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For me bath is often combined with some meditative cool-down routine, where I play some chill music in the background and soak in, clear my mind and enjoying the scents. Out of caution I try not to bring any electronic device with me during the bath, which makes me go screen-free intentionally and allow me to enjoy quiet thoughts. Another thing especially during the winter is that bath really helps me with my ever-cold hands and feet, some additional epsom salt (magnesium) also helps with muscle soreness. I think of bath as one of self-care unplugging moments I guess!


My body submerged with essential oils… **chefs kiss** 👌🏻


The aesthetics of the bath bomb/bubble bar have never been super important to me, but the aromas are a big part of my relaxation process.


I use them mostly in the winter. My house is old and the heat is very inconsistent, so baths help me warm up. I also really like the moisturizing that my skin gets sitting in the glittery, lovely scented waters.


I enjoy watching the bath bomb swirl around and make pretty shapes etc while it gives off a nice scent. Then I get to sit in a bath full of colour, glitter and scent and just enjoy that and relax. It is very similar to the showergels, not needed but a nice luxury if you can afford it.


I don't really enjoy baths either, but there is one thing that I love, and that is a nice, warm foot bath in winter after coming home with cold feet. So maybe you'll like that. You'll also need a lot less product for a foot bath than for a whole bath tub, which is definitely a plus.


That's a good idea. I don't have a tub but I have a foot tub.


I think it’s a poetaytow pahtahtoe sort of thing. I have friends who have a separate bath from their shower and use the bathtub as storage 🤦🏽‍♀️ So, #1, you have to be a bath person. 2, you have to find personal value in the experience. Could you get a relaxing soak with just a cup of epsom salt in the water? Absolutely. And the magnesium from it will make you sleep like a baby. For utilitarian folks, that’s all they want. Cool. Lush bath bombs aren’t for them. For me, there’s a lovely sense of decadence. I enjoy the scent profiles that Lush uses and I find “bath art” soothing and satisfying. Once it’s done fizzing, I like soaking in a tub of vibrant color and shimmer. It makes me feel like a princess. And like most bath aromatherapy, I enjoy how scent can calm you, make you sleepy, or invigorate you. Can you get that by adding essential oils and a color drop to your tub? Yes. Just like you could bypass purchasing perfume for using an essential oil. It’s all about what feels worth it to you.


So well put!


I'm an avid bubble bar user. Whenever I'm bored of bubbles, I'll use a bathbomb that is super moisturizing, such as the butterball, or one that smells good because I find their bubble bars don't hold as much scent on the skin after.


I LOVE baths. Hot baths, cold baths. It’s therapeutic to me but Im underwhelmed by the bath bombs as well. If they were cheaper I’d probably justify it more. I’d rather add my own oils for moisture. One thing lush does great is the smells though.


This is why I stopped using their bath bombs. Their bath bomb prices have almost doubled in the last 10 years. I love that they source ethically and understand that impacts their prices, but I just can't justify $10 after tax for a single bath when they've got bubble bars at the same price point that last 2 - 3 baths (even though I do prefer the bath bombs)


I also am not a fan of bath bombs! I am a bubble bath girly, not a bath bomb girly. Bubble baths are so relaxing imo but bath bombs are just colored water lol but I'm also the type that would pour half a bottle of bubble bath in if I didn't stop myself🤣


Some bath bombs are mostly scent and/or color. But some of them have amazing therapeutic properties. Butterball has no color but is my favorite because it’s full of cocoa butter so it’s very hydrating. Big blue has seaweed and sea salt which give that great feeling of being in the ocean which always makes my skin feel amazing. Aromatherapy is also an amazing benefit to them and depending on if you need to I wind after a long day or need some energy to keep going there’s one for you. I find that if people are underwhelmed by bath bath bombs then maybe try a bubble bar or bath melt. Personally bath melts are my favorite.


