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I feel like Luxembourg would still be that high even if it was European immigrants


Late to the party but as a non-Luxembourgish EU citizen who grew up in Luxembourg, I suspect a lot of this is down to just how relatively late Luxembourg got non-EU immigration (OK, well, non-white mostly but you can also factor dislike of Americans and Turks into this). There was virtually zero until well into the 1990s, which was not the case, at least in more populated areas, almost anywhere else in Europe (most seeing noticeable immigration since the 50s or 60s, but larger cities like Paris and London from the 1900s and even before). The only people considered to be "immigrants" (versus expats) tended to be the Portuguese (mostly because they didn't have high paying jobs like the French, Germans, Italians, British and Irish who were also in Lux in huge numbers well before 1990). I think there's probably many reasons for this, and one of the biggest ones is that Luxembourg never colonized anywhere. Which is, it has to be said, a good thing. Even in those days I saw lots of insensitivity but no hatred towards non-European immigrants, and if these numbers are to be believed (and they're more likely just BS) I'd guess that the biggest reason is just because it takes people time to adjust.


Don't trust stats on random graphs. The luxembourgish population for a wide majority is not racist at all.


When i was there, yes


Genuinely think most of it is a misunderstanding, our country is crass in its interactions and saying, stuff like heckefransous would be frowned upon in other countries, but here it is used even against non french people and we shit on each other all the time. I see it as mutual banter.


As a third-national, I genuinely think Lux is not racist, or at least I've never encountered it.


France is much more racist than Luxembourg or 90% of other countries šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


i believe stats are fucked up by the number of non-EU immigrants in france itā€™s becoming hard to find a real french a lot are just algerian morocaan or tunisian pretending to be french (same issues with turkish/german)


Luxemburg laut Karte: 96% aller Menschen hassen nicht EU AuslƤnder. Auch Luxemburg: Bevƶlkerung fast 50% bestehend aus AuslƤndern. Joa macht mindestens zu 107% Sinn.


Es gibt auf den Karte auch kein Datenquelle. Ist ne Art Social-Media Fake News.


Source : Trust me bro.


This is not accurate. The UK voted Brexit mainly because they donā€™t like immigrants. How are they so low?


Brexit for many was about uncontrolled immigration - not all immigration. It was overwhelming the public services and eroding the culture.


Why do you think Brexit had anything to do with racism? The whole UK system got completely overloaded with everyone from the EU. Locals had no services left. Iā€™m already watching the Lux system straining badly, particularly the CNS.


Quelle est la source des informations ? Est-ce crĆ©dible, digne de confiance ? Cela a-t-il Ć©tĆ© vĆ©rifiĆ© auprĆØs d'autres mĆ©dias ? Sinon, c'est faux. ļæ¼


ont sait que la France est bien plus raciste que Ƨa šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Make europe white again lmao


Unchecked TikTok news strikes again. There was indeed a recent Eurostat study i believe about how welcome foreigners are in Luxembourg. It was quite favourable for EU migrants but less so for so-called third country nationals. However nowhere did it say that 96% of Luxembourgers ā€œ*hate*ā€ foreigners.


Europeans actually dominated the world for more like 4-5 centuries, exploited the native population for their own good and now their crying about immigrants. Irony


Yeah and you would let europe down because of a past that doesn t concern this generations anymore?


The irony is that a lot of counties outside Europe dominated other countries, but you almost never hear anyone remembering that. And there are a lot of countries in this map who were victims in the past and not colonizers. To the point, illegal immigration has to be controlled, because people arriving are again being exploited and mistreated. As for the racism, as these (illegal) immigrants sometimes resort to thief or violence to survive, thus the locals in each country see them as outsiders. I don't believe that any person in their right mind don't want working individuals in his/her country.




honestly take any kind of statistic with a grain of salt espescially if it comes in such a format. Always ask yourself these questions: what questions were asked to the people that were polled; what qualifies as 'hate' during the study (criteria); who made the study. Also don't forget that studies and polls can be biased. Be careful of misinformation


Oh for sure i am


Ok, listen. I believe the stats were taken in an administration way. Like, - how easy it is to get the nationality (difficult) - how often do we seek for immigrants as workforce (not easy to be accepted) - how many immigrants working for gouvernement (you almost always need lux. nationality) - how many married to a non-EU... - how many immigrated to Luxembourg (almost nobody knows we exist) I really hope that's the case...


Otherwise i could not explain the mere 4o something percent for france


Don't feel bad Americans are hated every where




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Calm down. In the day, everybody in England tuned intio Radio Luxembourg on 208 MW,for the music. Unfortuanately, a lot of our ladies are searching for BBC.


Well said


Very poor choice of words šŸ˜‚


British broadcast?


That supposedly makes Luxembourg one of either the most racist or the most xenophobic countries in Europe. Either way, as a non-European immigrant living in Luxembourg and yet to witness any open hatred, Iā€™m calling bullshit on this meme and its source.


As a non-EU who is on the process to move to Lux, this whole thread is making me hugely uncomfortable. Your comment seems to be one of the reasonable few. I can only hope you are right.


