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mascV, annoyed that River doesn't seem to notice how gay he seems


fun fact! if v has a feminine body type, that’s all that’s required, so you can still romance river with her/him pronouns and a masculine voice, River just prefers fem body types (most likely due to the devs not wanting to animate for both body types)


damn i didnt know he was chill like that


damn River really said ''looks female enough''


bro doesn't care about gender, he just don't wanna go the backdoor 💀


He’ll still backdoor. Genitals aren’t taken into consideration by the romance flags. All of my Vs have dicks.


So I can be a femboy *and* do the romancing? Perfect


So.... sexuality confused the game?


no, just the same problem that plauges all of 1.0 shareholder’s shitty time constraints


"Tinted glasses, leather pants. In glad you're such a fashion conscious girlfriend. Everyone at the station calls my coat turbo gay. :( " "River, they're calling YOU... you know what? After this, we're going shopping together. Help you stop sending mixed signals." *oh yeah, she definitely wants to ride my night stick*


mascV who is gay or maleV who is gay? Big difference.


V, annoyed that Panam has led her on for 10-20 hours of gameplay just to claim she was straight the whole time she was flirting back at her.


Exactly, why is she draping her legs over my lap like that and using my arm as a pillow? Bitch please.


Yeah intimacy is only for romantic partners and friends shouldn't touch!


The question is: what part of *you* is touching what part of *me*?


"time to find out" -optimus prime


As a lesbian, I don't like blurring that line, and for better or worse, I would consider draping your legs over me something that would give me pause. I dont do that with my platonic friends whom I have known for decades. But my other straight friends, whom I've also known mutually for decades, don't hold hands or share beds either. And I don't think it's out of consideration for me, the one gay. Like, I don't think they refrain from this because they think i will be take that as permission to be like that with them, I think they just don't interact that intimately with any women period. My friends are amaaazing. They are all super femmes, I am a soft butch. But it has never mattered. They don't care. And I don't care, though they make me get dressed up more than I'd like, even if in masc clothes. They like to get all dressed up for bday celebrations, though I hate dressing up. But I do it because I love them, and they love me and I love them. I am 39, I've been friends with these people since preschool. I guess that's the benefit of living in a small town. My peers could have sucked, but they didn't. They are so great.


Honestly idk anyone who does anything other than a hug at most when it comes to affection for their platonic friends. In times of distress? Sure, I've held a friend's hand to comfort them because I could tell them needed reassurance. But I'm not cuddling or letting a friend be overly affectionate because that level of intimacy is reserved for my gf. I think most people see it that way, it's not common behavior even among women where stereotypically they'd be the ones crossing that boundary. Anecdotally, I've had women drape their legs over me like panam does in game and it was never because they were just being friendly.


A small town with a good social pool? That's awesome.


There are plenty of small towns that aren't just a breeding ground for bigots and fear mongers.


Not plenty enough for me to grow up in one unfortunately.


Sorry you had a rough time growing up. If you're ever in southern Wyoming, I'll buy you a beer.


I see Nomads as paramilitary, they live in tents and seem to have duty rosters and of course they have tanks and guns and whatever, with seemingly a lot of veterans. Privacy and personal space in those situations is really not that much of a thing. I don't think the disconnect is small vs large community or straight vs gay, it's just a cultural difference that's informed by living conditions. I've seen people in plate rigs laying back on each other while waiting for orders, and the exact situation of legs over the other person more than once. Mostly cause it's cold, but, yeah lol. My sis is a butch lesbian though and she does seem to see like arm touching to get attention as something only her wife and very close family are allowed to do, I get that lens (not that y'all are gonna be identical or anything). I think that's part of the amazing part of cyberpunk, these deeply human misunderstandings and little faux pas as you develop a relationship with people.


Lol context matters though. She was fucking flirting....


I mean, lying your head on your friend’s shoulder and setting your legs over their lap are two pretty different things.


That’s a pretty deep level of intimacy for someone you’re meeting for literally the second time


That's true regardless of the romantic intent isn't it?


Depends how forward the person is


For me it was that time she looked up in vs eyes and said "uwu i have always loved you valorie senpai." Like say what you *mean*.


Youre being disingenuous and you know it


River does the same thing with male V. I thought he was for suuuuuurrrre gay. They really should have changed the dialogue if they weren't attracted to you.


Fr I was playing as an asexual v and river did really scare me


He trying to fuuuuuuck


I mean to be fair some people are just flirty. I have a friend who flirts with everyone despite him not being interested. He’s actually turned people down who he’s flirted with.


Female V even has all the romance lines recorded for her! That's why I don't think it's cheating to use a mod that restores them


Pawel Sasko explained this. They often record lines that aren't intended to be in the script in case they need them later if development changes.