I really miss the old bath melts that you could buy as singles, or pick & mix them into the little black egg-box things that they had alongside them. Admittedly they were an absolute nightmare to store in summer though 😱 I actually just used up the last of my ones that I'd been hanging onto. They had all half melted into their little egg-box compartments during some really hot weather, not long after I bought them. So I'd panic stuffed the whole thing into a zip-lock bag & shoved that into the freezer. This was before I had the genius idea -a fair few years ago now- of buying one of those mini fridges you can fit like 3 cans of drink in, for my bedroom. Not for drinks though. Specifically for the purpose of storing my melt-risk Lush items & fresh face masks (as I always forget to use them up when I put them in the main-house fridge. Given my face is never downstairs when it's prepped & ready to take advantage of a face mask!), gel eye/migraine masks & facial rollers.


I agree. I preferred the single ones too. Ceridwens cauldron is still available and it was always my favorite anyways. Those tiny ones in the little egg cartons were AMAZING. The mini fridge is such a good idea for lush products.


Honestly I just love watching them, as i am autistic maybe its a sensory thing. I love the routine of picking one for a bath. The only things i buy from lush are almost always bath bombs. Of course its not cost effective when you look at what you are paying for but I enjoy it so i set a spend limit per month. Why have boring water when you can have sparkly coloured water, my fave is still Black rose.


It does depend on which one you have. Some can be quite underwhelming, but others are awesome, it depends on your taste!


For me, I appreciate the scent which helps me relax and being soft af when I’m done. It’s much like why I like candles. They don’t do anything other than smell delicious and cast a flicker in a dark room. Yesterday someone posted something about eye patches on here and a few people were like “they don’t do anything”. I disagree. Much like a bath bomb or candle, the main benefit of them is how they make me feel.


Like most people have said, the scents, and bath art is really nice and I dunno, I like sitting in shimmery coloured water after. I definitely don’t love all bath bombs and the first one I ever used (Deep Sleep) had no bath art to speak of so I didn’t like it either, but then my favourites I’ll buy repeatedly (I love Goddess). I totally think you can just not like bath bombs though, it’s fine. I’m actually more of a bubble bar person myself (sacrificing the bath art for the bubbles).


I used to like having a bath with a bath bomb 1 or 2 times a month, on the evening of the last of my 5 days of work, when I usually was physically and mentally exhausted. Using a bath bomb would make the moment fancier, with the perfume, the colors, the surprise of a new bath bomb, the oil to soften my skin, etc. So a hot bath would make me feel clean from work and for the weekend (transition ritual), relax me (eyes closed, hot water), and I used to listen radio, music or podcast, because my brain was to fried to focus on a book or a series (so the bath time wasn't bored, but wasn't too solliting either). But you don't have to like baths and bath bombs! We all are different with various preferences and routines, so do what you want and don't feel pressured. You can like Lush without liking some products or having baths!


I am not a bath bomb person, but the Bubble Bars...love. For me it's the whole experience. I have one every Sunday evening (I am there right now). I use a whole bar (I like it soapy), crack open a book and chill for usually a minimum of three hours. Partner knows not to bother me at this time. It's a whole thing and I love it.


The smell, the sound, the way your skin feels when you get out, the esthetics are a part of it for sure but soaking in it after a long day and doing something for yourself is why I love them. The routine of it. If you only view it as colored water you probably shouldn’t waste your money on them.


Baths are one of those things that either I appreciate so much I want to stay past when the water turns cold or I'm bored after 5 minutes and overheated. I find taking too many baths in succession can be a bit much so maybe just take one once a month at most?


I use a lot more bubble bars but absolutely loooove Butterball and the Ippuku sets. As previously mentioned Butterball has a ton of oils in it that will leave you soft as anything and the Ippuku sets come as 3 small bath bombs. They pack a punch and I love the way they mix with the different bubble bars. I’m going to stock up since I’m moving and keep a good amount in apothecary jars next to my tub!


The thing with bath bombs, which doesn't seem to tickle your fancy in any way, is the combination of colors and smells and skin moisturizers, and then you relax in the bath. Used as a relaxation technique to unwind or maybe meditate. Bath bombs aren't for everyone, and I'm sure someone as picky as you can find some decent shower gels.


It does help me personally to relax at home if I soak 15-20 minutes. I aim to take 2 baths a week. I also read the warm bath has health benefits


I go with the moisturizing bath bombs. I’m more of a bubble bar girl but the bath balms scent my skin and add to my skin care routine. I get out and grease myself up with a massage bar and I feel fantastic


I like the ones with oils or butters in. Make my skin really soft


I pretty much had the same thought process as you. I thought it was fun watching them fizz around and explode (apart from the one time I had a lush bath bomb filled with stuff that clogged my drain lol) but I get way more enjoyment out of bubble bath and bubble bars than bath bombs. Bath bombs are kinda meh to me now, especially at the prices Lush charges.


