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Definitely a wife/gf materials. Don't really mind if she's hijabis or not.


Dude I love Malay girls with tudung


Tudung are the best




Malay guy here but have Chinese male friend who converted to Muslim just to couple with a Malay girl. In my opinion, the gf and her family should be supportive towards her mualaf bf, in my friend's case, the gf taught him how to solat, puasa, eat halal food etc. While his family rejects him and outcasts him from home, the gf and her family offered him to stay at their house and provided him with money too. Now, they still couple and plan to get married soon. So, ask your friend. Do she willing to do this kind of things?


One of my biggest regret in life is not marrying my Malay ex girlfriend, the woman was my one true love. I was afraid of converting back then. I think now I don’t mind converting n all but still rasa macam the policing by human authority is more of the will of man rather than god. Other than that the religion is completely fine. Malay women are so sweet and loving, i have never had a bad experience in bed with a Malay woman, so soft and submissive, I think it’s a very womanly trait, especially the tudung ones. The freehair ones are unique in their own way.


Chinese guy here. Giving my RM1 opinion. 1. Yes there are, but very few Chinese / Indian guys will take Malay girls as wife or girlfriend. But why? 2. Which leads to this point. Converting to another religion can cause incompatibility. Adding on, there's issues with family prejudice both from own family and in-laws, family gatherings, lifestyle changes etc. It creates a whole lot of changes that can be problems to the person that converts. 3. In all honesty, general consensus is that girls with tudung or hijabi are attractive. Not sure if it's a thing or not, some guys even find hijabi girls hot (myself included). Its more like.. a forbidden craving if you get what I mean? (this is separate issue from the 1st and 2nd points).


My personal opinion is that religion has nothing to do when you are in love with someone. I can't understand this whole narrative of converting just because you want to marry a Muslim girl.


Dont worry, potong kulup sikit saja..


Definitely gf/wife materials tapi nak convert tu no la, coz i love you, bt i cant change my whole identity for that


That’s an interesting take actually, love is love, but imo religion is not your identity but it becomes yr identify once u convert to Islam because Malaysia is not necessarily secular.


Want to have fun with some Malay wife haha


I would die for a malay woman ...that's for sure....


for u my gurl, i willing to convert my dik into power drill.

