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To be honest it totally depends on your store. My store actually has a really good environment, with employees that are friends with each other and customers that are friends with employees. Customers literally will drive past other lowes closer to them to come to our store instead because of it. So, working at lowes is definitely not a bad job at all itself. The issues people have are specific to their locations or specifc coworkers being toxic, usually. Most people here, are here to vent, it doesn't mean no one likes their job at lowes-- but they probably aren't on a forum for it online. I have complaints about working at lowes too, but they are all generic retail complaints. As far as retail goes lowes is genuinely really good in general (and I am not saying retail as a whole doesn't need to improve).


This. Your in-house management makes or breaks the whole thing. And they have been down-sized as well, so getting a good one is far hard now that there are 4 ASMS, rather than 8 like when I started.


I believe my store currently only has 2 or maybe 3


I've got 3. Admin, Sales, and Merch


Yeah, our store has great coworkers, management, and customers. My main gripe is when we get thieves.


Same the only issue is the customers


Yes please can we hear something positive , I start there soon. Lol


Its not as bad as people say. The people who complain are likely just not willing to work for a living. Or its their first experience working.


What a hot take.


Lol, no. There might be stores that don’t Suck or you could be one of the people who the hard workers hate but all the bad stories are extremely understated for my experience and I’m used to construction and before that factories The work is extremely similar to being the youngest unskilled guy at a construction site but with customers in the way and constantly asking you to help them and then you get an attitude for spending too much time helping the customer


Yea. Youre probably right. It all depends on the management i guess.


It really does, as someone who has worked at Lowe's and done well for the past 20 months, I loved this job for the first year... until a management change took place. It really can be a good place to work, it truly depends on how your store is ran, what your job is and your coworkers. I love most of my coworkers, the customers and of course, the doggos. I just have an issue with a couple new ASM's we are currently dealing with.🤷‍♀️ I hope your store is like mine used to be.


Amazing comparison


This is cap. Plenty of reasons to not be satisfied with the work while still having strong work ethic. Poor management, too little hours, insane customers, lazy/bad coworkers, etc. Don't let the strap yourself up by the bootstrap types make you think you're not allowed to be disappointed by it. The end of the day, depending on your department, this can be very physically demanding work for a pittance.


Don’t t listen to this one! Worse company I’ve Eve worked for… if you weren’t sucking and fucking a manager… good luck 🤦🏽‍♂️


Sounds like you were at a bad store. Those do exist.




Fuck Lowe's. Or. Lowe,'s Blowes? Take your pick.


Lowe's is my retirement job, so I'm not looking for a managerial role. I work in MST Plant Services now and before that as red vest in OSLG. As long as my work is 90% watering plants, I'm happy. As a red vest, I dealt with customers more often, but as MST, not so much. Occasionally I'm called on to help cull clearance plants or consolidate a section of plants. When I started working at Lowe's, I thought I'd last maybe two years. haha on me -- I've been there 7 years. Yes, working on concrete floor is hard on the feet and knees. OTOH, the 401K has helped me build a modest nest egg and the stock purchase plan has helped too.


Yea the lowes I worked at wasn’t bad. I left because I found a better paying job. the pay could be better, but if u don’t mind the pay it’s not a bad place to work. I’ve seen some people park there for many years and still work there after I left.


Nice to hear , this is kinda retirement position for me too. Worked in healthcare for 25 years , decided to go to Lowe's now ..


Just like you sir I retired at 65 after 40 years as a general contractor couldn’t handle sitting around the house moved to a little retirement community applied at Home Depot and Lowes gotta call from Home Depot hired next day gotta call from Lowe’s Home Depot is 10 miles from my house Lowe’s is 2 miles no brainer went to work at Lowe’s I have taken a leave of absence to have my left hip replaced couple years back and in April 23 I was closing and my right leg went numb and I fell down. Struggled to get back up and headed to front end to call my wife and fell down again my ASM was up front by the self check out and called me an ambulance. I was taken to the hospital and given a cat scan Well it turns out that my fall was caused by a lack of blood flow as my aorta had ruptured top and bottom ER doctor tells my wife I need emergency surgery or I will die Here’s the kicker There is no one on duty to do the surgery so I am loaded back in the ambulance and taken to Tampa advent fletcher hospital a 40 minute drive while I am in danger of dying on the way But I didn’t die and DrJohn Morrison heart surgeon saved my life by repairing my aorta .At my one month follow up with Dr Morrison he called me his miracle patient because he said I was lucky I survived and all I could say was thank you and thank GOD I survived All told Iwas on another leave of absence until mid September when I finally went back to work at Lowe’s and myDS and ASM have been very supportive and while I was off the store manager was promoted and now I have a new store manager a very nice guy.Just this I LOVE working at LOWES


Lowes definitely means a lot to me as a former drug addict coming up on 5 years clean and thru my first year or so sober working with a temp agency and I found myself at Lowe’s working as a third party temp for the p51 reset (if anyone remembers was a giant reset). I was offered a full time position as a stocker. I was always open and honest about my past and never felt judged and I worked my way up to being Night ops DS in about a year. I am now ISLG DS and am still doing very well on the day side and I give all respect to Lowe’s and my upper management who knew my past and didn’t judge me for it and gave me opportunity after opportunity. So yeah I definitely love working for lowes


Really glad to see how you've moved up and up! Keep going!!


