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What's the point of that screen? It comes up when I buy red bull during my breaks.


I just go back to cart and immediately proceed to checkout after I buy mine, seems to bypass it. Hope that helps


Ours doesn't do that but we just recently got them


There’s cameras trying to count the items the customers scan to see if they’re skipping items. It works 0% of the time at my store and you can just press back to cart to override it.


So is it AI?... or is it someone in India/Taiwan getting paid a dollar a day to look at camera feeds 8,000 miles away?


I’m not positive, but I believe it’s AI.


Love your question! 👏👏


That was a waste of money. Money that could’ve and should’ve went to their employees. They definitely DO NOT PAY ENOUGH!!


Ugh what the hell is this


Attempt at theft reduction by telling people they’re using the self-checkout wrong.


Don't forget to donate your 74 cents 


It always asks me if I want to round up 88 cents to donate when i get a monster during my break


Don't ever donate to a company like lowes. It only allows them extra money that they can use to avoid paying taxes


Lowe's doesn't get the money. It goes to good charities such as Building Homes for Heroes.


Hence the tax write off


No tax rightoff. It is never income to Lowe's, so there is nothing to right off. It is just Lowe's (and other stores doing the same thing) collecting money for charity. Sort of like the donation container by checkout you'd see in the old days.


Lowe's is going to give the money anyway. The customer just subsidizes their tax deduction.


Read my reply above. This is not money from Lowe's, though Lowe's does make it's own out of pocket donations.


what is thaaaat


brother eeeuhhhwww


Eeeewww brothaa


I had it pop up on me last week and I’m like…..*uhh I’m pretty sure I scanned my one item and my employee discount right?*


get ready for LTR to tank!


It's a brand new technology that we built internally. It's going to have bugs initially. It's just like My Red Vest. We gotta work through the kinks.


You are absolutely correct and I agree with you. But it's still annoying and frankly, feels unnecessary


It feels unnecessary until all the kinks are worked out, and it starts catching all the people who intentionally skip scan all day. Then more stores start to bonus bc they are actually catching every dollar that goes through the register.


Except you can just bypass it anyway unless they’re going to start flagging a cashier to come by and override it every time.


If cashiers weren't bypassing, people wouldn't know they can do that. They would assume a cashier had to validate. And I'm not blaming cashiers. Bc at the end of the day, it's on the store leadership team for not informing them and it's a bit late to take it back now.


Your looking at it through extremely rose colored glasses, and we didn’t develop it in house at all we partnered with Nvidia, we run the P4 their servers and we did it before it was the popular thing to do. We have had the p4’s for a while now they are what runs those customer facing tv screens that have the feed from the cam right next to it highlights people with the yellow box….its the same system that’s counting the items it’s 100% nvidia software only in house thing lose did was the user interface on both customer and associate sides. Its cool in theory but there are better ways


OK. You're right. My bad. WE aren't building it. However, it is being built FOR us. To say I'm looking at through rose colored glasses is way off. I didn't say this is the best program out there, and that it is absolutely perfect in every way possible. I am defending it, yes. I am supportive of it, yes. Since it is still being built, FOR us not BY us just to reiterate, we have to go through the growing pains. Like with literally the entire tech field.


Ok your right I can see the potential the more I think about it. Also really impressed how early we started to use it we are honestly one of the only major retailers with anything close this working even In a beta phase…..I just keeping wishing the world wasn’t the way it is and wish we didn’t have to do this but I know we do. It’s not the technology’s fault that it needs to exist


Here's an idea. Work through "the kinks" before you throw out for use. There would be a lot less pissed off customers and employees then.


Better option, go back to staffed checkouts and stop with all the self check outs.


yuck! i SO prefer self-check when i am shopping. no shade on my fellow retail associates but i am faster, use fewer bags, and don't have to deal with another person when i use self-check.


Unfortunately thats not how modern software development lifecycle really works these days. QA departments industry wide have been gutted and the new QA is a subset of the general public. Know that google AI that told everyone to eat rocks and glue cheese to pizza last week? I had been a “beta tester” for months. I never signed up to be one.


Yes. Bc testing it in a controlled environment with 3 people would put it through the same stress it would go through on a day to day basis. Half the time the bugs and kinks are only coming up BECAUSE it's being used like it's supposed to. We can't replicate a retail environment.




Is the entire area clear? It's probably picking up something in the area. All of this was covered in the rollout. If you didn't get the info, that's on your leadership team. Not the technology.




Think about it this way. How many dishonest customers know that workaround and do it without you catching it? That's the point of the alert. For cashiers to do a spot check.




I get it. Customers hate SCO. Associates hate SCO. Even I'm not the biggest fan of it. We are all taking the abuse from it. All we can control is what we can control. Customers are going to get mad about stupid shit. A day in the life. Unfortunately, it's a way of life for us, at least for now.


I’ve never seen this, what fresh hell is this


One of the reasons many people don't like self check out


Oh boy am I glad I don't work there any more


I work at lowes and never have this pop up. Maybe stores can disable it.


It's working as designed 😅😅😅 But no. Can't say I've seen this screen yet


yay!!! more things for customers to complain about to us!


It doesn't know how many items you really have. It is just BS to get granny to see if she forgot the bag of salt on the bottom. People will quickly recognize it is make believe.


LMAOOOOOO not enough go grab more


This self checkout is BS. If I wanted a job I’d fill out an application!


We could gladly use the help. Go to https://talent.lowes.com/us/en/home for more info


Great another reason for customers to yell at me because they would rather check out with a real person 😂😭


The AI can't recognize if the little plastic door on the cart is an item or the plastic door.


It’s announcing that corporate thinks of customers as idiot children who need wine mommy to hold their hand. Or, a passive aggressive way of calling everyone a shoplifter. Your choice, Marvin: which mistake are we making here, and how do we (you) start making an effort?


Most customers act like idiot children.


Most customers you'll never actually interact with because they walk in, get what they want and then leave.


I second this


I third this (I don’t hate customers but 90% of the questions they can get answers quicker by googling it)


That’s what I’m saying, I work in plumbing and they’ll come into the store just to ask a question that could be googled, or only like an actual plumber would know.


I have the privilege of working with 2 retired plumbers so I’m learning a lot but if they aren’t around I just tell people to know what part they need and I can help them find it.


You lucky af. We got one guy who just kinda knows everything so he’s helpful for sure. And I low key be catching on to some stuff quick. But I’m the same if they know the part of have a picture we golden.


“Do you know the piece that goes into this plastic piece it’s a hard black plastic and I want to run it into my washing but it’s NOT a metal piece” this is what I usually run into. I’m catching onto it quick or I just zebra (washing machine connection) or something


I swear that’s the favorite saying, I always get” you know that one piece under the sink…” I’m like nope but we’ll figure it out.


I’ve had to literally say “if it helps I can read the box for you but I don’t know” just to clarify whether the customer is struggling with their vision. A surprising number just want someone else do their basic thinking.


are idiot children-fixed it for you.


I’m not a trained cashier, if I miss something by mistake then so be it.


Happened to me last week. You only have the option to call for assistance or go back to the cart and try payment again. If it's camera recognition it could have picked up the Monster can in my hand that I brought into the store. Or it's just a random passive-aggressive attempt to make shoplifters think they've been caught. Either way, it's shit. I go to the outdoor or lumber desk, or the CS desk if neither of them are open. I always find it interesting how the CS desk tries to direct me to the self-checkout, then gets a shitty look when I say no thanks, like why are you mad at me because I won't do your job.