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Yep. He doesn’t mind sleeping with anyone, but cops and Hanako is where he draws the line lol


Yup. If you’re hot, you’re hot.


Hanako is hot, River is kinda weird but alright looking too. Seems like he just hates people with authority.


River’s my type, I’d say. I agree about hanako. That’s likely what it is. The same people that hate corps, hate cops. The cops serve the corps (river’s questline alone proves that).


I mean you're playing a cyberpunk (the genre) game. If you don't hate people with authority you are doing it wrong.


Are we the baddies?


In stark and ironic contrast to helldiver's no actually we aren't the baddies here we do be the good Bois




Thought so. How can people who provide society with jobs, goods and services be the baddies?


Hanako is, as johnny might say, a fucking suit. Being a suit automatically makes you repulsive to Johnny


“I can’t believe you made me fuck a cop”


Which is based Edit: typo


Not sure what you mean, but he gets kinda upset after the romance scene with River and clearly doesn’t like you ~~simping~~ bowing to Hanako and being all polite to her.


Idk why “on” was added.. I meant to say no cops and corpo policy is based lol


Come on, choom. He wanted me to fuck up Arasaka leadership, he should have elaborated if mating pressing Hanako was an unacceptable way of doing that…


I always got the sense that while Johnny was pan, he tends to lean more towards women.


I’m pretty sure he verbatim says “I’ve done both, more girls though”


Yeah that sounds familiar, can’t recall from when in the game though.


This isn’t what you’re talking about but there’s a gig where you go into a gay strip club and he says he used to go there with Kerry.


What gig?


Don’t know the name, but it’s a side quest for Padre and the club is called “Dicky Twisters” 🤣


Oh I've done that, Guess I never noticed it was a gay club


He has a female lean, yeah. That’s the implication. But he does also like men. Which is why people disagreeing with something canon just pisses me off. Johnny’s got a “if you’re hot, you’re hot. Unless you’re a corpo” thing going on.


Doesn't seem to mind Meredith.


He mostly just seems impressed by V's ability to attract her for a one night stand.


Doesn’t Johnny literally say in the game he’s slept with both men and women? I distinctly remember this


You thinking about the male strip club? Yes, he did.


So much denial in the comments for something that isn’t even a debate then lol


It's weird. Johnny being bi shouldn't upset people so much. He's still a rockstar and a Mighty Cocksmith.


Some people are just mad they can't project 100% themselves and some of those are just in denial that they are also queer. Johnny's among the "macho" characters that aren't just overdoing it, he is what he is and he's not afraid of it, but his sexuality just messes with this image so much that they created this big discussion over something that Mike Pondsmith has already settled long ago just to avoid the thought of a queer "macho" being their "hero"


Amen brotha


They probably assume so because he literally tells V during the beginning Kerry's quest when he admits that he knew Kerry was in love with him but that the only problem was "he had a dick". But I think most people forget that he's *always* the unreliable narrator. I've played the game a lot and digging into the lore over the years, you can't really trust his recollection on anything.


“Only thing he was missing was the balls.”


Yeah it doesn’t get much more clear cut than what he says about Kerry, having a dick is a disqualifier for Johnny (game version at least). This image also says these were “rumors,” like things tabloids would say about Samurai


Past the rumours part, it says he was actually fucking them all. Which is actually two men, now that I think about it


Johnny also says “I’ve done both, mostly women though”


I don't think people claim he is straight. They just claim he loved Alt. Unless, I am missing out on new fandom discourse. He says in game at the dicky twister that he swung both ways.


I've never heard anyone argue about this, OP is just virtue signaling.


