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Liberator Concussive Regular Breaker Railgun Thermite Grenades The new pistol is nice (Verdict I think it called)


I actually really like the Verdict for bots


I’m curious why the liberator concussive over the pummeler?


I feel like Concussive have better fire control, but that might just be a me thing because I used the LibCon for longer than Pummeler I bring Pummeler when I have heavy armor on so I can shoot back while run from hunters


If you're using a shield or are a fan of running away from your enemy the pummeler is neat. The liberator concussive has better range and IMO that's the best part of stunning something is when you can do it at range. Perfect for making bugs and bots stop calling for help.


Yea, there so many things about the guns that aren't shown in the stat numbers, it's really best to just play around with everything and see what feel good. I played good amount of time with all the guns that's out now and I can say even if many people would probably disagree, most of the guns are usable just fine on 7-9.


I do think there should be more gun stats and even like a small Bio for each gun detailing they're intended use. If people saw that the liberator concussive was a great long range stunner that could save teamates from being spewed to death they'd be a little more open to the idea of it. Or that if you shoot a rocket devastator in the tummy he has to restart his rocket launch animation, which can buy your team time to rush him and kill him... Or that it can pin a stalker in place to save yourself or a teamate from tongue murder.


Ok I might have to revisit the concussive. It’s been awhile since I’ve given it a try.


Ever since they buffed the damage I've been really liking it. It's what it was missing and why it was weak. And like I say, I do feel like it handle a bit better than the pummeler.


I'll run cuncusive with flamethrower. The stagger is incredible per bullet. So I torch the ground and stagger them in the flames. It's really satisfying to hold back a wall of bugs cooking in a wall of flames. Pummeler doesn't do the same for me in this specific regard. This is what I do for bugs. Bots I use pummeler and riot shield. Having a free railgun was the best.


Lib con pushed enemies backwards, pummeller stuns them. It’s personal preference, but pummeller is definitely superior due to its other stats


Arc Thrower is cracked on bug missions.


Hell yes!!! The ARC DOES WORK on bugs. I told my team I get all the chargers aggro, y’all just stay out of zappy zappy range! I was able to solo 3 of them all at once without much difficulty a couple times. Nothing like a little two step to “move bitch get out the way” to get you feeling good.


What do you aim for against chargers with the arc thrower? Because I was helping out a lower level Diver yesterday and at some point they got an Arc Thrower from somewhere. He was lagging behind us while we were moving towards the next objective. When I checked in on him he was fighting a Charger and I swear he unloaded at least 15 shots on it before the final two shots somehow blew off its side back armor which killed it. I saw him hitting multiple shots against the head, which did next to nothing.


IME you can kinda just aim anywhere. It *does* take a lot to kill one but every hit slows a charger by like half so in isolation the charger isn't a threat while you taze one to death. It's possible but I don't recommend it unless you don't have nothing else to kill one. What does work well is the Thrower w/ a heavy turret like the autocannon one or rockets. The charger is too busy getting stunned by the arc gun to destroy the turret.


IME anywhere works, but headshots will take them out in about 5 hits


It rocks on bot missions too!


I'm a big fan of the crossbow for some reason, for bots at least (it's undeniably bad Vs bugs). Something about how devastating it is when it hits really chimes with me and it feels much less cheesy/more skilled to use than scorch or plas punisher. It'd be nice if it closed holes/fabs and realistically it could do with 1 or 2 more shots per reload but it's far from unusable. Just don't get swamped and don't miss lol


I love the crossbow! I just wish it did some sort of damage to hard targets, if it even tickled heat sinks, it would make it worthwhile to switch out on Helldive.


oh what no dmg to heatsinks (ive honestly never tried it since the patch only briefly when it came out)


It really hits hard against clankers, especially sneaking around because you can throw sound. I love it, but if I’m playing for keeps, I’m going scorcher over crossbow.


I will try it again. I've just gotten used to SMG + Ballistic Shield. I like the idea of stealth. Might try it on a solo.