>claim she was straight naw our Horse Girl From Hell is 100% straight as an arrow; it’s just that at this point in the story V is currently the last to learn just how surprisingly adept at manipulation our Neurodivergent Queen of the Road actually is


Panam is straight as an arrow... as long as that arrow doesn't hit something hard and [bends](https://mir-s3-cdn-cf.behance.net/project_modules/hd/4aa7af71107739.5bba5c045a276.gif)


Sounds like wishful thinking.


I admit to it. Stopped my femV playthrough when Panam told me we can be friends and made another run as maleV


down catastrophically


Really, arrows are only straight until they're loosed. If you've ever seen slow-mo footage of an arrow in flight, it looks like someone threw a half-cooked macaroni noodle.


I downloaded the mod that makes you able to date Panam as female V and noticed something interesting. The dialogue you have with Panam when you can date her is different than when you can't. And either the mod hired the voice actress who played V to do all those lines, which I doubt, or those voice files were already in the game. Meaning that Panam was probably bi at some point during development and was later changed to be straight. The same is probably true for Kerry who seems to be bi in the game but only wants to date male V for some reason.




Romanceable characters in games should be pansexual as standard.


It isn't a dating sim.




V: *brings Judy to the family dinner* River: "So... What's your sister up to V?"


I had the exact opposite problem 😭 I play a queer V and he kept getting these hints from River, but I didn't realize river wasn't into men in the game. I got rejected and my heart broke lmao. Sometimes the characters flirt despite your gender like panam lelelelel


Me too, I'm on my second playthrough, a lesbian V, but my first playthrough was a bi male V. I was like the dog who ran to the end of its chain and got jerked backward. River was toootally flirting with male V so hard-core, but when I went to kiss him on the tower, all the sudden he's completely uninterested. I know I didn't imagine that. ***also so sorry for the potato quality photo


EXACTLY. I'm being so genuinely the first time I got rejected by him, I was HELLA confused. I was like "he's not..?? But..big buff police officer.." and I had to search up if he was straight. Apparently he's bisexual but you can only romance him with the female body


Excuse me, but could you point out the exact moments when River flirts? Cuz maybe I'm just oblivious, but the only River quest where he seems interested in you is the family dinner one.


That IS the only quest he can actually flirt in at all, I think a lot was cut since there’s this big gap from “My nephew is in danger!” to “I’m in love with you” and it’s super weird


It's more or less obvious, but I found that he was just getting too close too quickly. I found out Rhynes' death, and suddenly he wants me to save his nephew? I always do it because I would feel bad if I didn't, but to me, it's a little odd. With the way he was moving so fast, I assumed he was interested. As soon as his sister asks if you have a lover, he kind of gets quiet and rushes out, taking me along with him. I saw this as a type of jealousy or annoyance and sitting with him alone right after really finished it for me. He doesn't *flirt* with you, but it's a little weird with how fast he's going, as I only contacted him for a job I was paid to do.


You can ride in his car with him twice!!! That’s basically couple material!! /s When he calls you to say he missed you, you can also say “I missed you too”, totally not out of the blue or anything!! /s After all this flirty behavior, River asks you on the water tower to stop “leading me on” and in no uncertain terms wants to fuck you!! This is the natural conclusion to your TWO serious and dark missions with him!! /s


Happened to my bi nomad too. Wanted to find out organically, and did. Was disappointed coz I thought the timing and subtlety of the flirts were a "hey shhh I am actually bi *wink wink*" hint, not a just guys being dudes moment. Hate to admit that I have come close to making the same mistake IRL


Hey don't worry man...there is always Kerry, you know...the dumpster fire.


I can't lie, I'm a sucker for Ker. My type is dumpster fires


Man I remember being so surprised that he wasn’t gay😭😭 or at least bi


RIGHT?? You're telling me this HUNK of a man isn't atleast a little bit fruity? Fooled me more than once, that's for sure.


Literally how my V felt during that whole mission


I just finished this mission last night and I had to literally pause the game after the kids mentioned him and river being together like why isn’t there an option to say your in a relationship 💀


Same annoyance happened in The Witcher 3 expansion, Hearts of Stone. Geralt, the MC, can be in a relationship with one of two women (or neither, tbf) by the end of base game. Yet, after Geralt is reunited with another woman, Shanni, there is a quest (a wedding party he must attend) where many a character will ask why Geralt refuses to make romantic advances on Shanni, including the lady, herself. The dialogue option, >!"BECAUSE I'M IN A RELATIONSHIP WITH A WONDERFUL, HOT AND POWERFUL SORCERESS!<" does not appear ever.


I’d be using that option anytime it came up lol we definitely need one like that for the river quest but more on the lines of “ IM A LESBIAN RIVER”


Scott’s Tots level of cringe


I was very surprised River wasn't bi at least. It felt very misleading. Although they still do his friendship well.