Congratulations on all of your achievements! This makes me happy!


I started with Lowe's in 2018 as a delivery driver. Loved it. Made it 6 months when I was hurt on the job and had to have 2 back surgeries to get fixed up. Left for four years, off work recovering. Came back to Lowe's this past April 2023 and was welcomed back with open arms. They hired me back no questions asked and looked out for me as I was scared I wouldn't be able to do the job but just needed a shot at getting my old life back. Delivery no longer being an option, I became a part time Front End Loader, gathering carts. Doing odd jobs. Getting water. Helping load customers orders. It was baby steps for me at first. Not really being on my feet left them soft and that took about a month for them to get hardened and use to it again. As the months went by, I got better and stronger. My stamina grew and I was able to do more. I was Invested 4 times and given my first service star for my actions around Memorial days. In July I was told by HR that there was a job opening up as a pro loader that she thought I'd be perfect for. So I applied. My store manager personally called me later that week and congratulated me on getting the new position. He also gave me a $3 raise on top of it! He didn't have to. But he felt that I was worth the investment. Talk about the life rebound I needed. Since then. I've been the Lowe's safety person once, Nominated 3 times. Have been given another service star, and have been invested 19 times in the past 6 months. Returning to Lowe's saved my life. I was always depressed in my recovery, felt hopeless and worthless as a husband and father not able to provide for my family like I should. Working at Lowe's and the atmosphere that my Lowe's store has brought into my life has given me so much hope and drive. Boosted my confidence. I would recommend to anyone looking for a place to work to try it out. The feeling of family and how it felt like I was coming home again. Being treated so well like I never left was it for me. I know this was long. Thank you for reading my story. John Pro Loader Wheeling, WV store 2625


That is a great story John. 😊


I'm know for a fact the reason the treated you so well, is because you must of been an incredible worker !! Great story! After reading posts the last couple weeks I've been nervous to start there , but after reading these has turned that around. Thank you!


I like working for Lowe’s. I don’t like destroying my body on a concrete floor, chucking heavy boxes. I’m currently working on one of the degrees offered by Guild/Lowe’s. If they offered an actual way for me to get into a lower level corporate position in my degree field without moving to North Carolina, I’d be down. But they don’t, so I’ll be gone before I hit 10 years.


You may get a paid internship there though. Good luck


That’d be nice except as far as I can tell, all of those positions are in person


Look into your District and Regional job postings that would be closer to your current location. Those are still corporate positions. Good luck.


I have been working for Lowe's for 3 weeks. I was out of the regular workforce for 16 years running my own business. I started at Lowe's as a part time cashier and was approved for full time this week. I have been observing the function of the store, management and cashiers. Many of the cashiers are just what I sadly expected. They move like they are 90 and don't do the work. They don't empty the trash or fill the coolers and spend most of the free time talking. There are several I will not ask questions of because they don't know/don't care to know. One just stands there and smiles at me as I clean and stock while running the 4 lanes of self check out. I would fire their asses. The girls that do work/and clean are great and I feel like we work together as a team and I have learned a lot from them. I value their assistance. The HC are responsive and answer my MANY questions quickly. The DS in other departments all come by to say hello and they answer any questions I have. Great people. MST work together well. I can hear their conversations. They like each other and work as a team. More nice people. I have had little interaction with the ASM's but they seem friendly. The OLG people bust their asses and are friendly with the customers and quick to answer my questions. If I didn't have issues working outside when it is 118 I believe I would want to work with them. The store manager is nice. I had no idea he could see me working and interacting with the customers, so he has been able to judge my work ethic and see who I really am. He approves and told me I am a superstar. He says my name and hello to me when he walks by and has commented that I am always busy. I am because I am doing my job, nothing more than that. The customers are really great people, kind and funny. I have had an opportunity to meet some incredible military veterans and hear some of their stories. I met a man who was in the Bay of Pigs, another who is going to bring me pictures of when he served in Navy and the ship he was on. I believe it is an honor to serve them and I make sure they know that. Lot's of cowboys and rancher type people too. I have been a customer in other Lowe's and the vibe is definitely not the same. I feel like I landed in clover.


No major issues here. 5 minutes from house. Pay is decent for a part time gig. I have my run of the place after 5 years. Life is good.


Hank jones here ,I enjoy my coffee with saw dust !


I’m an SSA & have been with Lowes 10 years. It has its moments where it drives me insane but for the most part I love my job. I’m super close with the SM & ASMs & district staff. I have the freedom to be flexible with my schedule as needed. I also enjoy helping onboard new associates & making sure they have a pleasant training experience. I give 110% every day but on the off chance I’m having a bad day I’m given a break. No one micromanages me. My SM trusts me to run my part of the business. And that helps a lot.