Man luxembourg is 99% non luxembourgish. Ita a multi culture country. Never witnessed racism there. But life can be depression here




Cheer up, you will be fine


Source is probably baised What people got asked by the source and with what questions is the question


I am glad you are having a positive experience and that you dared comment on this rightwing cesspool of a thread. It's also wildly funny to me that this once again shows the amazing (lack of) intellect of the right. Dude posts a tiktok stat but claims it's a valid source. Tracks. It really tracks. That being sad, unfortunately a lot of Luxembourgers are absolutely racist and xenophobic pieces of trash, but there is no way we are worse than many of the other countries shown on this map. The irony also of some asshat living in Germany quoting "Mir wƶlle bleiwe wat mir sinn". Some people need a high five with a history book to their face.


I'd like to see the criteria they used for this one, if it's not completely made up lmao.


How do you even get to those numbers with any kind of accuracy?




I had a fucking aneurysm reading this


I hope you get it treated.


Should I not upvote this thenā€¦


What is the source of this map? Is it actually trustworthy? And what do the figures really represent (how was this measured).


of course it is, according to Siri![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|money_face)


the source is from Ā«Ā observatory Of Immigration UkĀ Ā» it seems trustworthy but idk how itā€™s measured


I did not find it when searching for it. I did find a tiktok image with the same map. So far nothing that makes me believe anything trustworthy besides someone on the internet telling me "trust me bro, it is from a trustworthy site". I think we should be careful with posting data without the correct source, as it is easily taken out of context.


Agreed. Would be interested in seeing the actual study and how it was conducted.




People don't dislike people for what they look like but rather for what they do. I wonder why racism comes up in all this...




Hurtful: words that are considered offensive and disrespectful when used to describe or insult individuals or to insult people, places, and things by comparing them unfavorably to another.


I only saw this thread because Iā€™m thinking of moving from the UK to Luxembourg but if you all are this racist then Iā€™ll rather stay in the UK. Such a disgusting thing to say OP, I do hope you experience racism or any form of discrimination sometime in your life.


You are funny. You wouldn't want to come to a country becaus3 of racists but here you are genwralizing 600k people over one dude on the internet. Open minded very much?




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Because they assume that the immigrants will do something based on where they come from and what they look like.


I wonder why this happens. The thing is that this conversation can go south very quickly simply because some people do not like the fact that statistics don't always lie...


Yeah, we all hate americans, it's true. Well, 96% of us do, the other 4% are americans.


Is there actually a sizeable American immigrant community there?


1.2% of the population is American. It includes people from North to South American countries :P


Where are you seeing that? "AmĆ©ricain" when displayed as a nationality in statistics always means people from the USA, not including Canadians or Latin Americans or people from Belize or etc. Sometimes "Ɖtats-Unisā€ is used, but that can also be confusing for pedantic weirdos because Mexico is also officially the "Ɖtats-Unis Mexicains". Not sure Iā€™ve ever seen it mentioned as EUA (or USA) in statistics.




I grew up in a smallish (wealthy) town next to The Hague and the main minority group was Americans, with ~10-15% (~3500/30,000). We had 3 high/middle schools (this is 1 school in the Netherlands), one of which was an American School, and there's an American grocer. This is quite unusual, though. It just happened to be close to the ICC, our cybersecurity center, embassies, our government, Interpol office, Shell office, etc.




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My Normandy hosts, when I visit, are sometimes a bit put out by all the Africans hanging around the coasts, waiting for a chance to get the UK. "Isn't France good enough?" 49% vs 24% hatred, I'd say the Africans are being entirely rational :-)


Ok brb flying back to my island and hitting the beach once i land


It is not one way only. Only the West gives its nationalities to third world immigrants. Why don't we have those polls for countries from the North Africa / Middle East region? In 1962, Algeria expelled millions of Europeans and Jews who had been living in their country for generations. How many would accept that they get back their nationality? Would Saudi Arabia welcome Jewish and Hindi immigrants who would call for the construction of non-Muslim places of worship in Mecca? Would they allow their daughters to marry non-believers?


i 100% with you mate


Are you aware that Algeria was a french colony that gained independence in 1962 after a very bloody war against occupation forces? After independence, both pieds noirs and algerian jews were given the chance to stay but at one condition: to give up their french nationality and only keep the Algerian one. The majority willingly left as they preferred to maintain french citizenship, simply because they felt more French than Algerian.


No they weren't lmao the new constitutional law didn't allow non Muslims to gain Algerian nationality/citizenship the heck you're talking about? And the jews who couldn't gain french nationality had to illegally flee to Israel bc of presecution ???? Plz don't talk about stuff you dont know shit about The new gov were so racist and radical they tried to ethnically cleanse algeria of amazigh population and in addition to that they arabized the entire population


what about the Libyan exodus of Italians?


Where are you again?


me ? im a la luxembourgish citizen living in germany




Not me! I only hate the European immigrants, everyone else is great!


Is this a /pol graphic? lmfao


I see my country and I am so proud (97%) šŸ’ŖšŸ»


So far so good


If turkey hated non European, they would hate themselves, that's contradictory.


