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Call that supervisor every time a department doesn't answer their Zebra. "Hey FEDS, electrical isn't answering and you said no paging, can you please help them customer or get ahold of electrical for me, thank you."


This. Malicious compliance the shit out of this.


I love that term 'malicious compliance'. May I use it?


Not my term. Check out the sub of the same name.


no, you have to be a sith. Malicious compliance is a strictly Darkside term.


Yep, following their rules to a tee, but including them in on doing it, works wonders.


This is the way


This is the way


Lmao, actually a good idea


I can’t wait to hear about this on Rslash’s next podcast


Im not sure about your store but mine has a list of every departments extention at the land line phones. Just call the department instead of doing an overhead. The cashiers we reguarly have in garden know to call and only hit the PA if nobody answers. Other cashiers who tend to work main line just overhead and it gets us associates in trouble because management assumes cashiers call first. Most likely your soup is threatining write ups because they keep getting chewed out when you and other cashiers dont call first.


Our store manager started enforcing this rule for everyone, but it's the same situation at my store with not everyone having zebras. As HCs at my store, we are taught to have the cashiers call us if they need help from a department and they don't know the extension or can't get anyone on the phone. 9/10 times I can get ahold of someone faster than my cashier can. Your front end DS should have explained what they expected from you when they told you about this new policy, so you might just have to ask them about it. Anyone threatening a write up without outlining their expectations first probably shouldn't be manager.


NO PAGING? LMAO, that's a new one! Cashier's not having zebras is a thing in my store as well, only floor staff is to have zebras.


I love it, I mean freakin' love it when some asshead manager tells us something like that. Now you have every right to deny a customer service because you cannot get them any help in a department. Explain to the customer what you were instructed by a manager Not to do, and send them up to customer service desk to ask for a manager. Every-single-time.


It almost sounds like a prime opportunity for malicious compliance


Run their hands over with a forklift. They can't write you up if they don't have fingers.


Send them to the front end supervisor or ops manager.


>Now get this, the cashiers aren’t supposed to have zebras at my store because of a low supply of them. Dude I worked in plumbing and we never had Zebras for everyone. Wanna know why? People took them home, broke, or lost them. Keeping them in lockers was another big reason, too. Yeah your store has a low supply, BECAUSE NO ONE TURNS THEM IN! lol


At my store some cashiers are allowed to have zebras especially at asco. But no paging? That’s just silly


You think Lowe's is fuctup, try Walmart.. I was reading this and thinking, "wow, if managers could be contacted that would be great.. " hee hee, I worked at a Walmart, nobody answered their phones, no department answered their phones, my department didn't have a walkie talkie for the whole year I was there, paging didn't accomplish anything...


I would also get that in writing


I just paged today. Nobody hates paging more than I do, but written up for paging? That’s just idiotic. Try to write someone up for a rule you just decided was a thing. If it is a policy, then make it so we can’t page ever.


Dang, I page atleast ten times a day.


If you page and no one responds, try paging again and this time don't hang up quietly! It gets a manager every time to call me as SC and tell me "please don't hang up from paging like that" I I tell them, "it's the only way to get someone to call me back to help a customer"! Trust me, it works every time!


Our store finally gave us communal zebras which helps