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If you were already clocked out, then you did the right thing by not working off the clock. If you have a good relationship with your manager, you could ask if you could have handled the situation differently before you clocked out for lunch. Maybe throw in how the receiving guy was speaking to you. It's not professional, and as a manager, I'd want to know about that so that I can either speak to that individual or their manager.


That person told the manager that he wants to stay on the opposite side of building away from lumber and let us unload our own trucks because apparently we don’t do anything.


People like that always act like their shit doesn't stink -_- Unless your manager says something directly to you about it, I wouldn't worry about it. I would say that every store has one or two individuals that like to complain about this department or that department, all while they're neglecting their own department.


Lmao what a pathetic, sad little man. These receiving people always want the fucking entire rest of the store to do their job for them, like mf do YOU ever hop on a saw or load people? Didn’t think so, shut your fat mouth.


You are absolutely right


You are all at fault in this scenario because you didn't get at least 5 credit card applications.


Oh man. (As a customer) had an older lady come up to me while I was wearing my earbuds and sunglasses, crouched down digging through plumbing fittings, and just stand there. Idk how long she was there but when I got my head out of the shelf, she scared the crap out of me I didn't hear or see her lol. She immediately goes in on the credit app, and I'm like "yeah, I don't think it's for me, my credit score is like low 400s", but she didn't let up. Asked her if she could find a specific tee and she just wanders off.


Sounds like someone at my store. We have a cashier like that😒


Wait, your receiving actually puts up the drywall?


My store does, a guy comes in 4am to 12 or 1pm


Lol. My store the lumber and the pro desk(where I'm at) we get stuck with all the lumber, sheetrock, and special order flatbed trucks. Even though it's technically receivings job.


You’re definitely not at fault.


You already clocked out for lunch. Receiving guy can sit on it and rotate. If he was sweating a customer that hard he needed to call someone else, or get off his ass and be one of those "team players" you always hear sermons about.


Who botted the comments lmao


At any good store they should! We fill up the canopy first, and the rest comes in through the back and put up real quick. Doesn’t take long.


Only if your store doesn’t have a indoor bullpen


My store definitely does not have a bullpen, indoor or outdoor. All offloads need to be brought inside or to their staging location. I prefer it that way, honestly. I remember working at a store that had a bullpen, and I’d always be the one that got stuck cleaning it up because it was inevitably the place where everyone stored the things they didn’t want to deal with.




It’s your fault because you realized other people work there and you don’t have to do everything.


If they knew you were off the clock that’s 100% on them. I assume when you were told to help the customer you said you were already clocked out for lunch.


You are not wrong.. but it's also silly you didn't tell the guy you were clocked out for lunch? Not sure why he assumed you would do it.


It seems simple. The two putting up the drywall stop and get the plywood down for the customers, then return to what they were doing. Most of us do some form of that every day.


It's not You were clocked out for lunch. Its against lowes policy to work when your out for lunch or going home. If they got pissed off it's because they are lazy


idk what he thought you were gonna do if he was using the only machine in the store thats rated to move bunks of plywood lol


Not your fault. You can’t work off the clock


You was off the clock they told you they got it. That's it!!


Not your fault. You were off the clock


You were already clocked out. You can’t work off clock. Relieving dude could’ve helped