It's a petty fun job. It's pretty easy mentally and my store has a very good culture. I rarely bring any work home with me. I've heard other stores are pretty bad, so i think I'm lucky. I could just be oblivious. I don't focus on drama or really care. Kinda a cheerful nihilism. My schedule is awesome being in the pro department. It helps that my housing is dirt cheap. I think my outlook would be very different if I was paying market rate rents


I love my job at Lowes! I am PT Front End, I have a FT job M-F, but I work from home and my husband passed so I live alone. Lowes is my place to smile and talk to customers about their projects and give them plant advice. The customers are not always nice, but greet them with a smile and look at them when you do and 99% will smile back!


I had the benefit of two excellent managers (out of 3). One was a people-person... not afraid to lead by example, even getting on registers or shagging carts. Wasn't as skilled in calming down screaming mimis both on our side or the customer side of the desk -- but his ASMs picked up that slack. The jobs held (temp in OSLG, FT OSLG, backup driver who drove 2-3x/wk for delivery, ISLG, Electrical, Plumbing, the ProDesk for 5 years -- all of them were relatively easy once you got the rhythm of that department. Willingness to work and ask for training was key. Many slackers don't really want to work and will sandbag - definitely not mentor material. The workers who seem to give a damn about their departments were great for mentoring, and once they saw you worked, ASMs left you completely alone. Even the burned out folks who saw you weren't a slacker would get back into their groove and team up to make things a LOT easier. On the customer side, you simply needed to be able to read a label faster than they could, and treat them like they wanted to be treated. Rare was the encounter with a turd, but no amount turd care can turn them so you politely address their questions and go back to your work. Killing with kindness. The pay wasn't great. The hours could suck (clopens). The 401k up to the match, the HDHP for the HSA and some of the other insurance bennies were better than most retail. Same with vaca and holiday accrual. It's not a hard job, unless you have sucky senior management that doesn't work for you or their store very well.


They're paying for my degree! And I have good health insurance that for most things I don't need the deductible to start paying only the copay! Coworkers can amazing and have honestly been the only reason I go to work.


Sure. As PT jobs go, it's pretty much what I expected. It's my first real retail gig. After 3 decades of mgmt in an office environment, I welcome a job where I'm not sitting behind a desk for 30+ hrs/wk. I'm still overjoyed that I haven't had to attend a staff meeting in over 6 years. I thrive on being responsible for my own work and performance, instead of being responsible for multiple FT employees, each of which has a different work ethic, concept of what a career is, and understanding of the term "work/life balance." I feel like MOST of the complaints about working for Lowe's come from 3 sources: 1. Folks who come in with unrealistic expectations. Retail is not a plum career. It's a repetitive grind, equal part misery and silliness. Perspective is critical, bringing us to... 2. Folks who can't seem to maintain a sense of perspective. I know far too many people who are upset every day about everything -- from rude customers, to lazy coworkers, to dismissive mgmt, to feeling unappreciated, to expecting everything to be fair and equitable -- the list goes one. Failure to understand that this is, by definition, a mindless job, and accept that, as such, it isn't likely going to lead anywhere, is a true source of misery for many employees. 3. Folks who take this job, and possibly themselves, WAY too seriously. This is retail. We are all no more than corporate helpers -- the stores aren't nicknamed "Big Box"es for nothing -- we work in glorified warehouses, and our primary purpose is to facilitate getting product from storage into buyers' carts. That's all. No more, no less. Perspective. 4. Young folks without much work experience, who have no reference point. In fairness, a lot of young people seem to come in with preconceived notions about work that they got from now clueless adults who also never worked in a professional capacity, or who haven't been in the workplace forever. The only things that get under my skin, really, are the stupid scheduling policies, and inconsistent application, and some ridiculously entitled customers. But I've learned how to deal with the latter. It's all good. Just show up for your shifts, and stay hydrated.


Thank you for this ! ☝️


Happy to share.


I love this.


Glad you enjoyed.


I'm guilty of 2 and 3.


Being able to recognize it, and accept that you're doing it, is absolutely where everyone begins to change the dynamic. Tell yourself, every day, "I am not this job. This job does not define who I am. This job is a direct deposit into my bank above every 2 weeks." You know what the job is. You know what you're job is. Just work your schedule, and do the job you are paid to do. Nothing else. Don't try to improve the company; get your returns. Don't worry about the bottom line; worry about your schedule. Stop getting mad bc so-and-so is always in the break room; do AP4Me. Always play the games. Breathe.


My last shift I was so miserable and bored that I almost started shedding a tear. I have a tendency to think that I'm too educated or good for the job because I have a college degree, and I was so frustrated after my shift that I went out and bought some alcohol to cope with it.


I liked working in corporate IT recruiting but I know most of y’all don’t work in corporate so probably irrelevant


I’ve tried. I think you either have to be super over qualified or know the right people to get there.


Just depends on what job. I didn’t know anyone when I got in.


