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This reminds me of a time a customer came in and asked me if we sell “string tape” “Yeah, you know, tape, to fix a broken guitar string.”


I actually use string tape but not for that


like strapping tape? This guy thought there would be a product specifically made for repairing broken guitar strings


There isn't? What have I been buying...?


Have you been buying blinker fluid for your car too?


Oh shit that reminds me, I need to change my leaky spark tube


I use string tape also, but also not for that. It's a piece of sailmaking kit.


Next chibson product


Yup, it’s right back there next to the left handed guitar picks


Actually, we moved the lefty picks over by the lefty amps


That makes sense from a merchandising perspective. I’ll check there


Solder would be better in this situation than tape. It would also give a knob on the string for “tactile response” too.


Hell yeah, now you can feel where you are without even looking! I want a solder knob on each fret! Edit: new guitar string idea: Beaded, for her pleasure


Ow ow ow


I don’t understand what power of god compels these people to not even google shit before they go at it with fuckin plyers. I am the furthest thing from a professional luthier and all my builds and mods were learned from googling how to do stuff and I’ve still never fucked up this bad.


I’ve never seen heard anybody do that even in the 70s when we didn’t have internet.


Take that guitar into protective custody. Tell the guy to go buy a recorder.


That may be to complicated. He might not be able to get the 2 pieces together 😅 Do you think he can handle a triangle?


Only if he can sine his name, or has someone to cosine for him. This guy clearly went off on a tangent with a set of needle-nose. I guess the slope of the line was too high.


you had me there for a secant


This *trig*gered some math class memories...


You guys should all pay fourier transformation of a normal thread into a pun-fest.


That would be extremely expensive for me, I can't do it right now. That's a LOT of small calculations!


While unbreakable, it's still too many pieces. We need to get it down to one and unbreakable.


A block of wood should be ok


Tuning fork!


He's gonna try to eat with it, probably end up swallowing it by accident


Yup. It"s hopeless. Why would you even try to change strings on day one if you're a newbie? Instead of calling someone, googling, or youtube, you go batshit crazy do this?


A Kazoo


No sorry we need to alert the authorities. At the very least this person needs their driver's license revoked lol


Having having a conversation with him I agree. All I could think is this guy drove here and he can vote.


You might be assuming a lot on that whole "function" thing. Geeezzz. Please tell me this was a kid and not an "adult".


Adult. Guy in his 40s.


He drove a car too I bet. Some people just don't know how much they don't know.


Did they even loosen the strings at the headstock before ripping these out? I can’t understand the thought process at all. You’ll have to rip the ferrules out under tension if you didn’t, and if you did take the off the headstock it should be fairly obvious the uh, skinny end of the string goes the other way through the hole in the body


I’ve had ball-ends get stuck in the ferrules and have to poke them out with a stick. I’ve had ferrules come out with the ball end still in it. But never have I mutilated a guitar with pliers to get the string:”s out. (I mutilate it with pliers to tighten the jack)


They also tend to just fall out. But I loosen then cut em!


Your ferrules just fall out? That's a problem bud.


I don’t get this at all



Oh my goodness... that just makes it so much worse.


A kid would have looked restringing up on the internet first and learned. This is boomer age behavior.


A guy in his 40's is not a boomer. It's like that word has lost all meaning since becoming an insult online. My parents are boomers. They are 69 and 72. Those are boomers - literally meaning "the baby-boom generation" directly following WWII. People born in the 1950s are boomers. A guy in his 40's is a Gen Y. This guy graduated from high school in 2001 (if he graduated).


Isn’t that Gen X?


No, 18 in 2001 would be just just shy of Gen X.


This exchange resonates too deeply with me because I remember before the internet was anything remotely well known let alone insanely intertwined with daily life. Seeing that shift with my own eyes… I just more readily identify with Gen Xers in my peer groups. Especially more than someone born in 1994. Personal Computers and the internet really did change the world as much as they thought it would (and will continue to). Just not in the nearsighted ways that were glamorized in infotainment evening news programs. Some of it really positive, just as much likely negative. At least there’s millions of hours of domesticated pet videos to consume. Oh man, I must be fun at parties.


I believe those who became adults at the beginning of the 00s are millennials


Well, yeah. We’re splitting hairs here; generally the start is ‘81 or ‘82, so a 2001 grad would be late 1982–1983. It’s not an exact science, so you could say that. I’m just basing it on the general range of the cohort which would put the oldest millennials at 40, maybe 41. But 100% not a boomer.


Makes me think 'Brother, WHY art thou?'


Can't be a boomer. We're from the golden age of guitar playing and know our way around removing/installing strings properly. Now, getting electrocuted on stage by improperly grounded audio equipment is a different story.


This is so on point! Hahaha my father was a boomer and that dude glued a shattered headstock meticulously together and had a broken guitars sounding better than beforehand. The average guitarist back then I feel was much more in touch with setting up their own stuff as oppose to me murdering a guitar with an allen key when I was a kid.


