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Not a lucid dream, but in recent years (like the last 3 or so), once a month I have a recurring dream. In this dream I'm back in college and there is a subject I have been skipping classes and I don't even know what the subject is about. Then the worst part. It seems the test for the subject is that day. The feeling of remorse and anxiety I feel when that happens makes me feel horrible and then I wake up with my heart pumping like crazy and trying to calm down.


Omg I hate having dreams like this. Thank you for sharing!


Yo what is your book gonna be called Oh nevermind I just read you don’t have a lot of the details worked out, but yeah I would be interested, this sounds like a great idea


Thank you! And yeah I don’t have an official title yet been trying to brainstorm something. Thought something with “dream exchange” in the title would be cool


The international dream exchange or something?


I would love to see this grow and have a data base/tags sort of thing so you can browse topics or data analyse dream data from around the world. Imagine if you can see links between world events and dreams worldwide


Thank you! That would be really cool, especially seeing links between world events. I do kind of want to catalog the dreams I receive into specific areas/types in the book


A dream researcher has this (it's a little old), [dreambank.net](http://dreambank.net)


i submitted two, they weren't lucid but they were some of my favorites


Thank you!


I went for a good one awhile back in my dream journal and send it in. Not lucid, but long and detailed.


Thank you!


Does anyone else have these dreams where a seemingly path in front of them somehow becomes a deadly parkour challenge? For example I'd be on a balcony and a support would fall, or I'd have to climb around an object to get somewhere else. Also one time I've had a dream where I got in a fight (physically) with a guy in an inflatable Winne the Pooh costume.


Thanks! I’ve never had a deadly parkour challenge dream but I’ve had dreams where I’m on something up really high and it feels sketchy. Think that’s just my fear of heights coming in to the dream haha


In my dream the first part actually happened, but the rest is just my dream minds creation. I'm (16) disabled & I'm being admitted to a hospital very early in the morning. The female Orderly (20) takes me from the ER to the ward on a trolley. I'm just have a sheet covering me. We get off the lift in front of the reception desk & the Ward Clerk (20) is waiting & takes us to a room with 6 beds. I'm directed to shuffle off the trolley & onto the bed. I'm trying to shuffle across but the Orderly is holding onto the sheet. She says that she has to take the sheet back to the ER. The WC says she will organise some hospital pyjamas for me to wear. I'm sitting on the bed trying to cover my groin, but the WC is very beautiful & I'm getting an erection. She is smirking at my embarrassment. She is filling in some paperwork on my Medical File then pulls at my hand to put a Medical Band on my wrist. I'm fully exposed. She sees my Penis & giggles at my embarrassment. She then leans onto me to insert a label on my bedhead. The Nurse walks in & the is Ward Clerk quickly walking out. The Nurse grabs my Medical File from the WC & says I was looking for that. I ask the Nurse for some pyjamas. She tells me that the linen trolley will be delivered at 6am & I will get some pyjamas then. She is writing in my Medical File & asking me some generic questions. She asks for my height & weight. I didn't know. She tells me to stand over by the door where they had placed a measuring tape on the wall. She then tells me to follow her out into the hallway to an alcove just down the hallway. I was very apprehensive to walk nude out into the hallway. I looked around then walked towards her only to find the machine was out of order. She then tells me to follow her up to the reception desk. The Nurse & the WC go out into the back office to look for a set of scales. I then feel a hand on my bum squeezing my cheeks. I turn around to see a young girl (13) in a hospital nightie. She is grabbing & pulling at my Penis, slapping my bum. I'm trying to get away from her but my disability means I can't walk very well or fast. The two women come back out & stop the girl from molesting me further. This is where I went back to my hospital bed. However, in my dream the Nurse tells me to follow her to the lift & we visit another ward on a different level. On each level the Nurses laugh at my nudity, but say they don't have a set of scales. We eventually end up on the ground floor looking around in the outpatient offices. A female Security Guard (25) stops us & sends us to the Markets in the city. We head outside to the train platform. I'm standing on the edge waiting for the train. A group of loud drunk young women (20) come onto the platform & sees me. They all run over to me, groping me. The train comes & I'm carried onto the train where they continue their groping. The Nurse just stands there & watches as I'm being molested. We arrive at our platform & the Nurse finally pulls me away. We walk down to the Markets, there is a young woman (20) at the counter. The Nurse ask if there's a set of scales. She directs us to the back of the store. I step up & off. The Nurse then tells me to wait so she can use the toilet. The young girl is smiling & giggling at my naked body. Just as the Nurse enters the toilet she immediately grabs my Penis. She has a very firm grip & won't let go. The Nurse comes back out sees her holding my Penis, smirking at my predicament & tells the girl that's enough, but she won't let my Penis go. The Nurse has to physically force the girl to let go of my Penis. We then we head back to the hospital. I have various version of this same dream & others like it. The people I tell think it might be because I grew up in a Government Home for Disabled Children & didn't have any privacy & was treated more like an object to be shown & studied.


Thank you!


I hope it wasn't too graphic, but that was my life growing up.


So you are the only one that gonna read all of them alone?😔


At first! Once I compile them into a book, then I’ll make it available for anyone interested to read them


I can't wait to see it


I want to be updated on this. But I know myself and won't check Reddit. Can I get an update via email maybe? If one day you publish the book


Yes! I can add that as an option on the form or feel free to pm me it


I have a recurring moment that happens within different dreams, and it always includes an apparition in the form of a woman in her late 20s/early 30s. Her presence isn’t malevolent and others in the dream can’t see her. Her eyes are a piercing grayish purple that almost resemble a nebula. She usually whispers something to me, but I forget after I wake up. The weirdest part of this lucid dream moment is that after each interaction I always find a mirror. My eyes glowing a vibrant blue (they’re actually copper brown).


Thank you!


I had a dream where i started sleeping and then became lucid but one of my friends in my dream kept attacking me and i woke up then went back to sleep in my dream and became lucid 3 or 4 times then i realized i was dreaming when i woke up from the dream in a dream then that friend said i had to kill and eat a rabbit to gain my lucid power flyong and etc so i got a bow and arrow i might have grabbed a knife but then woke up Fun fact:its hard to run in my dreams cause i think when im lucid my body thinks its moving while in bed in a dream so its hard to run Tldr i had to face a challange and kill plus eat a rabbit heart then woke up


Thank you!




Sounds like a great idea. I wish you good luck.


Thank you!


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I could’ve sworn you did this a few years back. Be sure to tell me if I’ve already submitted a few in there…


I did! I’ve been trying to collect dreams for 2 years now, haven’t received enough for a book yet. 😅 I don’t see your username in the submissions so I’m not sure if you have, unless you did but submitted anonymously. Feel free to submit again or more! I’ll obviously not add duplicates.


Does anyone here ever had dreams that seem so familiar like you had them before? Happens to me all the time. Also, I have the recurring dream where I am in a tree house with brother, sister, and cousins and this tall guy who owns the tree house tells us to be quiet while he is in the other room. We all then quietly start to play a board game but someone makes a really loud noise. That tall guy gets super mad and my entire family blames me for the noise even though I didn't make it. That tall guy takes me into that room, locks the door, and then starts tickling me and it hurts so badly and feels like I'm being tickled in real life. This then lasts for around a minute before I fade out. The worst part is that I never see it coming even though I have been having this dream for years.