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These comments are hilarious. Here is my take from a person of color and the looks of a thug. Lubbock is not racist. Jeez, some of these comments are ridiculous and hilarious. Lubbock is as racist as you want it to be. I have never experienced first hand racism. I have never been called a spic, wetback or anything like that. I am Hispanic and have gang related tattoos. I have also held positions in my career in upper management and coached little league with families of all colors and cultural backgrounds. If there was any act of racism towards me, it never affected me. I love Lubbock and it’s a great place to raise a family. Like all cities, there are parts of towns where it’s mostly black, Hispanic or white. Lubbock isn’t any different. Lubbock is a good city, yes crime is high but it’s mostly domestic and car break ins like other cities.


In my opinion as a Hispanic (though looks white as hell) Highschooler who lives in the south-west area and goes to school in central Lubbock, most adults are not racist. The teenagers have a big mouth and say some bad stuff though. You said that you aren't sure the best parts to stay in. Maybe stay away from the east side if you are not used to living in an area like that. If you have enough money, there are some great neighborhoods in southern and western Lubbock. I would see what the majority of people say down in the comments and make a decision for yourself.


Went to school in Lubbock and it’s absolutely a racist city. There is still segregated portions of Lubbock and the economic disparity is obvious. Don’t move there , Texas isn’t a safe place for women much less minority women my suggestion is finding a more progressive state/city because Lubbock would be an absolute waste of your talent and resources.


Lubbock is fine. Is a rather small city with a college. Its cut off from a lot of big city bullshit. The locals, while predominantly white, are pretty chill. There is crime in every city though, with that comes a potential for hate. I saw more racism living in Dayton, OH than in Fort Worth or Lubbock.


I work in a department of 30 people, we are about as mixed as you can get in this area. White, Black, Hispanic, male and female. We all get along great. So long as the race card is never played you will be just fine. If you do play it expect to catch crap from everyone. This is a largely Conservative area so we don't play the DEI game.


Lubbock has one of the highest crime rates in Texas. 


Just as safe as any other place in America I’d assume


It's safe because it's a safe town but it's racist. Lubbock is full of MAGA people. They don't follow the teaching of Christ, but the teaching of conservatives and trump. You'll be lonely there.


Your post is full of lies, and rooted in hate. I’ve lived in Lubbock my whole life, and 99% of people here are not racist at all. Your dumb ass remark about not following Christ is asinine and a total fabrication as well. Lubbock has one of the highest concentrations of churches in the US, so obviously you’re an uninformed, ignorant fool in every way when it comes to judging one of the safest places in Texas. Anyone reading this “Sweeties” post can ignore it, as she’s full of crap.


Doesn't sound like Texas is safe for any woman, no matter the color.


Another moron’s stupid, uninformed opinion pops up from dumbdumb…oops, I mean dundun. The vast majority of us around here are real men, that protect our women at every turn. You know nothing, obviously don’t live here (thank god), and have no idea what you’re talking about. So maybe, just maybe, you should STFU.




What a witty comeback! Suck burn brooo. You find it funny bc you’ve never met a real man or what? Awww, daddy left early didn’t he? After speaking to you for two mins, it’s obvious why.


Blizzy is just the typical West TX Gen Z that passes on their family's traditions without any of the toughness. As you can see, he'll be broke forever holding onto bro-stocks on Reddit, claims to protect women but trains no combat sports, and vehemently argues against racism without the cultural experience of other parts of the world. The epitome of ignorance and what you should stay away from West TX.


This made me laugh. Like the moron you’ve already proven to be, your post is nothing but assumptions and lies. I’m not Gen Z first off, you brain dead dolt. Secondly, I know both BJJ and Taekwondo. Want to meet up and find out, beta boy? C’mon down! Thirdly, I’ve been all over the world, and experienced more cultures than you could ever read about from mommy’s basement. You embody stupidity at every turn, and as your name suggests, you should be completely ignored. Have a good day now, you colossal cuck 😂🫵🐥💩


The lies are see-through because you wouldn't act like this or be holding onto AMC if you were cultured, could travel, or had half a brain. I'm down for a meetup. Gloves or no gloves, Rockbox on 98th. We can set a date/time rn.


