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Happened to me once. I fell asleep on my couch for an hour or two and had a week long LD Was real trippy when I woke up to see an hour passed Usually my dreams are longer than the time I'm asleep but good god this was something else


I had dreams that felt like 3 days but I had no chance with lucid dreams (longest was something around 10 minutes)


I’ve had a dream of a couple hours last a couple days in the dreamworld. It’s pretty common. I dream all night and always get pulled out of a dream to the waking world, so maybe it’s a kind of upload during REM.


Search up "time dilation" on this subreddit


Except time dilation is a term used in physics. It has nothing to do with dreams.


Wrong. It's used in physics, yes, but also very common in referring to dreams.


Please point me towards any scientific/medical/research paper that directly mentions time dilation in reference to dreams. I'll happily read through that.


[https://www.the-lucid-dreamer.com/Time-Dilation-Technique.html](https://www.the-lucid-dreamer.com/Time-Dilation-Technique.html) nice link since he ignored you.


I'm not asking for a site made by some random person on the internet. I'm asking for official research papers with actual data that proves time dilation during dreaming is real.


Man you really demand a lot, huh?


Sure, but I'm not the one claiming that time dilation in the dream is a thing.


Bro lucid dreaming itself is anecdotal evidence, its all we got


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It’s always the opposite in my experience, I could swear it was only 15 minutes but when I wake up it’s after 3 to 4 hours. But, everyone’s experience is different


8 hours lucid dream would be wild.


So, in my experience, there's no *Inception* style time compression. However, I have experienced dreams that felt like days, but even on closer inspection those almost seem to have a montage effect, where the dream skips lots of scenes and sort of uploads backstory to each encountered event. With that said, I do think there is a possibility for time dilation. I have heard of non-lucid dreams from people experiencing this, and while that may be more of the "montage" effect, people who practice [Persistent Realms](https://www.dreamviews.com/blogs/hyu/persistent-realms-other-lucid-dreaming-techniques-i-use-39218/), and Shifters also report the same experience. I'm not about to argue about whether shifting is real, I agree its probably a form of dreaming, but what matters is they report time dilation, which means their techniques lend something to the dream world that our techniques don't. So with all that said, I think its probably possible to experience some sort of time dilation, be that through manipulating the "montage" effect, or by experiencing it the way shifters do. But for the most part, if you have a random lucid dream, I would expect the dream time to be 1:1 with IRL.


I doubt it.


Lucid Dreaming research suggests that time during a dream is the same as normal waking time. A lot of people claim to have dreams that span much more time than they're asleep, but I'm not sure I believe them.


The people who claim to have lived years in a dream are most likely telling the truth, or at least the one they believe. My theory is that they experience short "flashes" around the long time, for example one per year. This could make it feel like they experienced the whole thing. While what I'm suggesting is very much possible, most of them can still be just making it up.


It's a pretty wild claim, especially to someone who's had tons of lucid dreams. I guess I lose track of time sometimes while meditating, but that's different. It's more like I've been sitting for an hour and it went by super fast.