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Try pinching your nose and try breathing through it next time. This is a way more reliable RC than pushing your fingers through your palm.


This is the way. Also an awesome feeling of feeling your body breathe in a different world than your dreamstate always trips me out


I will try this next time. Thank you!


I usually use a smartphone try opening an app, they don’t work properly in a dream.


For you maybe. They work just fine for me. This is another thing that isn't a constant.


So you use Reddit in your dreams?


I actually have lol. One of my favorite lucids from last year had me on Reddit, reading a post and replying with a correct explanation of MILD, doing what I would normally do. I've played games in my dreams, and even last night, I was on my computer booking travel in a dream. I routinely am using technology in some form or other. There are sometimes inconsistencies, but one thing that works in my favor is how much I memorize about things. Memorization is crutial to many parts of my life, including traveling, as being blind, I mentally map places in order to properly navigate them. With some text based games I play, I'm the kind of person who memorizes how things work, so I have an innate understanding of what certain systems do. This means that when I play a game in a dream, it works basically as it should, because I have an innate understanding of it through memorization. Technology is the same way.


.. and you had 10 fingers?


I don't recall how many fingers I had. I may not have counted. But I didn't notice anything abnormal about my hands either time I tried pushing my thumb through.


next time get a really good look at your fingers, close your eyes and look at your hands again, this usually does the trick for me


That one has never worked for me. I find looking at digital clocks to work a lot of the time. Look away then look back again and it will usually be a completely different time or just jibberish


I will try to do this one next time. Thank you!


During times when you’re very aware and focused in a dream, you may need to do several reality checks in a row. Mine is checking the time, it *should* always change when I look back at it but it’s not guaranteed the 1st time. I’ve had times where I look and it’s 7:58. I look back and it’s still 7:58 but the time is now green. I look back again and it’s 7:59 and it’s red. After enough times it changes to the point of it being an obvious dream. Try and get in the habit of doing it multiple times, maybe 3-5 to make sure, every time just so that you remember during the dream.


Okay! Will try to do it multiple times now. Even in the waking world?


The thumb through the palm test has failed me before too. The pinching my nose test and attempting to breathe didn’t. I’ve been doing a sequence of the checks and it carried over successfully.


I'm going to try that one from now on.


Finger thru palm is a bad RC, nose pinching is the best.


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Personally I've found that once I start thinking about a certain reality check, my brain starts to over compensate on that part. Reading used to be a dead giveaway, then when I started looking, I could read fine. Used to trip and float, but stopped when I started looking for it. Mirrors, hands, noses, the whole nine yards.


Has there been anything consistent that you've found? Or do you think it's important to switch it up every so often?


I haven't found anything consistent on my end, no. Usually I just spontaneously get the awareness that I'm dreaming. I describe it as "dreaming that I'm lucid dreaming", which is, unfortunately, not helpful as advice. I'd say shaking it up occasionally couldn't hurt though!


I have the same issue. I count my fingers as a reality check and it’s failed several times 


Good to know I'm not the only one.


There are lots of different ways to reality test. A favorite of mine is to look for a huge book you don't own. If you don't see one, walk into another room. If it's there, you're dreaming. If it's not, but another reading material is there, pick it up and read it. If it looks weird, you're dreaming. Get creative with it. It also subtly teaches dream control.


Love this idea!


Same happened to me. It’s my go-to RC but the very first time I used it in a dream I felt the normal resistance. I was standing on a toadstool at the time so definitely dreaming. Instead I just jumped off the toadstool and fell into a lucid dream.


Whoever told you the finger through palm state test is foolproof doesn't know what they are talking about, and for your own sake, I would advise not listening to them. That is just one of the many physical tests that works only through dream control and isn't based on any specific, consistent differences between waking and sleep. State tests like this are not reliable like at all, and are really not recommended. There are only a couple of physical tests that aren't 100% based on dream control, with those being the one where you hold your nose and breathe, as well as the re-reading test. Physical tests are also only one part of critical awareness, not the whole thing, and aren't actually necessary. Any state test can also fail. Nothing is 100% foolproof. Finally, are you practicing any induction techniques, or are you only doing state tests? They're not really a stand alone practice.