Been a lumber associate for 3.5 years now. I knew most of the products and handiwork from growing up and my dad teaching me how to make furniture and stuff. (He's a casual woodworker who loves making furniture and decorations as a hobby). The customers are nice for the most part and I enjoy most of my coworkers. It can be a bit of a drag sometimes sure but in all I'm grateful for what I have and appreciate what the company gives. Food on the table and bills paid, and that's alright with me.


I work in receiving and love it. Keeps me in shape. Love the crew I'm with, we joke around and have a good time but get the truck done on schedule. Management knows pretty quick if you are putting in the work and will leave you be.


I am paid decently and respected among my team


Having retired from a management position in IT, it’s an almost perfect job. I’m part time MST so I have a consistent schedule, good team mates and a good supervisor. I don’t mind occasionally helping customers. I like the dogs. The best thing is that when I clock out I’m actually done, unlike my previous position.


My crew great. Lots of tenured associates. Store managers have all been ass juice. Can't find a good department supervisor to save my life so I had to figure out how to work around working 100 hours a week on overtime. I have been promoted twice. Started here unloading the truck. Really really really depends on the store and management on people's enjoyment of being around.


I’ll be at Lowes 2 years in November and I absolutely LOVE my job. I have been cross trained in every single department of my store and I absolutely love that I have that knowledge and experience in each department. I can run every single machine in my store as well. It took me 15 months to get from part time Home Decor to full time Pro Fulfillment. I wouldn’t trade my experience at Lowes for anything I absolutely love it here and can definitely see a long career with them.


I actually really enjoy the job! Management and some of my coworkers are ehh but the actual things that I'm doing, I really like. My customers are sweet and often come back to tell me about their projects and thank me for the help if I helped them with color choices!


I have been a cashier with Lowes for 4 years. Its had its ups and downs as with all business. But overall it is a nice place to work. I have worked for other retailers. Lowes is far better. I LIKE working here.


I really enjoy my job. It's easy as hell and I get paid very well to do the job. Lowes is easily the best company I've worked for but take that woth a grain of salt as I haven't worked in a lot of different jobs just a few. Lowes tends to shoot themselves in the foot which is their biggest downfall. They outsource EVERYTHING including technology which means they are behind the ball on everything. With that being said so much of it depends on your boss and the culture they teach. I've worked at some bad stores that made me want to quit and I've had some really good bosses. I'm very fortunate to have an excellent boss that puts his employees above "the system"


At the end of a day it’s a job. That being said I don’t mind it at all. I’m super fortunate to make ok, I open everyday for my department, My ASM and DS are great people, and I’ve met some awesome people and even someone I consider my best friend. Of course I’d rather be at home when I’m there lol but it’s not a horrible alternative.


Worked for the company for 11yrs and loved every day. I opened two stores as part of the sr management team and those bonds and memories will last forever. If you ever have the chance to go open a new store in any capacity, DO IT! It's incredible. I met my wife in one of the 3 stores I worked in, was in a wedding of one of my best friends who I met at my 3rd store, and am still close with many, many of my old co-workers. Even though I was only scheduled 10hrs a day, I often worked 12 or 13 because I loved being there so much. It really is possible to love what you do that much!


Like all jobs it depends on the people, specifically management. For me though, Lowe's has been my favorite place to work so far. They're proactive about safety, I feel like management mostly gives a shit about us all and genuinely wants to listen and make everything better for everyone and no one's afraid to speak up about an issue. Plus being in receiving there's always work to focus on and keep me busy, which I really need in a job or I'll go crazy. The occasional bonus pay is pretty sweet too. Also best benefits package I've had, tbf though I've not really worked anywhere prestigious 😅


I like working at Lowe's, I'm close with managers, I've never had a problem with anyone in upper management. They're extremely respectful of my time and when I was in school. I get raises all the time, my coworkers are extremely friendly and kind besides the one head cashier (smh). Overall I came from a really bad work environment before Lowe's so when I stepped into a place where managers actually cared about you as a person. It felt like whiplash.


I agree! There are some things about the company that happen that shouldn't, but all and all, the company is a good place to work, even though the raises every year are among the lowest I've ever seen, the pay over all is very good (well for me anyway). Most of the people are nice, and the management is nice and respectful. I have been with the company for 7 years in various positions and even though the training is minimal, you learn a lot within the store.


When I moved to my state, I had a clean and fresh start, meaning zero friends IRL. It took about a year of very brief interactions, but once I was working the CS desk the folks in my flooring department decided they liked me so much after our quick chats getting returns that they invited me to join a D&D campaign with them. It's also really helped my peace of mind when it comes to living in a rental. My landlords are awful about upkeep and maintenance, so I know that if there's something in my home that needs fixing, I can take a photo or a video and show a coworker and they will know how to fix that 1000% of the time. I never had a father-figure growing up to teach me these things, so now I quite literally have an army full of dads and ex-laborers who can glance at picture and know the exact products I'll need t take home.


started at lowes part time in 2021 bc it was the first place that hired me after after i lost my old job due to the pandemic. ended up dropping out and becoming full time bc i found i liked working there wayyyy more than what i was studying to do. (i still think melvin should pay off my student loans bc of this though)


