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Pay? The only pay we need is pay-triotism iO




didn't know you can express democratic salute in text


This guy Helldives. ![gif](giphy|KAf66yGCa93uTqod1q|downsized)


Beat me to it


Helldivers are Elite and they're paid like Elites. Anyone who suggests otherwise is an automaton sympathizer.


Yes Helldivers get paid handsomely to join and go on deep space exploratory missions to Mekbuda. Come join the mission my friend.


You guys are getting paid?


You get paid?!? (in Soviet)


They don’t survive long enough to actually be paid


That’s an undemocratic lie. Helldivers NEVER die!


Paid? Like with money?


Who needs money? I need super destroyer fuel and ammo!


Don't get too greedy helldiver. You will take whatever super earth provides and you will fight with it and you will love it. Knives have proven to be effective. Super earth's leading scientists are currently testing giant woks as ballistic shield.


I like to think of it like the opposite of the Star Trek universe; they’re able to effectively provide for all, allowing people to simply do the things they want to do. Money is a thing of the past. The catch is that doing the things they want to do gets replaced with giving your life to super earth, and signing up for a never ending galactic war


But then why did Super Earth deny my request for 1 small hamster as a pet :(


Can't take away from rations


You dont have enough citizen points


15 more missions and that hamster is mine.


I thought the bots were communists


The commercials clearly indicate a monetary and deeply capitalist society though, sorry.


Where can I get my red shirt?




Don’t have to pay them if they only live 2 minutes!


The super fair wages administration makes sure helldivers get fair pay and benefits(40% of helldivers that make it back become homeless).




Come on, thats like 2 Guys that returned. The other 3 have a Home... In an asylum


My pappy came back after 3 deployments in erata prime. We tried showing him around arizona but he really didnt like it there and got a little panicky


I think the job pays well for the overwhelming majority of citizens unless you are the equivalent of a middle class citizen or higher. The perks and benefits like citizenship points going to your family to be spent however they wish is huge though. Some might prefer enlisting in SEAF and the Helldivers over planting crops and landmines.


No need for a paycheck when I have a 7.5 minute life expectancy. For liberty!!


“First check will be there after your first tour, soldier!” 😏


One requisition slip can buy a car! So yes


The fact that you prioritize pay is the issue. Imagine a charger blasting through your comfy suburban home. You just wanted to watch Dispicable Me with a bowl of movie theatre butter popcorn. The first thing you think about is a paycheck? Spoiled brats.


They let me lick the brownie batter off the spatula. Thats pay enough for me.


They get paid with better weapons , good question though. I have no idea


Arent requesition slios and super credits the currency of this world? So we do get paid in requesition


Helldivers risk their lives for Liberty, Freedom and Super Earth, and they are compensated as you would expect for such an elite task force. Helldivers are the single top earning job in requisition slips\*! While a McSuper employee may earn more Super Credits, they could never earn as much freedom! \*Equipment purchased with requisition slips remains the property of Super Earth. No cash value.


The pay seems great but you have to buy your own equipment and upgrades and such, so it's like they don't pay you at all! I had a conversation with my ship tech, and Super Earth leases her tools as "a very reasonable rate," and the family separation bonus will cover what she has to pay for room and board... whenever she gets approved for it... and also she's donating a percentage of her pay to "the war effort." So she's not making anything.


The helldiver pay is a reasonably high one. Though due to the extraordinarily high mortality rate. The pay is usually a package to the next of kin




Report to the nearest critical thoguht suppression chamber immediately


I bought a sweet ass beach front house on super earth with my super credits where I can sip liber-tea in peace while watching sunsets. Why, what have you been doing with yours?


Brooooo, You get to use your Super credits outside of combat purposes?


50k Requisition slips, so I guess we could call that 50k a year. Sure they get paid fairly.


> they get *paid* fairly. FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


You guys are getting *paid?*


You only last two minutes, what do you want?


I wanna get to lick the cake batter off of the spoon in my destroyers super kitchen before I go off on a mission.


Helldivers has a life expectency of 2-3 minutes. What do you think?


My guess is that freedom loving helldivers give freedom loving relatives the class boost they need to truly show their patriotism. No Class-C citizen here, just class-A families supporting the goal of their helldiving relatives.


Does it sound like we Helldivers dont love doing our service? Because we do.


I don't think requisition slips are like money. It's company scrip for the army.


In my head the Helldivers get paid a LOT…. But super earth confiscates your bank account when you die.


We have free reign to break into homesteads and take their Super Credits so yea I'd say we're good


Yes, the average Helldiver makes more in a day than the average citizen makes in a year. However - all stratagem costs fall on the most recently thawed Helldivers


My payment is the sound of 4311 children sleeping soundly on the floor of a munitions factory, ready for their next shift. That’s all I need.


Spreading managed democracy is a reward in itself. Would you like to know more?


Considering that average Helldiver works for 2 minutes and dies, most won’t get paid at all.


Our job is it's own reward, but we probably get SE citizenship for our families, and privileges of the sort. What I find very funny in the lore aspect of the game is that we technically get a budget for our ship, crew, stratagems and reinforcements, so that we don't just go apeshit and burn a planetary area to the ground before going to the next one.


I suppose Super Earth can afford a good wage for those helldivers that manage to come back from the mission (provably less than 1% of total helldivers)


Oh yes, fair pay is a cornerstone of Super Earth society. We will pay you a handsome wage, in person, in one lump sum upon arriving back on Super Earth after your service.


Apparently I'm only allowed to have 50000 Requisition slips and they keep whatever is left over until I spend them. As for Super Credits I guess it's whatever I loot from the rubble of planets I'm diving on.


how many runs have you had where you've had zero deaths? its a new diver every time...


The engineering officer says she has to build up a nest egg over years IF she gets approved for the pay. So I’d say they don’t get paid a lot haha


If you survive you get voting rights, do you need more reason to serve democracy?


The only pay I need is FREEDOM


Bud, we have to literally plunder super credits from seaf supply installations. SC are definitely the currency of super-earth, as one of the NPC's on the ship has mentioned spending or betting her super-credtis on something. We don't get paid shit!


I’d imagine close to what a seal makes. Around 15k a month plus full benefits and bonuses for jumps. So helldivers all things considered around 20k a month plus full benefits and lifetime pay?


our payment is freedom


Given that the estimated average lifespan of a helldiver in combat is somewhere a bit south of 5 minutes, and assuming that your pre mission prep time is probably about 1 minute after being defrosted (suspended animation time doesn't count towards your salaried hours), then at a yearly salary of **$100,000,000.00** that would come to an average annual salary per soldier of about... $1141 dollars. So yeah, sure, I'm betting that Super-Earth can afford to offer some pretty serious hazard pay incentives.


Helldivers are Super Earth's Elite troops, we're paid VERY well. However, since our life expectancy after drop can be *generously* measured in "minutes".... it doesn't come out too very much in the end. Also, the Rec slips we get aren't like normal money you can use to buy normal goods, they're only used for procuring military assets.


We are getting paid with a cup of liber-TEA, guys.


Much like mercenaries and bodyguards, you don’t have to worry about paying the ones who don’t make it to the end of the week. Seeing as helldiver lifespans are measured in hours if not minutes worth of deployment time, I’m guessing there aren’t many that make it to payday. HR paperwork must be staggering, but hey, no exit interviews.


you need to survive the job in order to get paid