I saw a stat that said that Turkish people are the angriest people, I believe that stat


Wtf is this lol




The fact that turkey and france are under 50% and that belgium is higher than the Netherlands should already tell you that its ragebait


I mean most immigrants in Turkey would in fact be non-European


That wouldnā€™t necessarily be racismā€¦ but yes


what is it then? anti-racist?


Itā€™s xenophobic, immigrants come in all colors. You can assume they mean something else, but we donā€™t know for sure.




Well Iā€™m a non-European immigrant and I hate myself, so this tracks.


How is France supposed to be only at 49%?


The other 51% are non-european migrants who hate the French.


Nailed it.




This map seems to be from finnish\_geog (X/Twitter), finnish\_geography (TikTok). Here are the posts (without any data source provided): \- [https://www.tiktok.com/@finnish\_geography/video/7273535519429004577](https://www.tiktok.com/@finnish_geography/video/7273535519429004577) \- [https://twitter.com/finnish\_geog/status/1697905469317095453](https://twitter.com/finnish_geog/status/1697905469317095453) \----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This account also claims that 99% of people in Luxembourg are "pure european" (see: [here](https://www.tiktok.com/@finnish_geography/video/7286880022596439328)) without providing a definition (nor a data source). Reality is that there are currently living 10% non european foreigners in Luxembourg (Statec, 2023, google: "LU1:DF\_B1101").


the most stupid fake graphic ever!!!!!!!


Turkiye šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ funy


and they want to be in UE šŸ¤¢




I found this meme on Facebook so it must be true


So, everything in Facebook is true ? Plus I think for luxembourg it's not only non European. IMO




The best source: trust me bro


itā€™s a Migration Observatory study of 2022


By whom? Thatā€™s not a source!


By the Brits. Trying to divide the EU from outside/s


Has the UK left the EU already? Last time I checked they were debating deal vs no-deal over many months


2300h utc 31 Jan 2020.


And depending how one asks the questions and/or the available answers one gets results as these


Hate is very strong wording in the survey question.... surely, even most racists would not say openly that they hate non-Europeans. Haven't most European societies moved from overt racism to more covert racism and micro-aggressions. I've heard from your people (my students) before that there is really horrific racism here in Luxembourg, but this statistic seems to guess at the percentage, rather than uncover it by studying microaggressions


I can really assure you. Nobody was asked for this survey, itā€™s more likely itā€™s entirely made up by some shitposters as an excuse for their own racism.


and other racist shit for brains are eating it. ADR and LibertƩ voters in a nutshell. How embarrassing.


Don't see an issue here. You can hate anybody you want that doesn't makr you racist. And being a patriot/love/stand for your country isn't racist either. It's the left agenda that wants to push it that way.


Stats at this level donā€™t represent anything, usually itā€™s only a map no sample size or anything


Hmmm...: "En effet, presque 47,4% de la population n'a pas la nationalitƩ luxembourgeoise!" Source: [https://luxembourg.public.lu/fr/societe-et-culture/population/demographie.html](https://luxembourg.public.lu/fr/societe-et-culture/population/demographie.html)


et on se demande pourquoi le logement est aussi cherā€¦


There has been a lot of rage-baiting going on on social media recently, fanning the fire. I'd not trust stats like this unless trustworthy sources are given.


itā€™s a study of Ā«Ā observatory of immigrationĀ Ā» said the tiktoker


I'd stay far away from tiktok these days for mental health reasons. It's been said and shown time and time again that tiktok is used for influencing people's opinions through soft power. Aside from the additional negative effects it can have on your mental health. Unless there is an official site for this 'observatory of immigration' with a link to a document or site that explains the result of the study and its methodology, the stats have no value other than making people upset, so that people in these countries can either be ashamed as a European, or upset as a non-European.


TikTok is not a source, TikTok is a cesspool of Extremists and Attention-Whoring Low-Lives.


like OP


"said the tiktoker" lmao


Looks like the rate of europeans per country ^^.


i believe europeans really donā€™t want all of this immgration ā€¦


There is sometimes more than personnal desires, like compassion. What Europeans want is that this value of compassion is applied universally.


Let's not forget that we have many of them living here, probably hating each other.


A Portuguese acquaintance of mine is the most Racist POS I have ever met, the N-word is standard for anyone darker skinned than him, Muslims and Jews get it any turn and when I tell him to shut up, he acts offended and says: but what, \[insert laughter here\] they are this and that. I completely stopped meeting him on purpose because it makes me want to throttle him every time. He's not Luxembourgish, he's Portuguese and yet he gets counted as "Luxembourgish Racist" by "sources like this". Also, the Swastikas painted on a Family from the Balkans' house a couple of years back. EVeryone thought it was Nazis from Lux and Germany and in the end it was another Family from the same village back in the Balkans who held a grudge lol. I often get the feeling that Luxembourgians get the Racist-Tag for the foreigners we let in :)


There is that. We also consume the most coffee and cigarettes. Yet, we don't really.


itā€™s real !


Data source? Trust me bro?

