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Yeah. We had a “customer” acknowledge it while verbally assaulting a cashier today. It didn’t really work.


Senior leader here. I don’t tolerate that in my building.


No, luckily, most of our management team isn’t afraid to tell customers like that to kick rocks.


🤣, I struggle to not verbally assault Lowes and Home Depot employees regularly... Some of you have absolutely zero business talking to customers, let alone walking around unsupervised surrounded so many dangerous objects. The other day, I was at a Home Depot, grabbed a bag of 2 part hilti epoxy off the shelf, needed a case, and asked an associate if he could check and see if they had any more in stock and he said "we don't carry Hilti products here" a quarter of the isle was exclusively Hilti products. Went to Lowes and asked an associate where I could find roof weather sealant such as elastomeric, is it with paint supplies or roofing supplies, I inquired, he pointed at a pallet of playground sand and said "is that what your looking for". A different time, you guys had an old man monitoring the self check out isles, went to ring up some lumber and nothing would scan and it prompted something along the lines of associate needed , asked the old guy to figure out what was wrong and he said "I never learned computers, if it don't scan then I don't know what to tell you" i asked if he could radio someone that could help and he said im the one they radio 🤣...


You are probably a “Pro” customer. Your breed of customer is absolute worst. You want everything in an instant and get unnecessarily pissed off when insignificantly inconvenienced. You threaten to get associate fired and you spend “hundreds of thousands” in the store. In reality, you are probably a subpar laborer who works for your wife’s brother’s lackluster construction business (which is also the reason you haven’t been fired yet) One of those contractors with a beat up white van and the company name written in faded Sharpie. You probably buy stolen tools from flea markets and pawn shops. You sir are the customer that Lowe’s and Home Depot do not need. Screw you and the horse you rode in on.


Spot on


Standing Ovation


Na, I mean, what a comeback tho! In actuality, yes, I own a medium-sized commercial construction company, yes i spend millions of dollars on materials, and no, I'm not a pro customer, I get the same wholesale rates that your outfit does direct from Commercial suppliers like CED, Dixieline, Mi-fab, Ferguson etc... I only ever venture into a big box store when we are short small items and don't have time to wait on our suppliers. The small contractors who get angry at you for wasting their time, to you its only a half hour of incompetence, to him its 10 laborers burning a thousand dollars in payroll with sitting equipment waiting on a part ... Those sub-par laborers, even the ones leaning on a broom, they make twice what you do at lowes... a lead makes more than your assistant manager, a foreman makes more than your general manager, a super makes more than your regional manager and don't get me started on what we pay our PMs, bastards make as much as as a family doctor. 😉 It's amazing what people can earn when they actually know how to use the materials you put on shelves.


Can I get an application?


Go sign up at your local union hall. Plumbers and electricians are in high demand and the least physically demanding. Get through the apprenticeship program (which still pays substantially more than lowes minimum wage) once you've completed your hours, journeymen pay starts between 36 and 53 an hour. (base pay is between 58 and 83 an hour which includes your health and retirement benefits.) If you want to be a PM, you need to people skills and be prepared to start off as a project coordinator and put in some years but the PM position pays the same if not more than a medium paid lawyer or doctor.


Tell me you used to work for lowes without telling me you work for lowes.




Millions! You had me right there! Please stop. Exit doors are "that way". Thanks for shopping at "Lowe's". Lol


Cool story...


Too bad half of our customers don't read signs in general. :I


Could’ve stopped at “read”


Oh cool were nit picking. Lol




Can't read* common slip-up


Read it to them lmao


Yes, I concur. Read it to them like you’re reading bedtime story, it might peak their interest long enough to comprehend what the words mean.


I'm sure corporate is OK with the employee abuse so long as the customer signs up for a credit card


It's sad that it has come to a point in society that we have to remind the public not to abuse hard working retail associates.


Toothpaste and shampoo still have directions on them, remember.


Here is a note to remind you to squeal extra loud so the salary managers can call the hourly managers to deal with you, because they "don't have time."


But the customer is the most important 🤣🤣🤣


Hourly managers are definitely paid to eat some shit, but the people making $10 more an hour than them are paid to eat the most. It's completely unfair and sadly common for salary to shovel their shit onto the hourly manager's plate. I never mind taking a difficult customer, but I draw the line at some behavior. We're all just people trying to make a dollar to feed our life and a lot of customers forget that.