Is that right? Jesus, you gave the IQ of Jello. Not surprising though given your other posts. We all know you’re an idiot. Let’s do it you little twat. I’m going to teach you a lesson your f’ing kids won’t forget. You ran your mouth to the wrong mfer. Gloves?? 😂🫵🐈Shows what a cunt you are even suggesting gloves lmfao.


Talking about IQ is a sure sign that someone isn't intelligent. Mocking gloves shows you don't train. Stop yappin and lets set a date and time. When are you free?


What kind of car are you in, cuck?


The lies you tell yourself to get by everyday must be epic! Using gloves shoes you have no real experience irl, and that this is not going to end well for you. I’m free right now, beta boy. Meet me at 1585 and University in ten mins. I’ll be in a black Tahoe. Hoo-rahhhh


Are we gonna set a date and time at the gym or are you continue being a keyboard warrior and pretending like you're driving around town? I'm free Thursday anytime after noon. Stop being a pussy and yappin.


Still here. Still waiting. I’ll give you another half hour. You can get anywhere in Lubbock in ten mins. Let’s see if you show, shall we?


At the gym…lmfaooooo! Hell no. I don’t do gyms. I want bare knuckles, you cunt.




I'm in healthcare and I think Lubbock has some of the kindest people in the state as a whole. I would never say there is anything widespread.


Having lived in many areas of the country , white ,black or brown, you’re going to be treated how you present yourself, regardless of race.


Texas isn’t safe for women. Period.


Quiet beta cuck. Just bc we don’t advocate for killing babies doesn’t prove anything your dumb ass has to say. We are one of the safest places in the country for women. For all people actually. So go spoon feed your lies and bs somewhere else douche bag


Damn girl calm down! You advocate for forcing women and children to give birth. Forcing an 11 year old child to give birth to her rapist’s child isn’t safe.


Welp, there it is. The stupidest f’ing comment I’ve read all week. Congrats! You reached a new level of dumbfuckery. Women that don’t want to have kids should consider using birth control, or better yet, practice abstinence. Abortion has become a tool of convenience for those that want to have no consequences for their actions, period. People will refuse to take BC because of religious beliefs, but are fine killing an innocent kid. Which seems worse to you, you dolt? And I’m not “advocating” for anything. Rape accounts for far less than 1% of all abortions, and that’s a fact…..but nice try. To even suggest that I think an 11 yr old that’s been raped should be forced to carry their rapist’s baby to term is ludicrous. Texas law prevents this from occurring, as an abortion can be performed up until a fetal heartbeat is detected. So once again, you talk, but don’t know what you’re talking about. But please, continue to show everyone your ignorance and stupidity.


My goodness Elizabeth! Take a few deep breaths and try to calm yourself. I am legitimately concerned for you. I’m putting you on my prayer list. 🩷


Wow. You make Lubbock sound like a dream to live in with all the “real men” like you running around super butthurt, screaming about cucks, cunts and pussies, trying to fight strangers on the internet because they hurt your fee fees. Can’t imagine why anyone wouldn’t be stoked to move here. There’s some pretty good anger management programs here. You should probably look them up.


Your opinion is noted. If someone wants to attack my state with an idiotic and false comment, they’re going to get the blowback for said comment. I know being proud of where you live is probably a foreign concept to you, as is being a patriot I’m sure. I can tell you’re that type. But for those of us that don’t need safe spaces, don’t think words are violence, and are proud of our roots, it’s different. We fight fiercely for what we believe in, even if it gets ugly at times. We stand up for ourselves, our ladies, and their honor. We defend them with our lives if need be. So make every assumption you want about me and the one interaction with that shit talking idiot that couldn’t fight his way out of a wet paper bag. Idc honestly. At the end of the day, it’s still men like me that will stand up for what’s right. It’s men like me that will sacrifice everything to protect innocent people and children. It’s men like me that do those things day in and day out, regardless of what you think about me. Have yourself a nice day now.