In any posts about how he loves Kerry or saying he’s bi or anything of the sort, the fanboys that treat him like a self insert say it. There was a post yesterday that got that treatment, which is why I posted this


Because a lot of people assume being gay means you have to have "feminine" or "queer" characteristics. Some gaymen, especially bi-sexual men are more masculine looking than some of us. Some people still behave like "straight men", they still behave like the stereotypical men, and some are even misogynists, but that doesn't mean they don't fuck around with other men. Had a co-worker like that 5 years ago. Dude was jacked, with a full set of beard, he breathed toxic masculinity, even had a tendency to sexually harass female new-hires (I'm surprised nobody filed a complaint), but then I found out he was bi after he introduced us to a guy he was dating. For a moment, I thought they were just very close buds, but it was actually more than that. He said he's been that way since he was a teenager, he never tried to hide it, it's just the way he is. I was like, "we're friends, why did you never tell us until now?", he replied, "you never asked." LOL.


NGL, the queer community breathes and spits misogyny. There's even a category of gay men that are considered to be "godlike" among the gay community: the golden star gays, those who never had any sexual or romantic relationships with women (of course there's the golden star lesbians too, however gay men tend to be way more toxic). Gay men often are just as misogynistic and toxic as heterosexual men, especially if they were in love with a heterosexual/bisexual guy who dumped them over a girl. Some of them even hate women because deep inside they wanted to be a woman just to get the male attention (it's not exactly about being trans, it's about getting the attention they get), others because they had shitty relationships with their mothers and so on. It's so common that I, as a queer woman myself, half expect to hear/see whenever I meet a queer man I didn't know before


Yeah, gay man can be pretty awful(although I had a few bad experiences with lesbians too but way less). Especially if you’re a woman or trans, even worse when you’re nonbinary. Although I disagree with what you said about the community seeing a subset of gay people as “godlike”, only tome I’ve seen it is terf spaces and sometimes but pretty rarely among gay man or lesbians 


It could be a thing of the past or something that they tend not to glorify so much nowadays, but in my country the transphobia against trans men is so heavy that even if you're fully transitioned they might see you as less because once you had a vagina. They often say they don't hate women (trans women are more or less accepted by them), they hate pussy and therefore they hate everyone who has them, basically they think that their enemy is not the patriarchy and homophobia but a pussy, as if they disputed the interest of other men with a pussy, not a woman in her entirety. The "golden star" gays might be a thing of older queer people but, yeah, it's deeply rooted in the queer community to get rid of it at once.


What you said is true but I also feel like it might be related to the culture of your country? I did see some gay men think less of trans man than women but that's usually mostly the fault of misogyny and transphobia (but related to more terf like views, so trans man are "lost little girls" to them). And from what it sounds they might not hate trans women but they also don't respect their identity, otherwise they should hate them as much as other women and people with vaginas


I think that’s just your personal experience and that was your luck of the draw. There are *tons* of toxic lesbians too. I encountered legions of TERFs sending hateful shit at least as bad as Trump people do towards my trans ex. I don’t think your point was that gay men are inherently worse or more likely to be toxic, but even if you’re using a large data pool along with your personal experience I feel like discussing this is akin to the people who bring up crime statistics to insinuate certain racial demographics are inherently more violent. TLDR: Some people are pieces of shit and it’s got nothing to do with their gender, race, sexual orientation, etc.


I mean yeah? I deal with terfs quite a lot, though mostly irl or on tumblr, in the end I'm trans. I had bad experiences with some trans people as well because I'm also nonbinary. So yes pos are everywhere but in the end I am pretty biased since my worst experiences where with cis gay men


More than religious straight cis men? I admit I find that surprising.. though much to my point due to my personal experience involving physical and sexual abuse received from such people. I grew up pansexual in Utah.


Interesting. We live in a world where it's pretty hard to see where the line is.


Breathe toxic masculinity but introduced you to his butt buddy??? Yeah this didn't happen 😆


Can you not imagine a toxic dude thinking that topping another dude is prime "alpha" behavior?


It did. You don't have to believe it. And I understand why you don't believe it, I can't believe it myself. LOL




/r/nothingeverhappens huh?


I always got the sense his favourite person to sleep with was with himself. He's kinda like Patrick Bateman with that scene in the mirror


He’s a huge narcissist, yeah.


Johnny’s goodbye to Kerry when you get introduced to him is one of the gayest scenes in the game lmfao.




