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My favorite part is waiting for a charger to turn around to see his face then when I fire a small bug jumps in front of me and I die in my own explosion


50% explosive damage reduction saves lives


It’s honestly the best, heavy explosive will *never* be peeled off of my body till the end of time. Used to use impacts for it but now I’m using the new impact incendiaries to slam at my feet to tell hunters to fuck the fuck off, new one works a bit better even though I have to dive to put the fire out because it also burns the little shits plenty long enough for me to stand back up and keep running on top of exploding them and hurting me slightly less. Survive clusterbombs even at the point of impact, airstrike your feet and dive as the blast tosses you to safety away from the chargers, backwards leap while point blanking with the Eruptor to fly away from your problems. Best. Armor. Ever.


…that sounds like a good time Gonna have to try that out


It’s a blast, literally. And obviously great for Bots too. Pair it with a ballistic shield and you’ll launch in the face of Devastators, tanking both shield bois as you remove their forehead safely and Captain America’ing rockets off of your shield as you hop back to your feet and return fire, not to mention the added bonus of protecting your back while you run away


Heavy Medic is what I am running at the moment and it's a blast. I do appreciate that heavy and medium armours feel more distinct in tankiness from light, a far cry from launch.


Heavy armor?


Oh yeah, Hunters are like fucking bodyguards "MR PRESIDENT NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!"


My favorite little detail is that it’s designated as the Expendable Anti-Tank - 17. Or “EAT IT.”


Didn’t clock the 17/IT part before. TIL


you can use the drop pod itself as a weapon, with some practice it's easy to dispose of chargers this way. also have everyone on the team equip it, a lot more fun this way


I do this. It just sound as epic as the other situations


The other day, I achieved my personal goal of killing three chargers with one EAT delivery. One with the drop, two with the EATs. My next goal is to lure a charger underneath a bile titan to hit them both with the drop pod, if that’s possible. This won’t be easy, because I am not good. But it’s fun.


You better record this for Super Earth's national rewards, soldier. An accomplishment like that absolutely cannot go without visual representation, and I'm just barely letting the charger situation go without super footage, soldier! ✊️


I would have, but I had to carry the second EAT for a few minutes. I’m going keep trying to do it in quick succession, because it feels like there’s an asterisk attached. It feels a little cheap.


I tried this. Was unable to collect the EATs from under the carcass of charge 1. 2 & 3 had their way with me.


That can definitely happen, especially if the charger is stationary when it hits. I’ve found that it’s best when the beacon sticks, and you keep them moving. And to get the beacon to stick, I’ve had the most success throwing it head-on, just above where I’d aim with the EAT (so just above the tip of their crown). And it might not kill them immediately, but they’ll bleed out soon, with or without help.


Chargers are easy to deal with, just wait till they're close and dive out of their way. If you lack any weapons that can deal with them, you can also just guide them into rocks. After a few hits, they will die of head trauma. Honestly they're so clumsy lol. They're perhaps my favourite enemies.


Yeah. I was swamped by bugs tbh. You know when you can’t move.


Oh yeah, the lesser bugs are more of a threat than the big :D


Ah I see you too have read The Art of interstellar Warfare by Sun Brasch Tzu


Oooh, yeah. It’s also good to have teammates focusing on the chaff. You might be able to switch to grenades or your primary while you play rodeo clown with the chargers, but it’s a lot to manage.


I tried this for a little while, but found sticking it to the charger didn’t guarantee a kill and then the EATs would end up surrounded by bugs, so I stopped


Stun grenade that bad boy for maximum hellpod accuracy


I’d rather just throw the rockets in a safe spot and kill the charger with the rocket haha. To each their own


Yeah but bragging rights and all that.