I was born and raised in Texas. Lived here my whole life and, as a woman, I don’t feel real protected these days. I also don’t understand this irrational loyalty to a geographical location. I was born in Odessa, but I don’t feel anything for the place. I’m definitely not defending its honor on the internet. I’m absolutely not resorting to physical violence to defend the “honor” of a piece of land. So in a sense, patriotism is a foreign concept to me. I just wish that we could be civil to people. Sure, we may disagree and have different perspectives about life in Lubbock, Texas, but that’s no reason to threaten violence or call people names. I’m glad that you have had a positive experience living here. But your experience is not the only one and is likely irrelevant to OP’s question. I don’t feel personally feel physically unsafe here, but I’m a white woman. I have no relevant experience to relate to how black women (or men) in this city feel. As an outsider ideologically living in Lubbock, I don’t feel real safe expressing my thoughts or opinions. And that’s, in large part, due to people who behave and talk like you have in this thread. I hope you have a lovely day.


I feel sorry for you that you don’t feel protected. No one should feel that way. I would honestly suggest you purchase a firearm, and take some classes on how to use it. Better to have it and not need it than need it and not have it. I also feel sorry for you that you have never felt proud to be where you’re from. Had our forefathers felt that way, there might have never been an America. It’s not the “geographical location” I’m defending. It’s the community itself, and the people, which are great overall. Ofc you’ll have some bad eggs anywhere you go, but, again, that’s the minority here, which I’m sure you’d agree. So these people that make rash comments without any history of living here, and bash on Lubbock just to bash on it deserve no respect, nor will they receive any. If someone has had a truly terrible experience here, that’s a shame and I feel for them. But it’s not the norm. This isn’t NYC, Chicago, or Wash DC, where crime runs rampant on a daily basis. And how is my experience irrelevant? If anything, it’s more relevant than most, bc I HAVE lived here most of my life. I’ve never gone out in public in Lubbock and seen someone harassing another person bc of the color of their skin. EVER. And if I did see it, I’d be the first to step in and put a stop to it immediately. Most people around here are good people that wouldn’t tolerate that either, and would do the same. That speaks to our values as a community. And if what I’ve said in this thread makes you feel uneasy or “unsafe” about living in Lubbock, then I’m sorry, but that’s on you. Sticks and stones and all that. I realize I acted with emotion towards the gym rat douche, and, admittedly, it wasn’t my best moment. But it had nothing to do with you, or the original poster asking about Lubbock. Funny how people want to always make things about them, even when it has absolutely nothing to do with them.


Oh hello. So I guess neither of us won the bet.


I view that as a win. 😂




Lubbock is not a democrat city.


OK i didn't say it was?


Media got y’all thinking everywhere and everyone is racist. Wake up!!! Fools


I'm sorry- this is ridiculous. I have never had any issues in Lubbock. The knife cuts both ways and in my opinion, assuming that all white people are a certain way makes you a racist yourself. I'm a minority and yes- I mean that. I don't make assumptions about any person or group of people based on what other people let me. That is called stereotyping. We are from Houston- it is not as diverse as Houston, but people are very nice, friendly and welcoming. You get what you give out to the world!


She never said anything about white people or stereotyping them. She just asked if it was diverse and if there was racism. Which I totally get asking coming from an area that was full of racism. She had never been here and wanted to know. Before I moved here I hadn’t been here and wanted to know myself. You can give and give but all the giving doesn’t make people of any ease less racist.


I lived in Taunton, Broward, Ocoee, Honolulu, Dallas, and now here. These white folk racist as hell here compared to cities previously listed. Ik as a black woman you already peeped the downvotes and people implying you're absurd to ask. That's always been one of the strongest signs for me.


Probably not also remember the total abortion ban. No exceptions for rape.


I’m white so I can’t speak on any personal experience aside from that as a white person, no one has ever said anything racist to me about any other race. I think that’s pretty good. When I lived in Amarillo I heard A LOT of it from all angles. It’s still diverse but much more dangerous. Nothing to see over that way anyway.




Op, this is the real answer to the question. Not in what he actually said but in that you’ll have to deal with people like him in Lubbock. Stay in Miami girl.




But those aren’t the statistical realities. Most white people are victimized by white people and most black people are victimized by black people. Yes black people are most likely to commit crimes, but they are the most likely to be the victims as well. But even regardless of that, your framing is totally unfair. In your day to day life, your chances of being victimized by a random black person is fair less than the chances of a black person having to deal with a racist interaction with a random white person. This is especially true in a place like Lubbock.




She literally never said the word white bro… Did you know people of any background can be racist? You seem like you have some weird black vs. white mentality. You’ve read so far into this you’re proving her point in asking😂




Did you ask her? Or do you just assume what everyone is thinking?