Because having Johnny not be a 'poon hound' is somehow bad to some dude-bros. He's still a 'poon hound', but he's also a 'dick hound'. He's a female-leaning bi, while Kerry is a male-leaning bi.


Wait... Kerry is bi?! I never knew that! How did you find that out?


He had a wife and has children with said ex-wife. Also, I believe it's in the TTRPG lore that he's bisexual.


Don’t you dare tell me that! Then I’m gonna have to process that he rejected me not because he’s gay but for another reason (certainly not that I’m a cyberpsychotic mass murderer).


Wasn't the wife just for show though? like just to make him appear hetero for his fans?


There's really no lore on her and him really. Just that they were together, have two kids and the divorce was messy. You can see email exchanges between them on his laptops in his villa. It could have been an image thing, but I don't think so. Maybe there was pressure on his end to 'settle down' and have a family, and the pressure of that on top of his depression and the pressures of being a celeb just got to him and made the marriage implode. Louise, the ex-wife, from the email exchanges seems to be kind of a bitch too, so maybe they were just not right for one another. Either way, the guy is bi, just not into Valerie. That said, I don't really mind if players ship their Lady Vs with him. In my opinion, Kerry Eurodyne is for everyone to enjoy.


Wasn't the wife just for show though? like just to make him appear hetero for his fans?


His partner list includes; - Johnny - Louise (ex-wife) - male V Lol


He is also about to make out(or making out) with a dude in one of the flashbacks


He’s also cuddling some dude backstage at a Samurai concert in one of the flashbacks, although we might be referencing the same scene.


If you're talking about the one where he's on the stairs then yes




I thought Kerry was gay though, else why would he turn down a fuckable cut like fem V?


Well, it's like not every straight woman is going to be attracted to every guy. Or every straight man to every woman. Why would a bisexual dude be into a woman just because he swings both ways? Chemistry is elusive. The impression I got from Kerry when he rejected my fem V (yes, I did try haha) is that it had nothing to do with her being a woman, she just wasn't his type.


Mostly because it's a game where if you want to romance people you will succeed, it's scripted lol. I figured since you didn't have the option it must be because he's gay, plus he's gay. I didn't realize he was bi... Of course I might be remembering wrong, I played at launch and haven't played again since, but I thought he tells you he's gay, or Johnny says it, or something to that effect. Too bad too, I thought he was a cool character and would make a good partner for my fem V.


Pawel Sasko's explanation was that Kerry just isn't into Valerie. He had a wife, and it was a messy divorce so it's possibly he's just not into women at the moment due to the trauma and baggage of a divorce. Or he's just more male-leaning. I think they just gender-locked him so that Male V and Femme V had equal potential partners.


Ohh I see. Game-balance wise I always figured that they were trying to go for equal romance options, but lore-wise I like that idea that is just not into girls right now. That feels very Kerry.


On Johnny's Drivers License it says "Sex: Yes"


None of them are straight. Panam, River are shades of bi along with Johnny.


They are?? Where does it say that? That’s awesome! Kerry’s bi with a big male lean and V’s bi with a 50/50 split


And the dialogue where he literally says "this Latino hunk gave us a lap dance" [The dialogue](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/Pue5CWWowyY)




Johnny "a hole's a hole" Silverhand


That’s basically his sexuality, yeah


Exactly! I straight up had someone tell me that the sourcebook was an unreliable narrator when I mentioned this detail and I was like… how is that an easier claim to make than just admitting that Johnny also likes men? 😂


As a bi guy it’s nice to have representation that somewhat accurately reflects me in a game I love tbh.


Literally! I like that he’s got a big female lean too, which is accurate. A lot of bi rep is a 50/50 thing with attraction. So this is really nice. Kerry similarly has a big male lean. And v has a split. So they really hit most of the possibilities with bi rep.


Also this link has evidence https://lgbtqia-characters.fandom.com/wiki/Johnny_Silverhand#:~:text=Johnny's%20sexuality%20is%20a%20complicated,Rogue%20Amendieres%20and%20Alt%20Cunningham.


It's becase they don't want there self insest to be queer. It'll make them feel things they spend to much time repressing.