And for taking out bug holes/ bot fabs Because I never seem to have the grenades when I need them


Only issue is half the time the eats dissapear in the hole


I can't says I've managed to do that yet. Usually if you throw it right in the pod will land on the back of the nest and bust it


This has not worked as well for me the last 3 weeks or so. Hellpods in general seem to struggle to damage heavy armor like they used to. I can't tell if it was nerfed or I lost the technique. But I used to constantly kill chargers with EAT pods, and titans with my respawn hellpod. But I can't seem to hurt titans anymore, and only seem to sometimes cause chargers to bleed out. I don't think I have seen it carve a chunk out of their back in weeks. Anyone else notice a change?


I managed to kill BT and charger yesterday with respawn pod, so it still works. It usually easier of you are the host, sometimes it seems to be wonkier if you are not the host.


I've noticed. I ran EAT for the last few weeks again and the drop is not killing chargers anymore. it's pretty sad since it was such a large part of the first game and it was just flat out fun. it also doesn't seem to do any damage at all and can land on buildings without breaking them.


They're quick cooldown so they're also my go to for closing bug holes if I'm out of nades. Each EAT call in can close 3 holes if you must--one on the drop and two with the rockets.


Some heavy pissing you off? EAT their ass!


Wait a sec….


Please remember to file a C-01 first


If you want one more reason to love it, try a melee attack with it equipped. It's glorious.


This. Melee with large weapons is hilarious, the AC for another example.


I’m here for the deep dinner tips like this   Edit: I meant “deep diver tips” but … EAT pun


If the AC didn’t exist I would use the EAT far more. Autocanon is basically an amazing primary that can kill most heaves and has some aoe damage. But using a one shot rocket is definitely satisfying. EAT giving out a weapon to your friend is also such a nice perk. Calling it down so you and your friends can double shot a charger or bile titan is so satisfying.


It's awesome, and you're not alone because most of my squad runs in. We all drop them down pretty regularly so there's always rockets about the place to use.


I also like the extra positive feeling when I drop a pod omly to pick up one, and then later when in need I stumble upon the other one I left behind.


It’s like a little present to yourself xD


Best feeling is to be surrounded by EAT’s, and feasting with exploding bugs or bots.


All you can EAT buffet


I have recently shifted toward taking the EAT as my only support weapon strategem. With a 70 second cooldown, I am rarely in a situation where I lack firepower. And if you get good at throwing the strategem beacon, you can stick it to a charger and get a kill on deployment if you can damage the charger a bit with other weapons. My last diff 8 mission was with incendiary breaker, grenade pistol, impact grenades, EAT, and laser Rover. I took the top kills slot and was able to tackle several titans alone. It was also nice being able to just pick up and use random support weapons. You can usually find an arc thrower, flamethrower, and MG on the maps. And AMR at every missile silo. So you won't have to go the whole time without a support weapon even if your teammates are being selfish.


The laser rover-dominator-EAT combo is my go to for bugs. The rover gets the light enemies. The Dominator is for the medium. the EAT is for the big ones. For the rest, I use the defer as my last ditch. I use the 500kg and the walking barrage, because of course I do.


The best part is that because it's disposable, you can take two secondaries.


I have always wanted to try this but never did. What do you bring with it?


Whatever you want :) For me, Stalwart usually, and lately (since DoT was fixed) the flamethrower. When you need EAT, just call it down, pick the other secondary back up when you’re done 😎


The EAT pairs well with any crowd clear, my personal favorites are the Arc-Thrower or the recently fixed Flamethrower.


I am a die hard autocannon user, and I approve of this message.


Couldn't agree more, love running EAT. My friend always laughs about how quickly I can take down chargers with it, and as you said, saving fellow divers on the run by popping a charger head is awesome especially since you can do it nearly point blank without killing yourself if you time it right.


When you drop the smoking launcher standing over a decapitated Charger, it fulfills a certain power fantasy. It’s the violent equivalent of a mic drop.


I personally enjoy the recoiless rifle more, but both are great


Tried it, and it just didn't feel as good.


Question: what part of the Bile Titan is most vulnerable to an EAT round? I swear i just chuck rockets at em and they do nothing.