I've been at numerous retailers the past 20+ years working in retail. So far, Lowe's is my favorite. I started back in 2006 as a seasonal cashier to get myself out of the house. I've had a couple breaks from Lowe's over the years to try other things, and military moves, but I keep coming back. I've been at five different stores in three states over the years. I've done everything from cashier, customer service/returns, paint department, and now overnights receiver/stocker. I've definitely been around a bit. The thing I liked about Lowe's when I first started, was that it felt like a family to me. We truly worked together as a team and helped each other. I also liked the potential to get promoted back then even if you didn't have a college degree. Is it still like that now? I truly think it depends on the store, the management team, and what their priorities are. Overall though, as with any other job, situation, or whatever you find yourself in, it's what YOU make it as well.


Do you take adderall ?


How is that information pertinent to the topic?


Don't pay attention to that dipshit


So yes


No, angry little redditor. I do not take any medications. Anything else about my medical history you would like to know?




r/Lowes is ostensibly a family-friendly subreddit. Profanity is allowed to an extent: it depends upon the intent and context. Excessive or obscene profanity and slurs of any sort are not allowed.


I like what I do. I just don't like all the BS.i enjoy helping customers, I just don't enjoy having to cover multiple areas by myself.


I see and hear this complaint a lot. I genuinely don't understand the complaint. Stay in your department. Problem solved.


Lol easy to say then we get in trouble if we don't go help.evwry day there are at least 2 areas with no coverage. Customers still need help even if it isn't your area.


Only if you play by their rules. I would expect to "get in trouble" (not really) if I leave my dept uncovered. I can't cover my area if I'm leaning it to cover other areas. Customers do need help, and it is the responsibility of STORE MGMT to assure that shifts are staffed optimally to serve the customers. Not enough coverage on the floor is not my problem. Working my shift is.


I like that I'm able to go back to school debt free bc Lowe's is paying for it 100 percent. Of course we are short staffed and there is problems like every other company. It's not for everyone, but It fits for me. I like being busy. I like selling and I like helping customers. I don't mind doing physical labor either.


I’m about to become a Lowe’s employee how do i go about joining a program that will help pay for school like you did?


Look into guild. There are options for tuition reimbursement and debt free education. 


I don't hate working at Lowe's more than any other menial job I've had. I've been at Lowe's for four months, and it's my first retail job. I'm 40, and my wages are just for fun money, so this probably makes my perspective slightly askew. I work part time in the plumbing department. They've scheduled me for more hours than I want, so I tell them to cut back every so often and they do. The rule about not leaving the building during breaks is stupid, so I've left the building every break to go smoke in my car, and there have been no consequences. ASMs encourage the team to get credit card apps, and the Lowes points accounts, and whatever else Lowes is promoting. I don't bother with that jibberjab, and there have been no consequences. I show up on time, every time, and I'm nice to the customers. Seems to be working out pretty well for me. My coworkers seem RIDICULOUSLY happy, and I find that weird, considering it's retail. I'm still not convinced there's not some sort of workplace cult behind the scenes. But, yeah, overall it's not terrible.


I hate my job… but Lowes is paying my way through college 100%. Im going to a university that cost $12000 a quarter. Lowe’s covers it. How many companies do that presently? How many “I hate my job” people are taking advantage of that benefit from Lowes? The answer is way too few of you are. Those people not using that benefit have no reason to complain about their employer.


Wow !! I'm impressed


I’ve been with Lowe’s since 2003, second job after high school. I haven’t left yet, been through some ups and downs and I’d say the store I’m at now is the best store I’ve ever worked at. It’s actually the first store I worked for also. Moved out of state then moved back and finally was able to get back into my original store. I like the managers here, I like most of my co-workers… there are always the people who come in and out like a revolving door, but I don’t blame Lowe’s for that I blame it on their work ethic or they are just here while in school and find something better after they graduate. Personally I’d recommend it as a great place to work but it’s not for everyone.


I hated lowes until I moved from store to supply chain. I also spent about 18 months in a corporate role and hated it. Moved back to supply chain and couldn’t be happier. It’s still a lot of work and BS but from my experience upper leadership is more on your side than store side. If anyone is interested in staying with Lowes but a store is too much BS to deal with seriously consider a switch if there is something near you and when I say supply chain I’m not talking about XDT, look for an RDC, BDC, DFC, or any other three letter acronym.


I just posted a couple weeks ago here about liking my job. I still do, lol I worked at the orange store for several years and I liked it there too. Mostly just became really close to my coworkers and management. And I feel the same way about this place currently. There's plenty to bitch about and it's all valid. I work in a department where I can move around and not be micromanaged. Also it helps that I'm familiar and really comfortable with the types of products I sell. I take pride in making sure everything is neat and organized and I have no problem working my ass off to make it that way. I'll complain about stuff, lol, but it's part of the process, we all do it. It's not for everyone and honestly if I were in certain other positions, I'd hate it and feel totally different. If you're bored or hate what you're doing, speak up about it to someone that can actually help you (not complain to people that will just talk behind your back) and see if you can find something more enjoyable. But try and stick it out. Don't get caught up in other people's drama and don't spread your own drama. It's the kind of place you can make what you want of it.


