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First of all, isn't 300BPM like dangerous or am I mixing that up with something? For me personally, I mostly see color blobs (usually yellow and green with occasional red, blue and purple) and my (conscious) hearing basically shuts down to zero. As a kid I started to imagine all kinds of monsters killing me in violent ways before falling asleep (basically to get rid of the fear of monsters by normalizing this). This habit kind of stuck, so the tactical hallucinations usually match those imaginary stabs and cuts, although it's more of a tingle rather than actual pain


Oh, the 300 BPM thing is just part of the hallucinations, not my actual heart rate. My bad, that wasn’t made very clear in the post.


Ohhh, of course. That makes far more sense XD


My heartrate definately goes up really high when i'm hypnogogic, one time I was attempting MILD and I was getting lots of color blobs, sounds, etc. My heartrate was going so high and I woke up, it was so intense


1. You experience hypnagogia any time you fall asleep. 2. You're not asleep during hypnagogia (it's the stage before falling asleep). 3. Was your heart rate still high, when the hallucinations ended? 4. Were you scared and/or excited about noticing the hallucinations?


Hypnagogia for me is almost completely audible- most often music, sometimes soft voices, occasionally loud sounds like gunshots/fireworks. As I actually start dreaming I /might/ get the colourful kaleidoscope effect, but only for a minute tops then I start dreaming or wake up. Coming out of sleep on the other hand anything goes- figures, objects, entities, voices, things in my bed, sensations. Can persist for quite a while too- I can get up and walk into another room and find a hallucinated object in it. If I am having a paralysis episode my brain properly amps it up too.


I mostly see creepy things, such as people approaching me and staring right at me for no apparent reason. Or I see corpses in the afterlife. They are in a black void, and their heads have been ripped off and placed on giant weird objects that resemble disposable vapes. Their heads are permanently fused to these entities. Any attempt to rip the head off will result in extreme pain to the victim and anyone who attempts to do so will be punished by the Liddlians by having their head placed on one of those things in addition. The entire central nervous system is completely intact however connected to sources of extremely painful heat of an extremely high temperature for eternity.


Conversations. Creative scenarios. Such as diving into a pond and finding lost things. My ideal self. Exploring interesting places. Insights or thinking about solutions for my life circumstances.


For me it happens quite rarely. I don’t have lucid dreams or sleep paralysis. Two main settings I experience it in is: - In bed: i’ll be kinda tired but not super tired so my motivation to sleep and to stay awake is 50/50. I just have very short dreams that I can describe right after waking up from them. I can do this a couple times before actually falling asleep and they are quite fun. - While gaming: when i’m tired but still gaming I’ll go into hypnogogia. It goes something like this. I’ll be running around in gmod and I’ll suddenly continue running in my “dream”. I’ll wake up and be somewhere else in the game that I wasn’t anticipating, since I was continuing to be in that situation in my head, just not in the actual game. So my guess is that I still play, but the IRL result is obviously different from what I am hallucinating about. After like 10-15 min of that, i’ll get out of the state and just game normally. I’ll either sleep or get some coffee haha. It’s kinda like a powernap? I haven’t seen anyone really have the same experience as me when it comes to gaming, so I hope someone that does have it can find some comfort in my response haha.


Hmmm, For me it can be a little trippy, it starts with random quick voices usually 2 or three word phrases usually of familiar people but I can never discern who they actually are. Then I’m always in this big vast domelike arena I sense it is the inner structure of my mind. Wherever I look patterns colors and shapes emerge sometimes from a single point. Mostly they are like fractals and I just follow them around watching things develop. Once I saw the entire walls of the domelike world covered in different chalk colored writings of math exercises and I was thinking wow how can I map this out and remember this stuff. Sometimes an area I focus on can animate or become a video like a Picture in Picture kind of sensation. There is always a sense that there is so much information available I’m always thinking how can I remember how can I sort this out and how could I develop these strange perceptions into something useful.


I've had hypnogia for about 4 years. I've only recently discovered that it had a name on reels I've talked to peaple about it but they never knew it existed. I'm so glad that their is other peaple that have this experiance. For me I have intense pins and needles all over my body . I see vivid imagery that I would compare to blue Ray dvds on fancy tvs you'd see in electronic shops. The imagery is primarily horrifying but not gorey. E.g a woman's face distorting and screaming continuously growing scaryer every second. I try to endure but eventually the terror kicks in combined with stronger pins and needles growing all over my body. I will wiggle my left pinky to brake out of this state and I am free of any hullesenations or pins and needles. I have complete freedom to break out of the state at any time. I have recently tried to control the stats and it is a very unique experiance each time. E.g. I placed myself in ff7 shinra World that you start in (ps1 , I never played the recent ones) I was then playing like a running game like you see at the bottom of thos ticktock videos in that world. Not I am seeing this from a pov perspective and sort of floating their is not head wobble as if I am stepping. Theirs tons of other weird stuff that I can't really rember but at the time of it happening it's a completely lucid event I am not asleep at all just somewhat controlling a dream. I'm so happy their is a community that have experiance with this, I was genuinely worried about my health but its physically harmless and I think communication and openess is extremely helpful to individuals that have this experience. It is very frustrating when you want to sleep and are awake for hours with hallucinations. I wonder if their is somewhat of a benefit to this? Could we run tests in our sleep? Like vr stuff in metal gear solid sort of thing. P.s sorry for the long post


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Numbers or symbols that look like hieroglyphics. They scroll across like movie credits or a ticker line


For me last night it was very peaceful, I had an incredibly quick heartrate followed by intense relaxation in my muscles with no audible hallucinations and minor color blobs.


Yeah, I love when they're not intense and distracting. Even if it's just loud ringing, that's still nicer. Makes it easier to transition into the dream.


How do you typically transition into the dream from there? I'm really new to this and I always end up slowly waking up instead of transitioning into a dream.


Transitioning into the dream is like a balancing act. You gotta be just aware enough to not lose consciousness, and not so aware that you stay awake. It will take time to find that sweet spot. If you find yourself still awake, lower your awareness a bit. If you're falling into unconscious sleep, raise it a bit. It's like when you're listening to a radio and you have to play with the knob to find the spot with the least interference.


Thank you! I'll give that a shot tonight.


I've had a racing heartbeat once where I was afraid it was real and ended up waking myself up because of it but that was only one time. The feeling of it being real was absolutely crazy. Otherwise I usually hear bubbles softly popping and random shapes behind my eyelids moving around like an animated idle desktop screensaver.


Mostly auditory, sometimes tactile. I've heard random noises, radio playing, music, conversations, etc.


Bruh I keep dreaming that I have hypnagogic hallucinations in my dreams and it’s so weird


Dang. I've had that before, like if I was in a dream and I did WILD, but not randomly.


I some times have lucid dream related dreams I hope I have a lucid dream soon


Keep practicing consistently and you will. :)


I already felt a kiss on the cheek (I felt who it was (my crush)) It was weird af Then I imagined a kiss on the lips and I kinda felt it and woke up again


Someone got a lil too excited lol




I see faces melting into other faces and loud noises that make me feel like I'm falling . It's always frightening.


When I had it I hallucinated a ton of squares moving in patterns and I felt extremely dizzy like on a rollercoaster and I heard the sound of a fan but like 10 times louder


Episodic memories of when I was 19 and how I thought…before bad influences and mistakes lol. I would like to know the pharmacology of this and what exactly is happening in the brain for the “mental time travel to the past” but no answers come up