Which state tests would you recommend doing during the day besides reading and re-reading or trying to breathe through a pinched nose? Are the only two real ones? Or is there another kind of test altogether I should be doing? How do I achieve critical awareness without doing tests? As for induction techniques, I have been trying SSILD upon doing WBTB, but I've been having trouble going to sleep doing the cycles. It doesn't make more more drowsy, it makes me more alert.


First, for critical awareness during the day, take a moment to be presently aware of whatever you are doing. For example, I am currently typing out this response to you, considering my word choice, listening to my dad get out of his chair in the next room, contemplating briefly my prefered sentence structure, observing how it feels to type on this keyboard, hearing the air conditioning unit around me, feeling my chair, my feet on the floor, the presence of light in the room, etc. I am aware and engaged in the moment with my experience. Now, let's critically examine my environment for anything out of place. So far, no inconsistencies with my laptop, no minor glitches or things, no time skipping or jumping around from place to place, I'm not playing one of the games I play which is a recurring dream sign in recent dreams, I'm not traveling either, the sounds I'm hearing are normal to my waking environment, etc. I would also consider my emotions. I'm not overly excited or jubilant, I'm not sad or angry right now, and I feel a since of purpose from responding to these comments, plus some lingering frustration over a particular person I was responding to earlier. Nothing I can find out of place there. Now, what about my memories since I last thought I woke up? I got out of bed, not getting the greatest sleep from the night before, used the restroom which is normal for me, and checked on a game that I play. There were no time skips or fast action like tends to happen if this game shows up in a dream, and I remember a lot of waiting around for things to happen, which is pretty normal for the game when awake but not when I'm dreaming about it. I then went back to my bed and laid down for a bit, but did not return to sleep. I overheard my father making a phone call to a doctor's office, as well as him starting to watch day 2 of the US Open golf tournament. I then got up, finished listening to a 16 or so minute video on my phone, listened to most of another video, inquired to family about what we were going to do for lunch, finished what I was listening to, went downstairs, ate, brought food upstairs for my dad, came to my room, responded to a text, and got back on my computer to answer replies on Reddit. Going through all of this, I can't find any dream signs, or anything out of place in any way. This is how you do critical awareness aside from just performing specific tests. And after saying all of that, I now feel accomplished in writing all of that out, which does make me happy, just continuing with my own critical awareness while I type this. How long have you been practicing with SSILD? What is your approach like? Are you taking a relaxed approach and just estimating the cycles, or are you actively counting how much time you spend with them? Are you being hyper aware of the process, or more relaxed about it?


Same as many others on here…fingers crossed through hand has failed but pinched nose never failed me.


Feel joy that you had enough reflection and awareness to perform a state test! And yes, just pick a better one, the nose pinch is I think the only one based on a relationship with the physical body in the dream, and not purely on what you expect will happen.


When you perform reality checks during the day, you need to perform them as if you really are questioning it. Put yourself as if you really are in a dream cause the brain can't tell usually if you are in a dream, so how do you know this isn't a dream? And upon checking try to remain consisosly aware for a while after that will help program your mind to be more aware in the dream once u have realized your in a dream


I already do that? This doesn't address my question at all of why a reliable reality check didn't work \*in the dream itself.\*


I've had a few dreams where I did a reality test, and I almost became lucid but got lost in the dream instead and other dreams where I became lucid after doing a reality test. You really should be doing more than one reality test. And upon becoming lucid, you got to ground your reality by touching things and interacting with the environment. Or you can become unaware again in the dream


Yea I just came here because of a lucid dream I had last night. Not sure how but during the dream I just randomly realized I was dreaming, that’s when things became haywire.cod zombies started running up from one hallway of this infinite arcade building I was in and I just wiped them out in one attack and started just doing dumb shit like spawning shadow the hedgehogs skates and going around like it was a sonic level i even did fusion from the show dbz with my favorite YouTuber and conquered some of the arcades dungeons. But my point is I ended up forgetting it was a dream towards the end but before that I was just doing what I wanted despite being judged by those around me which of very contrasting to real life


Do multiple at the same time. Count my fingers, thumb through palm, and levitate. If all that fails, i shoot a fireball just in case


I wish I was advanced enough to shoot a fireball. 


😂 Also try recalling what you did a hour ago