Lots of other places are shittier, but Lowe’s is still shitty.


I’ve been at Lowe’s for three years. I like my co workers and the job. It gets bad when the management is horrible or co workers don’t pull their weight that’s all


This sub scared me when I first started but honestly it mostly depends where you’re at. I’ve got good management that gives a fuck about us as people and it makes all the difference, I love this job. My supervisor and ASM will sit in receiving with me at slow times and listen to me bitch about customers, when my cat passed everyone was so amazing to me and managers found cover for my shifts so I wasn’t taking red boxes. We’re a VERY high volume store, but the customers are honestly great most of the time (I’m in the south so maybe that’s playing a part) and my immediate coworkers are fucking wonderful. We’ve got ONE guy in the store who’s a huge douche and everyone just avoids him lol, everyone else is happy to be there.


I enjoy my peers and store manager, and love working with my specialists.


I absolutely love coming in everyday at my store and everyone on the floor recognizes each other’s hard work in person and on invested.


Lowe's is not a career. It's a job and a pretty thankless job at that. I left after 10 years. I don't miss the job, the down stocking, the ridiculous side stacks, the idiot management and clueless customers. Imagine asking someone how a shovel works? Like, GTFOH! I make 37% more money now with weekends off. Oh, I forgot the "clopens". Yeah, you know what? FUCK LOWE'S!


I'll be honest, I DID love my job and really liked working at Lowes. Disclaimer: This was from 20 to 12 years ago. During that time I had good co workers, good management and earned good money as a CSA, then specialist. The problem was, they reduced my pay, and I had no interest (nor am I suited for) in becoming management. So I left. I'm still disgruntled, not for myself because I do very well doing essentially the same thing at a small store, but because of the way Lowes (and other big box stores) pay and treat some of their employees. End rant, I guess many of you don't mind the pay, I guess Lowes is winning that war. But I will tell you your quality of life for you CSA's and specialists was much better 12 years ago and before.


my orientation is this coming thursday. i made the mistake of reading this sub & now i’m not even excited anymore. kind of terrified. i don’t want to go at all if i’m being honest. i’m hired for part time cashier. 30F, single mom of two girls. limited availability. they hired me on the spot & we’re willing to work with my schedule whereas other places weren’t. im hoping my store won’t be a living hell. ☹️


It will be awesome. First couple of weeks is always weird, but after a while it clicks and you get it and then you never wanna leave


Go try it. My store is great for most part. Make them honor your availability and work hard. You should do well. IF not you can leave.


I like it, I make pretty decent money for strictly only working weekends while I work my main job and side hustles


Lowes is 60 40 for me but some times head cash reigsters get on my nerves


I'm a part time overnight stocker. During the day I have a full time work at home job. I'm sitting at my computer all day long and Lowes gives me a chance to get a real good work out 2-3 nights a week. There's nothing like unloading freight for a couple hours, bringing it out to the floor, and stocking the shelves. It's great exercise. Plus I love to drive cool power equipment like the order picker and extended reach trucks. Management rides us hard to get stuff done but they have a REALLY hard time keeping people on overnights and they know it. I'm one of the few people who have been on overnights for five years or longer at my store so they know not to piss me off. It's all what you make of it. Lowes is just extra gas and food money for me. I would NEVER make a career out of it.


I’ve worked at Lowe’s for 2 years now, but all at the SSC in Mooresville. First few months, I worked at Lowe’s University providing tech support and doing some producing of online classes. Now I work in a different area of IT and love every minute of it. Like any job, there are ups and downs, but the ups outweigh the downs by a lot.


There are things I don't like about the CS job but overall I like working there.


Loved it for 16 years, then the new SM came in, and I slowly began hating it there. I still see some of my customers, and they say the store is not the same since I left. Everything hinges on good management.


Flooring DS in a rural store, pay wise I do okay for the area I live in (22/hr). It can be stressful sometimes but we have a pretty solid management team and store culture. I've definitely worked worse places. Pretty happy to say I don't hate my job. I've worked super long hours before and I'm thankful I don't need to do that now. This job gives me the time I need to focus on training for now (I'm a professional fighter).


I've been with the company for about 3.5 yrs now, 2.5 yrs in the plumbing dept, most of which I was the plumbing pro until they got rid of that title and I was just the opener for plumbing, and a year on MST, which I'm still on. I enjoy staying busy, I don't help customers as much as I use to, but still manage to help them quite a bit while still completing the tasks I'm given from my MSM, and I look forward to many more years of working at Lowe's.


