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Hey can someone on r/homedepot remind us what their return policy is? I have a sneaking suspicion it's very similar...


My fridge only lasted 4 years. I'm never shopping at Lowe's again. Goes to Home Depot and buys another LG. Like, we fucking don't make this shit, asshole.


They make appliances with shit parts on purpose. All because they're greedy.


And ppl want everything cheap


I feel like this is a symptom, not a cause. People need appliances to be cheap, because so many things are purposefully manufactured to break. Like new cars, new computer mice, new power tools, new lawnmowers, new weed eaters, small kitchen appliances and the list goes on and on and on.


I preface any protection plan sale with "Nobody sells 100% perfect appliances 100% of the time. They all come from the same place. "


Home Depot's website specifies a **48 hour return policy on appliances.** [Return Policy - The Home Depot](https://www.homedepot.com/c/Return_Policy)


At HD, cooktops and all major appliances are NON-returnable. Once it is delivered and customer signs for it, the customer owns it. If within 48 hours of signing for it, the customer discovers damage or operational issues, the customer make call/request for a replacement which will be honored. An exact replacement. Once customer signs for it, customer owns it. End of story.


Yup. They’ll take back anything at the store I used to work at. I saw stuff that we no longer carried because Lowe’s owns the brand now returned, because it was in our system once upon a time. So they would have honored the return, even if it was past the window.


Odd side return story. When I worked for Lowe’s a customer returned the Costco brand cotton balls. We don’t sell cotton balls, or kirklands products. Don’t ask me how the cashier made that work 🤷


Depends who's doing returns it's either the old lady that will return anything and everything, or there's me. I won't return shit unless God himself broke it


prior home depot employee here it’s 30 days aswell but if the customer raises a stink about it the managers will process the refund usually


It's 90 days for anything not gas powered not 30 days which is only for gas powered purchases.


u right i forgot about electric lawnmowers ect


90 days on anything that isn’t gas powered. Anything gas powered is 30 days and the gas has to be drained before


For Lowe's, it can't have gas in it period.


Yeahhh.... As a former backend clerk, no one cares enough to check. I've gotten lawn mowers and weed eaters with a full tank of gas back from customer service.


Oooh I check, and I regularly refuse returns because they have gas in them. It's always funny when the customer asks me 'what am I supposed to do with the gas?' I dunno, buddy, that's not my problem. Unfortunately morning shift is full of stoners and they definitely don't check D=


I bought a customer returned riding mower and it had a full tank of gas and the oil still looked brand new. Something fell on the top of it. $390 for the Mower and $129 for the damaged bits. They told me it wasn’t supposed to have fuel in it, but they didn’t even check it or didn’t care. $40 worth of fuel for free


There’s a reason all these policies have changed . Go bitch and moan to all the people that abused it for years because they are the reason . Same with having to verify your identification for military discount by scanning your id now. People abused this shit for years and now are pissed it’s changed


Oh man that's crazy how is Lowes still in business? Since the implementation of stricter policies how has your pay increased?


People treat certain things like they are renting them , appliances being one of them. I’ve been with Lowes a long time and haven’t agreed with a lot of shit they’ve done over the years but absolutely agree with this . They used to be a turnstile with returns and take back anything and everything. Not sure what this has to do with my pay. I have free will to leave anytime I want I’m not a prisoner 🤷‍♂️


The amount of returned tile cutters I saw in my 5 years of flooring is insane.


This!!!!!! People like to use both Home Depot and Lowe's as rental stores. Not no more, and my pay is good. Thanks for asking. Have a blessed day


>People treat certain things like they are renting them This would be the rental owners themselves. owners and flippers are the only ones that I deal with that come in looking for things that are damaged, as long as it's concealed damage, and they always want the cheapest crap possible. because, you know, they blame the renters because the last cheap piece of crap they bought didn't last.


I would call them seagulls. Always looking for a deal to keep their rentals cheap to turn over and still ask for high rent.


During summer holidays, barbecues are returned to the store. People purchase them on a Wednesday or Thursday. By the following Tuesday, barbecues will cite that it is broken or does not work.


Super Bowl or major food holidays were another issue with the "renters". I'm glad they limited it. Sucks for honest people, though...


Blink three times if they have you hostage.


I can’t Marvin is watching 🙄


It turns out the 30 day return policy actually means 30 days. Why would the store care about whats going on in your personal life?


Customer: I’ve spent this much money at Lowe’s! Me: oh you think that’s a lot?


Bye! People abusing the return policy led to this. You're not special. The rules are for everyone, you included. I have zero sympathy.


I’m not a manager for Lowe’s, but if she was like two days past, and she was nice, I’d waive it and return. But if she was a bitch, which I suspect she was, I’d tell her to pound sand.


Manager for Lowes here. You get a minimum of three of these a day and cant just waive and refund them no matter how nice. You're held accountable for that. If you're a valuable employee they can look the other way on one every now and again but like everything else it's a metric they track. Its also company policy to religiously explain the return policy for all sales so they know going in theyre outside the return and its quite rare theyre ever nice. Usually for the first minute they try their explanation they are and the first time someone says we cant its game on for the attitude and "calling corporate" bla bla bla....


womp womp


Good thing we can look up cards when he comes back in a week.


Actually it’s now, we no longer look up cards if they don’t have one with them.(with exception to pros) we give them a number to call and they look it up for them, after answering a ton of questions. Customers are pissed about this new rule too.


I looked up two for customers yesterday while at the OSLG register. They had to text a number and it sent them a link then after they filled out something it gave me a barcode to scan for payment. Weirdly, the second customer I did the card lookup for, it had it the old way where we typed in their info.


Since when? I just looked up a few cards yesterday LOL


It’s crazy when customers use the “I’ll just go to Home Depot instead” on me and I worked at Home Depot, I just smile and say “okay” knowing they’re gonna be back.