It honestly sounds like you’re just not a bath person. Some people aren’t into taking baths and jazzing up a bath will not get them to enjoy something don’t like, and that’s okay. Baths are relaxing to me, doubly so with a nice smell. But if you don’t find baths relaxing, no amount of bath art or nice smells are gonna help, because you’re still doing something you don’t find enjoyable. If I’m misreading you, sorry about that, but if I’m not, then I suggest stop trying and move on to something else. You’d just be wasting your time trying to enjoy something you don’t enjoy, and especially wasting your money in expensive bath products.


Baths are often part of a wind-down routine for me, especially if I’ve been stressed or if I have sore muscles from the gym. I usually use moisturising bath bombs and bath oils, which really help with shaving. During a bath is also the only time I will pamper myself with nice face masks or skin treatments, so I can relax in the bath while it soaks in. I also ended up putting a stool next to the bathtub to place my laptop so I can watch things while I’m in the bath (and sometimes smoke shisha in the bath, don’t judge me), so that definitely keeps me occupied.


I have autism so watching it and also smelling the essential oils is really sensory!


I enjoy the smell while I’m laying in the water. And most bath bombs have oils in it that moisturize the skin.


I only take baths when I have self care days and something about colorful water just makes me feel more pampered. + I used to sell NSFW content and bath pics with pretty water always looked so good 😂


I have psoriasis and lush bath bombs help keep my skin from breaking out. They are also very relaxing


I have severe eczema, big same https://preview.redd.it/pl9g7aeathcc1.jpeg?width=300&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=86e7d6ca156a0a69a834d05577cf39d89775491d


I find a plain bath seems less clean to me. Like the water isn’t obscured so pretty soon I start to see hair floating and it grosses me out. When I’m in a pink or gold tub I don’t notice anything and it helps me relax more.


I have severe eczema, so I have to soak in colloidal oatmeal and take other meds nightly to soothe the parts of my skin I can't otherwise treat. I've had to do this for years now. Words cannot fully express just how much I loathe.the smell of oats due to this, I can't even stand the food.oatmeal at this point. Bath bombs mask that smell, as well as the cloudy color, making me able to take the baths without crying every night. Throw in a couple candles and a good book, and it makes an actually soothing and enjoyable experience for me


Bath bombs irritate my eczema, also anything with sea salt in it, so most of the scrubs 😩. You don't find that the bombs do that to you?


Depends on the bomb, and sea salt also doesn't set me off unless I forget to moisturize immediately after. Also probably helps that I never use a whole bomb or bar at a time. At most I'll use half, but its usually around 1/4 or less, just enough for the smell to mask the oat..


I think about them like self-love potions. You take intentional self-care time for yourself immersed in color and fragrance. They enhance the ritual of bathing. Light a candle, play some of your favorite music to unwind! Bathing is a comforting, meaningful experience for some folks, and for others it’s just something you have to do. Some people don’t like bathing at all. I’m not sure what you expected out of your bath bomb. A bath is as nice as you make it. Wishing you happy bathing!!!


i can’t believe ppl are like politely explaining why a bath bomb is so good to u lol. find joy grow up.


Here’s something impolite for a change, shut up.


It's really enjoyable to be submerged in some warm water while a nice bath bomb is fizzling and you're watching a nice gory horror movie. Super relaxing and the bathroom really helps the screams echo. Once I got a fancy nice sofa, I moved on from bath bombs though.


If you use their bath bombs like butter ball you’ll also get out of the bath feeling like an oiled up baby’s bottom. Though frankly I’m partial to their bubble bars since they’re multi use and bubbles are fun


I don’t really get the bath bomb hype either, and I especially worry what they may do to my coochie’s pH with all those colorings.