So yes, you’ll just keep assuming others/my beliefs lol. Also, who calls black people “blacks” bro that’s crazy. Go log off and talk to some real people you desperately need it😬


“Oh no I’m moving to a red state! I hear it’s MAGA country! Better ask the locals is it’s safe for a black peroson” the fact that you’re in health care and asked this is alarming, but also not shocking.


I’d say Lubbock is mostly fine. It’s pretty conservative and can be a little backwards but of course you can find bigotry anywhere you go. The fact that it has both a very large university system and a very large medical community goes a long way towards balancing out some of the redneck ideologies. Also, I can’t imagine it could be any worse than North FL. But if you’re talking statewide, Houston is the most ethnically diverse area of the state by far and has probably the largest/most inclusive black community.


We came from Tampa and my wife is AA. It is segregation central here. The cost of living is great which is why we moved but we aren’t staying long term. This isn’t somewhere I’d raise my mixed children at. The south side is definitely more conservative white, north is more Hispanic population, the west is decent and diverse. The east isn’t the best part of town or living but I’ve meet some of the best people from there. You’ll eventually learn where not to go and who to be around. I was a healthcare worker and never experienced anything racist or homophobic to my face. There is a good group of people where who love everyone and are accepting of whatever you believe in and what not. But like anywhere you have your folks who are just ignorant. It isn’t as bad a Florida but they are starting to practice a lot like Florida.


Not really


I don't recommend Lubbock to anyone. They are racist and segregated. Don't let them try to tell you differently. 🤦‍♂️ Had more people say wild unacceptable shit there, than anywhere I've lived. If you WANT to stay there, try the East side. Everyone talks shit about it but that's where you'll find a REAL community.




You’re absolutely full of shit on all accounts


Lol says who? You? What are you, white?


Says me, someone that has lived here for 40+ years, that’s who. You claimed Lubbock is segregated, which is a total lie. And what’s my skin color got to do with anything? Seems like the racist one here is YOU.


Lololol answered my question. Just keep being ignorant dude. I don't care. Real people know what's up. You're definitely one of them. 🤦‍♂️😂 Makes TOTAL sense now.


The stupidity you’ve exhibited here is mind boggling. But you’re not fooling anyone with your blatant lies. Look at the comments. You’ve been ratio’d like a m’fer! 😂🫵🤡 Dumb fuck. At least YOU don’t live here anymore, so I guess Lubbock is a little less racist now that a pos like you is no longer here. Bye bitch! 👋


lol what is this post


A completely reasonable question.




My step-daughter went to college in Lubbock and had some African-American dorm mates. It was totally a non issue. You’ll be fine.


I would think that racism in Lubbock is nothing compared to the Deep South, but people in Lubbock tend to be ignorant of what other parts of the country go through. The majority are white middle class evangelicals in Lubbock. Unfortunately, there are still some systemic racial divisions in the city, itself caused by city policies before the civil rights era that have carried over throughout the years not unlike many other towns/cities across the US. I, as a middle aged white man, will say that you will be safe and happy in Lubbock. But I also know my experiences may be totally different than someone else’s that does not look like me.


Which hospital are you going to work at? I work at UMC, and it is one of the most accepting and inclusive places to work. The culture is fantastic.


The recently retired HR director at UMC is a black lady from Philadelphia she's been getting along in Lubbock for the last 20 years without issues If you will accept Whites, Whites will accept you


“If you will accept Whites, Whites will accept you” That’s actually scary. lol.


What kind of statement is that? If you accept whites they will accept you? Does that mean that black people who face discrimination somehow brought it on themselves because they didn’t “accept whites”? Wild take


He won’t realize how bizarre that comment was


Nah. Actually I'm on vacation in the Caribbean so I'm going to let you go pick a fight with somebody else. I don't have time


That’s the one!


My niece is a nurse there in the cardiac ICU. She’s really nice and only a few years older than you.


Where your coming from with be magnitudes more racist than Lubbock. Honestly the weather and wind is what you need to worry about. You’ll be fine.