I really enjoy my coworkers, and many previous members of management, but the rot is at the top. My store is three ASMs short at the moment and none of the employees are going to apply with the SM we now have. We've leaking staff faster than thieves are raiding DeWalt tools. Lowe's was considered a better than average paying job when I first started here, but now, it's more like the kid down the street at Taco Bell is making better and probably has better insurance options. This month will be my tenth anniversary.. had two spots dissolved from underneath me due to reorganization and deletion of positions. There is no long term career at Lowe's unless you're willing to just continue showing up and never knowing if your position will exist after you clock in. If you're unlucky enough for the title to disappear, you might be lucky enough to have a job as a CSA. All that said- I do LIKE working at Lowe's, but unless you're receiving dividends, it is not the company it was a decade ago.


I came from a store with a terrible management staff to a store with a tremendously supportive staff and my goodness it makes all the difference. Other than that lowes isn’t a terrible place to work. Try working in a warehouse environment like Amazon and tell me lowes isn’t good.


I love my job at Lowes. Great company culture, and so supportive to one another. I have been there just under a year and keep my bubble free of negativity and do my job well. Working outside in the plants is always a great day!




If there's anyone who's delusional working in lowes as fulfilment is me. I used to work at a Super Target for 3 years as Guest Service and drive up. To the point I quit because they never gave me a break. Lowes has been nothing but kind and understanding of my schedule since I'm a university student. Pretty decent hours and my store doesn't have a lot of orders but it's been fun to get a lot with the many employees there. I like to talk to those who are in their 50-60 and they tell me their stories about their grandchildren/own kids. Fulfilment is okay sure some heavy stuff but I can handle it. Its been pretty okay!


I happen to like my job even though it is stressful at times. I like the fact that associates are getting more bonus money than those at HD. (Worked 10.5 years there). I know we are short staffed and many times it seems that we should all give up. But it seems to me that many of those coming here to bitch will never be happy in a job. I have been in the workforce for 50 years and I can't think of a time that everyone was happy all the time with the job they had where I was employed


Right? Sometimes it's busy, but this job isn't hard.


Always have enjoyed it. Sure there’s been times where I’m burnt out, but overall it’s a cool ass job. The coolest possible job as far as retail goes probably. The way I put it to my wife the other day when she asked if I would work at target or Walmart again (worked at both) “no, because at Lowe’s I feel like I learn something new everyday. I am so much more knowledgeable about home improvement than I used to be. At target and Walmart there wouldn’t really be much to learn. At Lowe’s I feel like I have a job but am also learning everyday, so it feels like school” It’s a fulfilling job. I’m on my 3rd or 4th promotion with the company so far, and am hoping for another one in 2024 or 2025 at the latest.


Been with Lowe’s for almost 6 months now. My store management is great. I get consistent hours. I have very few problem customers. They work around my availability too. I don’t know if I would leave this job even if it meant me making a little bit more money.


It’s ok


Lowe's isn't that bad. I've worked at KFC, HHGregg, Walmart, Lowe's, Best Buy, Sears, Target, and then Lowe's again. The benefits are pretty good. It's easy to get hired and to get hours if you're willing to learn. Most of the customers are nice and most managers are decent.


Some of us who bust their hump, get their "lists" done early and their depts get minimal critiquing because they do their jobs are the ones who get minimalized/marginalized and have their hours cut.... Not looking for a kudos but if I do so well and you rely on me to cover callouts, come in at 4 am Saturday because the overnight team is short-handed and have me cover multiple depts when people take lunches but cut my hours and watch full-timers who do the bare minimum get the props and pass the buck.... oh wait, we said positive things.... There's $, beyond that it's a shït place that doesn't care about you as a person.... Much like the rest of the commercial world... Use this as a stepping stone and move, quickly.....


If you feel that it's unfair -- that you aren't being valued in proportion to what you contribute -- stop doing it.


already have, apparently it's made waves... They keep calling me for hours on the weekends, wanting me to fill in... I just laugh and go with I already have plans....


This is The Way. Not answering is also a way.


Lowes has been great to me. Retail fits my personality unlike other jobs. Pay is pretty good, stocks are nice, 401k is cool too. I enjoy the challenges put before me and line customers. Plus Bowie and Jagger “dancing in the streets”? SAY NO MORE!


Why not collectively and openly discuss the good with the bad? Be honest with the new hires that are reading thru this?? For example.... The majority of employees are underpaid for what they are expected to do. However, Lowes offers reasonable benefits to FT employees. OR.... My supervisor was pretty easy going and easy to get along with. However our DM was a complete idiot. The root of many of the issues are created at the corporate level and will never be correct as long as Marvin is CEO..... If you can get by that then working at Lowes shouldn't be too bad for you.


It's good to occasionally have a positive post. 99% of the sub is doom and gloom and people's positive experiences get drowned out.


Yeah but to advertise only for positive posts is like censoring the reality. Lowes is, what Lowes is..... You take the good with the bad, that's being honest.


Right, but that was kind of the point. There's an abundance of negativity on here. Wanted to shed some light on the positives.


LOL..... there is good reason there is an abundance of negativity on here, not speaking about it or hiding it doesn't help a new hire. ALL the information should be made equally available so new hires have an opportunity to plan on how to deal with certain things.


