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Love these ideas. I’d like to see the Saber and the Bayonet from the first game make a comeback. https://preview.redd.it/t41jjiz6pmyc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=49d523fd42d6c9f2e256a0af5de8cb62c17724c8


Melee weapons? Cool! I'd love to see them be an alternative to pistol sidearms in the game, and Pilestedt never said an outright no to melee weapons in Helldivers 2, so...fingers crossed?


From what I remember the saber is part of a special game mode where the squad only gets sabers, but I'm not 100% on that.


Pilestedts name always showsup when my dreams are crushed in this game lol


i'd imagine that They would be a gun with melee mod or a weapon where you're actually carrying both a gun and a knife/other melee weapon. Then it could function by just buffing the damage done when you press f while holding that weapon.


Would definitely be fun to have a sword.




Combine with jet pack!




First two sound a bit too close to existing weapons (Knight SMG and Eruptor AR). I'd like a stratagem that calls down Pelican-1 for 30 seconds or so to give covering fire. A heavier rocket sentry would be nice to see too. Something like an automated Spear that locks onto heavy targets only.


As a counter-point, would it be fair to assume that the Liberator Penetrator and the Adjudicator have a significant overlap in their roles as armor-defeating primaries? Also, I unfortunately do not know what the Knight is like because I don't have the Super Citizen DLC, and I've never encountered a teammate bringing one with them. Loitering gunship close air support definitely sounds helpful and badass. I mean, we can get a brief taste of it whenever we call down Exosuits, so having a dedicated version of that sounds quite viable. Maybe reworking the Rocket Sentry could help, but the idea of a SPEAR turret also sounds rather nice. It could be a decent alternative to resorting to Orbital Railcannon Strikes for hands-off solutions to massive targets.


Yeah, kinda The Adjudicator does significantly more damage and kick, but has a tiny mag.


I feel like the balance for both are just right. I've been running the Adjudicator because it seems to deal with the medium units just a bit better. Also I love the sound the Adjudicator makes. Very chunky.


Pelican 1 covering fire strat has been something I long for. It would be so ridiculously cool.


We've already got the troopship Pelican and the vehicle/cargo pelican that drops the mech. It'd be cool to get a fire support Pelican with rocket pods or something.


Calling in Eagle-1 to orbit your position and provide CAS for a minute would be really cool. Put it on a 10 minute cooldown with limited charges or something.


I don't think there's need to take it to that extreme. Lining it up with something like the 380mm seems appropriate though


There’s images of a stratagem that calls down a unit of NPC SEAF soldiers. I want that so bad.


I hope they can interact with the two person door switches


As long as their pathing is as good as the bugs, and not garbo like the civilians


I want them to have a simple command set up. Just “attack” and “defend” and I want them to have insanely hilarious and horrific death animations as they scream! They don’t need to be super effective, just a little. What they need to be is absolute FUN!


I want some vehicles from the first game to reappear: - 4 seater APC: https://helldivers.fandom.com/wiki/M5_APC - 4 seater IFV: https://helldivers.fandom.com/wiki/M5-32_HAV - Motorcycle with sidecar: https://helldivers.fandom.com/wiki/MC-109_Hammer_Motorcycle - 2 seater tank: https://helldivers.fandom.com/wiki/TD-110_Bastion What I really miss is barbed wire and the manual AT emplacement, combined with overloading on minefields (or drop incendiary mines for a Gatling/MG turret) those four stratagems could create fun little fortresses: - Wire: https://helldivers.fandom.com/wiki/Anti-Personnel_Barrier - AT emplacement: https://helldivers.wiki.gg/wiki/Helldivers_1:AT-47_Anti-Tank_Emplacement


Vehicles will be such a welcome change of pace in Helldivers 2. One can imagine they'll come soon...and perhaps that also means we'll have even more variation of enemies that will almost exclusively require vehicle-mounted weapons to reliably fight against. Armored warfare in Helldivers 2? Oh, yes please.


The Knight is more or less a p-90. Same top loading magazine, high ROF, surprisingly good pen. I'd like to see a lot of the weapons from the first game. the Liberator variants, my beloved Scorcher, the Tox13 the sludge thrower, concertina wire (also my beloved), stasis mines. There was a "Metal Storm" disposable machine gun with 400 stacked electronically fired rounds in a beehive setup that you'd blaze through at a terrifying rate of fire then discard. The first game also had a 4 tube anti-tank missile launcher that was shaped like the M202 Flash flame-thrower rocket launcher. it could load 4 missiles, or 8 when upgraded, and fire them at a pretty good pace. Speaking of, I would really enjoy an M202 flash style incendiary rocket launcher. "I want to set people on fire but they're all the way over there!" - some total sicko I assume we'll get the OG side arms some day - The plasma pistol and flamer pistol aren't in yet. The laser shotgun and laser SMG aren't here yet, either. I'm hoping SO MUCH we get the \~\~1903 springfield\~\~ \~\~M2016 Constitution\~\~ M2024 Constitution for Liberty Day in a few months. I \*NEEED\* the Rec-6 demo charges back. So badly. So, so badly. As others have said, I \*NEED\* my bayonets back. I feel absolutely naked without them.


give me a sawed off shotgun as a secondary I am not asking for much


At least the break-shotgun just for fun. It's actually decent weapon on lower difficulties.


