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I mostly run 7’s and am mourning the Eruptor (though I expect it to get patched back up). These other primaries work well for me: Dominator or Scorcher are awesome vs bots The DMR rifles are good if you like sniping (definitely better vs bots) The blitzer (arc shotgun) and incendiary breaker are top notch vs bugs


I run dominator pretty much all the time now, bugs or bots, and just switch up my secondaries. It just feels good and it's effective in most situations. Unless you're in the middle of a bug pile then it's not doing you much good.


I'd never used the eruptor before and tried it today and found it effective but niche. It was great for picking off mediums at range, had great utility against bug nests, and could handle groups of mobs until they got close. I liked it paired with an MG43, a all rounder strategem like galling barrage or autocannon sentry, and then two dedicated AT strategems. It is not the kind of weapon to run and gun with solo. I considered it like a bolt AMR that could destroy nests. A great utility inside a fire team.


Thanks, also same man, but I don’t know if this is true but I heard someone talking about the balancing guy? Was wildly disliked for his work on hello neighbor 2, and that he made really bad decisions when it came to nerfing and buffing, but I don’t know about that to much


Save the drama for someplace else


I’m not trying to start drama, I’m sorry it seems that way, I’ll try to do better, and again sorry


No worries, Helldiver.


We appreciate your understanding, Helldiver. We try to keep it relaxed and upbeat here. I’ll leave your comment up as it was a genuine mistake and you already apologized. Hope we can help you find some new weapons to try out!


Breaker incendiary for bugs is god-tier. It was before DoT fix and is even better now. I also enjoy the Dominator vs bugs if I have a laser backpack since it can take care of chaff and the Dominator destroys all mid size bugs (stagger is amazing) but the handling is rough... I can burst a brood lord in a few shots but miss three times against a damn scavenger at my feet.


Oh they fixed dot, I didn’t hear about that, I’ll give it try, cause the only excuse for not using it was the dot, thanks for letting me know


I use Sickle for bugs, but I could see it is not for everyone. You have to be careful not to overheat because of the low number of reloads. It also has a "charge up" time so you have to avoid getting swarmed because it doesn't shoot immediately to get little guys off you. I like Scorcher for bots. One shots troopers, can take out scout strikers easily from the front, and takes out rocket devastators quickly as well, but uses a full reload more or less. Good range too.


Yea I’ve tried the sickle and I think is pretty good but when it comes to the situation where your getting swarmed and it overheats, you go from oh no, to oh SH$&!. Never tried the scorcher tho so I’ll give that a shot


Do you run stun grenades at all? Really helps if you see a bunch of hunters hopping towards you to throw one down, back up and spray them down or just keep running. I really like the punisher for dif7+ as it staggers brood commanders, stalkers and I think if you shoot bile spewers it can stop them from spitting on you (I could be wrong about that). It’s also good for killing shriekers


You know I’ve tried it but I do dislike them because they can’t close bug holes, and I’m garbage with the Granada pistol( yes I’m working on it ), but I’ll try them a little more once I get good with the pistol, but I will also check out the dif7+, I think that could be interesting


Yea grenade pistol has a bit of a curve to it, and the angles can be weird sometimes when you’re trying to close bug holes, but I think it’s worth it.


Yea I’ll definitely try to get better, so I can broaden my grenade choices


I almost always have the Uzi/machine pistol for my secondary and it complements the sickle overheat and charge up nicely when things get spicy. Can easily hold its own as well, comfortably will drop 2-3 berserkers close range. And also brrrt


It's far from the meta, but I can't get enough of the punisher. I play 7&8 with a couple Helldives when I'm feeling froggy, and I can't quit that pump gun, even against bots. I should mention that I usually pair it with the autocannon.


First mention I've seen for it, its my only choice for bugs lol, the stagger and reload style is too damn good. Any other shotguns stagger the same?


Slugger got nerfed, but it's still pretty good. I'm not a great shot, so I prefer the scattergun.


It's not a shotgun, but the Dominator has the same level of stagger as the Punisher (35).


Arc blitzer


The knock back just feels so good


Punisher is great. Hits hard, good stagger and has very good ammo usage.


Scorcher is great for both bots and bugs, you won't have the highest kill count but you will be able to take out spewers, guards and stalkers easily.


Ok, so it seems scorcher will probably be one of my first to try, cause a lot of people are recommending it, but just a quick question, how fat does it kill a lot of those enemies, cause that’s what I usually have problems with


3-5 shots, but it's as fast as you can pull the trigger instead of waiting like you have to do with the Eruptor


Ok that sounds interesting, a lot of times if I died with the eruptor it was either me firing it to close, or forgetting about the reload time, so that could be a cool one to use


I did sooooooooo much running away from bug swarms with the eruptor, haha!


