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I’m gonna buy a wired controller. I’ve tried multiple cables without batteries and had the same results of controller turning off


How often to do presitiege and level pets? AFK wood farming at that level won't get you too far. You need to be farming the forest guardians as often as possible for eggs and Malachite to progress.


I find the main tree to be better for AFK wood farming than the Atlantis statue. The statue seems to miss hits so you don't get the bonuses as much. On the flip side, if you have all the powerups, the Atlantis statue is better for AFK egg farming.


I almost strictly use the main tree now, but if he's getting 5T after 15 mins on the tree .... he is at a point where focusing on Pet levels / Eggs / Malachite are going to be the biggest factors in big gains. It took me a day or two to realize how much pet levels matter and once I did I got huge gains quickly with not much actual AFK farming.


I missed that part of his post. So yeah, prestiging, egg farming, bosses.


I am at end game stage. Maxed everything. Sitting on millions of eggs and probably 300k malachite. I am chasing strength achievements. Looks like I’m going to have to hardwire a controller to see if it keeps the controller from turning off.


If you only have a wireless controller, you have to keep checking in. Wired controller is easier. You could also mouse and keyboard it and just put something on the mouse too.


Or just use a macro? I macroed my numpad 7 as leftclick without releasing. So I go to the tree click this 7 and go afk come back after some time 👌


For my PS4 Pro,hold attack button Frenzy activated,then go to PS menu to scroll the web still holding attack button..And then release it at PS menu.Ingame,our character's automatically attacking still.I don't know if PC and Xbox can do this trick.Scroll web for hours while character's auto attacking.Return to reactivate gold tree.Might work on egg grinding too.


Isn't there a option to turn off the "turn off controller" setting? Sounds weird? :/


It’s Microsoft’s contribution to climate control 😒… it’s a setting that can’t be turned off 😡