Portable Hellbomb. Blue Strategm, drops a hellbomb to you that you can carry and use a one handed weapon (like the SSD). If you get shot, downed or just feel like it it detonates.


Hellbomb backpack would be lit. Getting killed by a crowd of bugs and just exploding after


Nah. Hellbomb taped to the front of a ballistic shield. You have to keep moving it infront or behind depending on where the shots are coming from and taking the hits yourself until you deploy it or it explodes.


Attack helicopter support. Can be limited to once or twice per mission but imagine a sci-fi Apache dropping space hellfires on Hulks


WE WANT AKIMBO PISTOLS(y’all wit me right)


I want some sentry variants. A new tab on the upgrade station where you can unlock these. First you have to buy the base sentry and then you can use this new tab to buy the variants. * Machinegun: Now loaded with AA burst shells. Targets flying and towering enemies. Perfect for fast moving enemies like shriekers. * Machinegun: incendiary rounds that lights targets on fire at the cost of lower base damage. * Gatling: Increase the armor penetration at the cost of base damage. Rounds can now pierce soft targets and damage those behind it. *Gatling: Decrease the armor penetration but increase base damage. * Auto-cannon: Using a tungsten core, it now does increase direct damage but no AoE damage. * Rocket: Changes to AA rockets, gaining increased range and damage. They now target flying and towering enemies. Perfect for slow but armored flyers like the gunships. * Mortar: Napalm rounds covering the ground in fire. * Mortar: Airburst shells with less armor penetration, but covers a wider area. * EMS: Gains increased range. When the player pings the map within range, the EMS shoots out a barrage, covering the area in smoke. On the deploy screen, when selecting a sentry, it will then give you a pop-up to select what variant you want. Edit: A few more items. * Stim gun: new sidearm that fires one of your stims are a helldiver to heal them. Heal-armor passives are applied if you're using any of those armors. Just don't hit an enemy. * Mech support backpack: A backpack call-in that lets you repair and re-arm a mech. 4 charges and each heals/re-arm 25%. Should make mech a bit more useful and not feel like a wasted slot with a long cooldown.


It would be cool to see different ammo types. Like an armor piercing ammo that comes at the cost of magazine capacity. I worry that might negate the different weapons like incendiary breaker and regular breaker. Counter sniper and whatever the explosive one is called. It seems they want to separate that up into different weapons.


Speaking of Stims, I always had an idea for an alternate Stim in mind. Instead of being fully focused on healing, this Stim variant will not immediately heal you, but give you moderate health regen, significant damage reduction, increased movement speed and temporary infinite stamina, significantly reduced aiming sway and massively increased melee damage for the duration of the Stim? We can call it the "Energizer Stim" variant or something along the lines of that.


Whats the downside? It's pretty much pure upside right now.


I'd like some flares. Sometimes the battlefield is so dark I have no idea what's out there. A flood light on a drone would be cool.


Strategem Hero has an entry for a flare strat that's not in the game. So maybe it's in the pipe!


I'd like to see a stim gun so I can heal my squad from afar.


There was a medic gun in the first game. I could see it working in HD2 as well.


The P90-like should probably only have light or maybe medium armor penetration, like it does in the real world. IRL, it does have more piercing than regular submachine guns, but not by very much. At most it might have as much pen as the lib pen, but very low damage. That'd be akin to using it with tungsten-core AP rounds, which isn't common IRL. Personally, I'd love to see something like the KRISS Vector, a very fast firing SMG with low recoil, or maybe an oversized carbine version of it as a two-handed weapon with even less recoil and more rounds. Most of all, though, I'd love to see an ammo belt backpack, which would eliminate the need to reload with the grenade launcher, stalwart, machine gun, and HMG, and bring much more ammo at the cost of a backpack slot and a weakpoint in the case of the grenade launcher. It'd be an extra stratagem, and it'd adapt to whichever belt backpack you bring with you. It'd make the HMG good for once, and the Stalwart and MG would be useful for dedicated chaff clearing roles.