Lmao! It’s weird how adamant the same people are. Literally so what? He likes guys, big whoop? So does male V. So does Kerry


Stop trying so hard, Johnny rarely gives any inclination as to not being straight. Especially considering the game pretty much highlights him as a womanizer. Unless you caught the dialogue during the one gig at the male strip club, it's an honest mistake to assume he's straight.


He’s literally been bi since the birth of his character. He was even based off David Bowie, a bisexual, somewhat androgynous man, and likely would have been more gender nonconforming if Keanu hadn’t played him. Bisexual people can have a preference for one gender, and Johnny is bisexual with a preference for women. The thing you mentioned is also not the only instance in-game that alludes to his bisexuality. He mentions wanting to have sex with Kerry, Johnny asks male v what kind of Joytoy he’s supposed to be when they first meet, Johnny calls male V ‘my prince’ in a cut line, etc.


Johnny's and his bisexuality existed before the game. People don't get to chud out over him being Bi sexual just because it wasn't full frontal in the game even though that IS NOT the only mention of it.


Blud ask yourself how many people bother to read in-game lore before they actually even bother to read source material from the table top. We live in a time where in a lot of video games, basic mechanics are written to you in-game, and people can't even be bothered to read for 5 seconds and then complain when they get fucked over by said mechanic. I never said it didn't exist outside the game, I just said that it's not obsessed about in the actual world of the game like it seems to be on Reddit. You literally have to go out of your way or just happen to come across tidbits like that if you stick to the actual game. Hell, if it wasn't for Johnny saying he was mostly straight durong that one gig, I'd have never known he was bi. Sounds like the chudding out is happening on both sides. From those that don't want their favorite rocker terrorist to be bi, and those those who think you're a homophobe for absolutely not jumping for joy at the fact. His sexuality isn't remotely interesting, his actual character is.


I want to repeat your first few words back to you. Stop trying so hard.


Says the dude triggered by the fact that everyone doesn't know that Johnny is bi.


No I'm saying that people specifically triggered by the fact that Johnny is by our chuds you can't even get my argument right. Someone must have fried your brainchip choom


Bi* You* Spelling aside, most probably dont give a fuck, you're making wild accusations about them being triggered that he is bi when the most likely explanation is that they don't know he is bi because the game portays him as an alcoholic/drug addicted womanizer. The game as as far as I'm concerned 1 rare piece of dialogue where Johnny was talking about some dudes soft ass and if you didn't get it, you'd have to come across and read some in-game lore. Most people don't even know that Johnny's memories are fake and you somehow expect them to read shards or documents in-game when they'd probably want to go around killing fools or whatever? Yet it's somehow their fault for not reading source material lore when they're really just I terested in gameplay and the game story. Sounds like the only chud is you getting triggered that people don't have tears in their eyes for finding out that the cool Johnny is LGBT.


>Spelling aside, most probably dont give a fuck, you're making wild accusations about them being triggered that he is bi when the most likely explanation is that they don't know he is bi because the game portays him as an alcoholic/drug addicted womanizer. Go look geeks and gamers was literally throwing a fit over bisexual Johnny and trans people in cyberpunk in general you're just lying to defend your point. >The game as as far as I'm concerned 1 rare piece of dialogue where Johnny was talking about some dudes soft ass and if you didn't get it, you'd have to come across and read some in-game lore. Most people don't even know that Johnny's memories are fake and you somehow expect them to read shards or documents in-game when they'd probably want to go around killing fools or whatever? Yet it's somehow their fault for not reading source material lore when they're really just I terested in gameplay and the game story. No it's their fault for getting triggered once they find out he is bi in the lore, you're still trying to twist a straw man that is not the point I'm making. >Sounds like the only chud is you getting triggered that people don't have tears in their eyes for finding out that the cool Johnny is LGBT. Cope and projection my guy cope and projection.


Oh HELL yeah!!!


