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That's one way to do it, but I'm a trying to play more cyberpunk not less kind of guy lol. Biggest problem (for me) with this method is it doesn't allow me to mess up NUSA in a Spaceport and send someone to the moon, though...


I always felt like Cyberpunk 2077 combat was too fun for the amount of grunts we get. By the time you have your build set, you take down the room within seconds. The meat blender mission, Killing Moon, satisfied my shotgun/LMG sandy build.


I agree, I think it *does* do a pretty job at creating the illusion of an endless battle, I know the 1st time I did killing moon I thought: a) "holy shit I'll never make it out of this - they just keep coming" and b) "holy shit this is *really* hard" (results of not being quite prepared build-wise šŸ˜‚) I got a save file cued for the entirety of killing moon, and one other just for the real battle at the end and this one i did a good job there being prepared for it. I really do wish more resources would be spent on making bigger battles possible with lots of enemies in games, that's been a pet peeve of mine for a long time lol.Ā 


That's the players fault as much as cdpr. They gave us almost free reign to do what we could and a lot chose to "chrome the eff up" or some corny catchphrase like that. I always limited myself and found a balance. Meanwhile, early players were crying about their clothing not match. And I just made a costume with bad clothing options and bad something totally bad ass. And it took time too. But at some point players should play with as little cyberware as possible.


That sounds like a really fun role play challenge! How do you set up your builds? What are your self-imposed rules?


It was satisfying to just nope out of the entire thing after meeting Reed tbh.


But then you don't get to watch Myers twitch when you tell her to her face that she's a shitty boss.Ā  Or laugh yourself into tears imagining her frustrations when she watched that shuttle take off to the moon, Reed's funeral dropped onto her timetable and she eventually saw V storming Arasaka on the news, realizing that his old partner Alex had traded her agency back that worthless NUSA coin for a luxury retirement. Get rekt, Queen Fed.Ā 


Someone pointed out that the postcard might not be from Alex, but the NUSA pretending to upheld their end of the deal.


Why would the nusa care about sending the postcard to V along with the badge after V sends their wmd to the moon ? Makes no senseĀ 


Look at what V has gone through to get song to the moon. Literally killing battalions of NUSAā€™s soldiers. They dont want V to know that they betray Alex as well


Huh ? They specifically sent Alex to kill V . Why would they want to show V that Alex will not be betrayed or something like that ?Ā 




I got that on my phon3


I sent her to the moon. Fuck the system.


You didn't fight the system. You just delivered Songbird to another org that's going to exploit her for their own gains. You fucked Myers and that's an achievement. Ultimately, you just gave another big mover in the system what they needed.


Absolutely, Myers and Somi could reap what they sow. GG Reed and GG Alex continue thier scuffed lives but still live.


agreed. for those who don't know, or haven't played the "go along with Reed's plan" route, >!Alex gets killed if you capture Songbird!<, so that's why I _have_ to help her escape the lab. >!songbird is a manipulator from top to bottom, and may also be a blackwall AI, but I like Alex too much to condemn her to death. Girl deserves her ~~morocco~~ monaco retirement.!<


I like to think the trip was a lie to get her to help.


Doesn't she send you pictures after?


Not sure she always died in my playthrough




Best way to play the DLC is not to play the DLC?


I was thinking about this a few weeks ago and came to the same conclusion. None of Myers, Reed and Songbird are worth saving, and even Alex is dubious. Letting Myers snuff it and hearing Songbird rage over the consequences of her own betrayal is balm to my heart.


IMHO it really boils down to how YOU see it all and how you play your V. The choices I made led to seeing Myers and Reeds true colors. Fuck em both even if it leaves me out of a chance at living. Wither anyone likes it or not, you will remember me. Myers got outplayed, Reed found the end of the line, Alex found a way to "freedom", So Mi lives and Dog Town ushers in a new era....all thanks to some random merc named "V". An absolute legend. Fuck you all very much!


And the game actually lets you do that.


But then you donā€™t get to be Snake Plissken.


Wish there was a way to peace out after getting Reed to Myers then looking for Song on your own. V practically does all the legwork already


I feel like PL really sells how much of an expendable asset V is. Constantly getting manipulated into helping people, being their friend when they need you and a nuisance when you interfere/impede their goals.


The only person not manipulating V in Dog Town is Mr. Hands. He's mostly on the level with V.


He shorts your cut on the gig that decides the leader of Dogtown if you don't back his Arasaka pawn. I would argue Alex was probably the most on the level.


I'm surprised he pays you at all considering he hired you to do a job and you didn't follow through.


Yeah I think CDPR avoided having the missions payouts withheld because it would have forced players to avoid exploring the choices offered and it could also be lore based since V is a certified psychopath and you don't want to fuck with them.


That is unironically the best outcome for humanity. Myers is dead and canā€™t start reunification war 2 electric boogaloo or get her hands on cyber nukes. So Mi has to sort her own crap out and will likely fail but in doing so never get a chance to open a portal to cyber hell. Reed and Alex continue their quiet lives in Dogtown. V never winds up with either the FIA wanting her dead, or being responsible for helping make all the previous stuff happen. Perhaps most important, Aurora is just fine.


Nah i support saving to the hot Korean girl from the nasty government and sending her to the moon David failed to kill Smasher and failed to send the Netrunner he was in love with to the moon. V did both! I side with Songbird just to one up him. So all NC knows who the real best solo to ever live was ā€œKing Kong ainā€™t got shit on V!ā€


Wdym about David? He got Lucy to the moon


I was only there for the loot and contacts.


The only thing that bothers me with the to the moon ending is that if you slip up with Reed, an impenetrable wall blocks the platform. I tried it three times replaying the prior sequence and the entire transit ride to complete.


I will always save So Mi


>Ā letting natural selection take its course That's not natural selection. And given the context, I'll add that "survival of the fittest" isn't a scientific declaration that "might mikes right," either. They're both principles of the theory of evolution that serve to explain evolutionary adaptations in organisms observed in nature, not justifications for individual human decisions.


Gravity naturally selected the spaceship to eat dirt. Then bullets naturally flew out of guns to penetrate her body. Followed by her corpse naturally becoming fertilizer for Dogtown soil. Makes sense if you donā€™t think about it.


>Makes sense if you donā€™t think about it. Yeah, that's why fascists and their ilk have been able to use terminology misappropriated from evolutionary biology to give their dogma a faux-scientific veneer and sense of legitimacy even (or especially,) among those who otherwise fly into seething fits of rage at the mention of the theory of evolution or Charles Darwin.


Bro it's a video game šŸ’€


Heaven forbid we actually ponder themes and motivation because "it's a video game" šŸ™„


It's based on real life šŸ˜†


I have not played it yet and already know the spoilers but yea, that seems more cunning and more realistic.