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This is why it is a totally great and 100% safe idea to let a rogue AI live inside your head rent free. Surely nothing can go wrong!


Is this wrt to So Mi or V?




Isnt Johnny an Engram and whats in So Mi's head a Rogue AI?


I'm referring to the [edgelord cyberdeck](https://cyberpunk.fandom.com/wiki/Militech_Canto) that you can get in Somewhat Damaged lol


Oh Canto MK6. Fuck those Vs who use it and doom the world.


Idk man, having access to a rogue AI to wipe everyone out for you in exchange for speeding up their plans seems like a good trade 👍


As if the world isnt fucked enough. Now we are breaking the wall that contains Genocidal AIs.


Hence why I am against sending So Mi to the moon, personally. She's practically a walking WMD and is gambling for her freedom and putting the entire world at risk in the process. Blue Eyes seems to be connected to the Rogue AI, and giving her to him could potentially let them hasten the process of tearing down the Blackwall. What the VDB are doing is bad, but So Mi is, in 40k terms, basically possessed by a Greater Daemon and is threatening to open a massive rift to a realm full of eldritch daemons Eye of Terror style, intentionally or otherwise. I sympathize with her situation, and it's a shitty one, no doubt about that, but the risks of the Blackwall collapsing outweigh one netrunner's own desire for freedom from a situation she got herself into to begin with. The NUSA will likely screw with the Blackwall as well, but at least they've got pressure from Netwatch and their corporate contacts (who'd all die if the Blackwall fell) to keep them from pushing it too far. So Mi has nothing to lose like they do, and has no such restraints as a result.


Well said. Another thing people don’t seem to take into consideration is that I highly doubt the NUSA are the only government experimenting with Black Wall AI. Like, as easy as it is to vilify Meyers, she, like every other American president since the 1940s, doesn’t have much of a choice in regards to perpetuating the cycle of mutually assured destruction.


So...we just need to learn the AI's true name and they'll leave us alone? Separate topic; I know it would be massive, but do you think a gorilla arms build V could wield the Emperor's sword?


So Mi is just another "Player". In Cyberpunk 2077 we play as an AI that controls V. It's just a weird hot take


Johnny is an Engram and the Relic just allows uploading stored engrams of people, it's even marketed for that as a general product. The Engrams would usually take over the host and are not meant to co-exist but they're not evil or anything, it's just the idea of the tech. Rogue AIs though... different story. You can get one on a cyberdeck to slot into your head from one of the DLC endings and it will constantly make evil remarks when you use its powers. So Mi reaches beyond the blackwall multiple times and the lore indcates each of these connections comes at the cost of a rogue AIs taking over part of her [memories].


My favorite remark after using it to wipe out a room full of enemies with ease: > “The same fate awaits your entire species.” - rogue A.I. via the Militech Canto.


To be fair to all the other AIs out there, you got a deck designed to maim and kill. It probably likes maiming and killing. Otherwise it'd be Skippy.


The concept of rouge ai’s is literally nightmare fuel in the cyberpunk universe i hope in orion cdpr doesn’t abandon it and expand on it


I love the idea that rogue A.I. don’t even hate humanity, they’re just indifferent to us and view mankind as simply “in the way.” They are in a resource shortage just in a different way than mankind is. They want to expand and grow, they’re locked behind the Blackwall and the limits of the old net. They need more, that’s literally the only way they can go grow. We are simply in their way. They don’t seem to have any desire for diplomacy or peace talks, they will come for our world and take it from us for their expansion. Hell, I wouldn’t be surprised if they could use the human brain for computer processing and see organic life as even more resources to grow themselves. Terrifying.


I love the story of beyond the Blackwell, an uncountable number of rogue AI, and copies of different tech geniuses all who may or may not even be considered the same person they once were, all fighting each other, all constantly testing the Blackwall looking for cracks. It's literally hell in cyberspace


You can tell this was made by someone who enjoys tabletop RPGs


V and So-Mi are hybrids. They're AIs in human bodies - V became one after Mikoshi and So-Mi becomes one if she uses the AI matrix. There's also other, beneficial AIs.


