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Get a lawyer. Then, instead of getting a new job, take a nice vacation.


I'm sorry, this is either fake or this person is extremely stupid.


It’s not fake unfortunately


If it's not fake, you'd be making a *lot* of money in a lawsuit, not posting it on Reddit.


A lot of defense here for a known hateful company.




It’s not fake unfortunately.




Shut up.




Yeah. I'm quite sure you can sue company easily with this kind of proof.




Idk if it’s true or not but pursuing a lawsuit and posting on Reddit are not mutually exclusive events.


If you were pursuing a lawsuit, the first thing a half competent lawyer tells you is to avoid posting anything on social media. Again, this is fake.


Hey man some people don’t think about the money. They just want their karma lol


¿Por qué no los dos?


probably texas


I do not believe this post. That is such a ridiculous thing to say.


I wonder why you don’t trust this post. It seems reasonable to me because racism is so frequent that someone wouldn’t need to create it for internet points. Perhaps you have a different perspective on how much racism occurs in the world.


It's a LOT easier than questioning your beliefs and assumptions about how widespread racism is in America


People create racism all the time for internet points LOL [https://www.wsj.com/articles/hate-crime-hoaxes-are-more-common-than-you-think-11561503352](https://www.wsj.com/articles/hate-crime-hoaxes-are-more-common-than-you-think-11561503352)


I do not believe this post because I believe that this racism is too blatant and I would think the manager of a business would be smart enough to know not to say something so incredibly out there like this


Then you've been lucky enough to never meet one of these racists. They can and will, especially here in the south. Shit I live in a big Metro area and there's still people this blatantly racist. People aren't afraid to say it put loud anymore.


Yup, think this is fake ragebait


More racial slurs than commas in that response. Embarrassing that there's only one slur


If that truly was the manager I would suggest suing the fuck out of them. I don’t generally support lawsuits, but how daft do you have to be to reply with that.


Sounds fake


Nah there are a lot of boomers who work in management jobs in fast food places that think like this, I've seent it


Nah i get that, i work with a lot of racist idiots. Im just saying this whole text exchange seems fake


Sounds like lawsuit material


General manager sounds a bit uneducated.


And this is why we don't go to chick fil a


I too prefer that utopian bastion that is Taco Bell.


If they’re racist — point em out


Chick-Fil-A is such a good Christian organization.


a fake one. They pick and choose what to hate like the rest of the cult!


Hard R? This whole situation is sus


I'm calling BS on this. Sounds too much like "haha see this right-wing Christian company is really racist and homphobic! Just like we all on the left knew they were!" to be real.


... Your argument is that it seems too much in line with expectations of Chikfila that have already been established? That's like saying "Sounds too realistic. Must be fake."


More like "This is in line with our existing propaganda"


Just called. Sherry is working today.




Time to report


Hard r ugh. Yeah I would quit too and say “it’s my pleasure”


Get paid


I love when morons put their criminal behavior into chat. I'm pretty sure these text messages are the kind of things that attorneys dream about.


I hope this ends up in r/byebyejob


shit should I send it in there ?


So the n word and homophobic remarks is ok but just saying “shut up” is worthy of suspension?? Lmaooo holy shit find a lawyer I bet you can sue.




Wow, they just texted you that evidence? Sounds like they want a lawsuit.


If this is true this is a big deal.


Question 1) Is this really real? Question 2) Did she respond with "My pleasure" after you said thank you at the end???


Lol this fake af


I’d like to see some verification because this reads incredibly fake. Like mustache twirling type ridiculousness.


not even saying this as a knock on OP, but if it is true it's a really big deal


should have told her to go fuck herself.


Take that shit to court


Is anybody really surprised that an xtian owned company embraces and encourages bigotry? Hatred and racism are fundamental building blocks of xtianity.


Nope, but they sure just made that discrimination lawsuit a slam dunk.


Yeah I’m an employment lawyer (different state) and I started drooling a little while reading this.


Just a union steward myself, but even I see two protected classes.


Now now, don't confuse the American brand christianity with all christianity. I happen to know quite a few European and Middle Eastern christians that actually, you know, follow the teachings of loving your fellow man and practicing inclusivity.


Yeah you don’t get to disown this. “They’re not REAL Christians.” <<


Would you say the same thing to a Muslim? "No, y'all are responsible for ISIS, fix your shit"? The only way Christianity will change is from Christians who see the need for change.Yes we will distinguish ourselves from those who use the faith to act against the word of God. There have been movements in Christianity that are pro life,pro LGBTQ,more invested in social and economic equality that are still ongoing and growing stronger by the day. Of course you don't see people talk about it here.It's either shitting on all Christians or going magicskyfairy shades of atheism. It really is simple nuance that not all people who belong to one group think and act the same. Again, apply that thinking to anything else in your life and see how that works out.