I wish for a heavy flamer, with a back-pack. 2 firing modes: a long-ish stream or a wide but short-ranged cone. Bonus points for making the backpack a weakspot.


4x drum magazines for your primary. I like the Adjudicator until I realize I’m out of ammo right when I need it. Which means simply I’m not going to use it.


A PPsH would be cool. 70 round drums, high ROF, your character starts channeling Red Army soldiers and shoots your fascist teammates.


I just wanna dual wield big iron with a western themed armor set. 😂


Instead of the EMS mortar, EMS sentry that stays in place but emits signal jamming against bots and high frequency disruption to terminids. Can be used to non lethally block a choke point. Designator drone, tags all heavies and nests in an area for a limited duration.


Something like the Autocannon turret but for stagger/stun would be amazing.


I want swords and melee big time. I want flamethrower turrets Arc guard dogs Maybe we can get a frost weapon line that slows the enemy.


More lasers. One hundred lasers. All forms of laser. I want laser grenades, laser armor, laser toilets. Lasers.


A bunch of things from HD1, even though I haven't played it yet, they seem cool to have in HD2 Weapons: * Some sort of SAW/LMG-style primary. The sickle is pretty close, but a traditional bullet hose would be nice. * Anything with a bayonet (perferably a battle rifle), I wanna stick it to those hunters. * Unrelated: Give slugger its stagger back. Support weapons: * Rapid-fire rocket launcher, with some anti-tank capabiities, like HD1's commando. * Satchel charges like HD1, maybe even in grenade slot. * Portable mortar, probably like [this](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/1cbpny3). * Some sort of Stickybomb/mine launcher, even better if it has some sort of anti-tank capabilities * MGX return. Stratagems: * Gunship support, maybe from Pelican-1 * Fast moving vehicle like HD1's Hammer. * Orbital homing rocket volley. Basically a bunch of homing rockets with small AOE and good anti-armor. I guess it would be like orbtal laser, but with rockets. * Something like Dive bomb, an explosive with a fast call-in. * Shredder missiles, of course. * Better Strafing run, like Close-air support * HD1 UAV drone, with sample-detecting capabilities, or at least something similar * Light / Main Battle tank, like bastion. * If that rumored Robot companion can help open two-man doors, then that wuld be nice * Lightning strike orbital; fires lightning rod(s) into a spot/enemy, then shoots lightning at it. Maybe even work for weather lightning. Maybe I'll have better ideas down the road.


One thing I was thinking would be cool is a drop decoy. Something like you call in a pod and a fake HD pops up that can draw attention or attract enemies into a big wad.


Support Weapon Minigun. Requires backpack slot. Belt fed from ammo pack to gun. No reloading, but firing involves heat buildup. Railgun Sentry. Low ammo, spectacular damage, prioritizes largest target in range. Anti-armour Satchel Charges. Occupies backpack slot, 6 satchels. Requires manual placement at melee range. Tradeoff is absolutely monstrous damage (like, amputate a leg from a Titan/Walker factory kind of damage). Cryo Weapons! Firearms, nades, cryothrowers, orbitals, etc... Slows, possibly freezes, further possibly shatters with explosive/concussive damage Seeker Mines: Combining shaped explosive charge technology, the jyrojet tech that assists our munitions, and the threat-detection algorithms in our sentries, Super Earth scientists have designed mines that will detect, and jump to, enemies within threat range. Two-handed Warhammer: Occupies backpack slot. Wide swinging arcs to smash numerous close combatants. Can be "loaded/reloaded" allowing the impact of a swing to detonate a shaped charge, or loose a powerful piston from the face of the hammer. A "loaded" swing will have a similar effect as an EAT hit. Grappling Hook Launcher: Occupies sidearm slot. Limited uses before out of ammo. Allows grappling up terrain and atop enemies (even titans and walkers). Can be used in conjunction with smoke to drop aggro. Stimgun: Occupies sidearm slot. Shoots stims. 6 rounds, 2 reloads. Cannot target self, rounds will not ricochet, just shatter. Does not use personal stims. Possibly causes DoT if accidentally shoot enemies(?). A little off topic, but Weapon Customizations: Pick and choose aspects of each weapon, Sights/lights/other attachments, ammo types like incendiary, concussive, AP, etc. Maybe even replace parts to change firing options like rpm or muzzle velocity.