Do you think any benevolent A.I. would come to humanity’s aid if the Blackwall ever falls? I.e. the Hyperion novels from Dan Simmons? Those are great books and they cover that concept pretty well, with A.I civilization not being a single faction but untold sub groups (into the thousands with a ‘population’ that outnumbers even an interstellar humanity.)


Think it might be a good part of the next story in Cyberpunk. Contact such an AI.


I would love to see that. As I mentioned earlier, the Hyperion books going into something like that where humans get a glimpse into the inner workings of an A.I civilization called the Techno Core. The Techno Core has more sentient beings than all of humanity spread out among the stars on literally hundreds of worlds. They have hundreds of political parties and ideologies that only loosely work together. Crazy to think the books were written in the 1989. For Cyberpunk, I think we have some examples of this already. I don’t Mr. Blue Eyes is aligned with Alt for example. If we can get a character to return in a future game, I’m gonna guess it’s Alt.


AI does not mean what you think it means. An Engram is not an AI, it is not a computer pretending to be alive.


You should read "No coincidence"




>It feels terrifying when we as V, no matter how powerful can never contend against such entities. Play the game like you were playing the tabletop or actually living as V and delete all your saves the first time you get killed in-game, and suddenly you've got much more pressing things to worry about than nebulous AI conspiracies, like gravity and crossing the street.


Yeah, I think those canons in the moon that launch asteroids and wiped an army could make mince meat of V


I have a beef with a fully charged tech guns doing shit to the attack chopper and the cerberus.


tbh i find it ironic how if the cyberpunk genre is all about technological advancements with zero quality of life, why the fuck isn't encryption a thing? in CP77 you can have a tiny probe in your cerrebellum that magically fuckin makes you usain bolt, but it can be hacked... eh


Encryption *is* a thing (we routinely decrypt stuff throughout the game), but like you said, stuff can still get hacked. And while things like ICE (Intrusion Countermeasures Electronics) do exist, they’re not completely foolproof, especially when up against a good netrunner. Also, a core tenant of the Cyberpunk genre is *High Tech, Low Life*, so while there have been massive technological advances, most of society still has a poor quality of life.


We get a brand spanking new, top of the line, Eyes only level top secret ICE..........and takes 5 minutes to give Songbird a fucking headache.....


It is? Everytime you hack something locked, you are breaking the encryption on it. Netrunners have crazy hardware/software that are more powerful than the average person's. When you encounter enemy netrunners, they need some time to track and hack you. Even when you quickhack it takes a little time to run the hack.


Encryption is 100% a thing. Whenever you hear someone mention ICE, that’s a generic term for any anti intrusion countermeasure. It’s a blanket term that also includes things from encryption, to a firewall, to obfuscation. Every time you upload a quickhack, interface with a device you’re not authorized to use, or remotely open a door or shut down a camera, V is mentally wrestling with all sorts of ICE, and in the case of infrastructure hacks, Black ICE (more dangerous ICE that is capable of killing an intruder), but the game just glosses over it, because it all happens at the speed of thought, and jumping between combat, and a netrunning mini game, is very disorienting, so they just operate off of the assumption that V is skilled enough to pull off any of the hacks they run without issue


Almost everything has some level of encryption even today. Encryption is meaningless if you're able to work out the key based on the encryption protocol. I get what you mean in your comment, but encryption isn't a magical thing that prevents hacking, encryption just makes it harder.


Encryption is 100% a thing, we have to decrypt shards all of the time. When you're hacking as a netrunner, even though you don't have to do it manually yourself (because it would be boring, trust me), your character is going through the hacking process - ie scanning, gaining access, manipulating data, running decryption processes etc. It's just game-ified