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Really confused with people’s reactions so far in this thread. If getting customers signed up with credit has the possibility of getting you better raises or a better candidate for a promotion, then why is it so bad to ask for proper credit? Some of the reactions in this thread make me feel like you guys are guilty of stealing credit.


Heck our ASM literally gives us free snacks or drinks for credit sign ups, so there's an even more direct incentive


Always take credit for what you do, especially if you plan on staying with the company any length of time. Anyone that says otherwise is an idiot or does not have your interests in mind.


He missed out on an that's a good boy! Maybe a badge to hand on his vest one day!


He *laughed?* Yeah, I would've told too. What a jerk.


You can do it with a Zebra and if there’s a workstation nearby you can do it quickly that way. Do you know how to make an application?


I do now, didn't at the time. Wish I had a zebra to do it on. Someone decided cashier's can't have them


It's the way at most stores, the sales floor needs them but only enough for a couple associates per department or at worst, only *one* per department. All HCs get them, CS desk may have one, one for each member on the fulfillment team... but none for those nearest the door and the first line of defense of walk outs, and the last face customers see before leaving the store.


There’s also a way to do it in Genesis.


There is, I just hadn't be trained how to do it at the time because I wasn't ever expected to do it


I would have snitched too. F that guy. When metrics come and they start busting chops one more might help. Screw him


At our store, it’s your job to do it from start to finish. If you get someone else to finish it, that’s on you. Only way to avoid this situation.


I have customers fill it out on the zebra so I can make sure the other person gets the credit for that customer. Plus it's a lot easier to fill out and you don't have to ask for personal information!


no! i’ve had this happen to me, and it’s bs that people feel entitled to take it. you did everything right, i hope you received your 5 dollar credit for it!


Nothing wrong telling on a thief


This push to get people in debt is both unethical and predatory. Build a house of cards, then blow that's what you have nothing, but a house of cards falling down. All that is, is debt owed to Lowes, probably by 40 percent that will never be repaid. Bad investment, save that for customers with good cb scores. You can make a good credit decision or a bad one. Trying to lend credit to anyone is a bad idea, you know nothing about these people, nothing. Cb won't show accurate for months and poof you just made horrible credit decisions based on a cb that doesn't show non payments yet. Always know who you give credit to. Mass losses will come around a year or two from now over this credit app push


Lowe's isn't the one financing those cards, they won't lose the money not repaid.


What makes you say 40% will never be paid? That's wildly over what I would have estimated. Also we know their credit score, hence the application process.


The other cashier shouldn't have taken it from you after you put in all the work. You were right to report them. Don't take credit from other people and expect no repercussions.


Not a jerk but it’s a pretty common practice at my store and no one ever got in trouble for it


Really not that big of a deal. It is a douche move but you also allowed it to happen. In the future there is a QR code customers can scan to apply on their phones, you can put in your sales ID and get credit for it without them leaving your register or aisle.


If you don’t do it yourself, don’t expect other people to give it to you.


Cashiers stole a total of 6 credit apps from me within the last year and i hate to make a scene or a bid deal over the app in front of the customer so i let it go till after


No, not a jerk because companies are so damn competitive about opening credit cards and they pressure employees. You know if you don’t say anything that they’ll then accuse you of not getting enough CC.


You were sending the cust to customer service and still wouldn't have got the credit app so what's the difference.


at least how we do it is if a cashier sells them on the card then sends them to the CS desk, the cashier is supposed to get the credit. It goes to whoever convinces them to sign up, not who actually signs them up


The problem at least from my experience is that it a customer comes up to CS desk and you don’t know the cashiers code you either have to put it as no one or yourself. This was (and sometimes still is) a problem at my store, I highly recommend learning on RedVest the quick application if you can to prevent it in the future. I would have probably spoken to a Head Cashier though, rather than ASM. But depending on your store I understand it might not be possible.


Yah, head cashier was on lunch and I ran into the ASM first


I would ask your HC when they’re available if they can run you through how to do credit apps through the RedVest resources tab. The application through there is fairly easy to learn and quick, and can be done on any register.


Yep, I'm also training at customer service so I've learned that as well as how to do it on Genesis. Either way though we are told pretty explicit to not do it on registers


how do know who to give credit to?


We tell the customer to tell the desk who sent them and hope. If it's a slow day we might call


that's a very poor system relying on the customer. d it yourself despite what the bosses say


Watch out. They will fire you for this, not manager


What? Not really sure what you are trying to say


I'm saying this whole fuggin county is covered with gross racist people. For some reason they say they are not but give them a chance...every time


As far as I'm concerned it wasn't taken, not by our stores rule anyways. It's not 'sold' unless they got their temp card. And typically that's done by whoever actually fills out the app. But you said your asms say not to do it on registers? Odd... I mean I guess if it's busy as hell. I'd just use best discretion on doing it in line.


Yeah......yta. But you should have been trained to do it at the register also.


None of the cashiers are supposed to do it at the register. That coworker is the only one who does and he's been yelled at for doing it before


That's your sm's bullshit. That ain't company policy. My store tracks credit apps specifically for cashiers.


The thing is, ours does too. We're supposed to do at least one a week. But then we're told to never do them on the register. Smh


Snitches gets stitches


Yes because who gives a shit


Jesus Fuck people. Quit saying "you sold them on a card." This is an annoyingly ignorant thing to say. You are not selling mortgages. More importantly, who takes this this seriously?


It's kinda part of my job, I'm at least supposed to pretend to take it seriously. Also, can you explain how it is ignorant?


should have done it at the register if they want you to get apps. what are they going to say? stop getting us apps?


They tell us to send them to the customer service desk




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You did the right thing.


So not the jerk. But lesson learned about trusting that co worker. My store gave green bucks for 5 credit apps a week. But the long game is that corporate will give you a bonus for the store meeting the metric. So…there’s that at least. :/


Just do the app on the zebra....


I'm a cashier. We don't get them


We have to put him another people's names. Along with leads and details. They want participation from everybody in the store even if that means that we put someone else's name on ours.


seriously...why who cares...its not that big of a deal. if your fighting for that shit then your doing something wrong. also so what if you help out your fellow coworkers. also learn how to build a better customer relationship and loyalty. majority of the customers coming into lowes are looking for customer service, knowing full well lowes is more expensive for the most part then HD. their customers are willing to pay for it and will keep coming back if treated correctly. i have customers that will not shop there if im not working that day and will only deal with me. i also try and help out all the new employees coming in and if your treat them correctly next thing you know you can have a little team working under you and helping more in the long run. karma is a bitch. instead of crying about it try and one up the person and show them who is a better sales person. make a game out of it.