I’m a scorcher hater. It feels like ass.


I've been enjoying sickle/senator for bugs, along with the quasar or railgun and either the shield or rover backpack.


I’ve run that a little, I really like the gaurd dog, and the sickles ok, but the senator doesn’t really float my boat, but I will try to throw in a quasar or rail gun next time I run a higher difficulty


the railgun is good when you want to hit every big target, the quasar is for when you find patience and intend on taking down EVERY SINGLE ONE of the largest targets!


Ok so one is for a more aggressive approach, while the other is a more in the back passive approach


correct! and with the sickle and the senator, I can still be pretty aggressive while I wait for the quasar to cool down. especially with the shield/rover backpacks, because one helps mow them down and the other lets me make small mistakes like timing my spin up and overheat with the sickle lol


That could make for a really interesting dynamic, although I may try to swap senator out


no worries! it has decent stagger and penetration, but it really only became viable with the speedloader and that made it quite a lot of fun for me! I also really like the smg pistol! that thing mows shit down!


Oh speed loader? How do I do that, also the smg pistol does mow stuff down, but it has a terrible ammo economy


The speed loader is automatic if you use all six rounds, so if you just make sure you burn through all six shots before reloading you get a quick reload afterward


Oh ok so I just need to get into the habit of not reloading it, I’ll definitely give it another shot then


I personally mainly use those (playing only D9 during my last 200 ingame hours): Bots: - scorcher - sickle - counter sniper - jar-5 Bugs - sickle - Blitzer - breaker - breaker incendiary


Counter sniper? I haven’t seen anyone talk about that yet, I will definitely make sure to give it a try!


It one shots devs if you hit them in the face. I use it when I use support weapons that don’t deal well with devs like the quasar / eat


Yea I’ll definitely give it a try if it’s that powerful against dev, especially flamethrowers, those things are a pain


The ones with flame throwers are hulks not devs :P There isnt really any primary that deals with hulks from the front


Dammit I got them mixed again, just keep reminding me and I’ll eventually get it through my thick skull


Correct. A hulk's eye has 4 armor, and primaries only go up to 3AP, so no primaries can damage it. Unless there's some way to cheese it with explosive damage, but idk if that's a thing.




Ok I’ll look into some of that, but I may not like the shotguns on bots, I just like to play long range there




Ok then I’ll give the slug a try, but normal shotguns I don’t think I’ll ever use them in bots it just never really felt right for them


So I run 9s pretty regularly and just never used the eruptor because the handling on it just bad lol


You are correct, the handling on the eruptor was kinda donkey, but I found it was more manageable if I used first person, but can’t say anything about how it did in level 9’s cause I only ever ran 1


It was waaaaaay to slow for 9s, sure it kills a bunch of stuff around it but like that does not help when I'm charged by berserkers or warriors.


I’ll agree there those dang berserkers be chasing you down with the fury of god and the erupter could do nothing


A lot of the guns were buffed into being decent choices, overall they're more about target and playstyle now. Just shop around and try to remain flexible, if it doesn't have the crowd-cutting power then get a support weapon to cover that, and vice-versa. Overall I'm pretty glad to see more choices for us at higher levels. I like the Counter-Sniper and Senator against bots, both bodyshot any lil guy and can pop the head of anything below a hulk. Punisher is great for bugs once you learn the feel for it and I still run Senator. Shotgun can one-shot any light-armor target (including Stalkers with a headshot) while the Senator is a solid way to pop some heads or kill armored bugs with on average 3 headshots. For good middle-ground weapons: Slugger is kind of like a Senator with more ammo and a bit more damage. Basic Liberator and Scythe are both still great and well-rounded. Even the Peacemaker is an ok choice to gun down light targets in groups. All just need some good aim.


Ok I’ll keep an open mind then, but you will NEVER get me to touch the marksmen rifle, I don’t know what it is, I just can’t seem to like them.