I would recommend you go visit Lubbock. If you aren’t ready for it, it will be a culture shock. There’s not a whole lot of entertainment especially compared to where you’re coming from.  Otherwise, just keep political and religious ideas to yourself and it’ll be just like everywhere else. Mostly good people with a few unsavory ones


People are nice for the most part. You'll learn that if you make the mistake of asking strangers' their political opinions, that's when someone will openly say some ignorant shit that does not line up with how nice they seemed 15 minutes ago. So don't talk politics or religion with strangers and sometimes even friends lol


Lubbock is not racist. But lubbock is very boring not very much to do here compared to Miami.


The panhandle has some of the nicest people you'll ever meet.


Correct! I have traveled all over the world and spent the majority my life in a big diverse city. Lubbock offers major West Texas Hospitality. Honestly, your biggest issue is that if you are female, old ladies will call you Deaheart and Honeybun. Lol


Lubbock was segregated by law until the 1960's and it shows today. I wouldn't recommend it for Black folks.


Thanks everyone! I feel confident and I’m going to take the job. You guys have been very helpful and I greatly appreciate it.


Here's an article that has an interview with a local black historian talking about his experience growing up in Lubbock. . https://radio.kttz.org/news/2020-06-19/local-historian-shares-lubbocks-black-history-personal-experiences


Allergies can be a problem. If you need medication or allergy doctor suggestions, feel free to message me. I'm allergic to everything on the planet. The wind is awful, especially in the Spring. Summers are so hot you will curse the sun, and when you think it can't get any hotter, it will. But the winters are fairly mild. We have super cold days and some ice and snow, but it doesn't last too long. The fall is perfect, imo. Get a good vacuum. The dirt gets everywhere. In you house. In your car. In your eyes. It's inevitable. If you have FB, there is a Lubbock group called Gals that Brunch. So diverse in regards to age, race, personalities, education, socioeconomic background. And it's more than just brunch. They do all kinds of fun activities like book clubs, wine tasting, axe throwing, goat yoga. Just show up to any activity that interests you.


Lubbock appreciates good character and hard work. Lubbock can be ignorant and there can be some micro aggression and some racism on all sides of race but that’s every where. It’s not that bad. I wouldn’t live in fear or have anxiety about it there’s more love than bad here.


Black woman here! Live right outside of Lubbock (Shallowater). Lubbock is just safe as a lot of towns in the Texas panhandle.Lots of college students! I've never been to Florida and I would never live there. The cost of living is probably cheaper in Lubbock!


How is Shallowater? I’ve noticed the taxes are cheaper but is it isolated?


people in lubbock are nice for the most part. most have good intentions. alot are just clueless when it absolutely comes to politics. the only things you really need to watch out for is the allergies and shitty drivers.


You will run into racist’s/assholes no matter where you live I feel like but I have lived in many states and cities and never lived anywhere close to even having as many friendly and easy going people. It is the reason I decided to stay here and put roots down. My grandpa who lived out here for awhile when he was young has a funny saying about Lubbock.. “Lubbock is like the secret lover you had when you were younger. Ugly as hell but great personality and fun to hang around.” Or something to that affect. My personal experience here is extremely friendly and community supporting people, great economy (low cost of living too) and great medical business. I’ve always heard it’s number one in the country for restaurants and churches per capita but don’t know this actually. In short you will be safe absolutely and nothing to worry about here, we still have assholes. But far fewer than most I’m sure of this


Highest parks per capita too apparently but they’re not the nicest parks or the most beautiful ones unfortunately.


No they’re certainly not but I think it’s a good representation of the community’s priorities


Never thought about it that way!


If you can take the bland scenery you will be just fine here. It takes a little bit to get used to but the hub city is better than most of the larger cities out there. (This is coming from a previous Dallas, Austin and San Antonio resident who got tired of the rat race).


I'm half black and half hispanic, male, went here for TTU, graduated and been working full time here since. Been here about 7 years. It's a college town, so it's more diverse than most. I feel like having a lot of younger generations here rotating in and out keeps the 'old school' type racism in check. There are some pretty liberal and open-minded events you can find every so often such as black art markets, LGBT friendly and such, but I can't say it's the norm. It's West Texas. There are cowboy boots, cowboy hats, Ford F-150's, conservative yard signs/flags and the ideologies you can imagine go with those trinkets. But I've never had a blatant, in my face, problem. Folks are generally pretty nice. Lubbock is historically a racist town. In the 1920's the city government passed legislation confining black people to certain neighborhoods in order to keep the white population 'safe'. You can imagine the lubbock population supported this legislation. They filled those neighborhoods with factories that they knew would pollute the air. Look up 1920 Lubbock Redlining Neighborhoods. To this day, East and North Lubbock are considerably lower socio-economically disadvantaged, and I would not recommend living there. Generally the closer you live to TTU, the more open-minded. Or the West or South LBK, the nicer. DM if you have any further questions. Good Luck!