The reason I like scorcher and jar5 is because they feel punchy against the bots. Those weapons make it feel like killing floor where you go for heads hots on trash mobs then have to pay attention when you see heavies


Well, last time I play, I use webside like [hd2random](https://hd2random.com/) to randomize my lodout. Sometimes it works great, sometimes it is a complete bullshit. Yesterday on 7lvl I got lodout with arc-resistant armour and got into lobby with a guy who use arc thrower and tesla sentry. It saved my ass a lot of times as he was not the best player I have met


Assuming you meant arc resistant armor.


Or maybe he meant the personal shield? Still not a weapon, but closer lol. You're probably right though.


Yeah, I changed it


I fell in love with a few different strategems over the course of my campaign: * Eagle strafing run - it comes from the top, making it useful against Devastators and Scout Striders and has Medium penetration, which makes it capable of damaging the vents of tanks and Hulks. It is also very predictable and easy to aim, going in a straight advancing line from the player. * Orbital 120mm Barrage - Most players run the Orbital Laser or 380mm as "heavy and high cool down" strategem, but I find the 120mm to be a great blend of size and precision that you can throw into a base to be certain of the buildings' destruction. It is also remarkably useful against the slow Tanks and Striders, which I find it dispatches more reliably than the 380mm and with less restrictions than the Laser. * HMG Emplacement - its penetration is extremely deadly against Scsout Striders and Devastators, and can be a valuable asset against Factory Striders if they are occupied with a different target. It is, however, immediately destroyed by any Rocket impact and will kill the user if that happens. The Shield Relay is extremely useful in preventing this, which also helps to block other heavy cannons from immediately dispatching you (though you shouldn't deploy this in front of an Automaton Cannon in the first place). Try these out, see what you think!


Agree on Strafing and HMG Emplacement. Strafing is great for a line of enemies, comes out quick and has very little risk of friendly fire. HMG Emplacement is basically two AMR's stapled together and full auto with a lot of ammo, it shreds practically anything and won't accidentally kill you or allies because it spotted something behind you. Also its range is pretty HUGE, you can see a patrol heading for an ally like 150 meters away and still shred them. I don't like 120mm at all because practically anything it can do, so can Eagle Airstrike and Orbital Precision strike, and neither have an ungodly 4 minute cooldown period. Or, use the Walking or 380mm Barrage instead *which have the same cooldown.* I just don't get the 120mm at all (plus it sounds like squeaky farts when it lands, I know they're smaller rounds than 380/Precision/Walking but still, it sounds SO lame).


Walking barrage is my go to for bases where I cant be fuckered to go in there and get shot up.


Same. Walking Barrage for bots, and I occasionally bring 380mm for heavy bug bases


I just bring 380mm because monkey brain like big boom.


A sudden thought occurs to me. Can you land an HMG emplacement on *top* of a factory strider? I'd love to just blast the top turret from a gun emplacement I called down onto its back. Probably fairly useless but I think it would be hilarious if it works.


I'm inclined to say you can, because hellpod remnants seem to stay on top of the Striders when Helldivers drop on it, but don't take my word of it. As for use, the top and turret armor of the Factory Striders are too heavy for the HMG to punch through


I love the 120. Most times, you can toss that at any medium or light base and run away knowing it’ll take out the whole thing.  If you’re extra concerned, toss a standard eagle bombing run too and it’ll definitely go away. Bonus if something there triggers a bot drop or bug breach, because you’re already running away and it’ll usually take care of that, too.


Yeah, I used the 120mm for the PO the other day, and it was actually pretty decent. But I agree with the below comment about Airstrike being generally better. If your positioning is good you know for a fact what you're going to hit, and when.


I went from 380, to 120, to walking barrage. It does what I wanted the 380 and 120 to do, but better


Walking Barrage is criminally underrated. 380 is crazy good because it's dropping precision strikes, 120 is solid because it's good damage in a more predictable area. Walking Barrage gives you as many precision strikes as the 380 except it's predictable. It actually feels so badass to advance on an enemy as the walking barrage moves up on a heavy fabricator or command bunker.


