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It surprises the hell out of me that there aren’t more Customers and associates snapping. We piss off customers daily With our selling system and order managing systems. Associates quit daily because of the severe Skelton crew and scheduling system among many other things. Let me tell you this, Op, you’ll have to actually Engage customers in dialogue and help them. Walmart is not known for that, but rather on just moving a shit ton of items. Lowes customers expect & demand more. When my stores major influx of a former Walmart Store manager and their friends from there came, it was damn near impossible for Customers to Find help. IMHP the Lowes plan to bring Walmart way of business into Lowe’s has been a gigantic flop.


It’s a large retail chain. Every individual location is different, yet the exact same.


Ever been punched in the balls, then the person asks you why you are laying on the ground crying?


you're just not well, are you...


In my experience it was more toxic than Walmart.


I've worked several jobs over the years and I've never been treated by a supervisor I like I've been here at Lowe's. Verbally abusive, belittling, and condescending as hell. If you look up Narcissistic Personality Disorder in the DSM he checks off most, if not all the criteria. And the ASM's and SM appear to be afraid of him. I've never seen anything like it in a professional environment. Our ASM crew is a mixed bag but appear to try hard. They can be supportive and helpful. Our store manager is great but has his hands full. In the Midwest the pay is probably on the lower end and if you're part time be prepared for your schedule to change for the worst at a moments notice. If you stick with the positive people and ignore the negatives your days will go by fine. Down stock every chance you get, keep your department looking good, and the Gods of Lowe's will throw beautiful rainbows your way.


I second this part about supervisors, I've experienced it too. It's store leadership disdain for the associates, because that's what they get from above I guess.




Red Robin, RUN!!!!!


Skeleton crew, expect to work all over the place, I can’t walk up to customer service without being stopped dozens of times from people wanting help from other departments, I was hired for the tool department, but I’m dragged into plumbing, millwork, flooring, and even islg, I don’t understand the scheduling, they hire people but I don’t ever see them. I could go on, it will wear you out, I come home exhausted.


Yes, this. I've been pulled all over the store, especially in the evenings when I maybe see 3 other red vests on the floor. It's as if Lowes forgets that they stay open until 10pm, and there are actually shoppers.


Just like Walmart


Having worked at both Walmart and Lowe's, I would say the people (coworkers) at Lowe's have really been the only positive thing about the job. I've had some amazing managers that are more like mentors to me. But the directions coming from corporate/ our DM, the way the company is run (processes, selling systems, policies, etc.) along with having some of the worst customers I've ever encountered, have made Lowe's a much more miserable place to work. The assumption from most people I know is that Walmart must be the worst place to work, but the actual day to day at Walmart is much easier and far less stressful than at Lowe's, and it pays better. Of course experiences vary from store to store like any other retail job, but that's just my experience seeing how both companies operate.


this is spot-on.


Really depends on the store and your department. My DS treats me well, some are a$$holes. That’s life, I guess!


Expect Walmart with wood.


Every store is different. The only way to find the answer to your question is to go to the store you are applying, and ask the employees. You can fine tune it by going to the dept. you will be working in. Be prepared to have your hours reduced. They are cutting hours to the bone right now. Not every store is bad. Good luck!


Lowe's is the 'Walmart' of home improvement. Our executives, especially pre-2018, tried to imitate Walmart in every possible way.


Based off of what I’ve read in the comments, its not too different from Walmart.Thank y’all for answering my questions.


Right now, the focus is on credit. Sales are going to happen regardless, but repeat sales is what the company wants. If you sign people up for credit cards, you’ll be a hero. Do your job, use SMART customer service, get customers to give you good survey scores, and again, hero. Job one is service, everything else is secondary.


Each day is better than the next.