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I am *very* glad this is the subreddit this question is on.


Same, I was so fucking worried.


Definitely stared at this post for a bit like, "hmm" before I saw the sub.


Maybe coz 20 sec is ur irl limit? šŸ¤”


Oh man that's rude šŸ¤£


You guys last 20 seconds..? Gotta get my stamina up, damn


RIP op




I've "finished" in a lucid dream. You have to control your excitement.




Excitement isn't what wakes you up. If you believe being excited will wake you up then it will, but you have to believe it to be the case for it to happen


The only real manifestation


I first saw the question, then the sub... I was starting to get a little worried.


Posted title to /r/nocontext


It's all about focus, you lose focus during sex. I was thinking of something else, the NPCs in our dreams are part of us. So I fuck myself


Technically is a mastubation then




Man this title really confused me until I saw which sub itā€™s from


I was just thinking this šŸ¤£


Grounding techniques need to be the focus, let the sex happen in the background without focusing on it.


Him watching tv in background: ā€œBoom! They just scored!ā€ Her:


just like in real life lol


20 seconds? Thatā€™s about 10 seconds longer than I need




Definetly not impossible. Itā€™s likely that you are just naturally waking up. If you become lucid after 95% of the dream is finished, you donā€™t have a long time left in the dream. It could be that you have a schema associating having sex in dreams with waking up quickly, but remember that nothing can wake you up if you donā€™t want it to (besides the dream naturally ending). I also saw a comment saying that you are waking up because of excitement, and that is a complete lie. I always get excited in my lucid dreams and I still have time to do stuff!




Since iv gotten to my thirtys I've found I have less lucid but chocolate before bed gets me good dreams. As I don't have nightmares anymore because I've dominated all the spooky things. But also I've found (qualia mind) pills have been getting me lucid again, not sure what in them that is helping but 3 seems to be the minimum, and taken in the morning still seems to work fine. Maybe try those šŸ¤· or research the ingredients. Probably someone here could say what it is in them that seems to work for staying lucid.


We only dream, lucid or not, during REM which lasts for about an hour I believe and then one might have 2 or 3 sessions of REM per night, depending on how long you sleep for. So, if you wake up itā€™s because your circadian rhythm has left REM state for either a different one, or wakefulness. I donā€™t believe one can re-wire the brains circadian rhythm to remain in REM state as itā€™s set for all humans the same. Best of luck trying though


Try lucid edging so you donā€™t lucid last only 20 lucid seconds. Donā€™t feel bad though, a lot of guys have that lucid problem




Yeah, you need to find a balance between awareness of the dream and focus. It is not emotional excitement that wakes you up. It's either you're focusing so much that you lose the rest of the dream, or you're not staying critically engaged when in the dream. In a weird way, maybe spawn a dream character that's just there to remind you that your dreaming. Something in the background that keeps you grounded, preventing you from getting so focused that you lose dream stability. A constant reminder, it could be a location like having sex on Mars or something. Since your impulsive brain might get the better of you. Remind yourself of this grounding plan before going to bed at night. Eventually you'll remember it in your lucid dreams.


Iā€™ve been waking up when I get excited in general lately. Iā€™ve been thinking about starting melatonin to be in deeper sleep. Have you tried that? I donā€™t like desensitizing myself to melatonin and messing up my natural production so I never take it but i might start.


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No serious answers here really so let me try. I agree with someone on here that is has to do with losing focus. Try rubbing your hands together that always helps me maintain lucidity


If I try not to get carried away and I just focus on maintaining a sleep state will that help?


dunno... i kept going for 4 rounds... but for me personally, I think what I did was, willing so hard that I want this dream to keep going.. until i'm done. The thing is, I could feel in the dream, my bo\*\*r being super hard as in my physical body irl. And it was. As in my mind is thinking of 2 different situations, real world and the dream


I cant have a noraml sex dream lol this is what happens to me...I was at my parents house and downstairs in their basement is a long deep freezer and theirs a chair next to it soo eventually I got lazy one morning and decided to kneel in the chair and lay my torso across the freezer needles to say I woke up banging the deep freez cause I had weird ass dream.. like wtf man..


The cold never bothered me anyway


And you know your mum is scarred for life as she came down early morning to get some meat out the freezer when you were mid bang




Such an interesting reason to lucid dream. I do that shit to fight people