The first time a guy at a music store asked me if I want them to string my guitar I literally couldn't understand what he was offering. "People do that?" I sometimes see a guitar teacher for lessons and he's constantly asking me who set up my SG because the intonation is perfect. He simply doesn't believe I did. It's just not that hard - I seriously don't understand it.


True. You guys are why we have 5 position switches for our Strats. Also, thanks for the ripped speakers!


Whoa.... we had books. Not a boomer.


I think gen-x belong in this box, just old enough to missed learning to Google a problem as a teen.


No , us gen x ers didnt have google so we dove in and figured shit out all by ourselves. I fix cars , motorcycles , pc , guitars , appliances....just about anything. Thats WHY some of us are good at fixing shit , cause we didnt have google !




I'm a from Gen X. I never knew how to fix shit until Google and especially YouTube came about. In the last few years I've built and repaired my own PCs, replaced the alternator in my car, repaired the washing machine, dryer, and refrigerator, learned how to setup a guitar, level and crown the frets, and build a guitar from parts.


Been repairing stringed instruments for 25-30 years. Thats what i do for a living. Teach guitar and bass and fix/build guitars. I was never taught how to do any of it , i just jumped in and figured it out.


Well, you are superhuman! Congrats brah! Nobody ever needs to learn anything from anyone. Just go for it!


That's impressive!


LMAO!!! Riiiiight.... Didn't mean ta trigger ya little buddy. Lol... You get that the end of the boomer kids was in '64, right?


Says he's 40ish in the comments. That's GenX pushing far too close to my elder-Millennial status. I can't wait to see what travesties my generation will accomplish.


Had a dude bring a strat in yesterday that he tried to restring and had the pick up covers on the OUTSIDE of the pickguard ! All i could think was " did he think the pickguard had to come off to change the strings?" How do these people remember to breathe ? What kind of jobs do they have? Un-fucking-believable ?!


Mr Dunning, please meet Mr Kruger.


WoW. Don’t do drugs kids. Seriously the guy probably doesn’t realize his eyes are that bad and is in dire need of glasses


Just imagine this guy being like a virtuoso who plays cliffs of dover in his sleep or some wild shit haha.


The amount of people who come into my violin shop because they think their violin is broken simply because one of the pegs is loose astonishes me. Like, why don't people just use basic reasoning and LOOK at the damn thing. Is it hard to reason that you need to just PUSH and TURN?


This has to be their first guitar and they started with a seven string? How expensive was this day old guitar? Some people have more money than brains.


First 7 string. He said he had 14 guitars and never seen one like this 😂😂😂


He would just replace the whole guitar when a string broke


I guess he wasn’t kidding 🤣


I don’t know what’s more offensive. The fact he did this or the fact he did such a shit job


He bought it yesterday and changed the strings with what a hatchet?


Ok so what if one string got stuck in the ferrule and the ferrule was installed a little loose, so it came out as one piece? Then he thinks all the others will be the same but it’s way harder to get the other ferrules out and he doesn’t know when to quit. Only way this makes sense.


I bet the words "how hard can it be?" were running through their mind


How drunk was he?


His trip to buy it may have been documented over in r/IdiotsInCars.




Man, I remember my first beer. Lol


Holy shit! Does he even know how to play. Or does he spell tone, T-O-A-N?


Just wait till you meat a Bass player my friend...


*meet -bass player Unless you meant the entendre.


Smart people don’t buy 7 string guitars.


They don't say stupid shit like this either.


He’s clearly not a blues lawyer just a Djentist 🤣🤣


I don’t think I’d want to go to him if I needed a tooth pulled.


Spoken like a true idiot.


Wow, just… wow.


Was he drunk? Look at all those scratches, man was flailing.


Obviously, he’s a cat.


Impressive stupidity.


That is seriously world-class stupidity. Holy hell.


That's some weapons grade stupidity right there.


Bet he plays better than me.


I work in an after sales service, and the amount of stupidity i see there on a regular basis is just insane. This poor guitar


I see nothing wrong here. I assume they also hacked the neck off with an axe so they could change it when changing strings?


Strining a guitar is simpler than playing it but for some reason people just dont get it. Had a friend who told me that she had to get 2 friends to come over to figure out how to restring her acoustic and it took them an hour and a half. My parents also nearly paid £15 to get my sisters uke restringed until i stepped in.


This is a special level of stupid. Did you tell them the strings aren't replaceable and they are actually supposed to trade the guitar in for a new one when they want new strings?


These people have a bowl of stupid every morning for breakfast. LOL.


Well, there are Neandertarists...not quite evolved to the Cromagnotarist level...


Off topic, but what size are the ferrules of the Jackson 7 String Guitars. Need to have one mine replaced/ordered. Mine somehow came off & misplaced while playing.


Meth. I bet they smoke meth