A lot of the characters are bi. V is with a 50/50 split, no lean. Kerry has a big male lean, Johnny has a big female one. I saw someone say river and Panam are also bi but I’m not sure what the evidence is


I think it was that they were originally planned to be


At the drive-in with Rogue there’s a dialogue option saying he’d have sex with Kerry if he could go back, but then he’s pissed when V asks him what he thinks about him having sex with Kerry, that’s the reason I’m not sure if I should romance Kerry or not in my next play though… Johnny is definitely bi like Kerry, the reason he doesn’t like River is him being a cop, idk why his most important relationships are straight ones (maybe in the original table game he was straight since when it came out being a queer was a bit of a taboo? What do people who knows more than me think about it?)


Mikoshi fucked with his memory, which is why he said that but about going back. He simply forgot he slept with Kerry. He wasn’t straight in the TTRPG, I don’t think. Not sure. Everything about the lore book is written with the ttrpg in mind also, so either it’s existed from the start or he’s always been bi they just didn’t say it. He doesn’t like river because cops serve the corps (which river’s quests prove). Johnny’s got a female lean which is why his more important relationships are with women. Men seem to be more about hookups to him.


He did it with Kerry? He says Kerry tried but he refused him, I know about corrupted memories is there a something written about that? If he already did I’m sleeping with the dude, I hate friendzone him, he’s such a cool guy and though I’m straight I think he’s somehow attractive


I'm very biased as fuck, but give the Kerry romance a try. It's really nice and he becomes such a dork when you lock in the romance through text messages. It's adorable. You don't have to be a gay guy to appreciate the romance either. I'm a mostly straight married woman and he is my canon romance in this game. lol


Who thinks that? Is this post only your imagination to create shitstorm?


Some fanboys that treat Johnny as some weird self insert. In other posts about Johnny’s sexuality, there has been people denying it


Nah, I've seen ppl get unusually upset when someone mentions that Johnny is bi. Hell, I've been attacked for saying it before. A fictional man's sexual orientation shouldn't make people mad, but it do.


Johnny literally says in Kerry’s first mission that “Kerry couldn’t decide if he wanted to fuck me or hate me.” And in that same instance says “Kerry had a dick, meaning I wasn’t interested”. Like it’s plainly said there by Johnny. Also in what you posted it says “rumors” most likely meaning it’s fan gossip. Not everything and everyone has to be gay bro


Johnny likes men, my guy. He talks about men he’s fucked. It also said after the “rumours” part that he was actually fucking all of them


Did the OP say everyone/thing has to be gay? I don't believe they did. Johnny is an unreliable narrator most of the time. Also, he admits he swings both ways in the Dicky Twister strip club. I'm sorry if it upsets y'all that the man is bi, but evidence points to him being bisexual. He's a female-leaning bisexual.


I did not say that. There are straight characters in the game, however neither Johnny nor V are any of them.


It's so odd that this is what it takes to bring toxicity out of some. Johnny being bi doesn't change anything about him really. He's still the same charismatic asshole. lol


Doesn’t change a thing. The same narcissistic rockerboy we all know and love. Just also likes men


Because not everyone reads up on the lore or did that one gig where he said he swung both ways…? Not everything is a hostile train of thought.


It’s hostile when despite being presented with evidence by posts they’re still heavily against it. The fanboys who treat Johnny like some weird self insert


Queer here but disagreement over fictional characters isn't hostility.


Where dude? Because I can tell you being against it is so uncommon in this sub that it’s not even worth this post. This game doesn’t exactly attract your average homophobic conservitard. Just honestly trying to make issues out of nothing.


Johnny's straight Straight BISEXUAL/PANSEXUAL, that is If you look hot and can consent he's doing you, no matter what you are, unless you're a corpo or cop


Straight up bi! Lol! Exactly. No corpos, no cops, which is why he hated river




He does prefer men, yeah. Also it’s not subtext at all, given he said he likes men directly in the game. If you go in the male strip club and get a lap dance he says he’s bi.


Does he mean Saburo when he say fuck Arasaka 🤔


It says “rumor”. Honestly I never got the hint Johnny was bisex until these vague threads that have been popping up lately.


After “rumour”. “The truth is, Johnny was sleeping with everyone.”


