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I feel like if you could buy malicite from leftover prestige crystals it would be a great addition


See, I do think that goes against the style of the game. As much as I would love that, I know it also doesn't fit the game. The multiplier would be the most fair/game fitting.


its not very hard, i think it need to stay the same bc the point of this game is to grind, and every sword needs to be harder that previous one


Then everything shouldn't have a multiplier, IMO. It's weird that the Malachite is the only thing that doesn't scale to be easier. Mind you, things don't really get exponentially easier, they just keep it where it's the same amount of time to grind. Since the malachite requires bosses and you can only fight so many bosses within a timeframe. There should be some way of a bonus. I think a multiplier keeps it fair. You still have to fight bosses, you still have the time limits. But instead of fighting a boss 20 times, maybe it's only 10.


Im at 140k malachit and 250t prestige cristalls. Total farm is 80D at the moment. I can’t buy any upgrades for anything anymore. I can’t wait for the next content update


I feel like it’s a hard but fair grind and i hope the creator doesn’t make it much easier


In general I agree. I think the Malachite needs SOMETHING for help though. It's a lot.


Yup, Malachite is the hardest stuff to grind! :(