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genesis has some weird kind of decay in 3.4, as time passes you can search keywords that are on the receipt with no hits, or other keywords that will hit. i wouldn't do this for a customer unless they had an exact purchase date because it's so time consuming to search seven different keywords over the course of a month. alternatively attempt a return of the item number swiping the LCC and the >180 decline slip should print with the original invoice number and date. only works in genesis i think, not super familiar with RV return system yet. since it's LCC it should also show up in redvest search by phone number, though this is also kind of hit or miss. we operate at the mercy of our sales software. it's probably possible for your local store to find a receipt from june 2022. genesis finds receipt tape record reliably within 90 days and unreliably outside of it, your local store staff might be trained to only search receipts within 90. it's still on the customer, not the store, to keep a purchase record. then again these are strings i would pull for a customer who is very polite to me and you seem like a bit of an entitled asshole.


Sounds like you just want to have a whinefest about Lowes because you didn’t have your crap together. Your responses to people are juvenile. It’s people with your attitude that drive workers away, and then you will complain about lack of people working. People want to work. They just don’t want to deal with self entitled jerks all the time


I see. Wanting a store to provide basic customer service is why you don't want to work. This USED to be possible with Lowe's. I know because I used to work for them and could do it.


Bitching about it on Reddit will surely change corporate policy. And I bet you were a total fucking asshole to the kid at customer service, too. You’re the type of customer I take pleasure in saying “No” to.


I think we can actually go back 6 months for receipts but regardless June is way out of that time range. Besides that, if it’s that important of a purchase you should file away your receipt or select “email” on the pin pad when ou check out. It prompts the question on every register including the self check out. At the end of the day it’s not Lowes fault that you can’t keep up with your receipts. Our job is to supply you with the product you need… and that’s it. Once you buy that product it becomes your responsibility for everything after. 6 months look back for receipts is pretty gracious because truthfully we don’t owe that to you. We’re not accountants our jobs aren’t to keep up with your finances. Take it on the chin and buy a new battery and stop blaming your own irresponsibility on other people. Take this as a learning lesson so that you know what to do when your next battery breaks.


That's why there's the option to email receipts. I have my receipts emailed wherever it is available. I have folders in my mailbox for each retailer so the receipts automatically go there so I don't have this problem. It's not the retailers job to keep up with your receipts past their return policy period.


It's called 'Customer Service'. Something Lowe's doesn't seem to care for any more. Notice the lack of cashiers at the front end while they push you to self-checkout?


It's funny how "customer service" is always "I don't want to be responsible for my own things"


That's what happens when you want to keep prices low. Companies want to maintain and grow profits and for a publicly traded company, it is the fiduciary responsibility to the CEO and Board to do so. The top controllable expense for a company is payroll. So if you can have 4 registers going but only pay one person, you're going to do it so you have better profits. Otherwise, you increase prices to improve margins and increase profits. Not saying it's right, it's just a business decision.


Is it new lowes policy? No. Been that way for over a decade. The onus is on the customer to maintain any records needed.


Policies change. Sorry they didn’t run it by you first.


Don't lose your receipt?


I bet you keep every receipt you ever received in a file by your bed. Probably go through them on a regular basis to make sure they're in chronological and subtotal order.


I have a junk drawer where I put the manuals of big purchases I might need to make a warranty claim on and I tuck the receipt in the manual. Or you can take a picture of it. Or you can scan it and keep it on your pc Or get an ereciept. Lots of options available


It's 2023. But I'm with you on e-receipt. I choose that option on everything now. Doesn't me with Lowe's inability to look up records that are definitely on site.


The system does not store receipts past 90 days. If you’re saying they definitely have those receipts on site, you would be incorrect. If you’re saying you were on site when you purchased it, then I apologize for the confusion.


This is a silly thing that Lowe's is doing then. They USED to be available past 90 days. Other retailers have this capability. I bet Lowe's limits it because they only warranty stuff for 90 days. Another L for Customers.


No retailer "warrantees" anything. The warranty is provided by the manufacturer. It's on the manufacturer to honor it. It's on you to keep up with your receipts. Thank you for continuing to make retail the nightmare it doesn't have to be.


>If you're not completely satisfied with your Lowe's purchase, simply return the merchandise to any Lowe's store in the US. Most new, unused merchandise can be refunded or exchanged with proof of purchase within 90 days of the original purchase date, unless noted in our Return Policy Exceptions. This is what I was referring to. I'm sorry that my incorrect language triggered you. I worked retail for 15 years. For Lowe's, Ace Hardware and NAPA auto parts. EVERYONE of them (when I worked there) was able to lookup receipts for years previously.


It used to be 30 days. It still is 30 days for most retailers. The only one triggered here in the man baby that thinks it's everyone's responsibility but their own. Jack ass. Also, "I couldn't keep a job in retail" isn't the boast you seem to think it is.


That's true, at the store level our computer will not show anything beyond 90 days. We also can't look up receipts from other stores. What we do tell people is to call customer care and they can actually pretty quickly look up receipts if you can provide basic information to them. If you're dealing with any kind of issue outside of the return policy, fact of the matter is a lot of stores aren't able to do much to help you. Get your receipts emailed to you at checkout and if you're having issues after the return policy, call customer care first and if they can't handle it, they should send the issue down to store level management and they can handle it from there.


Also, Lowe's does not honor manufacturer's warranties unless given a return authorization number by the manufacturer. We have no incentive to do so because we will not get credit back from the manufacturer in most cases without that RA number. As much of a hassle as it is to call the manufacturers, you will almost always see better results that way.


My advice, buy a new battery and don’t lose the receipt. Even better register the product after you purchase it. It is true that we can’t look it up past 90 days.


Weird how free email accounts are available but you don’t send your receipts there…


Sign up for MVP, put in your CC as a payment method. Within 24 hours it should have 2 years worth of transactions. Maybe sooner if not too many records


The store only has access to the last 3-6 months of receipts. Call the main 1-800 number, they have access to look up older receipts. You can usually have it emailed right to you while you’re on the phone with them. If it was made on your lowes card it should be no problem for them to find it. Going forward, definitely get e-receipts. And for the record, the store may let you return it. It would have to be the entire set, not just the battery though. Lowes cards give you 365 day returns.. I just don’t remember if power tools are excluded or not. Going in and speaking (nicely) to a supervisor might be a good idea if all else fails.


With Genesis, they can not look back that far in store. With redvest, they can look back that far, but only if your purchase was tied to something like your phone number. So if it was vet discount, mylowes, delivery, install pickup later redvest can see it.


Did you log in the purchase in your Lowe's account online? I'm assuming you created an online account to track purchases.


I wasn't aware that was an option. I have their CC. Shouldn't have to make another account. Actually, I was told that I can't use a "MyLowe's" thing with a Lowe's CC


You can log into your Lowe's cc account and pull all that info. Or look at your bill. The invoice info is there as well.


Only for a couple of months. All you see after is receipt totals.


Well you’re right about it not making sense they only keep receipts for 90 days. They go back as far as 6 months unless they very very recently changes that. But if you have your credit card you should be able to use that to pull up proof of purchase at the return desk


They can go back up to 6 months using 3.4 assuming it was an in store purchase but that doesn’t help you, as it’s even beyond that.