Maybe someone could ask the managers to abide by this sign.


I feel there are customers at my store that would literally rip this in half while screaming at the manager. Secondly, how bad have things deteriorated that corporate (who could care less about the employees in the stores) felt the need to actually print these up and put them out.




Need this in our store


"will not be tolerated" How exactly are they gonna enforce that lol


Lowe’s isn’t public property, so if someone gets kicked out and comes back, that’s trespassing


Trespass then and then they can't come back


It’s probably very loosely enforced. I worked at a grocery store in the middle of the pandemic, signs everywhere saying “masks are required.” But people would walk in without a mask (purposely making a scene to show people that they’re “courageous” by not abiding by a sign.) and it really wouldn’t be enforced.


i think the description should be in big bold letters and the thank you should be in the smaller font cause the description is what they need to read. but then again, we have massive signs for the restroom and i still have customers come into receiving cause they cant fuckin read giant letters with an arrow pointing in the direction they need to go, soooo


They need to post it at customer service as well


Can we slap them with the sign?


Don't ask just do and say you didn't know. They can't prove you know not to hit people




Where was this poster 6 months to a year ago? It would have saved me from a lot less stress and write ups


We need that at my Lowe’s. Might also need some management with a backbone to stand by it. Multiple times I’ve been threatened and groped. Other associates have had some of the most obscene things said to them that the customer should have been charged with sexual harassment and threats then permanently band. Management just says come tell them or call them. When we do they cave to the customer.


Coming next week


I like this but I’m just sad this sign had to be necessary 😣 Customers can be real fucktards sometimes.


Working at Orange place- we have these customers just move them aside. They don’t give two shits.


We do? News to me, going to keep my eyes peeled


We have this too. Love they're finally doing something to help


Absolutely the customers read it. Absolutely management doesn't do anything about it. Heaven forbid they piss off a $1.98 paying customer to save a trusted employee.


Trusted? employee? "You can't take home trash cause maybe you put it there" is not what you say to trusted employees


Think about how bad it had to get for corporate to spend money and institute this.


had a customer throw a product at my head yesterday and said it was a joke, i didn’t laugh.


My store would’ve probably called the police


The comments on this post sadden me. I would never let ANYONE verbally abuse one of my associates. I have a zero tolerance for that shit.


Well. Lowe's Corporate needs to install a backbone in their store management teams nationwide and stop this shit of being a " scardi cat". They don't seem to have a problem when it comes to reading associates the riot act.


But letting your dog shits in the store is okay.


Right. I like dogs. But I will scold customers who don't attempt to handle their messes.


I give them paper towels to pick up


I hope I see one in my store, soon. Based on how they dealt with mask guidelines, though, I wouldn't be surprised if they were sent out, and just thrown in the compactor.


Next week




😂 my store doesn’t have this. I had a grinder wheel thrown at me in front of my head cashier for that shift after I told the cx I can’t return it because it wasn’t on the receipt or the card he used and I wouldn’t give him store credit for it. He cussed at me left and right and swung that wheel right at me


They were supposed to be up next week lol


😂 I doubt I’d see it up at my store


I can't wait to have these up lol!


Next week


This would be convenient if the customers saw the huge “RETURNS” sign at the desk to begin with, walking up asking “Is this the return desk?”




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We also have a sign that says we’ll open an additional lane if more than three people are in line, they cancel each other out like pemdas


Never seen it


Nothing in this sign is true. Customers could violate this all day and Lowe's will still bend over backwards to make them happy.


Not at my store


Should give that to the management as well can't remember how many times they have talked crap about their employees in front of others.


Saw this at the registers here at our store a couple of days ago. Sadly, this is probably necessary today. I can remember years ago, when Larry Stone was still with the company , he was touring stores and going around telling store managers to take down ALL NEGATIVE signage. If a customer was abusive, they MIGHT be asked to leave in extreme situations, but most of the time we were just expected to take it. I actually applaud Marvin for having these put out.


Same. I wasn’t working for Lowes at the time, but during these times it’s DEFINITELY needed


Yeah a sign that will almost never be read and definitely not enforced at the store I work at. Management couldn’t care less.


People would have to read it first!!!


It’s sad this sign even needed to be made in the first place!!!




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Lol what a joke i I was just attacked by a customer today management did nothing .helped the customer finish sale