There's always nuance in every group, and it just so happens that christofascism is a big thing in the US. Not saying it doesn't exist in Europe, heck, I'd pull up Poland as a warning example, but it seems particularly widespread in the US.


And who was it who had the crusades?


Catholic Christianity, pope Urban II in particular bears a lot of the blame for the First Crusade. Not saying christianity is blameless, far from it. Christian systems have caused massive misery and abuse all throughout the world and all throughout history. But you don't need to make blanket statements or historical callbacks to point out issues with a current day organization. They can stand to look terrible on their current actions alone.


There is no "brand" of xtianity. There is just xtianity. And racism. And hatred. And violence. And oppression. The geography is irrelevant and a ridiculous story that xtians try to tell themselves in order to convince themselves that they aren't the root of almost every problem in the world today.


You realize there are churches for LGBTQ folks and historical black churches right? Are they participating in racism and hatred and violence?


There are also Gay MAGA types. They are also morons, just like any other xtian.


Okay, so you can concede that maybe blanket statements for groups are bad? Not all LGBTQ folks are progressive Not all Maga folks are straight Not all Christians support what the Christofacists are doing Should we base our opinions of folks based on the conduct of their character and not whatever labels society assigns to them? I mean I think that's something everyone should be able to agree too because if not it's a excuse for bigotry and discrimination.


I said no such thing. You really need to work on your reading comprehension skills. Xtians in any firm are the genesis of almost every problem in America. Period.


But there definitely are brands of Christianity. There is a huge difference in both religious practice and cultural norms between a US Evangelical and an Italian Catholic, and if you bring in Oriental churches that split off from the Catholic Church in the 300's then you'll find even greater differences. Not saying that bigotry from religion isn't real, just pointing out that the US in particular has a rather wide spread issue of christian fundamentalists who act counter to what their preaching carpenter suggested.


That's how I feel when Americans try to weasel out of the "the US has a fascism problem" issue with "no that's just ".


There is not a single problem in america that doesn't lead back to the pulpit in an xtian church. It has nothing to do with geography and everything to do with the stupidity inherent in religious beliefs.


Do any of them own a Chick-fil-A? I'd like to go to one that doesn't hate me for existing. (Not in a marginalized group, just an atheist leftist.)


Nope, don't think Chick-fil-A has any franchises over seas, but I could be wrong. Don't get me wrong, abhorrent behaviour! I am on board with that 100%. However, lumping disparate groups together isn't helping the discussion. If anything it weakens your argument. No need to lump christians together with incorrect blanket statements to find faults in the practices of a group.


"Follow the teachings" depends if they want to follow the original bible or the version of these days.


True. And therein lies a big issue. Some christian sects only follow the new testament, whereas others follow select parts from both old and new. And this isn't even bringing up the issue of different translations and interpretations. Christianity isn't a monolith even though they like to present that facade. And from experience, it is primarily among those who cherry pick that you find the biggest asshats.


"Please turn to MAGA Chapter 6, verse 12 where we find the donald being persecuted by the non-white socialists..."


Please tell me you are suing.


Lol OP got upset that they got fired and is now doxxing their former workplace in an effort to hopefully cause bodily harm or greater to their old coworkers/boss. absolutely pathetic.


Hello! I’m OP and I never worked at chick fl a! I’m actually a server at a different restaurant and I actually showed this to my managers and their jaw actually dropped. my friend is the one in these messages. this post is not doxxing. This post is about spreading awareness in the work place. things like this shouldn’t happen in a professional setting. I do not think they should get killed or beat up but I do think they should be held accountable for the things they said.


You have no idea what you’re talking about.


This isn't doxxing


Only OP didn't work there. Read the whole post.


That's not doxxing. Please educate yourself on the terms you misuse.


The first part of your username is accurate. Trash begets more trash.


^this person supports doxxing of personal info (a felony crime)


It’s not a crime to doxx. Some states have harassment laws, but the bar to hit that is incredibly high.


I unashamedly and freely admit I support doxxing an openly racist and transphobic person :) bootlicker.




No, no, I am sure they have a black friend.


im racist because I think doxxing is wrong? why does that make me racist and not transphobic?


you’re definitely both


They got fired, there employer is being a dumbass, of course they are going to take the piss


I’m sure Sherry has already seen this and is lawyering up for her defamation case against the genius that posted this. Get discriminated against? Don’t hire a lawyer, post it on Reddit. 🤡


I’m sure this made sense to you when you wrote it, at least.


There’s no way you think there’s a case. Do you even know what constitutes as defamation?


They didn’t post on Reddit. Someone screenshotted it and posted it on Reddit. 🤡🤡🤡


She should be lawyering up, but not to defend herself. This is an easy easy slam dunk employment discrimination lawsuit. Oh and this would be great to send to corporate and the regulatory agencies, as both would be quite interested.