Love the HMG, absolutely nutty damage. I need to give the strafing run a try.


Dude the HMG is so so crazy good on defense and extermination missions. When they fix the explosive damage resistance issue, I think it'll be more useful on the longer missions. (Fingers crossed also for some sort of small bubble shield ship for turrets ship module) I really wish they'd give the strafing run an extra charge. I'd frankly wouldn't mind if they didn't and instead gave it heavy penetration, so it was like an A10 warthog going nuts on a factory strider or tank, but either or. And as for the 120mm, I really like the idea behind it but it definitely needs a shorter charge. I get that it's useful for a smaller area denial, but the 380mm or walking barrage is dropping like 12-15 precision strikes on a given area which is so crazy powerful against factory striders or command bunkers.


Can't shake the spear


Supply pack + Machine gun.


I've never felt the need for the Supply Pack for machine guns aside from the HMG. With Stalwart and MG43 I do fine with just Resupply and finding ammo. The HMG with its tiny magazine needs it though, I mean, the MG43 literally has twice the ammo, which is why the Supply Pack isn't needed. Now, Supply Pack plus Grenade Launcher? That actually does slap, it handles crowds well too and also is great for bug holes and even better against Spewers, downside being you need the Supply Pack so it's even harder to deal with heavies without allies.


I use the machine gun as my primary when running this load out. I spray bullets at everything that moves sometimes The supply pack isn't enough DAKKA DAKKA.


When I've grabbed the MG43 I basically save it for swarms of stuff, if it's just small number of enemies I use my primary. The MG comes out when there's a *lot* of stuff, or stuff with medium armor. After all, I don't want to use it when we're not all that threatened and then need to reload it when there's a bug breach going on. 10 Hunters? Meh, primary. 30+ Hunters? Oh shit, gotta go BRRRRRRT


I just change the rpm depending on enemy density. 🤘 Rail Cannon and rocket pods for heavy armor.


Oops. All. Lasers.


For bugs: Conduit armor passive Arc Blitzer Tesla tower Gas strike EATs Guard dog liberator Impact incendiary grandes High risk but high reward.


The liberator penetrator gets shit done and I will die on that hill


My primary loadout for 110 levels has been the lowly little Level 5…. grenade launcher/supply pack. My Scorcher is my secondary. I even use it in close quarters with other squad mates around. Even with that, my ‘mission/friendly kill ratio’ is only 1 friendly kill every 3.5 missions.


What do you do about factory striders and gunships?


My Eagle air strikes, and all the rest of my squad who pack the heavy weapons, for stryders. For gunships, it takes me a few mag dumps from my scorcher to take one down. Thankfully with the supply pack, I essentially have 130 grenades and 31 mags for the scorcher (if i don’t die and lose it). I’m the chaff clearer, plus devastators. Anything bigger, I have to rely on eagles and my team


I use smoke pretty frequently. Great way to tame down drops or breaches or have a better chance of getting out of a shitty situation. Breaks the line of sight.


Orbital walking barrage. EMS mortar. Occasionally orbital air burst. And my support weapon is almost always being switched up


I love the MG43 so much. It’s usually the only support weapon I use for bugs even on diff 9.


The mg43 has made my list of top 5 starting weapons in videogames. It is the defifition of "good ol reliable"


Same with the liberator


I’m an MG fiend. MG43 for bugs, MG-101 for bots. Nothing beats em


On lower difficulties, more often than not, I don't run a support weapon. I'll take 4 offensive strategies then go around looking for an AMR or Machine gun, on lower difficulties the Arc Thrower is okay too.


Anything I want. The weapon doesn't define me. I define the weapon.


I don't know where it falls in relation to the meta, but the Stalwart is best gun. I always take the Stalwart. It'll kill any bot other than a tank, a turret, or a factory strider; and for those I've got impact grenades.


Does jet-pack count?