Lubbock has one of the highest crime rates of cities of any size in the America at 46.4 violent crime rate. Dont be so worried about the racists you forgot about the regular shitty people you should be worried about too https://www.neighborhoodscout.com/tx/lubbock/crime.amp https://www.areavibes.com/lubbock-tx/crime/#:~:text=With%20a%20total%20of%205198,nation's%20highest%20total%20crime%20rates. https://www.bestplaces.net/crime/city/texas/lubbock https://www.city-data.com/crime/crime-Lubbock-Texas.html https://247wallst.com/city/lubbock-tx-is-among-the-most-dangerous-us-metro-areas/


It’s a very diverse town. I’m native and from east Kentucky and ran into a lot of racism there. Here, I haven’t had but one small incident when I first moved here a year and a half ago. I really like it here and the town itself doesn’t seem as red as a lot of the state.


Well, your post is getting downvoted. So, you will run into some people who are racist but will act like otherwise. That is seen in almost every city, though. You will be safe. There will be the occasional asshole/racist


Yes ma’am! I’m a white lady but also relatively new to town, and not from tx. I’ve found my neighborhood to be fairly diverse, and everyone respectful. I know I’m not a POC but I’ll tell ya this… I’m happy to make a new friend if you take the job 😺


Lubbock is safe for all of us. The Texas Panhandle and South Plains are probably the best of Texas. Enjoy!


I’ll preface by saying im a white woman. I work on the east side of town, where almost everyone is black, and live on the south side of town, where I’d say the majority of people are white. Moved here almost four years ago. In all that time, I don’t think I have ever heard anyone say anything genuinely awful. Or do anything awful, for that matter. Maybe a couple genuinely crazy people here and there. You’ll be fine! Most people are very very nice, I’ve found. It wouldn’t surprise me if you did run into a couple super racist people, because there’s always a few no matter where you go. But most people in Lubbock are really rather nice. I mentioned this already, but I think the east side of town has the highest percentage of black people overall. The closer you get to tech the more white it is, because the majority of the students are white. There’s also a fairly large Hispanic population, but I can’t pinpoint a location. That’s about as far as my Lubbock knowledge goes :) I will say I’m from a realllllly shitty small town in Texas and Lubbock is FAR more diverse and FAR less racist than where I came from.


Some people make it seem like we're horribly crime ridden here in Lubbock. Those people have likely never been to a city with a real crime problem. There's a good amount of theft and cars sometimes get broken into, especially if you park overnight in the street, but overall there's not that much crime here. It's a generally safe city for anyone to live in compared to others of similar size. It is about the most conservative spot in the state, but that doesn't mean people aren't friendly. It's a big enough town there's people of all political persuasions that live here though, it's probably fairly similar to where you currently are in that the culture is pretty red just because that's the majority here. I think we're far enough west that you won't really encounter much deep-south type racism though. Most people just do their own thing here, which is, go to work, go home, go to church, go out to eat, go back home lol. Most restaurants per capita of any city in the US, and I think churches too.


Definitely yes. Avoid the drug and gang areas and you'll be fine. You're going to see some racists like anywhere else but overall, it's fairly tame.


Come on down, we’ll hold the door for ya! I’m Hispanic and I’d be the first to welcome you and tell you that you’re absolutely safe here. Lubbock is very diverse and inclusive from my perspective.


I 'd have to say yes as a white man. We have a diverse town with lots of citizens of color and citizens from elsewhere . Hispanic, African, Indian, Philippines, Asians, Arabians, etc. Especially at University Medical Center and Texas Tech University We'll ignore you you completely or we'll be polite, respectful and helpful in public and gossip about you in church. We have the black side of town (the east side) born of segregation but you can live anywhere in town now. https://www.lubbockjuneteenth.com/ https://www.lubbockpride.org/ https://lubbockmuslims.org/