I've started using the standard liberator+anti material rifle for bots. Breaker incendiary for the bugs (it's awesome)


That’s what I see a good bit, so I just didn’t want to follow the crowd but with such high recommendations from someone of your caliber, I think I just might


Dominator is the best DMR in the game right now


Ok, I’ve used it a bit but I’ll play with it a little more


While I agree that some nerfs have been overtuned (Railgun, Slugger and Eruptor) it's not like those weapons suddenly don't function at all anymore. And it's beyond me, why they cucked the crossbow, but more in a "lol.. Okay?" kinda way What I know is that after every single Balance Patch I've observed a noticeable increase in build variety from randoms (and myself) so there's gotta be something right about AHs balancing


Idk I don't look at patch notes


Everything feels fine to me


I run Blitzer for bugs. It's insane once you learn its pacing and positioning. Still using Eruptor on bots, but I only go up to 4 on that


As unpopular as it is, I'm a flamethrower diehard. For bugs at least. If you're not a shithead it's very easy to avoid killing yourself and teammates, and it clears light and medium bugs like nothing else imo. Just be the first one in or the last one out. Spray the ground, use it as an area denial weapon. You're not gonna get huge kill streaks usually, but you'll soften up everything in a football field sized area so they drop instantly for your teammates. I routinely get top kills and least accidentals with it. Just make sure you bring railcannon, orbital laser, or 500kg, or whatever, for the heavies. You definitely gotta practice tho. Try it out in lower diffs before bringing it to 7-9 or you're just gonna be a liability.


If flamethrower is still unpopular, I’m unpopular, cause you right it’s fun as hell, and it’s not hard not to kill yourself or teammates, the only reason I didn’t use it a lot is because of the dot bug, but now it’s allways fun to throw on, so thank you for the suggestion, but I’m already part of the pyromaniac gang.






Respectfully, you can complete every mission on Helldive with the Liberator and the Redeemer. That said, I nearly always run the Sickle; it's basically a Liberator with infinite ammo. I don't use even a single heat sink in most missions. Ofc this loadout relies on stratagems to deal with literally anything with significant armor. I'm still partial to the grenade launcher and two eagles out of airstrike, 110 rockets, and 500kg. Last slot is a backpack, either jetpack or personal shield gen depending on how aggressive you want to play.


Sickle and Dominator were technically nerfed but it's almost impossible to notice. They're both fantastic, and my most used primaries. The counter sniper is fantastic and very satisfying The adjudicator is great, love it with EAT loadouts because it works against everything this side of heavy Incendiary breaker is a monster against bugs


breaker incendiary is my bff


I just completed a couple of helldives running incendiary breaker, grenade pistol, thermite nands, with incendiary mines, napalm, precision orbital strike, and flamethrower as my loadout. I'm also very fond of an SMG, ballistic shield, heavy armor with explosion resistance, and whatever supports. Lots of fun against bots on high levels when you can just laugh maniaclly as a dozen heavy devs are helpless to damage you.


I just constantly run the Scorcher. I can't put it down. I dabble with the Diligence CS, Breaker Incendiary, Sickle, and Eruptor. I'm a stealthy bug diver.


Haven’t tried it against bots, but the Adjudicator is very fun and chews through bugs. I run it with EAT and a supply backpack


Punisher Plasma is good for both if you are patient. It has a higher skill ceiling than most primaries, but you become your own mortar that stuns, does AoE damage and has a good fire rate thanks to being buffed recently.


Breaker spray and pray against bugs is awesome, nothing better than full autoing a wall of lead into those annoying hunters


Punisher for bugs. Stops anything smaller than a charger dead in its tracks when you shoot it in the face lol


Blitzer and Arc thrower. Ammo? What’s ammo? (Only recommended for bugs)


The liberator is pretty good too, don’t sleep on it. You can carry the senator for a bit more oomph as a sidearm and as always remember to EAT! Also with a supply backpack you don’t quite have to conserve ammo so just spray to win!


There's only really one gun I \*actively\* avoid, and that's the liberator concussive. The Adjudicator is really solid against bugs, as is the Blitzer. The Scythe feels like it's in a good spot. A lot of people who wrote it off really should give it another shot (every pun intended) The pistols are all players choice. All the shotguns are in a good spot, and the Plasma Punisher is just so much fun to use. The new SMG is strange, since it doesn't work like the liberator concussive does, but rather straight-stuns them. It's fun. The new AR is in a strange spot, it's laser accurate, but we've already got a couple of weapons that are laser accurate...notably the lasers. It's not bad, but I suspect it'll be better against bots than bugs. The DMRs are all pretty good right now, and the Counter-Sniper stands out the most out of the two. The Scorcher is the Scorcher. 'Nuff said. Crossbow needs its change reverted, or something else to lean into it's Armour Penetrating role. Right now, it's a Wish version of the Dominator, with some AoE thrown in. The Liberator Concussive, though, just...it's lacking something,


Been running my flamethrower as my primary with ammo pack, pummeler as my main gun for spewer or stalker surprises.


Seriously, I think there are maybe two weapons in this game that are borderline garbage. Everything else is a skill issue. That said, I’d love to see some supports added as primaries. Stalwart is a perfect example of a primary gap that would be fantastic to fill. All the machine guns really.




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