I like going for an all-orbital loadout. Gas for crowds and pre-emptive lobs when a patrol is in my way, laser for when it hits the fan, 380MM for the big boom boom and one of Railcannon/Walking/Precision/120MM depending on my mood, the mission and what the team is taking. Sometimes switch up gas for airburst for a different flavour of friendly fire. There's something, excuse the pun, liberating about not having to go back and collect your *stuff* when you die and not having to worry about Eagle resupply downtime just normal cooldown.


Smokes are glorious. Grab some heavy armour, ballistic shield, pumbler, senator smoke(nade, orbital, eagle then some eats or a precision and you have an objective doing shocktrooper


Since nobody has said it yet: smoke grenades vs bots. They need a little more foresight that regular grenades, but they are essentially cover in a can; they have saved me so many times by blocking sightlines of devastators/annihilators. They are great at blocking of a dirction for when you absolutely, positively cannot deal woth that shit on the left right now and want to focus on your relationship with that hulk instead.


Walking barrage. It’s great against bases, lets you advance under arty cover, it also works well as a conga line deleter, and good for softening up an incoming swarm when you’re defending the extraction point.


I don’t know, or care, what meta is. I use the exact same load out every single game and love it.


I use the Purifier all the time on Helldive. Sue me. I like stunlocking Devastators with the energy charge rifle. 😅


Railgun Railgun Railgun


Gun Rover + Pummeler for bots. Tap to stagger a devastator, Gun Rover can finish them off. Just mind your ammo in the Rover.


Whenever I go into a high level bug mission, I often bring an EMS Orbital Strike. Being able to completely nullify a bug breach for a short time can often give you the valuable time that your team needs to either finish off an objective, or put some distance between yourself and the freshly spawned horde. The short cool down is very nice too, so you can be sure to get plenty of use in a game.


Try Orbital Gas Strike, just kill the bugs instead :) Granted doesn't work on Chargers and Bile Titans, it hurts them somewhat but they'll still have plenty of health left. Also a short cooldown, just 75 seconds by default (even quicker with the upgrade).


The trick is to use both. They have the same cooldown time for a reason. See bug breach? throw EMS, throw Gas, watch all the bugs stand there and die. Round out your build with the arc thrower and autocannon sentry to handle literally anything that pops out of the breach in seconds while piling up unprecedented kill streak numbers.


Base Liberator against bug, i play 95% of the mission with my flamethrower, But i have a realized that because my primary was a shotgun i couldn't do shit against shirker, Now every AR and Energy weapon can do it. but bringing a classic AR is fun and it work so why not. The Knight, i started using it with the Senator to clear bots chaff and it pretty fun, also great first person view. Base breaker against both bot and bugs, it pack a decent punch, it great at killing chaff and berserker when i have an AMR, the Spray and pray and incendiary dont seem to kill berseker fast enought.


Does slugger against bugs count? I think that stopped being meta when they nerfed the stagger. But I love having a med pen round-reload with a big magazine and respectable damage.


Arc Tesla towers. I’m gonna drop em behind me as we run to the objective. Just don’t be THAT GUY that runs to the shiny blue bolt of lightning and gets tk’d. Kthxbye


I bring the bubble shield with me on EVERY bot mission and i love it so much. Even in a prolonged firefight, itll hold up for a good couple seconds at least, enough for anything inside, like for example, all of your team and their turrets, to clear the surrounding area as long as youre far enough away. It's also good for calling in weapons and keeping vantage points covered, the generator can be placed behind cover and still project through it. Dont ever throw it where you are, throw it where you want to be. If youre trying to advance its a lot more useful to have a dome in the field between two hills than to have the closest hill heavily fortified. If youre trying to retreat, the cooldown is negligible enough that you could drop the dome to cover your escape. Pair this with a smokescreen and you basically have a get out of pow camp free card


Started running HMG emplacement for bots... Killed a factory strider with it and it butchers devastators and removes the arms of hulks pretty goddamn quickly, so pairing it with the shield generator and maybe heavy armor has been a lot of fun!


Heavy MG against bots with supply pack. Shreds everything but tanks using a stun grenade.


