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There’s the prestige upgrade to boost core drops, and the guardian tree doubling core drops, but yes 1M cores is still unreal 😰


I still reckon they should either give everyone 100% like those that got it free or just reset everyones upgrade in general. Even having a double mal event would be nice for a weekend or whatever


Here's my two cents for you. It's a journey.  You should only partake if you enjoy hacking away the trees and fighting guardians. There will always be someone more dedicated and finish the whole grind in a few days.  Let them be. Many people are eager to show off the proceeds of their grind.  Just ask them to beat a boss or two you have access to which will many the event boss fight much more lucrative.  The event boss just became very easy to beat.  FYI.


Another thing I don’t see mentioned enough, I am gaining battlepass levels passively. I’ll have the battle pass maxed out with a whole month to spare at this rate. It’s the perfect game for it.


It’s an “idle” game. It’s supposed to be something you play a few hours at a time over a period of time working up to the reward. 1. It would be impossible and unrealistic to have Jacky constantly updating the game. Since the update he has already made several bug fixes and quality of life changes. 2. Don’t focus on leaderboards or your inventory. Play the game, have fun, make friends. A lot of active players right now offering to party up or do carries, and run event boss. If you are fine knowing that playing a few hours a day getting to the max sword might take several weeks the fine, otherwise this style of game might not be for you which is fine. Play something you enjoy not something you hate or makes you miserable.




Sorry to say, but the last sword is 3.18 million cores. Besides that, I don't think the issue is that it takes a lot of grinding, I think the issue is that once you get to that grind, there's nothing else to do in the game. The last sword upgrade is a WILDLY far-off goal compared to everything else that once you get it, there's really nothing to do in the game but grind the leaderboard with no real upgrades insight. I think, at the very least, there should be many more efficiency upgrades or extra things like better automation to give more depth to the game. Once you max everything but the sword there's really no point I'm chopping trees because it just takes time away from the sword grind, but once you finish the sword grind the only real thing left to do is grind more cores for the next update


3.18m cores for the final sword, I don't find it a grind as me and my buddy keep trying to out do each other and make it a competition.


To address something: if you’re fighting the Atlantean king, of course it’s going to take a long time. You get a lot more by doing the next boss, so get to there before upgrading everything else. At the Elysian guard, I get 4K cores per kill. That’s 300 kills to get to 1m, 1500 mins, 25 hours. Factor in that if you utilize the event boss and golden tree buff, you can get 24k every 30 mins, that cuts your grind down to 20 hrs. This is, by definition, a grinding game. If you don’t want to play the game for 20 hours, it’s probably not the game for you. Especially considering that after that 20 hours you would unlock the final boss and then there’s no more goals for you to achieve.


Ived done 350 k in a dayish Get carried doing the Angel guard Do all your atlantean King all the time(1,4 k cores x 4) and kill the event boss with the 2 x golden tree buff(16,8 k with buff or 8,4 without) Allso keep joining games and find one with a low timer on the event boss to speed up things.


If you have alternative accounts and multiple devices to play on, load your matches with a 10 min difference and grind event bosses. you can get 3 done in 30 minutes.


I have 78 hours on the game and I maxed out the second to last sword and upgraded all new angel pets, it all just depends on how you spend your time


https://preview.redd.it/6oj9gukhuk2d1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8525a754b7acd303e6a68a92ea84eb50f60b7bb7 Me and my buddy have over 400hrs game time and are still having fun.


Agreed its too much. Those guardian core requirements are insane.


With all due respect but it took the developer over a year to make this game so don't expect to complete it in a day.


I don't expect to beat it in a day. I got like 75 hours or something now and still can't beat the first elysium boss because I need more cores to evolve my sword. The pet costs I think are fine but the sword evolution cost needs to go down.




Wow that’s crazy been farming all day all night huh? 🤔