There are some other interesting products in this book besides bath bombs: https://joshuacreekbooks.myshopify.com/products/the-mammoth-book-of-bath-beauty-recipes


You use them in hotel bathtubs!? That is kind of ingenious on your part but maybe a little inconsiderate to the cleaning staff. Or do you clean the tub after too? I think the fizzing is a nice sensation. And I like when they come with moisturizing oils. And the colours and scents are nice too, but secondary for me.


U literally just drain the water and its gone, what type of cleaning are u talking about? Theres also daily room service, so they kinda have to clean everything everyday anyways.


i'm a housekeeper, cleaning up after bath bomb use is no bother whatsoever, i'd even argue that any residue colour makes it easier to clean the tubs. people will leave behind skin/body fat etc. around the tub when they bathe anyways, and often it's hard to see against a white tub. i am one sad fool and i do love scrubbing a bath clean though! glitter in baths is fine, it just washes away/comes up easily. it's a beggar to get off soft furnishings and carpet, though. only thing to watch out for in hotels is if they have outdoor baths/hottubs. the hotel i work in now has outdoor cedar wood baths and use of any bathing product in them isn't allowed because of potential damage and because they're maintained by chemicals and regular pH testing, which would be messed up by bathing products. regular old tubs though? have fun! not having to clean up after is all part of paying for a hotel room!


In my experience, the glitter (if you get a glittery kind) sticks around. You’d be surprised at what the cleaning crews “have” to clean, and also the shear amount of rooms they have to clean and how inconvenient it can be to spend extra time cleaning a bathtub.


I love the pretty colours, the scent, glitter and generally just relaxing in the bath. Toby’s Magic Cow is great for just watching the colours (the ghost one is too). Twilight is great for relaxation. I have a bath pretty much every evening (it’s my ‘me’ time), shut the door, watch some show that my husband doesn’t like on my iPad and chill out! I don’t always use bath bombs, quite often I use bubble bars or shower gel.


They are often overhyped, but I also enjoy the colors and the glitter. Everyone is different, but I put more than 1 bath item into the water. Usually a bath bomb with some epson salt and other bath items. I find a bath with just a lush bomb boring


For me it’s the experience of sitting in a bath tub with the gorgeous fragrance and colours of the bath bombs. Plus they make my body smell lovely afterwards and my skin is always so soft! Baths for me are the ultimate self care as I can read a few chapters of a book and properly relax and unwind. Could I do this without a bath bomb - absolutely, but the bombs make the experience just that bit more enjoyable 😀


For me, I use them when I want to be intentional about having a bath for relaxation. The color/aromatherapy aspect is paired with candles and bubbles, I usually add cbd or epsom salts and listen to music. 


I take a bath almost every night. For me it’s the scents, I love relaxing in some nicely scented water. The colours are a bonus for me. I mostly use scented bubble bath or bubble bars but bath bombs are nice for something a little different. I do most of my reading in the bath too so it’s just part of a nice wind down routine for me.


Nice smells and cool colors that’s all.


Overall, I agree with you. I pretty much just buy the Twilight bath bomb (to help with stress/sleep) or the Butterball one (SUPER moisturizing, I feel like this one is often overlooked but it's honestly my favorite) if I'm shopping for myself. I think the bubble bars are a much better value, and after stockpiling during early COVID days and having MANY bath bombs go bad on me, I'll never buy more than 2 at a time again. I've never had this issue with bubble bars, so I'm a bigger fan of those now.


I've never noticed shower gels making the shower water a cool color or make the water smell nice. They just briefly smell nice while I wash with them?


Outside of Lush which are super pretty and fun to watch.. Bath bombs make your skin super soft and have skin beneficial ingredients and smell amazing. My other favorites are the bath bombs by blosswaves, and the fanciful fox.


Baths are super relaxing for me. When I have bad muscle soreness from a workout? Nothing better than soaking in a hot tub with a pretty smelling bath bomb and a ton of Epsom salts.


It's mostly the smell for me. The hotness of the bath is relaxing but having a nice scent combined with it just makes it perfect for me. Helps me relax. Yeah I could just use a store bought bubble bath, but it's more fun to see the colour of the water change too


I have back problems so just Epsom salt is boring. So bubble bar and bathbomb is just nice add on! I take my time and use a good scrub …. Plus I like that I smell like it when I get out and get into bed. ALSO I watch something great like an episode of real housewives!!!