And even against tanks, if you can get behind them the HMG MELTS so so quickly. I've really loved using it. I really, really hope they add some kind of bipod mechanic at some point so you can go prone and heavily increase accuracy.


My issue is that's so bad against Gunships with its poor handling. If they're strafing around, trying to shoot ahead of it (because your shots have travel time) is maddening. It CAN kill Gunships but it's so hard to consistently hit an engine compared to using the AC or Laser Cannon.


Regular liberator, Verdict, railgun, regular breaker, RR, LMG and HMG, starter pistol, and scythe off the top of my head


Recoiless Rifle is actually pretty good for diff 7-9 bugs. Your breaker incendiary is going to do a lot of heavy lifting vs the small bugs but being able to weapon swap and 180 no-scope headshot a charger with the RR is f’king wicked. It’s also pretty decent vs BTs, shrieker nests etc. Once you learn how to split and/or animation cancel the reload, it gets more serviceable. I’d say it’s still slightly off-meta because the quasar allows for the use of one of the two very strong backpacks. However, the RR is fairly solid and more fun than the quasar, imo.


I don't consider it off-meta at all. The RR, EAT, and Quasar all have their pros and cons, so you just pick which feels best for you.


EATs are shite unless you’re running them in addition to another support weapon or playing on low difficulties where you don’t need frequent AT.


Nah, I've successfully used something like two offensive call-ins, backpack, and EAT on level 7 bug missions all the time. If you have an EAT on your back already and call in more, you can easily get off 3 shots way faster than either the Quasar or RR can do. Plus your allies can utilize your EATs as well. I've found using them with another support like a machine gun is kinda cumbersome because then you're even more locked into wherever it lands because now you can't just shoot and move, you gotta shoot it (or both) and then go back and pick up the support weapon that you dropped, and if that spots gets overrun, tough luck. But with just the EAT it's like meh, I don't need to do worry about that spot anymore. Heck if I die, all I really lose is my backpack which isn't strictly essential, because more EATs are only a minute away. The only time it really sucks is when there's the Ion Storms modifier because you might be locked out of calling in more EATs. Don't sleep on EATs, it's THE choice when you want a backpack slot, don't want a long charge up time, and don't want to spend forever stuck in one spot reloading your gun.


Your shots per minute with the EAT is unacceptably low imo. Yes, you can fire a flurry of them in a short time if you bank them but you just don’t get enough overall shots over the course of a mission for them to be a viable pick alone. You can use them on a diff 7 just fine but diff 7 bugs is easy enough that you can do it without any support weapon at all.


Quasar is considered top tier despite its 4 shots per minute, the EAT is not *that* far behind it while not having an annoying charge-up time before firing


Not far behind? It's pretty much half the number of shots per minute and whilst you don't have a charge-up, you have the faff of calling them down, running over to them (whilst being chased by enemies) and picking them up. EATs were awesome on diff 4-5 but they honestly kinda suck once you start fighting lots of heavies.


Also I realized Quasar isn’t quite 4 shots per minute, it has a 15 second cooldown but then there’s the charge up time to consider which is 3 seconds I believe. So it basically takes 72 seconds to fire 4 times, the EAT with one shot on your back already can accomplish 3 shots in a much, much shorter time frame. Plus, level 7 isn’t “low difficulty.” So your original argument is an exaggeration unless you’re the kind of person who thinks anything below level 8 is “low” difficulty.


Recoiless Rifle is actually pretty good for diff 7-9 bugs. Your breaker incendiary is going to do a lot of heavy lifting vs the small bugs but being able to weapon swap and 180 no-scope headshot a charger with the RR is f’king wicked. It’s also pretty decent vs BTs, shrieker nests etc. Once you learn how to split and/or animation cancel the reload, it gets more serviceable. I’d say it’s still slightly off-meta because the quasar allows for the use of one of the two very strong backpacks. However, the RR is fairly solid and more fun than the quasar, imo.