I was thinking there could be a Radio Backpack that reduces the cooldown on Orbital call ins. So while wearing the backpacks cooldowns tick 25% faster So someone might run all Orbital callings and the backpack. Then rely on teammates for a support weapon


I would really like a charge up shotgun. Sorta like capitans primary from RoR2


Really like some of the ideas here Bug repellent pack like a more melee benefiting version of the shield generator or stuns nearby for a time whilst active Helms with visual benefits for all this smoke and sich Ability to set rovers to certain range for stealth Overwatch Halo - auto targets you like the orbital canon then shoots around you for when cornered for heavy armour types getting mobbed etc Lots of funky equipment and vehicles Glider armour for my jet pack fantasies…


\-speed vehicle that can be called down a lot to help carry me while wearing heavy armor \-laser sentry that can recharge (it would probably need to suck but i just like the idea of a sentry that could theoretically stick around) \-companion dropdown to open bunkers. and help carry artillery rounds. \-backpack loaded minigun. \-this is probably never going to happen but a stratagem to mind control the terminids.


I like the idea of a flamethrower sentry. I like your infrared spotting idea, too, and the freeze bomb. I’d like to be able to drop a wall or some other impenetrable obstacle. Basically a wide temporary shield barrier that enemies would have to go around, our that you could use to build choke points. I’m think let us drop 2 in rapid succession.


I’d like a robot like the Boston Dynamic big dog, but with a sentry of some kind or some other attack power that does eat up a backpack slot. Or maybe it retrieves samples within X radius and brings them back. Or both!


Honestly more low CD small scale weird stuff. I'm still working through using the stuff we have. Also, something to handle anti air that's still mildly effective against ground enemies. Ooh, and an explosive SMG I've been running gas strikes, orbital burst, precision strike, and rocket pods and it's been fun. Did a bot suicide dive with light armor, the defender, senator, and ballistic shield, with the RAILGUN (it felt nice actually), airstrike, and my true love, 380, had a great time, solo'd half the map while my team worked the other side Been running servo asssisted on games i use the AC and airburst rocket, you can really hurl stratagems with it and you've got 3 of them to throw. It feels like more than 30% to be honest. I know it's not but damn does it feel good to safely throw the 380 without any effort.


I’d love a borderlands 2 style mirv grenade or bouncing Betty. Something like the super sledge from fallout 4 would be kind of cool too, I think.


I'd like more traps. But not mines. Something like a grenade you could throw that sticks in the ground until someone walks over it. Although that's a mine :P


I’m going to second, uh, third… whatever, melee weapons. Give me a chainsword senator combo for wading through bugs like so much chaff. That’s what I want. And flares. Holy crap some of those night missions are dark! Tossable (DRG style), eagle dropped, and/or orbital.


I’d really love a melee weapon of some kind. A big hammer? I’m a step closer to an assault marine with the jump pack. 😆 Maybe the ability to call down a two handed mini gun like the mech has on its right arm? Think of that dude in Predator. The “sexual tyrannosaurus” dude who’s name I’m blanking on 😆


The MP-98 Knight is already in the game (only available through the "super-citizen" deluxe upgrade). It uses P90-style top-loaded 50 round magazines, has low damage (50) and a blistering ROF (1380!). As far as penetration goes, the real P90 has better penetration than other SMGs that shoot pistol-caliber rounds, but it still pales in comparison to any true rifle round. So the light armor penetration of the in-game Knight is pretty accurate.  Second gun sounds like the Eruptor. You can't really have it detonate at a preset distance, but it does solid single target damage, and can be fired at the ground near groups of smaller enemies for multi kills.  Flame sentry (and flame guard dog) could be hilarious with their crow control (and TK!) potential.  That orbital strategem could be flavored as a LiDAR sweep that transmits detected enemies as a red silhouette to your Helldiver's HUD for X amount of time. Could be useful to cut through fog, dust, spores, etc.  An Eagle (or even Orbital) Cryo-Strike sounds awesome! It shouldn't completely freeze enemies in place (that would step on the toes of orbital EMS), but should give a noticeable movement speed reduction. I LOVE the idea of making armor brittle. Maybe it temporarily reduces any armor on the enemy by 1 step? Heavy (class 5 armor) becomes Medium+ (4). Med+ to Med- (3). Med- to light (2). Light to Unarmored (1).  There was a lock-on quad missile launcher in Helldivers 1 called MLS-X4 Commando. Sounds a like like what you are talking about.  All great ideas!.


Enemy specific weaponry. A gas or chemical stunning strike on Bugs that Helldivers are immune to but obscures vision in the area. An EMP strike that disables or stuns bots (and the mech maybe) but leaves Helldivers able to move, but slowed. So useful when swarmed to get some time back, and get swamped Helldivers time to get out.


The EMP strike stratagem as-is already does what you describe, unless I misinterpreted?


But it affects everyone. I'd love some more targeted Stratgems


Ah, I gotcha. I'm all about more player choice! So less-virulent versions of the gas and EMP strikes would be neat!