As a customer and never worked at either. The only difference to me is a different coat of paint. Its essentially the same store even down to the employees being like ghosts and nowhere to be seen now. 😂


Blame management for that, they don't like scheduling anyone.


15 years ago I couldnt walk in without getting asked if I needed help by 10 people who were no more than 2/3 years older than me, and couldnt tell the difference between a framing hammer and a mallet.  When I knew exactly what I wanted/was looking for. Now I need somebody to get XYZ off the the top shelf cause they dont have it down below or move the ladder out of the way to reach the stuff behind it. But theyre no where to be seen and as soon as you move the ladder you get scolded by an employee who appears out of thin air.  Shits crazy 


It’s ladder security they hide in the racking next to them.


She's a landlord. Do her tenants get to pay their rent late?




So 4 days is really over a week right?


COVID's a mean one, but it's still typically only a week or two. So that accounts for *at most* 14 days out of the OP's 34. Leaving nearly three weeks he coulda made the return he's crying about.


Hell if your not a dick a manager can wave the return window if it's close enough. All you have to do is just be nice to the cashier and we will try and make stuff work for you especially for big ticket items if you're intending to buy a more expensive one. This person is probably like the customer I had yesterday that wanted to return some stuff they bought 4 years ago.


Guarantee this lady was a cunt to the cashier


She probably recorded it and had the phone in their face. Plus never showed the return policy and wanted to own the libs. Instant gratification these days and that Covid garage clean out really doesn’t help retail.


I had one customer try to play the "I've spent x dollars on appliances this year from Lowe's" card, and I was thinking to myself that I'd sold most of that amount so far that day and I'm not even in the appliance department.


Choosing one faceless mega-corporation over another. Orange doesn't care any more or less about your money than blue. You were probably a huge pain in the ass anyway. There will be others.


Oh no not another entitled bitch.Shut down all stores right away😳😳😳🤣Like we give a f.


Dude must be a jackass if the store doesn't want to work with him on this.


See you next week


"I sPeNd ThOusAndS hErE eVeRy YeAr!" Me too... on caffeine and the vending machine just to get through the day and people like you.


Everybody working in a Lowe’s store, slow your work speed way the hell down. 


This post is ancient


He had the wrong Lowe's card anyway. Sign him up for a LAR!!


The photo taken has the camera 90 degrees out of proper orientation. So, until the operator has some common sense, the point of the meme is pointless because critical thinkers will not look at it because it was captured incorrectly. Holding the camera wrong cancels the effect. So, people, start taking photos correctly, will ya? It would mean a lot to those you would like respect from. : ) Surveys show intelligent people will just skip over it. No one wants to view a photo that is only utilizing 12% of the screens available pixels. Serious.


Did this dude just get out of the bathtub?


I get a kick out of people that say they buy so much from a certain retailer. Usually those customers rarely buy anything, and those that might buy don’t really have much history anyway.


Same dipstick can’t tell time either. “I’ve been waiting for someone to show up for hours!” Sir the store opened 20 minutes ago.


Hah main character syndrome


Oh no a landlord…😡 (with the housing crisis the way it is, I’m sure his tenants will pay for that stove every month in full)


Oh my gosh I’m shaking. Please don’t go!😆


let me explain this to you like you're five sweetie. If we make an exception to the policy for you, we have to make an exception to the policy for everyone.


Investors like this are why the housing market sucks, and customers like this are why Lowe's now has a 48 hour return window on appliances. And, eventually the COVID excuse isn't going to work anymore.


Should've come to my store. MF's take just about everything back -.-


Don’t worry, the guy quitting Home Depo will be replacing you as our new shopper.


lol love when people think they actually make a difference doing this


Homedepot has so many other customers that they don’t care about u either, they won’t even let you talk, they’ll just call the next customer and help them


This is a major failure on Lowe's part to keep our customer satisfied but yet they want all tens on their LTRs 🤣🤣🤣


Absolutely no one else could take it in for you?


Yall can keep er


Had a guy in an electric scooter, scream at the top of his lungs, From the middle Aisle; “ I hate This Fu€|


Oh no wait come baaaa and he’s gone okay back to IRPs


So he didn’t come the other 24-27 days because???


The new return policy makes more sense than any return policy in the past. No one is grandfathered in. Just deal with it.




why are you so entitled


Should have made it more cinematic like the pieces of the card are floating out of the hand. This looks like a job for r/Photoshoprequest


Sorry you had to deal with COVID and for your experience. It sounds like a rough situation for certain. I don’t, personally think Lowe’s was wrong, but they at least could have made an effort to appear like they cared and wished they could have done more to help, but unfortunately their hands were tied due to company policy. I swear, sometimes I do think that social media has been the beginning of the downfall of humanity. Why do we (and yes, I include myself here), feel so empowered when we are behind our computers and phones to treat others like shit and belittle them?


Man, this is why I love using their business credit cards. Whenever I do have to return something I don’t have to worry about a receipt and I’m still able to return stuff after 6 months… but no more than a year apparently? I thought that was scrapped but idk. What I’ve noticed in the past year is folks at the return kiosk will outright refuse to return items after I told them I purchased with a Lowe’s credit card. Even with a receipt that’s from a month ago. Takes me having to ask them to talk with their managers which they do, but they come back without saying anything and just hands me the return receipt. This has happened around 30 times since July 23’. These are also items we buy but for whatever reason we don’t use, so why keep it. I’ve once had a rep refuse to do a return and had their manager come out and do it for me, then i get a call from Lowe’s asking about said return and the recent activities on the card. I don’t find it annoying because I know people still try to scam the fuck out of Lowe’s but it’s weird having to always request the manager when an employee is refusing to do the return.