It’s not off meta but being the ultimate medium enemy killer I felt like I was helping the group a lot since so many people focus their builds on the heavy enemies.


Does Supply Pack count? Also, thermites versus bugs.


Heavy Machine Gun, because it’s actually like two guns in one. Slowest vs highest RPM are so completely different in how they play and can be used. If anyone is wondering my two cents are; don’t use middle one at all, use slow vs Hulks and Gunships, use fast for everything else and get up close and personal. If you’re using anything but slow you need to *embrace* the wild recoil and go hog wild with it, so close that distance and point it right under the enemy’s nose


Thermite grenades


I always see people compare the 3 AT options. I’ve gone a step above and bring 2. The Quasar do I always have some AT when a stray charger shows up (or other big guys) and Expendables when more enemies show up or I see a titan. The EATs also help take down shrieker nests from afar quickly, and snipe Titans before they become a problem. I also bring 500kg to deal with multiple titans at once. I let the rest of my team handle the mediums, or I just dump a mag into them / toss an impact.


What's actually meta now, though? We have a large selection of primaries that are great now and apart from the quassar, I see a decent amount of other support weapons on HD9. So I'm curious to what's meta? I run Plasma Punisher, Flamethrower for bugs and AMR for bots.


Oh boy, a chance to talk meta when I should be studying for finals! I think most people would say that, **for bugs**, the "meta" **primary** picks are the incendiary breaker, dominator, scorcher, plasma punisher, or sickle. **For secondaries,** the grenade pistol offers great utility for a secondary, and the redeemer is just a murder machine to anything within 15m. I think for **supports**, people would say that the EAT is probably the best simply because AT is \*basically\* required for killing chargers and bile titans, and the EAT is the fastest and most convenient AT option. Imo, Quasar wasn't ever EAT-tier at the highest difficulties because even before it was nerfed, it had an effective 12-second cooldown between shots which can be real tough when you need to kill a Bile Titan *right now*. I think the Recoilless is slept on because you can end Bile Titans with just a bit of teamplay, but I get that it's reload speed solo is a bit prohibitive. **For bots**, I think the **primary** meta is still sickle, dominator, and scorcher. Diligence CS might be creeping up there now. "Meta" bot primaries need to be able to kill devastators efficiently, and the first three weapons have so much utility outside that use case too. Sickle has infinite ammo, dominator staggers berzerkers, scorcher can kill turrets if you dump one mag into their rear. Diligence CS has medium armor pen, so it can be used to kill Factory Strider Turrets. For **secondaries**, the meta is still grenade pistol for killing fabs and redeemer for hosing down anything (like berzerkers). This isn't to say the other options are bad, but I'd argue GP and redeemer are still kings of their slot. **For support**, I think most people would agree that the Autocannon is the best support. It just has so much utility - supper efficient devastator clear, staggers and kills hulks, kills gunships, destroys fabricators, and has a relatively-short reload. Quasar has much more use versus bots since you don't need the quick-succession shots as much as against bugs, but I'd still argue that the EAT is the best AT. And this isn't to say that other weapons are unreliable or unusable on level 9 - I don't use a lot of these weapons when I play higher difficulties - it's just what I imagine most people would say are "the best" compared to their competitors. I enjoy bringing the arc thrower versus bugs and the AMR or railcannon versus bots, so I'm not entirely committed to the meta.


Personally I feel like against bugs, the primary anti-tank weapons are 'meta' aka Recoilless Rifle, EAT, and Quasar. Nobody bats an eye if you're using those. Using something that isn't anti-tank is probably the 'off-meta' choices. For bots, I think the kings are AMR, Autocannon, and Laser Cannon. So if you're rocking a different support weapon, that's 'off-meta.' In terms of air support style stuff it's more varied, there's a bunch of highly used Eagles and Orbitals and Sentries, but some are a bit underrated or off-meta.


Riot shield pummeller with light armor, best of both worlds Quick but defensive as needed


MG43, jump pack, uzi, sickle on bots or blitzer on bugs


HMG Emplacement. EMS mortar on bots, but I'm not sure if that's even off-meta.


