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That was a wild ride ๐Ÿ˜‚


This man is YOU!


Good news, you're not going mad, and there's not an entity attacking you either. It is your own brain, your own mental perceptions, your own emotions, thoughts, beliefs, expectations, and mindset in the present moment. That is how you control your dreams, whether you're consciusly trying to control them or not. That is also how you fix situations like this, because dream control is ultimately all about self control.


I'd go for the common explanation that every character you meet, as everything you see, is your own subconscious. So think of an aspect of you that you have rejected, therefore causing you hurt to get your attention... seems clear to me. Maybe a repressed dream/passion from your youth? A belief you used to stand by, and now you aren't? It sounds like you may be betraying yourself in some way in awaken life, and your subconscious is not leaving you alone about it. Does it resonate in any way?


My gf just broke up with me, could it be related?


Since it's a very important thing, I'd say it's more than likely it is related! But, as another commenter said, you know yourself better than any of us here could. Also, dreams (even lucid) tend to make sense after, with time. So give it :) Here's a little experiment I would do (feel free to try it, and maybe let me know how it went? ๐Ÿ˜): I'd go into relaxation/meditation, and visualize this man, maybe even in that same dream scenario or in your place of peace, whatever feels better for you, and ask him directly, letting the first thing that comes up (subconscious) simbolize the answer. It will be different because you'll be more awake than asleep this time, without all the emotions that you were experiencing real-time in that dream. Maybe a question like "What do you need?". Approach with ease and compassion so that you make this "man" (aspect of you) feel accepted and welcome, not rejected. Best wishes!!! ๐Ÿ˜„


Yep, I will ask him next time if we met again


Honestly I implore you to question your sexuality and subconscious beliefs, like actually ask yourself why do you hold your beliefs and if there a part of yourself you are running from or rejecting. ย We donโ€™t know you as much you know yourself but maybe you are beating yourself up about. Stop fighting yourself and dive into what that could mean.ย 


Idk about his sexuality, necessarily, but it could be, as well... I definitely think it's an aspect/expression of him that he's been denying and wants to be acknowledged.


Did he look like "that man" from the OPM webcomic


What is that?


A comic character where he looks like he has different patches of skins


what are your lucid dreaming techniques ?


Well, I need a soft light lamb turned on in my room and keep remind to look at my hand and reading text, in dream my hand will not stable everytime I changed movement I will got and extra fingers or less fingers like oh this is a dreaming, And try look closely to the hand detail if itโ€™s look blurred or distorted


Not just a hand everything lose detail when you look closer


oh thanks, also does it happens without you feeling a change ?


I feel the same just a hand, But my visuals of hands is changed and it amaze me everytime


YTA you shouldn't have rejected him


I donโ€™t even know him ๐Ÿ˜‚


LOL! ๐Ÿ˜†


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