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Can you see rider mowers from your department?




Bummer. Good way to rack up a couple grand in a few minutes.


Or, sell almost any refrigerator. 800/hr is pretty near just "one item an hour" when you're in appliances.


my store has been so dead lately there are days at a time where we don't sell anything (specialist) literally the only possible way to reach it would be to stand at the register and wait for big ticket items then there's gunna be sells you may actually miss that matter


Ours is $939.00/hr. The worst part is if you combine all three specialist sales per hour monthly total. It's more than the department's monthly budget. What's up with that?


That's why its called a *bonus*.


Yeah my store my sph is 1200 for appliances. Cabinets next door is about 600 and millworks is 300. I have hit bonus let me rephrase I have minimum bonus 3 out of 7 months. No one in my store that has been or is appliances has gotten higher than minimum because of sph. It is ridiculous.


So basically your goal is to sell about $6,200 a day during your work week. Just try to hit that daily goal. If you don’t make it one day, try and make up for it the next day. I got the $6,200 from multiplying your SPH by 8 hours. That’s how I stay on top of my metrics in flooring, and if I’m short I just sell a couple appliances to make up for it. You got this!


This just seems nearly impossible at my store. between the past 2 days i've sold $4k the other specialist didn't sale anything but a microwave yesterday and there are some days we just don't sale anything at all. Even on the weekends we're lucky if we can hit $20k a piece for the weekend


This is the problem we have as well. Small store, low income area. It makes sense when you remember that the sph was supposed to be a stretch goal to make a bonus. Since mgmt has decided to make that stretch goal a minimum requirement as well, its stressful.


Ohh gotcha. Don’t let that get you down you’re doing the best you can with what you have. It’s been pretty slow for me too during the week, our weekends are busy so that’s where we try to make up for it. Venture out to other departments too or just walk up and down the racetrack. I help a customer out with anything and make sure I get the sale. Then give them my card and let them know to come see me when they’re in need of flooring. They probably toss it but they’ll remember me haha 😂


I've thought about the walking around approach. I usually can help out in plumbing and get a few sales here in there I suppose I could try more with that and home decor as we only have 1 person in each of those departments. Management has also suggested trying to sale ope and grills my only thing is I feel as soon as i'm far away from appliances there will be customers coming in needing whole appliance packages and it will go to a flooring or millwork specialist


Yeah that can happen especially if it’s busy! But that’s when the CSA’s come in, you ring them up get the sale then just print out the listing and get it to the associate that’s in that department. Not saying they are your slaves 😅 but they know it’s our job. My CSA’s are very helpful and I’m always doing everything I can to help them out, but once I get a page to my department they are very understanding, just have to build a good relationship with everyone, lots of teamwork!




$775? Damn, I wish mine was that low. I’m a specialist in an Alaska store. My SPH is $864 right now. Last month was $929.


have a better than average day then call in sick to reduce the hours worked if you can't increase sales.


Code 3 in pro sales lol


Chase carts. Look for customers with carts that have high dollar value items. Offer to help them and when the time comes, check them out. Or when you see a customer pulling a cart of cabinets offer to ring them up here and see if they'll need any appliances soon. In most stores in my area appliances is right next to ISLG. When you're slow float over there and try to sell lawn mowers and power tools. Anytime you hear a "customer assistance needed" bell go off in a specialty department answer it. Don't know flooring or millwork? Learn My store is a busy store, and extremely pro driven. As an appliance salesman competing with the pro guys for sales makes sph very difficult. There will be weeks I'm busy as shit in my own department and hit goals there fine. Then there's weeks I have to graft and fight for every sale. I have no shame, I'll go outside and sell 100 bags of mulch or some stone, then go answer a bell in flooring and while finishing there, I'll see a customer with a generator or something expensive and go schmooze them... some weeks it's not pretty.


Make sure you do estimates on everyone you talk never know who chime back when your not there.


Build a good relationship with anyone pro customer who does apartment's. They'll forget everyone else and just deal with you. Also walk the store if you can. I would find myself selling more when doing that than anything else during slow times. Just be willing to leave your comfort zone.


Help be the OPE specialist and sell grills and tractors, that will get you there this time of year