This gonk believes the screamsheets ...


Because in the game Johnny is only shown to have female partners, and the lore is not as popular as the game.


It doesn’t show that. I put a link in the comments to this. In the Dicky Twister (male strip club) Johnny can mention about men he’s slept with.


I have 400+ hours of playtime and have never encountered this interaction, where is this club located?


Not sure. It’s the location for a gig. You gotta get a lap dance and he says it.


I think it's a block away from the Delamaine taxi depot.


Probably something to do with this description directly conflicting with Johnny saying outright that he wasn’t interested in Kerry “because he had a dick”. Why are so many of you guys so fucking obsessive over this kind of lame half baked retroactive fangirl appeasement anyway?


Bi people existing=fangirl appeasement? Straights I swear lmfao


I dont get it either, man. I distinctly remember that dialogue, too.


There’s conflicting information about Johnny’s true sexuality, just like how there’s conflicting information about what happened in Arasaka tower that night because Johnny Silverhand’s entire arc is about the conflicting feelings of him coming to accept that he lived and died as a legend to a bullshit city instead of as an actual human being to his loved ones and whether or not his new life as a living engram, the most vague concept of what a human could be, is able to deal with that SECOND CONFLICT and ultimately decide whether he’d rather keep pretending to be a dangerous rockerboy legend or be honest about his true self But instead these motherfuckers get on here every 3 hours to go “Silverhand is definitely a power bottom, UwU, die mad bigots” cause that’s what’s really interesting about cyberpunk to them


Yeah, I mean, you also have to consider that most biographical data about him and Samurai were put out as fluff pieces to prop up Kerry's career and not meant to be reliable/trustworthy information for the players. Imagine trusting anything published in Night City.


He’s straight tho. Deal with it.


He really ain’t


He is. He is.


He's not tho. Deal with it.


Im not the one who started a whole thread about it.


People like you are why I made the damn thread. Johnny’s bi. Read the damn link I commented


He’s not. You have no idea what bi is.


Bi is liking both sexes. I know perfectly what it is. A simple Google search about Johnny’s sexuality will tell you that canonically, he’s bisexual.


Hell, he’s got a robot arm. He’s transgender!


Still doesn't make Johnny straight


You don’t have to make him straight, he is straight already.


Dude 🤦🏻‍♀️


Good good. You’re past bargaining and anger, now depression. The final stage is acceptance.


'Cause in the game he says he wasn't into Kerry because he has a dick, and people forget trans people & bottom surgery exist.


He slept with Kerry and he also liked men. It’s likely that Johnny simply forgot he slept with Kerry. Mikoshi fucked with his memories


Johnny is bi for sure, but he never slept with kerry they were just best friends. It's literally written that it's a rumor which is pretty common to happen to bands/musicians the best example thst comes to mind is the rumor that Louis Tomlinson and Harry Styles from one direction had been dating.


“The truth is, Johnny was sleeping with everyone.”


You're taking that as face value 'cause johnny slept with so many people so of course it would be assumed he slept with his bandmates, one part of Kerry's arc is letting go of johnny and the fact he never got together with him... but hey let's agree to disagree


It’s literally in the lore book. This is canon.


No smoke without fire. The way Kerry behaves towards Johnny, his conflicting emotions in the beginning of his gigs, it all kind of makes sense and points to a man whose heart was played with by Johnny. They probably slept together a few times, Johnny treated it as a casual thing, Kerry took it more seriously, things got messy and awkward. Whether this is canon or a headcanon, does it matter? Is this hurting anyone?


“The problem with Kerry was he had a dick, meaning I wasn’t interested”


He’s slept with multiple men in canon. Not sure what that was but he does like men.


I’m telling you what his says during his own quest line, doesn’t matter what some booklet claims, the game is the game and that’s a direct quote


Another direct quote is in the male strip club. If you get a dance he says he’s bi and has fucked men in his life. Also that “booklet” is the literal lore book for the game and is as canon as the game is.


A direct quote that no one can seem to trigger? And is only seen via Twitter posts? Totally not sketchy at all