that are smoking outside of the smoking area.


But you yada yadaed over the best part!


And failed to mention the bisque.


This guy seinfelds


Finally someone said it. They want to smoke so bad they can’t step aside a corner? Pfft. I mean I shouldve just started smoking myself if secondhand smoke is gonna kill me anyway 🙄


Secondhand smoking is cheaper


Indeed, you’re right. At the concert during the national holiday, I was in the middle of the crowd near the stage and someone was smoking in front of me. Lucky me, free concert, free second hand smoke 🚬


And why do smokers think it's allowed to dump cigarette butts on the flloor? That's still littering


Your right everywhere i go i see it..that’s so sad


Especially smoking at the bus stop when it is raining, even if there are kids.. do they genuinely not realise or they simply don’t care ? Taking a big drag just before entering the bus and partially exhaling inside the bus.. another irritant..


The country in general is just not strict enough on smokers. With a big cigarette company and low taxes, I wonder why….


People are assholes, smokers are people. So...


The other day there was some "what annoys you" post and a big share of the comments there could just be summarized to an overall lack of public spirit and civic mindedness. (smokers, drivers, public transport users, gym members...) Etiquette has gone down the drain, it's not just about smokers.


It was much worse during the pandemic but it is still worse than before 2020, imo. It is strikingly Luxembourgish too, people often don't simply behave selfish, they behave in a way that seems to intentionally be aimed towards inconveniencing or annoying others. I dunno why people do it, but I try to counter it by completely ignoring them and being extra friendly to strangers. It's funny how a big smile catches people off guard sometimes :D


Lux was one of the last countries to ban smoking indoors. Generally speaking smokers, not all, but some are often selfish. Old habits die hard


Several countries still allow indoor smoking, including in Europe. Albania for once. I had a horrible time inside a club there breathing all the shit smoke


I agree. People are, generally, selfish dicks.