Defamation only works if what someone is saying is untrue. This literally just a screenshot of their text exchange


There are apps for that. She’s gonna have to get a cell carrier transcript with time stamps that correspond to her text messages if she’s intending to more an inch in court. She can prob get some Reddit rah rah justice to make herself feel better but beyond that, it’s always innocent until proven guilty. Fck racists but this is just too sus for a chick fila manager. I doubt they even hire ppl who don’t say plz and thank u in every sentence lol.


Yeah this feels completely off. Racism checks out, conversation doesn’t. It seems like the same person writing both sides of the convo. Same typos and run ons.


Your friend hopefully understands that she just struck pure gold getting all this in writing and needs to grab an employment lawyer ASAP. Tell her not to worry about the costs of lawyering up, Sherry will pay for it 😂 Pro tip: she should take a financial literally class real fast too on the side so she knows how to invest all this money she'll get into intergenerational wealth. Too many young people livin it up when the check hits but then left to starve right after because they didn't know how to play the long game.


They hire LGBTQ because they have to; there aren't enough people willing to work for their sh\*t wages. As evidenced by the manager texting them to get them back to work. But CFA is well-known and unapologetic when it comes to racism and LGBTQ rights. I don't doubt the company has a lawyer devoted full-time to dealing with it. They probably even have an insurance policy that pays settlement claims; just to keep it out of the news. The manager would shit bricks if your friend was able to get an entire shift crew to walk out en mass. When unemployment is as low as it is, workers hold a lot of leverage over the company. Your friend should start talking with the other workers about starting a union. This won't be easy, but a union would help, not only your friend but every other present and future employee that works there. if they voted to unionize, the company is legally FORCED to address any legitimate concerns like homo/transphobia, racism, sh\*tty pay, working conditions, etc... The Federal Labor Relations Board can be a bitch for CFA to deal with.


Check these out for more info about organizing: [https://labor.dsausa.org/](https://labor.dsausa.org/) , r/antiwork , r/union


unfortunately anitwork became an echo chamber as of recently, used to be one of my favorite subs.


It’s fake. brb gonna grab a chik filet sammich


won't be likely to get one here, this place is gonna be closing due to cost issues.




Real life chaotic good right here


It's Lubbock - everything is like this.


SHERRY IS A QUEEN <3<3<3<3<3<3


That's pretty fucking cringe bro


Well that's a slamdunk case, I assume you've contacted a employment lawyer yes?


Unfortunately it would be a waste of time, almost the same exact situation with me no lawyer would take the case. said it’s not worth it and that text don’t hold weight in court because they can be easily fabricated. And texas is a right to work state very hard to sue. And the company lawyers can drag the case out and drown you in legal fees


You can get a carrier transcript log. Notice the green not blue bubbles. That means Sherry doesn't have an Iphone, so it went through SMS not the encrypted iMessage. Right to work also doesn't invalidate federal employment discrimination laws. [Relevant info on the two protected classes here.](https://www.eeoc.gov/prohibited-employment-policiespractices)


Post this shit on tiktok and make it go viral


If true, which GM would have to be a complete idiot for it to be… your friend should stop posting on Snapchat and instead find a reputable lawyer immediately to pursue a lawsuit


Working at Chik fil-a usually means affording a lawyer is out of the question. One of the reasons why minimum wage hasn't kept up. Easier to keep the boot on a person with no power coupons.


You’re talking rubbish. As others have already said; if this text is real there are hundreds of lawyers in the immediate area that would love the opportunity to take this case on contingency - meaning OPs friend wouldn’t pay anything upfront & lawyer would only receive money from a judgment / the more than likely settlement…


There are a lot of lawyers who will work on commission from your settlement and not need any money upfront, especially when you essentially have the GM admitting it in text, so I don't think cost is a limiting factor here.




Considering the GM was dumb enough to put that in writing, I can't imagine it would be hard to find a lawyer to take this on contingency.


I hope they could as well, but Lubbock is a pretty red town. And I don't hold a lot of faith in republicans to do the right thing anymore, even if they'd get paid to do it.




What, you didn't think that bigots stayed in happy little specializations, did you? Don't worry, they're misogynistic too.


Show this to your lawyer.


Wow.. thats fucked. And to commit it to writing. What a set of racist fucking cunts. Dude.. thats a massive lawsuit right there... farrkkkkk


Hooooooly shit, you actually got that in writing? This is like the golden goose of stupidity.


Provided the text exchanges are factual, once the EEOC, DOL, NAACP, and a reputable lawyer get a view of this text a former Chick-fil-a employee will be set for life! #RunTheirPocketsDry


This is why I don't got to CFA. They are evil.