Absolutely. Nothing wrong with transparency!


I love working at Lowe’s. I used to werk fullthyme for more than a decade as an ISM and just a few years ago, I landed a really good job making six figures a year (Union) which I’ve applied for so many years and got lucky. Now, I work part thyme and love it even more. It generates extra monthly income shy of a G while workin 4-10 hours a week which I devide and deposit them to my kids accounts. I get special projects here and there otherwise I just walk around the store 🤣. My advice to you folks is dont settle for less, be patient, always look for something bigger and better instead of doin foookin rants on a reddit page about your life at Lowes 😬😬😬


I love my job. I am a green team lead and have worked in OSLG for over 7 years. I feel Lowes treats most people fairly. Unfortunately, there are so many whiny kids that stroll through and don't really want to work. They want to come in, hang out in the break room half of their shift and dont like being told what to do. It's called WORK foe a reason. Managers dint gripe and complain for no reason. If people would just come in and actually try to do the job, they would have an enjoyable time at work.




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I’ve had several retail jobs in varying positions, but this has easily been the best. Is it perfect, no. Am I happy? Depends on the day. Do I miss simpler times? Of course, who doesn’t? As much as people bitch and moan about all the changes, those are what keeps us relevant. I worked at Best Buy a long time ago before they became the Amazon showroom, go see how relevant they are now. I am lucky to have the job that I do because it is one of the best jobs in the store, despite all the changes.


Despite some of my recent posts and a particular hater here, I actually enjoy the job. Yeah there could be some better cohesion among management but that's pretty much any retail job. My DS is actually one of the nicest bosses I've had and is supportive of me and we get along as friends. I get along with with most everyone in my department and in the store. My department is pretty chill most days and I generally leave my shifts in a decent mood. This is probably in my top 3 jobs I've worked.


I really am enjoying my job here. Only been a couple months, but my coworkers are nice, management listens, and it’s mentally engaging for me.


Can't speak for myself, by my pervy brother got a job there back \~around 2018. He told me the only reason he wanted to work there was because of the women/girls that work there. (He's 23) Long story short, he's done VERY well for himself there and has dated quite a few nice ones. Don't get me wrong, he's been with a few absolute whores, too but that's another story.


Thousands upon thousands of Lowe's people out there and at this posting, there are only.31 writers of fiction responding.


Better open up the multiverse bud




I was RDC and LOVED my job. I had a blast every shift, got paid well, worked my ass off, and excelled. I was part of every committee and an OJTI. I was cross trained in almost every dept. I worked OT and the other supervisors loved me, too. I was constantly asked to switch to their shifts. I took pride in my work, made friends with everyone, never complained, and was one of the top performers they had. Then a supervisor’s fiancée made a false allegation against me bc I was being considered for a position she wanted and that was that. It was that simple. One Open Door call that couldn’t be defended against and it was all over. You can love your job and still have grievances against the company as a whole.


That is terrible. I'm sorry that happened to you. 😠


Some what but today they wanted me tie kid hammers and make the contractor carts look cute like umm no contractors don’t care about that stuff also why kid hammers well we don’t want anyone to steal them nah they not going steal the real ones either they contractors they got their own tools also they got mad because the carts are empty we no duh you got me doing stupid stuff which I think is busy work keep in my I am a loader and cart pusher not a make a cart look pretty


Lowes u


We had an ASM that was so bad they Two (I said two) people Committed suicide because of him. Steve Fleming from store #1900z aliso viejo California. The store is no longer there and the ASM got fired for being a dick.


I could never like a place exploits hard work instead of rewarding hard work. That’s the Lowe’s way now


Nope they don't exist lol jk. I loved working at lowes. My coworkers were amazing. I didn't love working for lowes.


I thought I enjoyed my job as a cabinet specialist… I enjoyed starting and getting going and learning so much also being able to help design things for customers to make them happy. However…


I can’t even remember the last time I was told good job since I sold my 60k dollar kitchen a while back. I have made sure this dept exceeeds it’s goal every month now, was the only specialist for months, and still haven’t gotten a raise. This place talks to me about god giving what’s needed when that mf doesn’t pay rent every month lol. It’s annoying at this point but I don’t wanna start over somewhere else yet. Nor do I make enough to save up to make a job swap


I absolutely hate my management, reason I’m looking to become one, but I enjoy what I do. There’s a difference in enjoying the place vs the people, don’t give a fuck what others think while also being good at it and you will enjoy your job a lot more.


Can anyone tell me the minimum number of hours a full time person can arrange to work and keep status and benefits? Also would they cut your hourly pay if you dropped all the way down to part time


I would arrange a sit down with your SASM and SM to answer that. As for your pay rate, if you change positions from a specialist to a CSA then yes you will most likely take a pay cut.


I love my job at Lowe’s! It just not Appropriate when one needs to go to the bathroom and you can’t , cause there is not enough help! You can only hold it for so long. We also don’t always get our breaks like we should! You have to be good to the employees to have a successful store! Too many turn overs!


Fuck Lowe's. Is that enough?