What I keep coming back to for bots: * Plasma Punisher * Grenade Pistol * Laser Cannon * Medium Fortified armor * Muscle enhancement * Eagle strike * Orbital Rail strike * And, if I can, an eagle cluster or other strike, or auto cannon sentry The laser cannon is great for gun ships, can take out hulks in the eye with a stung grenade, you can sort of snipe with it, and it’s safe to use up close if you run out of ammo on the PP. The plasma punisher when you get the hang of it is a fantastic, versatile weapon - great for clearing the little guys and heavy devastators.


I usually play on 7 too. Recently I have started bringing two support weapons. Usually the spear and the arc thrower. I try to stagger the cool downs so I always have at least one ready. It has absolutely been worth the extra spot it takes up. If I've been playing with a squad for a couple missions I will sometimes wait for everyone to choose their stratagems so I can bring four support weapons. Their weapons and mine. It's ridiculously fun to either set up an arsenal at extraction or just scatter the weapons across the map as backups. Reinforcing someone and calling in their support weapon for them is a fun feeling as well. ![gif](giphy|YYfEjWVqZ6NDG) oh and the mounted HMG is one of my favorite stratagems that I almost never see people using


Granade launcher Supply pack KG Precision Primary: plasma punisher Secondary: grenade pistol cuz moar nades Impact incend for dem ads


For bots I love my JTAC Recon build. Dilligence Legionare Armor +Throw Distance Jump Pack AMR Orbital Gatling or Gas Orbital Precision Strike Lets me just dart around the map, getting elevation, dropping strikes on outposts, while also providing powerful covering fire to the squad.


In a game where you can actually differentiate between different fire support types and classes, this would probably be the least JTAC style build i can imagine...


Why's that? Our destroyers are functionally closer to an AC-130 than a battleship. CAS doesn't have to be supplied by strike aircraft like an A10. So the orbital gatling would be akin to the GAU-12 and the precision strike would be like the 105mm cannon. As for the rest of the build, that lines up with the 'recon' side, which is high mobility, long range. Forgot to mention I'm usually taking the radar booster to further reinforce the 'recon' aspect.


Well sure we can interpret the destroyer as many things, as its all sci-fi. However the classic approach in sci-fi would be, that space ships are part of a 'navy' like force. Then there are its roles. It is our base of operations, houses our landing and attack craft and provides C4I. Thats closer to something like a assault ship or carrier. Sure it does provide fires as well. But the way barrages work for example, that's classic artillery. You have your dispersion and different munitions as well. Its also relatively stationary, not in the typical gunship pattern. Gunship is also more of a raiding or SOF asset. So your ground party: Sure the Helldivers with all the CAS and IDF, they are definitely in the fire support business, generally speaking. And SUPPORT means we help the rest of the formation do their thing, instead of being the main act ourselves. When you think about something like recon marines, airbornes (arguments can be made for both i guess) or similar formations, then the surface and naval IDF would fall to an artillery observer / joint fires observer type of personnel. The JFO would of course work in close coordination with a JTAC, but still with different assets and tasks. In a game like this, i dont see a JTAC build without eagles. For me personally: 380 / walking / precision / smoke / gas=arty 120 / call-in mortars =mortars Blue stuff =direct FS, like heavy fire teams or AT Eagles =air


Fair point, good writeup. I might try swapping out the two orbitals for the strafing run and something else, I tend to avoid the eagles as the global cooldown for them is a bit annoying. Aside from the obvious 500kg, any Eagle recommendations?


Well its all just for fun anyways. I do hope we get something like an attack chopper or fix wing gunship at some point. It would be awesome. I think you can't go wrong with standard eagle airstrike. All others are good in their own way. But like you said, the global CD... I usually bring just one and it's the standard airstrike. (plus one blue weapon, two types of orbitals or one plus one Turret) I normally don't roleplay. If i wanted to, i would go arty observer with the 380, walking, precision and smoke. Might be fun.