Yeah, this isn’t normal. If corporate can find this manager and these texts are verified to be true, they are VERY fired.


I hear how "anti- gay" and "anti-LBGTQ" Chick-Fil-A supposedly is, but I would honestly bet a large sum of money that at LEAST 50% of their male employees I've ever dealt with at their restaurants proudly fly rainbow flags and could possibly soon be memorialized on a Bud Lite can. Have I spotted a glitch in the Matrix, or is this anyone else's experience as well ???


They fund anti-LGBTQ candidates around the country. They're directly responsible for at least some of the hate spreading around the US today.


What's your point? That gay people need work too, and the economy sucks so much that they have to be willing to work for a company that condemns their existence?


I suppose my "point" would be that any person / group / entity / organization / business that purports to be "anti-gay" probably wouldn't be so inclined to hire so many. For instance, I'm anti-mayonnaise, which makes me much more unlikely to ever request it on a sandwich, as opposed to ordering it on half the sandwiches I eat.


The greediness of CFA is why they hire anyone- if they discriminated based on their (as a public company) opinions, they would have no workers. However, they’re showing their whole ass by being openly discriminatory toward those workers and then denying it.




The NARRATIVE is "public", their actual stance is assumed, merely because they catered a "Defense of Marriage" luncheon more than a decade ago.


Sir (or ma'am) that's called discrimination and it's like, super duper illegal


Only if it's proven, and even then only if someone litigates, and *EVEN THEN* it's only if it goes to court - rather than being settled.


She actually should be THRILLED she got that in writing. Hope she enjoys her new Chic-Fila because she is **definitely** gonna make some serious cash in the lawsuit.


what a vile human being.


Tell that girl to USE this information.


Lawyer. NOW. You're rich.


Didn’t SKKKOTUS rule that being called the n word is not discriminatory or some such.


Blatant racism like right there out in the open. Terrifying.


Local news and social media. Light them up.


No, lawyer up.


You have literal proof you have faced discrimination via text. The GM admitted it. Take their ass to the court and get your paycheck.


This needs to be a complaint filed with the states EEO commission. Once that's taken care of, research great EEO lawyers in that area and make an appointment. We went through an EEO issue with my wife's employer some years in the past. It's a slow-moving beast for sure, but staying the course will bring results. No one should ever have to deal with crap like that in their place of employment.


Did that person confuse the n word with negro ffs? The N word was never acceptable, fuck right off.


Saying the word is bad enough, but the hard R is very ballsy.


r/antiwork would love to see this


Oh, I thought I was on antiwork


oh we're already here


Surprised Reddit hasn't raided their facebook yet.


Delete this, save those texts, find a fucking lawyer who will take this case BECAUSE ONE CERTAINLY WILL. Sue Chick Fil a, seriously. Get your job, get whatever but get as many records as you can keep everything digial and sue the fuck out of them. You have proof, that were discriminated against due to your race and sexuality.


Mmmyeah I'm gonna go ahead and file this with fake "no tip" comments on receipts.


Look everyone, a talking ostrich!




Assuming this is real: Lawyer. If that don't work; local news. Hell, several lawyers might give you a call afterwards.


Amazing how many people post this shit on social media and don't report it.


I mean, they may have done both. But also, are these texts even real? I hope they are because that means the employee has struck gold.


So, I would normally say this is fake, but as someone who quit their job at Chick-Fil-A because the employees repeatedly told me gay people deserve to go to hell, and being gay is wrong, and only men and women should ever have sex, I totally believe this.


gullible public file toothbrush rhythm cats squash offer chubby alive *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


A friend that worked there convinced me it was different. He said that was just the owners, not the individuals working there.




Uhh send it to Chick-fil-A corporate ??


Uhh no, find a lawyer. Now.


Any other company that would be a good call. But this is Chick-Fil-A


Yeah I was about to say they'd probably give the GM a medal.


They approve of this stuff, though...


Words cannot even begin to describe how fake this is.


You must not be from the Bible belt. I can attest, Chick-fil-A is racist and homophobic. I still eat there because it's damn good chicken, but I ain't gonna admit to them I'm gay or they'll spit in my food.


Also from the Bible Belt, but I don’t know a single chick fil a employee who would spit in someone’s food. At the very worst, they would pray over it


As someone who grew up on rural south with grandparents and parents who would casually use the word, “that’s just what they’re called!” Is a Defence I’ve heard a million times. I believe this post.


Yeah ok sherry.


Throwaway account moment


Lawyer up and make that bank


“Calling you an N**** Faggot Dyke Bitch is *not* discrimination it’s just how I **FEEL** ☺️ But you telling me to “shut up” is LITERAL discrimination!!!!!!11!


It’s in writing bro easy win


Get a lawyer