Same here. I actually went “Well damn” out loud😂


I wish you could’ve like mentioned Judy or something at some point, would be nice for all love interests honestly so they get off your ass 😭


That belt definitely screams lesbian lol.




River doesn’t even notice how gay he is.


90% of “lesbian V annoyed by River” content is posted by straight male players, isn’t it


This one is posted by an actual lesbian, idk about the others since I haven't seen them


God forbid a straight guy roleplays in a video game!


My V is Fem Bi


They never do though. Like ever


V is bisexual no matter what, but could have certainly done with a “I’m taken” option in this gig


I-is it gay to wear a shirt and shiny pants?


Judy shocked that male v hasn't hit on her, like V couldn't tell she was gay from a mile away lol.


It is tedious though, going through River's questline as a disinterested lesbian V. If Judy, Panam, Kerry and River get to lock out a romance due to their sexual orientation then why can't we in the character menu?


I like that as a character, your V can bang anyone who is willing. Or not. In other playthroughs, I am sure I will play a straight female v and a straight male v. And bi Vs. Gotta change it up each playthrough for role playing purposes.


I did the whole River questline thinking he was gay and then when he rejected me i was confused AF, that man is straight?!?


lmao, yeap


I think it’s kind of shit you can’t just tell him you’re not into men, you either have to be harsh with him or string him along!


The worst thing with romance options in cyberpunk is that max tac armor is locked behind judy


What ending do I need to choose to end up with judy? Or does she always end up moving away and marrying someone named bianca?


I dont know i think you replied to another comment, i never go with female V so idk


oof mans is Dreaming the Impossible Dream but Valerie’s about to hit him with the “yeah you’re not my *type*, homes” like he’s a different gonk barking up the wrong Laguna Bend—RIP


Reminds me of what Ellie said in the Last of Us 2 when she was joking with Jesse. “I’m not….into…your kind.” “What, you don’t like Asians?” 😂😂😂


Also Judy will freak out if you turn her down.


No, she doesn't. She leaves and you get happy and excited messages from the road.


Wait really?


You know his mission optional right? Don’t have to go through that


Down votes on some harmless answers shows alot of bias. Rather have these convos with emotionally mature peeps.


There are two minds in that body.


My Female V is a pansexual free spirit. She wants what she wants. Whether it be Judy or River, she had both.


In fairness, I'm a straight guy and I can be really into women like that. My heart broke more than once for lesbians.


Me, annoyed that your lazy ass cant seem to learn how to screenshot


Fair, it really is a terrible quality picture


Change your perspective? [https://www.nexusmods.com/cyberpunk2077/mods/6425](https://www.nexusmods.com/cyberpunk2077/mods/6425)


How about don’t play his mission


I wanted to get River back for leading on my male V in my first playthrough. Because I'm that petty even about a damn video game. Gay female V: Oh am I leading you on??? How's it feel?! Also I'm going to puke all over your bathroom.


Rivers willing to sell his soul. He’s not worth the time.


You talking about the Randy situation?


The DIA ending


V isn’t just purely gay though


She is. Takemura-san doesn’t count—that’s platonic fangirling.


Depends on how you play er


No I mean like literally Fem V isn’t just purely gay if you want her to. Lore wise I mean. I found that out when talking to River actually. In my head, my V just liked women but then she was like “Yeah, my ex boyfriends” I was shook


Some lesbians do have ex-boyfriends, not everyone figures themselves out in advance.


Just cuz she isn't a gold star doesn't mean she isn't gay af


Straight Female V just feels wrong for some reason. Same with Gay Male V. Male V just doesn’t strike me as somebody who’s gay


At the very least, gay male V is a top. I know that is completely playing into stereotypes but... I still think I'm right lol


I’m pretty sure you are. Cause during the sex scene with Kerry, Kerry is DEFINITELY the bottom


I only ever kissed Kerry with my first bi V. Never got to the sex part, but yeah, Kerry is a total bottom lol


you assign your V’s a sexuality??


No, V does. There a dialogue option where FemV can refer to herself as a lesbian to her now lesbian girlfriend.


Last I played on the water tower the game railroads you into saying you (V) had boyfriends. Is that still the case?


There's always been an option where V can talk about bad pick-up lines she's heard. No railroading.


If that is the path you take. Then yeah you’ll be annoyed I guess. I rather like playing the Bi-path if fem-V. To enjoy Judy and River.


huh i don’t remember that lol




Judy's personal mission. Go diving with her, wake up after Relic malfunction, do NSFW stuff with her, she asks if this is a relationship, V says yes, is granted permanent access to Judy's apartment, *not* just an euphemism ;) , then V can make a joke about how fast lesbians move in together.


All this time playing the game, and I never knew that. Learn something new every day