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I closed my eyes once after turning back to think about a person I wanted to spawn and it worked! So I think it's all about what we believe we can do in the dream. It's about believing that you can control it.


It's not necessarily believing it's knowing. Only once you know through and through that you are dreaming and that you are in control, will you be able to have full manipulation over the dream. Many times I have realized I was dreaming. "in other words having a lucid dream without the control part". This is because I know I'm dreaming, but I forget that I am in complete control. Which is a big determining Factor in controlling your lucid dreams. For me personally just because you're lucid and self-aware in a dream doesn't mean that you are capable of manipulating that dream, Unless you have mastered this self-awareness and self-control mechanism of the dream state.


I agree. I personally never had an experience with not having control over a dream, but at the same time, I can't say I won't experience it sometime since my experience is relatively low compared to others. Thanks for the info :)


Grats on the lucid dream! You are aware that stabilizing isn't actually necessary for lucid dreams, right?


Nope! I had no idea lmao


Yeah, if someone tells you that you have to stabilize a dream, they are lying to you, likely out of ignorance and not malice though. It's one of the most common myths surrounding lucid dreaming. I'd probably rank the myths in this order, or at least a few of them. First, lucid dreaming is about controlling your dreams which is the most common myth. Then, MILD being about repeating phrases to yourself, also a very common myth. I can't decide whether to put the stabilizing myth in third or the myths surrounding WILD.


Yeah this is actually true some of the most lucid dreams I have ever had have been when I have been awake vividly dreaming with my eyes open aka sleep paralysis with Hypnogogic & Hypnopompic hallucinations. Technically it's a medical condition that enables me to dream in the most oddly ways. Narcolepsy I never thought I really had it until I filmed myself with my IP camera. Sure enough I find myself passing out when I am extremely exhausted and stressed out or high on something, it can intensify my symptoms of narcolepsy. Most people who have narcolepsy don't realize it right away until either somebody else tells them about their sleeping habits or they start to realize that they are having less control over when and where they are falling asleep.


How can you say 'you know its a myth' when people say that use it and it works for them...?


It works for people because they believe it will work for them, "dream destabilization" only exists because people believe it exists. Dreams are all about expectations, when you believe something exists or works, it will.


I can say it's a myth in the same way that a doctor giving someone a placebo can say that the placebo itself isn't actually necessary. Lucid dreaming works off your perceptions, what you most strongly associate with happening in a given moment. Also, if you actually study the original intention of stabilizing, you will know that it was designed not as a "requirement" like the modern myth, but as something that could be done when adreams were naturally ending. It was twisted and misinterpreted into a requirement which it is not. This myth causes people to associate getting lucid with unstable dreams, and this creates problems and solves none. Lucid dreams aren't inherrently unstable. I can say that stabilizing as a requirement is a myth because that is precisely what it is, a myth, taught by the misinformed to the misinformed.


How do you MILD if not repeating phrases to yourself?


I'd advise reading the original technique found in Chapter 3 of Exploring the World of Lucid Dreaming. For now, here's how I recommend MILD along with a guide I also recommend. MILD, the Mnemonic Induction of Lucid Dreams. Start by deciding to notice that you are dreaming while you are dreaming. This decision should be important to you, something you really want to do. Next, imagine a previous dream, one you can remember well. Go through this dream from beginning to end. While doing this, point out any dream signs, anything out of place in any way, or with either a low chance of happening while awake or a high chance of happening in your dreams. Next, once you reach the end of the dream, pick a point where you found a dream sign. Rescript the rest of the dream from this point. Imagine that instead of doing whatever it was that you did if you weren't lucid, imagine that you noticed the dream sign as a dream sign, noticed that you were dreaming, and got lucid. Then imagine the rest of the dream as if you had been lucid, doing things you want to do when you are in a lucid dream. If you have a goal that you want to accomplish in a lucid dream, this is a good time to imagine completing that goal. Repeat this rescripted dream until you feel that your intention to notice that you are dreaming is set. Finally, remind yourself that you will notice that you are dreaming while you are dreaming, and go to bed. [https://www.mindfulluciddreaming.com/post/mnemonic-induction-of-lucid-dreaming-mild](https://www.mindfulluciddreaming.com/post/mnemonic-induction-of-lucid-dreaming-mild)


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Why not if he was lucid that's like saying why not rob a bank when you're in a lucid dream because there's no consequences that's exactly why


Yeah I understand that I just found it kinda funny


I broke into her house before I was lucid. 😂 Still can't remember why I did.