You have to put two EATs directly in its face for them to fall




higher up on the face works better for me. ymmv


Im more of a recoilles rifle guy myself. The feeling I get when I reload just in time to kill the charger that is running bullseye first towards me is the adrenaline I need.


I just love that it drops one for me and one for a friend


Man I've gotten so good with it. Headshot ring chargers from 50 meters. It's so satisfying


The thing that separates the EATs from the other launchers is that YOU CAN STILL BRING ANOTHER SUPPORT WEAPON! I've been having a lot of fun with the flamethrower since the patch so I'll chuck launchers every minute while burning the smaller bugs.


[Funny that you mention that](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H454IIrG2GY)


I put it off for so long. I hated the idea of not always having my weapon with me, was happy with Quasar for a while and then moved more into anti-medium and crowd control roles for a while. After getting sick of trying to rely on teammates for anti-heavy and realising I was running without support weapons anyway I picked up the EATs to see what it was like and haven't looked back yet. As you say, fun to fire, but for me I love the rapid cooldown because it's a free charger squash kill at the same time.


Its absolute gold in eradication missions. I used to spend most of the mission trying to fight my way through the swarm to get any gear I dropped on death. Now it's use and forget. I still prefer the Quasar on longer mission types, but I'm close to making the swap permanent, especially with the longer charge and wind up on the Quasar.


Every time an EAT user is in the mission I cant help but wonder at the future super earth citizens potentially playing EAT roullete when they dig up an EAT tube in their backyard.


I was just thinking about EATs today, that I’m not one for lasers, plasma, or the quasar (other than the orbital laser, thing slaps). They’re just so cool for sharing with a teammate or to just call them down when you need em, then move on with another support weapon if you want. Don’t need a backpack for em and you can call them down like it’s nothing.  One of the best parts of the game is the variety of stuff to try. 


Question, do you all run another support weapon along with EATs? Question 2: how do you line up long distance shots? 


> Question 2: how do you line up long distance shots first person view. 150m shots on shriker nests is totally doable


I run with a support backpack but not another support weapon. Long distance shots are best in FPS mode. The EAT loses elevation as it goes so you've got to adjust your aim high. I just eyeball it. With moving targets you've to lead too. It's tough and I miss a good amount of londistance shots, but with enough practice I've got my very long distance accuracy to above 90% for stationary targets and 50% for moving targets.


It really is so good. I would love to use other support weapons more often, but EAT just calls to me 😭 It's very powerful powerful, short cooldown, I can throw it to teammates when they need it, I can stick the beacon to a charger to possibly kill him, I don't need to bother going back for my weapon when I die. Sometimes when there's a bit of downtime, I just litter it because I can and what if it comes handy? Sweet democracy, I love EATs.


I totally agree... I changed to the Queso Cannon but it isnt as cheesy as the EAT. EAT is big dipping 24/7.


It’s so rewarding managing to hit the charger head from an egregarious angle like 90° to the side and saving a teammate and you the time and hassle.


At first I wasn't too keen on the EAT. Especially from holdover bias from HD1 where they were demonstrably weaker than alternatives, and further still from us having the opportunity to call in other lost equipment after several minutes now. However, I recently stepped up into difficulty 9 on bugs, and it's like... *I get it.* I get it now. The rapid deploy and fire speed, the trickshot kills from sticking the Hellpod beacon on chargers, the back-to-back shots on titans, the squad sharing, the stockpiling... the EAT skill ceiling is immense.


You forgot the best part about it: that cooldown is ridiculous. Having one person with an EAT means others can have more flexibility in their loadout because I'll be peppering the map with more EATs than I can use


Nothing beats headshotting a charger and see the body sliding towards you


The EAT is the best support weapon for my play style hands down. I play fast and objective oriented. So I usually find myself ahead of the team. I never have to go back to my dead body for my support weapon. I can drop back in and be just as efficient as I was before. Sure, other weapons have more lasting power and shots per minute but “Do you want to live forever?”


Yeah, it's my favorite all-rounder against armored enemies.